THURSDAY DHCHMHBK 3<>. 1 » ^ TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAOK SIX Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L P U B L IC A T IO N LANK C O U N T Y U N IT ivO. M Mrs. Ilob Crawford and family wore preseut for a musical program SEVERE PLANT DISEASE Forest Anderson, who has beea 111 By Special • Mr. and Mr«. Frank Halley enter- • C. W Atica. Vida. Praaldant for some lim e Is greatly Improved CAUSED BY TINY HOPPER --reapondenta laiueil a number nt friend« at their • W I Beata. Kugene, Vio e-P rest • Elva and France» Bryan »pen! * home Christum«. Among them were: • dent. TAe cauxe of «»»tern yellow toma­ Monday night with their aunt. Mrs. Mr» Shelley from Portland. Mr and • Itetty M Kappauf. Cottage tlrove • to M ight which ha« fuxsedlllllnn eg ■ H • I Cline, , Mr». Kobler 1» teaching the high Mr« \V M furry and daughter Vera, • Becretary-Treasurer tints for id year», has been found by UPPER WILLAMETTE Ml slid Mrs George Fish enter • Walter Morgan. Creswell. Conduc-• j school at Klkton. of Philomath. Edgar and Jeaae M B McKay and T. P. Dykatra of talned the members of their Imtnedl- • lor * th e Oregon experiment station The I l‘lea»snt Hill public school let out, a wedding of much Interest to th- » « n k ltn and Klin r Bather • H »1. Smlth. Kugene. Doorkeep • ale family. Chrlatmaa day. Those M ight ravages squash. bean, canta Thnraday afternoon with a Christmas re, W,n t* of the Pleasant Hill dis | h,nland present were« Mr and Mrs. Jay Fish • r * lowoe and other crop» as well a« to I program and tree and presents for tr|c, waa (hat of Ml«» Hollle Heaver MlM|) Mar(an, Male, who 1» teach and children. Alma. Charllne and • O. L Clement, JVa tervllla. Chap • _ bUmw each The high school let out Friday ’ to Mr Henry H Burch of Kugene. jM December 26. ------------------------ The Whippet car which la now oil The m m In chnrge are aulhorltlea Located In Eugene with salesroom« he- ■ devised So heavy have been w()h Wen(1s a, p ea sa n t Hill. at 9th and l*enrl Bt. are the Bah-« display In their salearoont*. carries on questions pertaining Io the aut> THURSTON ■■gar beet losse« through his depre- Thp boya and Kir,< bjukethall and Service for the Willy» Knight. with It. of course nil of the positive niohlb business and ar« always cour- *»t->ns that several million-dollsr te-m a flrst an’ "b the cere: Mrs. E. Y. Swift president: f'venlnF EUCENE S RELIABLE BEAUTY PARLOR _ Belle Olson secretary; Bruce ___ chorist Mike Terois of Creswell spent rol work already under way. The manager obtained her buslneaa --------------------------- er; Mary Harden organist; Mrs. Christmas at Sam Caruther'. ConvenlenUy located Ui Eugene i This well-known profession has dr- Miss Helen Travis, who Is teach­ 957 W illamette next door to the Rex ' ¥a|opelj |n the past few years from s education under an able and well- Bruce W heeler assistant organist. ing near Landax. Is spending the Theatre maintains one of the most traJ(< , o gn aft |j( ,e Th(l, ,lay known beauty school. Thia training The cabbage maggot Is classed by Mr and Mrs. Bert John and daugh- holidays with her parents here. modern and up-to-date Beauty Par t l e experiment station as the worst ter. Cora, were guests of Mr. and Mr. Margaret Campbell, who h a. ar(.t|()n pra,.tU , and age of sp ecialist, ha. found the and knowledge obtained by years of peat of cabbage, turnip, rape, kale Mrs. C. E. Jordan o f Christmas dln- been In Deerhorn for several weeks. worg |n a|| its branches such ort ot be»UfF culture advancing with practical experience has built for and radish. In Oregon. The best pro- ner. them the well merited patronage ra- aa permanenl Waving. Marcelling, tapld strides. te r t km from Its ravages is screens Mrs. T F. Kobler and daughter. has returned lo her home here. Frank Rennie, who is a tra v elin g, shampooing. Hair Dyeing. Facials.' This shop Is well equipped with all celved. over the seed bed to protect the Mary Catherine, snent Christmas The management and asatstants young plants from the fly that lays v Ith their family at Pleasant HtP. salesman Is spending holidays with ( Manicuring. Ladles' and Children's the latest approved devices for expo- x rtlstie Hair r Bohbflig Bobbllig. and dltlous business business. Their Their work aork comprls and Ibelr desire to please makes a„ c Ha| and Ihev Ihev dltlous th - maggot egg. and treatment of Mrs. Kobler left for Portland Mon-loy his parent; Mr. and Mrs. William Ar„ Ren“ le carry a complete line of preparation».! es all the advanced methods. To’ b< tbeae beauty parlors most worthy of t a i n ted older plants with a corrosive to attend the Teachers' Confar William and Ennis Goff from the This »hop maintains only experl- accurate at the work, years of study , inentloir anil we wish to compliment imblimat-- solution. as delegate from Douglas County. McXenxIe fish hatchery are visiting ence(i operators and Is under a man- must be given to the construction of I them In this edition for Ihelr success their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. ( a