HE SPRINGFIELD NEWS B u tin e » Comee the M erchant W Goes A fte r it. T W B N T Y -T IIIK P ' CHARTER EL' t 10 BE JANEIAKI»1 Months Have Gain But Last, With Net Lead of 4’ j Per Cent New City Charter Ready for Action of People; Polls at Postal receipt» for 192«, announced City Hall with L. K. Page and L. E. Thompson Acting as today by Postmaster F H llam lln. Jude» PAVING PROJECT IS TALKED BY CHURCH Pavement of the block between Fifth and Sixth on C street was dis- «Mixed at a meotlag of the official board of the Methodist Episcopal church Monday nlghl. and a definite report on posclblc means of financ­ ing the enterprise will be h««rd at a ' business meeting following tonight's I mid week service. 'It was said that pavement of the ! street would provide a run-off for Lena Wilson, a girl from tha water which, during storm weather, > Canadian backwoods, is engaged to backs up from the street Sigalnst the marry "Bud" Stillman, »on of James A. Stillman, multi-million­ New photo of Mrs. Rebecca church building and threatens to aire New York banker. This girl Rogers of Austin, Texas, 22 yea» flood the basement. Pavement of of the Limberlost met the rich old eo-ed bandit, who is charged the street must be financed by the man’s son and their friendship with holding up and robbing the church and property holders on the blossomed into love, just like Farmers' National Bank at Buda, I opposite side. Tcncas. When released on bail »he movies and books. » went off to be married and faces J Improvement of the arrour.tlr« of ------------------------ trial after her honeymoon. the church was discussed at length SCHOOL SEMESTER TO at the meeting An echo which has END ON JANUARY 21 notifab|« for some time may be NELSON BIRDS ON WAY . i eliminated by banging velvet curtains TO L. A. EXHIBITION Springfield public Bch»*d« started , ba]r(>ny # | , pr)(.e »29S again thia week, following Christ mas ■ Tb# A)<) aH|(p(1 * Five first-class fow ls form the Nel- holiday» of ten days. The high consider a plan of ralstng t h is ' pouitry Ranch here, considered school .<.«ii»te. will end on January omoun, and ; report w l„ beari ^ “"'exhibition of poultry In the 21. and the last two day» of the_pcr- a( , onltht.H mi„ .,,nK 'N orthw est, are on their way to bo» lod will be given over to examlna ........ 1 Angeles to represent the poultry In- lions. BASKET-BALL SCHEDULE toreata of this section at the Greater The rantuta. "The Moundbuilders," j OF H IG H SCHOOL GIVEN An,r',es » mltry Bhow ,3rcest ex' which was to have been given In ' _____ ‘ hlbltlon of its kind west of Chicago. December. «Ill be presented on Janu-i I Four basketball game« to be play-: Robert Nelson, owner of the farm. ary 28. It was announced today. The cd In SprlngfleJd have been schedulell I shipped three cockerels and two pul- glee club already are working on the and An|fe,eg ghow. One Ijtughteresque. annual ' " . . . __I _ . . . . . ___ « „ program. are tinder way for a game with Ehl- j of the cockerels took third prize at high school fun fest. will tako place gene here. So far. three games have the recent International Livestock February 18. been scheduled to be played away ! show at Portland, and first and sec , front home, and Eugene and Harris-1 ond prize pullets of the Portland »how “ •"*" ol l>"r c*n* °**r . 1926 «nil Indicate a substantial gain January 25 Is the date of the spec- each month with the exception of lal election lo he held In Springfield Dei ember Th« total receipts for the for the puri'o-- of submitting the year Just ended were *11473 21. and proposed new charter to a vote of for 1925 they were 98121 04. the people Polls will lie open from Itecemher showed a falling off of 8 o'clock In the morning until 8 In | | o 0 desfilte the fact that the post- tbs- evening, and voting will take „n,,-e racnrdsd a record figure one place at the cite hall day during the midst of the holiday This was decided by the city roun- «hipping. The month kept ahead un- ell this week, following the cotnple- ui after Christmas, when the slump lion of the drafting of a new charter wn« much greater tbnn that of last which will change the Town o f y,.Kr, Springfield lo the "City o f Spring Here la the table of postal receipts Held" If adopted Th« whole of the por tt,e two years, by quarters: 192# 1926 charter Is lo he printed In the Spring- 91963 58 *1884 84 Held News, and following a favorable p |r«t quarter . election the document will ba In Second quarter 1977 85 1882 81 194886 1912 Si eluded In an act submitted 1« the Third quarter 2693.12 2660 48 state legislature, > Fourth quarter L. K Page and L. E. Tbompaon have hoe-tl named Judges of the elec, 98473.21 98121.1)4 lion, and