19344G PAGE THRfflT TH E flPRTNnFIELD NEWS TllUHHDAV JANUARY fi, 102Í dAds BUYM60Z Ik TRAIN SCHEDULE C A L L A N D SE E Dr. K W. Em ery oo prices on plats sad other work, tf Cascade Line Southbound, leaves Springfield, OR S A L B — Payroll sheets, prtntm 7:80 A, M Dally. > and la Mock a t tbs News offlon Northbound. Springfield a t 2:46 P- Form s o lu b le for road, rnnstructloa work, sawm ills, ata., w ith table to M. Dally. compute w orkm an s oo M ain L in » — Bus connections Here. and deductions. Mo em ployer Southbound C alifo rn ia trains, Eu­ FO R HALM — > door Ford Sedan cheap o r w ill trade for Ktard truck. • room house, three 3-room apart rnenta, close in to business center In MarshAeld. S25OO. Rasy terms. Rents for *40. K. K K K P N K II. If. F D R H U N T iairg«- tra c t of good farm land near Hprlngflold. Cho.vp rant, a chance for a good fa n n e r to make aome money i« a d ahould tie pi oared thia « In te r, Inquire Naw a office. • V M H K R I.U A L«-ft at N e v a Office, lauli«» Milk U m brella. Ow ner can have »ain» by paying for ad and Id en tifyin g article. N O T IC E O F F IL IN G O F F IN A L ACCOUNT N o n I'M la hereby given that the anderelgned A d m in istrator of the eetate of John T W illiam s, deceased, has Died hla Anal acrount w ith the Oounty Clerk nt Ijin e County. Ore gon. and th a t by order o f the County Onurt of the aald County. Saturday, «he- nth day ol January. 1*17. a t the hour of tea o'clock A M at the court room in the Court House In Kugene. I . a n a County. Oregon, has been d ied as the lim e and place of final hearing upon said final account anJ for Anal •e ttle n ie n t of aald estate. A ll persona having objectlona to aald Anal account, or any Item there, of are hereby notlArd to present the same to the County Court on or be­ fore the tim e A f d for Anal hearing » •re in a F R A N K W W IL L IA M S . Adrolnla- tra tn r of the estate of John T W II llama, deceased. B E A N A B R O O K E . attorney» for •s ta te D • l« 2 3 3fi J «. N O T IC E O F F IN A L H E A R IN G Nolle«- Is hereby given thal Ihm ald Toung has Acid his Anal account as lulm tn lsiralor of the estate of Hann« K ristine Johansen, deceased, and th a l Saturday. January Slh. 1S27, at ihe hour of ten o’clock In the forenoon of said day. at the County Court Room in the Court House at Eugene. Istne County, Oregon, has been Axed as Ihe lim e and place for the hearing upon sahl acrount, and fo r Anal »otllo- m enl of said estate. A ll persona h a r­ ing objections to aald account are notified to Ale the same. In w riting, w ith the County C lerk of lame County, Oregon, on or before aald D O N A L D Y O U N G . A d m in istrator o f the estate of Hanne K ris tin a Johansen, deceased D S 1« 23 30: J • : I B U S IN E S S Notice Is hereby given thst the un­ dersigned has been appointed Ad­ m in istrato r of the estate of H a llie B Mickelson, by the County Court of fam e County. Oregon All persons having claims against said estate are hereby nntlAed to present the same properly verified to ihe undersigned at the office of W ells * W ells. At- lorneya. Bank of Commerce Bldg, In Kugene, laine County, Oregon, w ith ­ in six months of the date of the Arid publication of Ihla notice. Hale of Aral publication January «. »»37. C F M IC K K IJ tO N . Adm inistrator. W E I.1.8 « W E L L S . Attorneys J «-12-20-17’ F 3 Teacher of l’Inno Mr«. Leland Svarverud Teacher of Violin 132 - 7th St. E. WM. C. HUGHES A N D A U T O IN S U R A N C E N O T A R Y public OHIes at Oregon SUTTON TRANSFER Phon* 57 M. Northbound Oregon locals. Eugene at 2:26 and 7:36 A. M. and 3:20 P. M. Eastbound 9:16 A. M W endllng T m ln s mixed, at Springfield. tlue tir] 25f L. New colors—new beauty for faded furniture W. F. Walker “The Loop” Your Hom* When In 3prlngfi*ld GEO.. N, M cL E A N Automobile. Fire and Life IN S U R A N C E Surety Bonde Phone 617 My buelnese It to protect your buelneee M 0 W illa m e tte St. Eugene Oregon OENTIST Phons 20-J Residence Phone 153 M Springfield, Oregon VASBY BROS. Painting & Decorating in all its branches 312 Main Street General L aw Practice I. M. PETERSON Attorney-at-Law C ity H a ll Building S pringfield, Ore. DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phons 43 F irs t N e t'l Bank Bldg., Springfield FRANK A. DE PUE A T T O R N E Y A T LA W N O T A R Y P U B L IC Springfield, Oregon. M. O. HOCE Attorney-at-Law Practise U. 8. and State Court» Eugene, Oregon O U T OF T H E M O U TH OF FA TH E R Te«« ker— W h a t la the m eaning of the word "m atrim o ny,” Robert? Robert— Pleaae. mine, my fath er says ft Isn't a w ord; It'« a sentence. ACME QUALITY Paint^Varnish Wright & Son Funeral Director DR. N. W. EMERY Butten Building Southbound Oregon locals. Eugene a t 12.26 A. M and 9:90 and 1:26 P. SPECIAL OFFER Call Sutton Bldg. only alx weeka. Latest Stylo plain case. Baldwin make. Hweet tone and responsive action. W ill aarrl- Ace for Im m ediate sale. *10 per month If desired. W rite E. D. Pot­ ter. 3S5 South 12th. Salem, Oregon. D 30: J « 1 3 : C A L L FOR SC H O O L W A R R A N T S Westbound mixed, a t Springfield Notice Is Haraby Given, That 1:50 P. M School D istrict No. It, o f lam e Coun­ FRED H LINDSAY. Administrator ty. Oregon, w ill pay at the Office of RO O F R E P A IR IN G of John J. Lindsay, deceased the IM atrlrt C lerk. Com m ercial Back F R E D E. S M IT H . Attorney for Ad­ For Roof R epairing c a ll 2325-J Building, 4th Ht. School w arrants up m inistrator. Eugene, and get results. I. T . Loomis, D lC-23 30: J «13 to and Including W a rra n t No. 14««. experienced and p erm anently located. Interest ceases a fte r January Slh, tf. N O T IC B O F F IL IN G O F F IN A L 1*27. ACCOUNT R W S M IT H . D is tric t C lerk. N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T N O T IC B Is hereby given that the undersigned ad m in is tra trix of the ’ n the m a tter of the estate of Anna SUM M ONS IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E estate of George W Spores, deceased, M. DeGroot, S T A T E O F O RBO O N FO R L A N E has filed Tver Anal account w ith the N O T IC E la hereby given that County C le rk of I-ane County. O re­ Maude E. Porter, E xecutrix of the COUNTY. SUMMONS W illia m Donaldson and Helen Don­ gon. and th a t by order of the County estate of Anna M. DeGroot. deceased, IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E aldson. hla wife, plaintiffs, vs.. II. A. Court of said Oounty. Saturday, the has filed her final account and report S T A T E O F O R E G O N FO R L A N E 9th day o f Janna ly , 1927. at the hour as such Executrix, w ith the County 1 W ashhurne and M ary W ashburne. his COUNTY o f ten o'clock A M at the court room! Court, of I-ane County. Oregon, and Dayton Hllem an. P lain tiff, va Flor-, , wife. . . Jarnos C larke and Ethel C larke, . In the Court House In Ku„.-ne. I-ane hab '¿ ¿ tu rtU y " t h i 5th once Hllem an. Defendant *>'» w |,e - Thomas W halen and Jane County. Oregon, has been fixed as the j d of F eb ru ary, J927. a t the hour To Florence Hllem an. the above W halen, hla w ife, o r If deceased th e ir unknown heirs, Owen M athew s ttTd final a ^ ^ u n t a n i ’fnr^the^aetHe^ ten A ' M ln the iouD tJL i ourt named defendant. and Jan.- Doe Mathews, his wife, or X e U a f, * ** U ! Room, In the Court House, In Eugene. In the name of the State of Ore- If d e ra ile d . th M r unknown heir», a n d . . . . rM.ra,iriM h - .v iir nhtartinn» nf 1-ane County. Oregon, aa the time goo; You are hereby required to i Also a ll other unknown parties who . , nr _nv m an « M fln»> account or any Item there- , , for tb ,. h earing of Aleil against you In th«‘ above en-i have o r claim some title , estate, lien, o f an- herreby notified to present the to t(1(. Hame „ a n y . or Interest In the property described tille d court and cauae. on or before i came to the County f-ourt on or he- J , 4 V n E M P O R T E R , Executrix, Board. the expiration of tin1 tim e prescribe«!; In the com plaint herein. Defendants j fore the tim e fixed for flnal hearing w E b LS A W E L L S . Attorneys, N 13-25: D 2-M «-»3-30: J e-18-M> To James I. C larke and E th el In ihe Order o f Publication, to-w lt: her.-ln 1 "* v a v t VA.%7- F S- JOSME H . SPORES, . a ^ « . « . . . . . . . , 1 j «, i . . --«-------- ■ * On or before the explrntlon of six Clark«., hts w ife: Thomas W halen weeks fr«»m Ihe date o f the first pub­ snd Jan«- Doe W halen. hLs w ife, o r If i o f the estate o f Geo. W. Spores. De-1 — lication hereof, ami If you fall to deceased, th eir unknown heirs; O wen; ceased. L. E. B E A N , attorney for estate. ’ answer fo r want thereof p lain tiff M athew s and Jane Do«- Mathews, hi»! Thi» coupon and 25c entitle the undersigned wife, or If deceased, th e ir unknowh I D 9-1« 23 30: J 6; w ill apply to the court f«»r the re lie f I to one 35c can of Acme Quality Enamel-Kote, prayed for In the com plaint to-w lt: heirs; also all «.thee unknown p arties' any color, and a special 20c Paint Brush. l-'nr a decree of the court dlsaolv-j who have or claim some titles, es­ N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T in« the m arriage contract now exist-1 ta te lien or Interest In the property ' N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N T hat N ame___ Ing between p la in tiff anil defendant | described In the com plaint herein: | Calin A Tipton. E xecutrix of the last anil for su< h other nnd fu rth e r relief the abovp named defendants: w ill and tewtament ami estate of IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E j Address . ns to the court may seem Just and Reuben A. Stephens, deceased has O F OREGON: You are hereby sun.- proper. , rendered and filed in the County This summon» I» puhll»h««l pursu mon«d and requl, ed to appear i . . « 1 Cotfrt of the State of Oregon fo r the the com plaint filed against ant to an o rder of the Houbrable O answ er .a . „ d ' r . , u n t y o f Lane her final account F Sklpw orth Circuit Judge of Lan«- you In ih«- above e n tile d suit and , and that by ,... an „ order j „ j duly „ i „ made and To acquaint you with Acme Quality, we are County. Oregon, made ami entered court w ithin six weeks from the date entered in said Court Saturday the making a special offer for a abort time only. December 21. 1926. and the first puh-i of Ihe first publication o f this sum- 22nd day of Jaunary at the hour of Itrallon hereof Is made the 2»rd day! mons. to-w lt: on or before the 27th ten o'clock In the forenoon of said of Ite c e n b e r 192« and the last pub I day o f January 1927; and you w ill day. at the County Court room ln the llcatlon thereof is on the 3rd day o f. tak e notice that If you fall to appear C ity of Eugene. Oregon has been fix February 1927 - ,B ,I » "" w e r or plead w ith in said tim e ed a« the day tim e and place for H O W A R D M B R O W N E L L . A tto r , the plaintiff, for w ant thereof, w ill hearing of objections to said flnal ney for p lain tiff Residence; Eu apply to the above entitled court for acrount. A ll objections to aald final ,h,> re lie f prayed fo r In th e ir said To prove the remarkable case with which you can renew ffr gi-ne. Oregon account must be In w ritin g and filed D 33 30: J « 1 3 1 0 2 7 : F3 ' com plaint, to w it: worn and faded piece of furniture with Acme Quality Enamel- ( For a decree herein, tn and hy -with the C lerk of the Court on or Kote, we make this special offer for a limited time. - J which all adverse claims of said de­ before said day and time. Dated this 18th day of December. Look around you now. What small piece of furniture have fendants and each of them In and to you that needs refinishing? Make up your mind, then tear the follow ing described re a l property 1926 C A I.L A A T IP T O N . E xecutrix. et*uated In la n e County. Oregon, to- out the coupon above, sign your name and address on it in F R A N K A. D eP U E . attorney for w lt: T-ots Fifteen f16) and Sixteen pencil, bring it in and get the special 55c combination o f ft«1, niock One Hundred One (1011 the estate. Enamel-Kote and brush. D 23-30: J 6-13 20 W ashhurne’s Subdivision of th * We make the offer only because we want you to get ac­ Springfield Investm ent and Bower N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S quainted with the wonderful finishing qualities of the world- Company's Addition to the Tow n of Springfield la n e County. Oregon — N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N : That renowned shall be fu lly determ ined and decla- Ona V t L iles has been appointed ad­ m in istrato r of the estate of M arifaret Ing and adjudging that the plaintiffs are the owners of the ahore described M Liles, deceased, by tue Counts ,n„ ( real pr«vperty; the’ the defendants Court o f I-ane County. ? r,e* on A ll persons having claims against i have no estate, rlr h t title o r interest 328 M ain St. Residence 125 C 8 t said estate are required to p r M Mt , whatsoever tn sod to said real pro- «2 M «2 J w ith the proper »ouchera. ; perty or any pert thereof; and also them, i ih s t the defendants and each o f them w ith in six months from the 23rd da F u ll Auto Equipm ent * f December. 1926. to the * - “ said “ ad rt' be forever debarred from asserting or n ec e u iix -i. , Sign the coupoa and bring it to our »tore. Lady Assistant any claims whatsoever ln or to said m in is tra i0’' Ray in the M in er Building. Eugene. resi property or anv part thereof adverse to the plaintiffs, snd for such ^ 'o N A V L IL E S . A d m in istrator of o th er and fu rth er re lie f herein as to O N A v. ¿ ,'‘r gsret M Liles, De- the court may seem equitable ! the E state of M argaret m FIRST NATIONAL BANK Sprlngflsld, R ift »A f.fc—H a n o in "sTorxge' u ae i Northbound C alifo rn ia trains, Eu­ gene a t 4:16. 3:17, 1 * 6 8 A. M and • :30 P. W. N O T IC E Is hereby given th a t t h * State laind Board o f the S tatu Oregon w ill receive sealed bldU a t Its office In the Capitol b uilding a ( Salem, Oregon, up to 11:00 o'etotR A. M . February 15. 1927 for a ll thU State's Interest In the herelnater d uw crlbed shore lands, giving h ow ever, to the owner or owners of any lUUdu abutting thereon. the pref«r«*»UU rig h t to purchase said shore lands « • the highest price offered, provided such offer Is made In good f a it* , a le * reserving to the Board the rig h t (U reject any and a ll bids. Said lands ars situated In Lau* County, Oregon, and described as toh- lows: Beginning at the corner to fTU U tional Sections 19 and 20. on t*U W est shore of Triangle Lake. In T. 1« 8 R. 7 W W illa m e tte Meridiaa, and running thence along U. 8. Ouw ernm ent Line, N 69* W 8.00 chains 2.00 chains N. 34*00' W N 67*00' W . 8 00 chains 1.59 chains N. 28*00' W East 4.9« chains to present shore. S «0*00- E. 6 1« ohaina aloag p « U - ent lake shore. R 8.38’ B. 3.0« chains along pru»> ent lake shore. S «2* 46* E. 4.60 calns aloag p r a * ent lake shore. 8 41*64' E. 3.92 «diains aloag pres­ ent lake shore. 8 49*20’ W 147 chains along p re *' s e t lake shore to place of be glen lug containing 5.14 acres. Applications should be acoom **»« led by cheek o r d ra ft fo r the a m o n t of bid and should be addressed tu O. G. Brown. C le rk of State L a a g Board. Salem. Oregon, and m arked "Application and bid to purch uM shore lands." Dated at Salem, Oregon. N o vem ber 15. 1926 G. G. B R O W N . C le rk o f State Land d ir e c t o r y Mr«. Arthur Sayle» F IR E N O T IC B T O C R E D IT O R » FO R R E N T — Modern furnished bouse on East Main St. Mr». C. L. Scott. >t OF H E A R IN G F IN A L ACCOUNT In the County Court of tbs State of Orason ttor Lane C ounty In the m atter of the Estate o f John / . Lindsay, dsoaaaad. Notice Is hereby given by the un­ dersigned adm inistrator of aald « e l­ ate that by Its order dated and filed on December 11, 182«. the above named court haa appointed Jaunary 15. 1927 at 10 o'clock A M. at the chambeca o f aald court In the I-ane County Court House In the c ity of Rügen«, Lane County. Oregon as the tim e and place for hearing objec­ tion» If any to the Anal account of aald adm inistrator as made and filed In said court on I> " ember 11. 192«. gene a t 1*25 A M., 1:46 P. M, 12.10 P. M and 8:08 A. M. Dally. N O T IC E W atch repairing done rorrecMFx W ork In today— Out tom orrow . HoVS 321 M ain a t «- D. W . Roof JEWELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon SPRIH8FIH.D BMVEL GO. All kind« of gravel for con­ creta or road work. We make a specialty of oruah&d rook and rook'aand. Bunk­ ers at foot of Main on Mill HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. This summons Is published pur suant to the «Order of Honorable G F. Sklpw orth. Judge of the above en- | title d court, duly made and entered on the 14th day of December. 1926 T he first publication o f this summons w ill he made on the 16th day of Dec- I ember. 1926. and the last publication I thereof w ill he made on the 27th day1 j «»f January. 1927. and It w ill be puh- llahed alx consecutive weeks In the Springfield News newspaper I M P E T E R S O N . Attorney for Plaintlffa, Postofflce address, Sprlng- 1 field. Oregon D 16 23-30: J 6 13 27: E S T A T E O F A B R A H A M M IL L E R . D EC E A S E D . N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T 1 Notice is hereby given that Amanda I E. M ille r, A d m in istratrix o f the es­ tate of Abraham M ille r, deceased, has 1 filed in the County Court of the State ; of Oregon. In and fo r Turn«- County. ! her flnal report as such adm lnlstra- I t r lx ; and that ten o'clock In the forenoon of Saturday, the 15th day of January, 1927, a t the Court room thereof, have been hy the Court, fixed and appointed as the tim e and p la re for hearing ohjeetiona to said report and for the final settlem ent o f the ' estate of eald deceased A M A N D A E M IL L E R . A d m in istra­ trix A. E. W H E E L E R . Attorney. D 16 23 30: J 6-I3 N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N : T h a t the undersigned, has been duly ap­ pointed by the County Court o f the State of Oregon for the County o* Lane as the a d m in is tra trix o f the estate of L. A. Sm ith, deceased and all persona having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to the adm inistra­ trix at the office of F ra n k A. DePue, the atto rn ey fo r the estate In Spring- field. Oregon, properly verified, on or before alx months from the date of thia notice. Dated December 20th, 1926. B E S S IE H . S M IT H . A d m in istra­ trix . F R A N K A. D e P U E , atto rn ey for the eatsto. " j S L. R A Y . Attorney for Estate. D 23-30: J 6-13-20 A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S SALE OF R EA L PROPERTY N O T IC E i s H E R E B Y G IV E N that hv v irtu e of an order of the County Court of Lane County. Oregon, duly made nnd entered on the seconcl day of December. 1926. the undersigned: A d m in istrator of the estate of H A Rasor. deceased, w ill, on and a f t e r , the 20th dav of January. 1927. offer for sale and sell, at p rivate sale, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the follow ing described re a l property belonging to said estate, to-w it: T he N orth H a lf of I-ots No. Five (51 and Six (61 in Block Tw enty-nine (291 In Gross Addition to the ( ity of Eugene. Lane County. Oregon aa p lat­ ted and recorded. T h e sale w ilt take place and bids may he submitted to the said adm in­ istrato r at the law office of Po tter * K in g 961 W illa m e tte Street, Eugene, Oregon. , . , * , O R V A L RASOR. A d m inistrator of the E state of H A Rasor, Deceased. D 16-23-30: J 6-I3 N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Notice 1» hereby given th a t the un­ dersigned. adm inistrator of the es­ tate of Nancy Rutherford, deceased, has filed his final account ln said es­ tate w ith the County Court of Lane County, Oregon, and the said Court has set M onday the 17th day of Jan­ uary. 1927, a t 10:00 o'clock A. M as the tim e, and the Court Room In the Countv C ourt H o n « In Eugene. Lane County, Oregon as the place for the hearing o f said final account. A ll persons having objection« to said fin­ al account or any p artic u la r Item thereo f a re hereby notified to file the same w ith the C lerk o f said Court on or before the aald 17th day o f Janu ary , 1927. at 10:00 o’clock A. M D ate of the first publication o f this notloe Is December 1«. 102«. 1 J A M E S R U T H E R F O R D , Adm inis­ tra to r of the eatate of Nancy R u th er ford, Deceased. Gordon S. W ells. A tto rn e y fo r Ad m tnlstrator. D K -23 30: J (-13 •f California-bound Four fine trains daily to San Francisco and Los Angeles. Hundreds enjoy this inviting service. They tell with enthusiasm o f the Shasta Route journey. Appointments to delight the most exacting. Observation and club car accommodations; standard and tourist sleepers, coaches. De­ licious meals. Travel on the train. Ride res tfully and at low cost. Winter excursion tickets at low coat. Southern Patil CARL OLSON, Agent