pteted In • THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Pnbllahad K’ *ry Thuraday at Sprlngfttld. L s m County. Oregon. by T H t W IL L A M S T T l PRESS H. m K M AXEY. BWttor Mrood claaa m attar Fabraary M . 1»M at tba • poetatile*. RprlngftaM. Orwgva_____________ M A IL SUBSCRIPTION RATS I Tear In Advance___ »IT » Three Monthe Moathe _____________ I t - » Single Copy _ abort time. Plans are Students at the University of Ohio elected a uniter way to play several prep prise cow queen of the homecoming hall over school team s ot the state as well aa ten popular co-eds. Needles« to say the relation the Aggi« rooks. The squad will betw een the two sexes is rath er strained in this A surprise treat ot romance »”•• take a trip to Portland anil probably college now. I thrill», awnermtsly •plead with laugh one Io southern Oregon. a a a i ter. will tie the cinem atic ,h” 11 Sun«*»» JUn > have been in jail before now. In these days when »hen "Partners Aagaiu— wit > »« Old Mr. Cartwr Helped the police are all dry-agents m urder is easy. It’.; * Perimutter - Is present« » ' > by Simple Mixture not in these specialty detectives line to look for «nd Mawruaa as •utomn< << ■ » (Khutor* who never dlslrftiule a car. I killers. "After taking Adlerlka I feel bet­ THURSDAY JAVNARY ». l» t f WORDS FROM THE LIPS OF GREAT MEN DR. FRANK CRANE SAYS “A Bigot Is a Religious Coward Trying to Play the Autocrat."— Henry W. Shaw. lAUffhler In Its many phase» 1» the chief acce»»ory that «oe« with the car trouble» of these Jovial Jesters. Thrills eentered around auto demon­ stration*. runaway motor», a pollen chase. and an aeroplane that ktases the cloud* and then no»« dive» to the earth, are revealed In convincing earnestness. The entire thrill ele­ ment» have the effect of making the two frantic partner» more frantic In their effort» to coaqner space on land ...... and in the air You Can Get Away From Yourself SUPPORT YOUR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE During 1926 the Springfield Cham ber of Com- time e a ago wrote about «... . r.......... - — ------ - - s Some o m e lim g o i 1 w r o te a an n m article iu c it s u o u i a a hook m ercé has had the best support in its history jn a Inan who had lost his hearing told of One big project—th e new Springfield bridge strange, silent world which the deaf inhabit. ----- across the W illamette river, as aaeured hv the 'Among the letters received relative to It was, THE TERROR" SHOT cham bers champaign which resulted in securing nnp fn)m frnm ft * wonian woman in ,n Brooklyn. New York, par, part AT BIG BEAR. CALIF cooperation of the highway commission and the whjch |8 quoted below: voting of lg»ne C ountys half of the money. The. operation mv ear drum s were ------ " v .v" I "Due to an operation my ear drum s were An old atronghoW of Trncy. the * T L W,p u ttS g over of the bridge consumed a broken. To lose o n e s hearing in adult life re- fan|OWl , bandit who terrorlsad all whole C-ur s work and it goes without saying , quires a great inward adjustm ent. In fact, t h e . Callf(>rnta twenty year» a«o. located that if this work had not been done by the Cham- struggle is so hard at tim es th at one loses faith In ,he (he he( heart of the Sterraa near »1« Hear, uaed tor for me the bandit« Her n t P n m m e r r e t h e bridge would be lust as far ih everything. Hear. wa* used oanuii* awav today as it had been for w a rs. J “Yet to shout from the house tops is of no haarM1, -The Terror." the Itiue The Springfield Cham ber of Commerce has an- avail Selfpity m akes It even more dteeou r a g - 8|raak West«ra which bring» Art other year ahead of it with big w ork to do— ling, as to concentrate upon aalf is just wa king Au Tuaaday and W.-dnvaday. now a continuous membership of nearly 100 »oro. there aroma but one way to c h o o ^ t o try I JaBuary „ u through the arrangem ent of paying dues at the to get away front self, if that is humanly pos IXirlng the entire bandit aequenre banks T his is fine support b ut it will take more sible.” , [ of the picture, which Include» the than th at to m ake the cham ber successful. Indi- T here are thousands of b r a tt. her I I ' greater part of it. the actor* went vidnal effort and energy will be required more in like this woman who are carrying on. trying to through their "bualne»a" at tho the future than in the i« st. If we are to accom- m ake th e best of a life twisted askew by nttefor- actual cabin and location In which plish much we must have many in the harness tune. They raise the sum total of human hero- Tracy wa* wont to hide when thin«* , became too hot for him In the out pulling for Springfield. Meetings should be het- Ism in the world. ter attended and com m ittee appointm ents should For w hen sickness, affliction o r sudd« n han ! aide world. not fall on the few willing workers. It takes caps tumble the dream s of a ‘ everybody to m ake a city, and everybody should person’s prime, just to m ake the best or < STRICT ENFORCEMENT OF tak e a hand. The Chamber of Commerce is hut in itself to 1* heroic. „,« » t„. the tool by which we may carve out a bigger and , There are tim es to such people » b e n gett ng TRAFFIC RULES IS PLAN better community. A city is no bigger or better away from them selves Is a necessary part of I . Strict .-nforcenM-nt ot Springfield'' th an the people in It. , . . T h T o th J ? d a y " / Allied upTrn’a young m an who!