PAOB FTVB T H U R S D A Y JANUARY 6. 1927 TOWN AND VICINITY OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST ________ W a rin g M ara—John W arm « of J»»- par * » » » vlalto r Im re Tu*atl»y. Naff In— Georg" Neff of Thuraton waa a local vlaltor Monday. T ro tte r In— C lin t T ro tte r of W a ll •rv llte was a vla lie r h«r» Tuvaday, Hara From Jaaper— Hither Hbelley resident of Jaaper, waa a vlaltor o -re Inal Monday. Ira Oray Mara— Ira Oray of Thurs- l„ n waa a »tailor bare Tuesday. Returns From Hospital— Dorothy G irard left the hnapltal Saturday A nderson la V le ite r — Ul< nn Ander- afternoon follow ing an operation. »on of Ik'Uglaa Gardens spent a part Posey la V la lto r— It R Fogey, real- of Tueaday iran»a«'Gn» business here. dent of Motor Route II. Eugene. waa Sm ith In T ow n — W. I I Mmlth of a vlaltor here Monday. Mohawk waa a Hprltin other banks In th e same c ity or to w n iis r «r ° r , *P * Cox are 73 years ot age. 21364 Redemption fund w ith U . S. T re a e a re r and due fro m U . S. T reasurer T b e Lane county m arket road fond » 3 2 9 .5 X J » T o ta l produced by a ooe-mlll state tax levy for 1*27 w ill be greater than in any L IA B IL IT IE S other county In the state except M ult 16,040 X nomah, according to a statem ent re­ C apital atock paid In ---------------- 6 .» O » M ceived In Kugene from the state high­ Surplus fund ................ ——--------- 2.257 2« U ndivided profits ......................... _ 6.250 04 way commission by P. M. Morse, C ircu latin g notes outstanding 822.71 county engineer. Cashiers checks outstanding - *822.71 . T o ta l of above I t e m ----- The claim submitted to the interior deposits (o th e r than bank departm ent by Josephine county, un­ Demand to Reserve (deposits payable w ith in 30 d a y * ). ‘ 174,17*4» der the Oregon-California land grant Individual deposits subject to check ..... _ ........; ^ h - r 7 l, . L , nT ' tax refund law has been reduced from c e rtific a te» o f deposit due In lea» than 30 days (other than fo r IS .518.78 3(10,164 SR to *530.6(4 In the process i money borrowed ....... ..... ....... .......... - ................. ' State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge or of adjustm ent and recommended for 28.218.11 assets o f this bank P r surety bond — - - --— -.......— payment in the la tte r sum. Secretary T o u t o f demand deposits (o th e r than bank deposits) W ork announced. to reserve .......- .....- ............ ........ .... • " ; * Tim e deposit» subject to Reserve v // / ’ ~ a» ' H - -e - IS $ I Just when wardrobes and household stocks ol linen and betiding need repleiitishlug comes the great January Clearance Sale. Throughout the Store, stocks have been cleared and prices greatly reduced. Bed Linens. Table Linens. Towels, Women's and Children's Apparel, Men s and Boys’ Clothing and Furnishings, Piece Goods, Footwear. Hardware, Household Goods. • It will pay you to think ahead of your household and personal needs and take full advantage of these low prices. Comes at the opening of this Sale while stocks are at their best. Discover for yourself the many splendid values. u m t to make your N ew Y e a r a physical self be made .c P U T V 0 U R 8 E L F ,n Tubercular Germs and Cod Liver Oil! Science has found th a t a iibereular Germ leads a heck ’ a life In Cott L iv e r O il! The germ which can be froxen in a cake of ice Csr slx nlon,hs at a stretch. cA i be holiest for several hours and S T IL L L IV E turns up Its toes and checks O U T when it meets up w ith Cod c,lver O il! W hy not Agger on takin g ten bottles of Pens- • la r Cod L iv e r O il In 19277 i The Triumphant “ Cold Germ” I t and Christopher Columbus had the same general amhl- tion They both craved strange te rrito ry ! When a cold Germ gets this ''w anderlust,” Its main Idea is to seek the nose or mouth of a w of us poor m o rt­ als and stroll in! I f we have used Boroseptine in the m orn­ ing this arrogant, uppity germ seeks some O T H E R territo ry to raise« In ! Can we say any M ORE? KE TEL’S DRUG STORE