clerk» are Mr» Hattie My* new mem­ ards for Jumping have been made by A runaway hand-speeder w h ich , Scout worker ln Eugene, Jet t h e , repregentadTeg np>r,y cona. Mrs Jack I sir son Mrs. Walter Ooas- bers were added this week. It was the manual training department, ler, all of Springfield. Mrs. C. Cam­ h>D the track of a logging railroad mPPtln(t and conducted signal prac- , rleg of y , , wor|«| Springfield can annnunt-ed by Guard ofllcevs. Ell W. I L__ In the Marcola district on Sunday; dce bell, Mrs. Jean Ward and Mra. A. P. expect a great deal of advertising Im proving Second Miller. Gordon M 9-ee and Orval afternoon resulted In painful Injuries I McKenale of Eugene from the products as they will all Cantrell are the new gurdsmen. Improvement of Second street was to Nelson W right 16-vear old youth MRS. PEARL HARVEY OF bear the city's name as the place of The company will meet tonight for of that community. started this week In an effort to put Chi-yMntbamum Meeting manufacture. Everything from blan* drill. I-aat Thuisday night was mint- JASPER BURIED MONDAY Wright was riding on the speeder H«wlng and cards furnished enter-1 g(. B((rh, wtth jpo lM,r att«nd the thoroughfare In shape for Its last keto to the finest worsteds will ba winter of hard usage. Construction when he found hlmeelf on a sharp talnment f « members of the Chrys­ ance. Mrs. Pearl Harvey, for several manufactured and clothing and suit A feed followed the drill anthemum club, who met met yester­ Major W. O. White of Eugene was of the Springfield bridge will elim in­ Incline In the tracks. The machine years a resident of the Jasper dis- making will also be branches of tha gathered speed and the rider was un­ day at the home of Mrs. J. C. Mc- present, and made a short talk ex ate traffic from Second street, and tict, died at the home of her parents new mill, according to plans. Only able to control i t Near the foot of only temporary Improvement work Is Murray. Luncheon was served by pr(, Rsing his satisfaction with t h e 1 at Jasper at 7 o'clock on the morning pure wool goods will be made. the grade the speeder Jumped the being done. Gravel has been distri­ Springflold company dur- ! The mill manager ts presently mas* the hostess. assisted by Mrs. 8. worg „f of Jaunary 1. Funeral service« were buted from Main street to the bridge. tracks and landed in a ditch, throw­ Ralph Dippel. Ing Its first year. held at the Walker chapel Monday aging one of the largest woolen mills ing Wright on his face. Severe Those pr«*«ent were Mr». F. A.De- morning, and burial was at Pleasant In the «muntry and is regarded as bruises and Igceratlons resulted. Entsrtain For Frl»nd« Pue, Mrs. Leland Ewbank, Mir«. W. one of American'» foremost woolen Trad« Offices Hill cemetery. J. Scott, Mrs. J. A. Seavey. Mrs. Wll- City Recorder Ira M. Peterson has j Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leonard, who Mrs. Harvey long had been 111. She experts. Heads of the various organ­ Ham Dawson, Mrs Maude T. Bryan, movgd h|g |aw o (ficea t„ the city hall. I have been visiting at the C. E. Swarts LARAWAY NOW RUNNING was 31 years of age. She leaves her isation of the mill have all been sel­ M rs W H. Adrian. Mrs M. M. Peery an(1 ,g «pending the week In renovat ! residence, were guests of hon«w at PILCHER DEPT. STORE husband. John L. Harvey of Pendle­ ected. most o f them being trained and Mrs 8 R Dlppel. , | nK that building and system liln g the j a delightful party held last Monday ton, two little daughters. Edna Haxel ln Scotland, which leads the world Purchase of the Eugene branch of and Iris May. her parents, Mr. and In the manufacture of woolens While ------------------— I keeping of records. The office he 1 evening. The Leonards left for Call- the R. A. Pilcher stores by Seth Lara- Mrs. Ira Higgins of Jasper, and five most of the help will be brought here Hold N«w Year’s Party vacated next to the postnfflee h a s ' fornla Tuesday. from Scotland and the e a s t local Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Seavey enter- been occupied by former City Record-1 Those present wet> Mrs. F. DePue, way, Eugene business man. was an­ 1 brothers and sisters. help will be trained In building up ts In .«I a small group of friends at er R W. Smith, who will co n tin u e. Mrs. H. W Whitney, Mrs. Knox, Mrs. 1 nounced this week an«l Is now oper-> their Springfield residence New as Justice of the peace and In the j J. T Moore. Mrs. C. E. Kenyon. Mrs. atln< the business as “Pilcher's De- the plant organization, it Is announ­ SMITH MOVES OFFICE TO B. A. Washburne. Mrs. Mary Kessey, partment Store, Seth I-araway, suc­ ced. Year's eve. Bridge playing and Insurance business. 