«r,m. n t h , with »nifo^bu^ke.vy HOW ABOUT T H E SUMMER DUST Now is a good tim e for the city to think about the sum m er dust on east Main street and north Fifth street. If som ething is done in the Spenng there will not be any dust this summer. About the only thing th at will successfully lav dust is on. Once the street is thoroughly oiled a little m ore each sum m er would likely keep it in good condition. East Main should develop to be one of the best resident streeets in the city. It is be- lng stifled now in sum m er by clouds of dust. • • • God shook up wicked Mexicali, gambling and drinking hell-hole on the border, but He also shook up bone-drv and poius Calexico and El Cen- tro on the Amerclan side, so there is no moral to be drawn .there. We would have welcomed this Bttle disturbance in 1916 when Uncle Sam had us hot-footing it u p and down the border w-hen th e them om eter was 130 in the shade and there was no shade. had been sick in bed for (wo years. .L y in g on 1his ' " ’¿ ’J £ ter than for yaara. At tuy ace <#0) It la Ideal— ao different from other medicine».~ (signed) W W. Carter. Adlerika la a simple mixture ot buck­ thorn berk, (lycertne, etc., which CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W Emery removes HAS In ten minute» and often brings surprising relief to the on prices on piale and other work If stomach 8tops that full, bloated Qsrrwtt's Old Time Dances feeling. Brings out old waste mat­ Midway Every Saturday Night. ter you never (bought was In your Dreamland Ball. Eugene. Every system. Excellent for chronlo consti­ Tuesday Ntght Ticket» Tic la d les pation. Flanery's Drug store. Free ° back, unable to hold a book he got aw .>r fro m who aH(lunied ,h. himself by having a map hung on a string ov N(,w Y..ari, his bed. .., ,an ,o work ou, , „.hednle to He memorized the names i of! the state,s an h l |n counties and their position n n .a tio i to (>ff, - av* ; ; ‘” , “ "my p*n learned all of the American presidents in order. * obaervan^ rul,.B and said he soon would be the only man in th. r|Ml( inil IUV p,.nil| , i „ willi world who could name all of the vice-presidents. , • ¥|Ou tio M " He had discovered one of the ways of answ er- oetbs light for vt« atioaa ing the problem of how to get away front your- • t»“*‘ h|(.f rtlrprHton self. mn«ori»t» u*in« th* McKinxi* high Methods which enrich your m ental or spiritual Sun,lay, according to th* resources, and those in which the activity bene- appointment of! fits others, are most effective. # traffle otn«wr much ot the F o r losing yourself in self-betterm ent or in so-, hr,.aklnK ............„„„mated (ia , service and kindred activities you not only’ „ e e 7 o r X m . It occupy your mind, but also reap the feeling of doing something worth while with your life. I" e ' PAUL NICE OUT FOR U. FROSH QUINTET UalveraitY of Oregon, Eugene. Jan uary 6 (Special I — Paul Nice of Springfield, I* among the candidate* the treahman basketball team which Ktarted training at the begin ning of ,hi* t rm under the direction Coach Earl Leslie. Preshman practice will he held In the new pavilion, which will be coni- Unlicensed dogs will be taken up by the city art. * next Tuesday, Jan­ uary 10, according to announcement by the Chief of I'ollie Jess Hmltson. A relentless drive axalnst cnnlnee Is to be waged by the officer In rhe In­ terest of the city dog license funds A fee of IS la charged for male doga and >6 for females. Hhlny new lic­ ense tags are now hanging In the city hall, but the officer Is anxious (h it they be transferer! to the collars of Springfield canines. EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE A. E. Roberts, President A catalogue, telling about our Secretarial. Bookkeep­ ing and Stenographic Courses, sent free to any address, upon request. Monday Is enrollment day. IT’S A GOOD SCHOOL Phone 666 992 Willamette Street Eugene, Oregon Scatter A Little Sunshine Even When It Rains A nice box of Eggim anu's chocolates is like a ray of sunshine on a rainy day. it brightens things up and m akes everybody happy who gets u taste of it. Big. plump, lucl- ous chocolates that melt in your mouth always hit th e right spot. Give ourself and your friends a treat. EGGIMANN’S A NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION Resolve that in 1927 you are going to buy your bread and pastries at the Springfield Bakery. Because it has the bast bread that can he ntude by modern, scientific methqds in a clean and sanitary bakery. Because it is a inade-fn- Kpringfleld product and by patronising home industries you will he doing your part in building up Springfield to a big­ g e r and better city in which to live. THE BREAD YOU DO NOT TIRE OF SPRINGFIELD BAKERY Fred Frese, Prop. P erklns-I^xton Bldg Phone 66 Fifth Street. You Only Can Decide There Is only one person who can decide w hether you art- to he a success in life or not. T hat person is YOURSELF. And the very first determ ining factor is ('AN YOU SAVE MONEY? If you can, PROVE IT! Open u Savings Account with this hank tomorrdw. $1.00 will do so and obtain a Liberty Bell Savings Bank, tlie most unique home safe we have ever seen. In Its base is a Hlot where coins of .every denomination can be dropped — even bills can be Inserted. We are holding one for you. Protected by Electric Burglarly Alarm System A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY