T H U R S D A Y J A N U A R Y *’>, 1927 T I IK S P R IN G F U D L D N E W S J>AOH TWO Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L P U B L IC A T IO N LAN« C O U N T Y U N IT NO. »4 Baby Bsst UNIVERSAL'S LATEST tinder favorable coudlllons there ORANGE LECTURERS TO By Special HAS ALL STAR CAST are several advuntum s In producing Correspondants HOLD SCHOOL AT O. A. C. • C W Allen. Vids. President » young beef for market rather W ish "Becreto of the Night" the Uni­ • W I Seal«. Eugene. V lcePrasI • mature beef Young rattle make versal Jewel comedy myst< ry picture O. A. C» Corvallis. Jan. «—A • dent * larg"r gains than older rattle on the with un all star cast la coming to pchool for grange lecturer» »111 be • Betty M Kappauf. Cottage Qrove • same quantity of feed, yearling« be GARDEN WAY THURSTON the llell Theatre Fit ami Hui Jan 7-1, fceld hero January 14-11 under the 1 • Secretory Treasurer. Illg able to make 25 to |U per cent auspices of the college extensolon • Walter Morgan. Creswell. Conduc-» Mr and Mrs Frank Bailey attend more gain than mature rattle on the Jatues Kirkwood and Mudgr Bellamy The Ladles Aid Society gavw , are featured players aerrk-c. The program. arranged by • tor. * cafeteria dinner at the hall New I *» • »»«Hr reunion at the home »1 same feed Furthermore, by rais­ the state grange lecturer Mrs. Min-! • H H. Smith. Eugene. Doorkeep- • I Among those who have Important Mrs. Bailey's sister. Mrs. furry In ing and rattening calves the money day they took In »41 00 *1 Year's *(e K Bond, and the department of • • ' Merle H a n s . n from G len .d . w h o , Philomath. Sew Y< ea r, da invested ran be turned over In a parts are Zaiu Pitts, lluaemary markets and rural organisations of • O. L. Clement. Ws tervllle, Chap- • spent holidays at Thurston, returned Mr and Mrs. W. H Anderson a r e , , hnrt time Young heevea offer Theby. tlltn lloffman. Tom Itlrkrtta, * the extension aerrlce. wtU feature • lain ! spending a few days In Portland greater choice In the date of market­ Tom H Guise Arthur Stawart Hull. home last Sunday. j actual demonstrations given by Mr and Mrs Frank Halley spent ing becauar they hold their bloom Tom Wilson and Joseph Hlngh-ton Miss Eldora Danewood. who Is at grahger> them selves who have shown „ „ d in g Normal a. Ashland .pen« the ’ ™ '» • " * “* * longer This I. a decided advantage Herbert lllache directed. FARM REMINDERS marked ingenuity and ability in ar­ weekend with Hasel tri «teaton T h .y ! • J T “ W“A W ®r This release la the screen version . .. .... tag Mashing While . Cattle . . . . with Inferior form . ___ and ....... Washing Machine to . ranging local programs poor of the rnmous si age play, "The returned to Ashland last Monday. thvre they also visited Mrs Bailey's i quality are not suitable for the pro­ Nightcap." written by Mai Marrin A few of the Items on the three-; Misses Mamie Russell Marjorie Various truck crops in Oregon are sisters. Mrs. Shelley and Mrs. KeltcT. day program are. "Maintaining In duction of desirable beef To pro and Guy Bolton The alory la one sometimes attacked by several Grant and Flossie Herrington re­ A family reunion of the Travis fam ­ terest in Rural Communities." by P. species of very small frtngede wing turned to Nomal at Monmouth last dues young beef, grain must he fed of thrilling Intensity, despite the fact ily was held at the home of Rev slid In considerable quantities from the W Powell, master of Polk County that It la In great part arrorded ed insects, commonly called thrlps Sunday. Mrs. J. W Morrow and family of Till lime of weaning or even before to Pemona- "Music and Ita place In comedy I real men! Most of the ac­ Mr and Mrs. Curtis Price. Perry The species known to do serious the Lecturer's program." by Mrs. damage is called by the uame of the Price and Jay Grant returned to Cor­ aiuook Those present for the pleas­ the time of marketing When the tion lakes place In a fine home where Marie Klint McCall. B.ush College crop it Injures most seriously— vallis last Sunday where they are at­ ant event were: Mr and Mrs A. <’. feed consists chiefly of roughage, no a number of persona are assembled Travis. Kmmajean and Franea. Mr. attempt should be made to fr-d out Orange: "Interest In Yeung People.': In a hastily conceived week end onion thrlp. bean thrlp. pear thrlp. or tending O.» A. C. Mrs. Norman Purkeraon ,,u, b* r‘ p * " * calve. C alve, to qualify for this pur party, the real purpoae of which la by Mrs. Ines Miller. Monmouth Nor­ other kinds. Each of these kinds feeds Mr and Junction City visit«! fiends ot nr“ ’ ° f pose must have qualify and finish to delay the examination of their mal school: “Discussion of Commun­ on numerous other crops. The leaf from Tr,vl One of the beef breeds O'horthorn bank hooks by a federal riam lner. ity Drama." by O. A. C. Public speak of plant* attacked by thrlps becomes here and attended the New Year's j . >. ■■ L. . O . I »nd Miss Hawley of Seattle tag department. covered with small white spots dinner at the hall ta stS a tu r d .y WwlnM(lBy ,w s.m « er 3» Hereford. Aberdeen Angus, and Gal loway) should ----------- be used In the pro Final meeting of session will be caused by the withdrawal of sap for Hubert Oray motored to Monmouth C A LL AND S E E Dr N W Emery ,h ‘‘ w***,lin« ot Mu" Mildred Drake durtion of young beef, devoted to the grange state champ food. Fumigation with calcium cyan­ la s t S a t u r d a v on prices on plate aad other work, t» last »atu . . Sacremento and Hubert Travla of, ioashlp debate on the question . "Re ide or nicotine or spraying with con­ Karl NetoM from Eugene spent * c . --------------------------- solved, that the federal government tact Insecticides are'recom ended for Thursday night with Loren Edm l. rt.rrniony perflrfme<1 should not begin the development of control. ton by Rev J. W. Morrow of Tillamook, . Reserve INstrtd No i t say new reclamation projects until Mr Moore from Marshfield spent REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THS brothcrln-law of the groom. Only there is a demand for agricultural Friday night at A W Weaver's home In growing Ettersberg strawberries products that will pay cost of pci> Miss Zora Beaman spent holidays The happy couple left for Portland. l i l commercial fertilisers are used «action plus a reasonable profit." visiting relatives here. returning to the Travla borne Satur- ** ®Pr1agf1eld. to the State of Oregon at the cloee of husluaso on only to a limited extent by growers, Mr and Mrs Janie« Calvert from Orange teams have debated the the Deceosher II. ISM experiment station reports day oveaing. Sunday they left for _attoa In the various d istricts u alll Types of soil on which the berries Junction City. Mr. and Mrs. Mc­ Sacremento On thetr return they Arthur from Eugene Mr nd Mrs M 1 have bees edlmlnated except Bush are grown vary greutly will reside In Eugene where Mr Very few M B O U ftC M p an ge of Polk coanty sad growers have tried fertilisers at aM. J. McKltn from Springfield and Ester Travis Is employed by the Guaranty lT . ‘x c h a a « or bill, McPherson from Springfield were Jrving grange o f Laae county. These thoae who did using either nitrate Trust Co ox exchange, sold with enduraemsnt of the bank (Includlne will compete for the state c ham plea of soda or a complete fertiliser. The among those who attended the New Items shown 3t. 3« and S3. If any) ___ tmoMMtoff Mr and Mrs. J. P. Ashton and fam- «1S&Î7515 ship sliver loviag cap offered by I'aa’ rtwult so far as growers are con Year's dlaaer at the hall last Satur­ Uy spent New Years at the Jay Fish Overdrafts seepred and unsecured I t i IS • u* aaohrttlss owned, Including day. T. Maris, diroetor of extessloa cerned to negligible with that type thos.. shown In Itomn 3» and U. if any brat Thursday evening m em ber. . »744 00 o f fertiliser. Other bond*, warranto and tscurlitos. including foreign of the nelgtoborhlod met at the b a ll, thr)r O. JL C , Corvallis. January «—The guvernnient. slata. municipal, qorporallon. e tc . Including for a social evening the ex high those shown In Items 30 and 3S. If any "" campus la again alive with students »1.731 71 The Oregon ground squirrel, pre school boys who are attending col vacation at the Geo Fish home. Banking house, » it. »00, furniture and natures. 83 44114 following a two-week vacation, re­ The F X Gallagher family of 18.848 IS sent In some places In Oregon to lege and were home for the bolldnv. / »? o,b*z ’*»•" banking houee Non. N e< Tr#r.g gistration for the second term bav Bh °" h ,n ‘1 *" *nd '*“• fron> baoks. bankers great numbers, Is controINki most played basketball against the ox lag taken place Monday January 1. at the Thoa. Maxwell home « • • * « • « * ! *«4 approved roaorvn economically and efficiently by pot high school boys who are* not at- affrato Or thia hank The present term will continue until 83,846 M sonlng. says the experiment station tendln college. 10 Exchanges for clearing The college boys . ,, i it - ma on other banks In the March >4 and will be Interrupted Clever Seed Survey wow» city or town aw rapnrtluf bunk For this ground squirrel the federal won by a score of 31 to 30. The 4.483 83 only by the Washington birthday In an effort to ascertain the most 11. Checks on banks Outside city or town of reporting bank snd biological survey used 1« quarts of normal girls also played. Light re­ holiday. Inst prior to which the an­ hardy strains of clover for O regon, other i-ssli Items oats. 1 tablespoon salt. 1 ounce of freshments were served. 1.087 M Total cash and due from banks. Items a. ». 10 and II 8.1» J?s 14 Agricultural College, tkniaty Agent neal educational exposition will be strychnine. 1 ounce bicarbonate of IS. Ray and Howard Nevers form Eu­ Other assets, If any. Loans and Discounts Havings 3.041 40 held when delegates from practlcallv O. S. Fletcher It anxious to get a soda. 18 ounce saccharine. 1-4 pint gene attended the basketball game record of all Lane county farmers every high school in the state will Total heavy corn syrup. 3-4 pint thin starch last Thursday evening »887.873 CJ who have had seed clover on their ’ visit the college. paste, and 1 tablespoon glycerine .Mrs Veneta Weaver, who has been farm for five years LIABILITIES He has a sk ed ! the poison is scattered out a table visiting relatives In Marshfield for* l< Capitol Stock Paid to ____ ______________ the farmers to report to him. T h e P ro fita b le P ig 30.000 00 spoon to each place along the squir several days return«] hotni Friday. 17. Surplus fund and Havings Capital « 000 IN) rel trails and around the holes. This 18 (a l Undivided profits Miss Eva Phetteplace Is ill with 17.378 14 T h e profitable pig fa one that gain« To Addross Union does not endanger livestock as they flu and unable to return to Mon- ill) tx*SH current expenses. Interest and taxes paid 11.M3.37 6.376 87 O 8. F le tcb w r. I^ine county agent, continuously from date of farrowing DEMAND DEPOSITS, other than hanks, subject to reservs: do not pick up enough of It when month where »he was attending Nor­ will address u meetlng of Ihe Dor-ns 38 Individual deposits subject to check. Including deposits due nntil marketed. During the suckling planed this way. mal and her sister Mrs. Verna Luther Farmers Union. JaffUsry 11. Work the state of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds period the sow ahould.be given reed 17». 718 01 Is also a victim of the malady an-1 of the past year In the «ommunltv 34 Demand certificates of deposit outstanding 3»7 »7 that w ill stimulate the production of 26. Cashler'a checks ot this bank outstanding payable on demand wns unable to return to Bend, where 161 17 Two distinct methods of handling will be hla topic. Horens has one milk Glee her corn or ground barley Certified checka outstanding 3 60 of the strong'wt locals In the county. j as the main feed, supplemented by- ewes on eastern Oregon ranges are she Is tewching. Total of itexnand deposits, other than bank deposits, subject Messrs Dick and Jack Harblt are to reserve. Items 23, 34. 26. 2« 1180 380 6« aborts or middlings, tankage or fish the early lamb and the late lamb T IM E A N O S A V IN G S D E P O S IT S , subject to reserve and pay­ meal, or old-proceos linseed meal practices, the erperiment station re­ on a trip to Arizona where they are T H IS IS S A ID TO H A V E H A P ­ able on demand or subject to notlcv: PENED IN SOUTH A F R IC A The corn may he fed on the ear or ports. The early lambs are usually settling lip the estate of their late »7. Time certificates of deposits outstanding 18.648 80 abetted The other feeds may b*- marketed as fat lambs directly from grand-father. 38. Havings deposits payable subject to notice 7.433(0 An inspector of schools In Mouth Mrs. Teeter from Cottage Opove re fed dry or In slop. The sow should summer ranges. Late lambs, which T cf-l of t'me snd liv in g s deposits osyable on demand or turned to her home Monday after Africa Invited some boys to Join him subject to notice. Items 37 and 28. »36.083.30 have all the feed she «dll clean up come after the ewes have gone on The boys jo . Notea and hills rediscounted Including bonds or other arcurttlea the range, are marketed in the fall. spending holidays with her daughter. *n • swim In the lagoon tw ice daily la addition to pasture sold under purchase agreements with contigent liabilities 9.8:i6 00 watched him undress and go In. but , It is very Important that the pigs In the early lamb method both ewes Mrs Taylor Needham. them selves remained on the bank. Little Daniel Mitchell returned to and wethers are generally sold for make good gains during the suckling Total 8257.573 63 After a long and enjoyable swim period If the hand-feeding method mutton while in late lamb system his home at Westfir Sunoay after the Inspector chaffed the boys for S tole of Dragon. County of !-ane. sa |g followed, the labor of raring for ew es are generally kept for breed­ spending the past month with his I, C. E Kenyon, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear not coming In. and said. "I suppose grand-parents here brood sows and their litters is con­ ing. that the above statem ent Is m ss to the best of my knowledge and belief Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Needham you are afraid to bathe with an In­ siderable. bat where the self-feeder C. E. K EN YO N . Cashier. to used, several days or even a week's FOR SALE—Carbon paper In largì mhtored to Hadleyvllle Iasi Sunday spector?" Correct A ttest: Welby Stevens. Mary M Kossey. Directors. "No, sir." said one of the boys, Hubsi-tlbed sail sworn to before ine this 5th day of January, 1827 supply of Ned may be stored to the sheets. 34x3» Inches, suitable foi and visited their daughter, Mrs. "but we saw a ,-rocodlle in this la- (HEAL) I M I’ETKKHGN. Notary Public. hoppers In a very short time making tracings The new s Office I-anra Hadley. My Commission Expires June 13. 1928, There was a telephone meeting 6 °on yesterday, I held at the hall Monday evening Visitor From Vids—Handy l,eacn Mrs. Herrington from Creswell is visiting her sister Mrs. A. W. of Vida spent a P“ft of Monday visit Ing In this city. W eaver. Ernest McKinney from Eugene visited friends In Thurston Monday evening. • TIME AND PLACE OF • LOCAL MEETINGS • Mrs. Needham's nephew and wife • from Oakridge spent the week-end • Canary—First Wednesday. Third • • Baturday, Farmers Union Hall. • with her. There was a baby boy born to Mr. • Cloverdale— Second and Fourth • 942 Willamette St.. Eugene, Oregon and Mrs. Kay Rennie a t the P ac'fc • Fridays. Cloverdale School House. • They are Sold on the principle Christian hospl al January 1. This • Creswell—First and Third Tues- • was the first baby born at the hos­ • days, Creswell, M. W. of A. Hall. • • Coast Fork—Second and Fourth • pital after ihe New Year. • There was a business meeting o f • Thursdays, Farm Union Hall. Danebo—First Tueaday. Danebe ’ ihe Ladles Aid held at the church • School House. • Thursday afternoon. Dorena—Second and Fouth Tues- • .Mr. and M rs. K a y Baugh e n te rta in T he quarter-century mlleoofit of tha foundation of e