4TH STREET LOCATION 1 Only high class help will be em* cessor." Mrs. M. M Peery. ratlin mustr combined to make 1 ! ............— 1 » A. A. McDonald Is managing the I ployed and union labor used through­ pleasant evening. C. E. Kenyon won j Junior Church Orsgnlxed R. W. Smith. Justice of the peace st«we. Mr. McDonald wait formerly Wire Down, Lights Go Off out the organization, all garments the prise at cards, with Mrs. Maude j Organization of a Junior Church at Pub,‘c- bearing the label. Springfield was plunged Into dark­ with the W eyerhauser Intereats In ; Bryan receiving the consolation prize, the First Methodist Episcopal church W isconsin, and managed their big flc,‘ ln the Commeclal S tate bank Those present Included: Mr. and was completed last Sunday, with 38 ness for 12 minutes Monday night store at Potlach. Idaho. The new building on Fourth steet. and Intends W heel C hair Sent Mrs. R. R. Roheits, Mr. and Mrs. I. present for the first day. Mrs. W. H. when the Copco lin e ‘which furnished the Mountain States Power C om -' Pilcher store owner came to Eugene j ,o ftdd peal 8nd collection work D. Larimer, Mr. and Mrs. W H. Pollard Is director o f th ■ Juniors to the Insurance, business In which The wheel chair purchased by tha Adrian. Mr. and Mrs. C. R Kenyon. division, and Mlsss Elizabeth Hughes pany with power from the Foutn. ! 17 years ago, and has been operating he has been engaged for some time. went out. Arrangements Immediate-! I-araway Jewelry store for many American Legion Auxiliary for th»» Mr. and Mrs. A L. Roberts, Mrs. Is assistant. 8chool warrants also will be paid at ly were ninde for tying In with the ; years. Veterans Hospital No. 77 at Portland Mamie T. Bryan. Miss Crystal Bryan, that office. Mr. Laraway plans improvements The lights were out at Potlnnd end. was sent north yesterday. Much ap­ School Board Meets Welby Stevens, Mrs. Grace Roberts. Mr. Smith has been a resident of for the store. preciation of the Auxiliary's efforts The Springfield school hoard will 9 o'clock, Mr. and Mrs. Will Dawson and Mr. Springfield for 23 years, and during was expressed to Mrs. M. B. Huntly. meet at the city hall tomorrow night and Mrs. Seavey. the past year has served as city re­ Rlv«r High Aenaa Club Meets president, «rhen she visited the vet­ to consider routine business, accord­ Continued rains through the week corder. Tho »residence of Mrs. M. J. Mc- erans institution recently. ing tn announcement of R W Smith, M ill W o rk e r H u rt have Increased the height of the Wil­ The trustees i Kiln was the scene of a meeting of clerk of the board. Dan Webber, worker In the Spring- Woodcraft Installation Pays Fin« field Mill and Grain company plant, were to meet on Monday, but post-1 Hie Aenaa club Tuesday afternoon lamette, hut as yet the highway at Installation of officers of the Ntegh- Judkins point has not been flooded. Those present were Mrs. C. E. sustained an Injured shotild«*r when Pon«*l the session, Arthur Owen paid a fl.ne of $8 Swart«. Mrs. L. May, Mrs. E. Brown­ Marsh land In the Springfield district hors of Wbodcraft circle will take he fell from the dock of the mill - Monday after being found guilty of place on Wednesday night January has been under water, and drains Tuesday. The Injur«*! man was rush- Visits In Portland— Miss Wlnlfrld ing, Mrs. Ella Lombard, Mrs. C. E. 12. Circles throughout this section charges of speeding on east Main taxed to their capacity. e«l tn a physician’s office, where It Tyson, Idnuglhtirr of Mr. and Mts. Kenyon and Mrs. N W. Emery. h»vp street. Owen was the first traffic law have been Invited to attend . Guests were Mrs. McGowIn and Mrs. I — 1 "■ ■ ■ — -------- * wn< found the shoulder had been P»™y Tyson, spent the holidays at offender tried before City Recorder 1 Her« From Thurston—Mrs. Walter builly bruised but not broke» W»h- Portland visiting at the residence of Howard Cotton. Wright Away—Will Wright Is tran­ Ira M. Peterson, who took office Jan­ MPs. Cotton assisted the hostess,1 Platt of Thurston was a visitor In bet will not be able to work f««t some Mr. and Mrs. George Ditto, former uary 1. sacting business ln Portland today. In serving relreshments. t*>la city Monday. Springfield residents. time. A general rarrcti»adl«r store may locate III the od 8 Fellow» «lore build- Ina at Fourth and Main streets. It _ . ,,.. . was learned today ,, The building has „ be» n vacant since H alts cash store went bankrupt Trusts«* of the lodge are under slotel to be n»«otiatlng f»»r the new business here but a delnlte announ- ce in» nt has not b»-en made Several prospective business men have con- slder»sl the location. It Is understooq . - ----------, Kenyon and