The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 30, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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Dr. Scofield
Gannett Motor Car Co.
«• *
With ttodertl uni) uptu-dah «uli-t
11iimi |< i nii i| In KuffStii* 1,1 912 OH»»
In mi Itia111it11«n that in under lb«
i na> n> 11 r men welt known in
t la ri'i ilun for their Intereat In Hi»
welfare nml priigrfn ; of lit* eoni
They mi' otfli In) reproaentativi-H
Jor tin1 (’lii vrol.t.
Th in w i hvvrolet closed modi la
are i'n iil| |ioi| will) Fished Issly, fuel
ory equipped disc wheels anil luilloon
tires anil covered with Dino finish
The ni"w Chevrolet la rosy to drive
anil atari anil Io «leer, offering a
light pedal action, thereby making It
«nay In shift g«wrs aa It la easy to
rlil« ntnl atop, offering quality at low
price. Ami truly th. smoothest tar
In Chevrolet history.
Th. illam.liir of the brake drum
baa been on. Inch, th.
width on. fourth Im h, thua giving ad­
ditional braking aurfnen, which la
equal to l ie four wliael brakes on th.
larg.r earn Th. nil « hiiH been
greatly Improved, doing awaj with
all egeeaa lulling The rear axle la
much heavier than in those on form­
er model«
The Chevrolet closed mod«,! hodl"«
a t. mud. exclusively by th. Fisher
Body Corporation which la a part of
the General Motor Corporation. No
mutter what your use for a motor car
1«, you will find a* Chevrolet will
Just fill the bill. Model« designed for
family uae. for the business man. or
for hauling each may be seen at
their «how room.
The Chevrolet Ctlllty Kxpresa Is
the loweat pried truck In the world
today capable of faat heavy duly,
lumg grade« aud deep mud ure mast-
ered by It without racing the motor
becaua. th« thre. trun«ml«alon
provide« correct gear ratio to meet
any condition of load or rood
A «pedal feature 1« the Individual
service till« firm will render. Every
patron of the firm will be naaured the
inogt compreh« naive and painstaking
service and purchasers ar. assured
an efficient acrvlce station currying
a complete stock of part« and «up
Their new I’aed Car Policy with an
O. K. that count«, offers the buyer
100 per cent value for his dollar. An
O. K lag 1« attached to eui-li used
car which m.una that every car ha«
been reconditioned where necessary.
Their «ale« plan of a «mall down
payment and the balance In conveni­
ent payments Is very attractive and
an Ideal way to purcha«. a car.
We take pleasure In directing your
attention to thia firm and the excell­
ent car they feature The manage­
ment 1« In the hands of men who
take an Intereat in the progress and
cxpnn«lun of thia part of Oregon.
New Service Laundry
b , d . a .K o M
With office« located In Kugene at
377 Wlllumitte St , Is a prominent
doctor of Chiropractic enjoying u
large and well merited dlnetele from
Eugene and Springfield and adjoining
territory. Dr. Scofield uses tho iat«;«i
Pulin' r method Including the Neuroc-
alonieter service.
Aa we thing of the affliction« that,
mankind 1« accidently subjected -to,
we look at the smooth exterior of our
body and wonder why.
But the more we know about ou>-
selves the easier we can understand
cause and effect.
In the flrat stages of life the prin­
cipal thing to be noticed Is the brain.
The brain, being first, must be the
medium through whicb nature build«
a complete body.
A n long a« Nature can continue the
reconstructive energy the body will
grow- and remain normal in every re-
spect until, like an old machine. It . give perfect health to all organs and
will at la»t wear out. If we were , keep them repaired. If through ab­
once well and normal, why are we normal curvlture, Jolts, strains, falla
or wrenches at some time In life, th*
sick now?
Dr. Scofield will prove to you th a t' movable bones of the «pine are '*’*■
avculied diaeaaea of the »touiach, - placed even slightly, they pr« " < n
dysfx pHin. headache, apcclal nervous these nerves and obstruct the flow of
disease and the nerve system are due j energy. Weakness and dl«»:e ro
to Interference with the constructive: suit In the organs that these nerve*
energy, partially or wholly through ¡ supply.
Look Into Chiropractic- th<- new
pressure on the spinal nerves, caus­
ing disease wherever these nerves j health science. Consult Dr. S' ofleld.
who has a large number of testimoni­
By making an analysis of the spine I als from people of this community
the doctor can detect any displace-1 and many of whom are among oar
ment and by simple adjustments can best cltlaens. Information and srinal
remove the pressure which causes I analysis will cost you nothing. Tb-ti
the disease. Good health naturally f pass the word along to some suffer­
ing friend.
We wish to call our readerr atten­
The human body Is so constituted
that It is unnatural for disease to: tion to Dr. Scofield, who has a rep­
creep In without a cause.
' utation above reproach and is among
The nerve system ' Is designed to onr most successful chiropractors.
Oregon Seed and Feed Co.
With a moat modern plant located
In Kugene at *3» IllghW, Is one of
fh. moat prominent and well known
laundry firm« of thia aertlon offering
modern equipment modern method«,
and fair treatment
They will not
only excell In laundry work but ar«
alao apeelallata In Dry Cleaning
Meeting with Instant and alttioat
universal approval, the work of thia
company la uow going Into all parti
of the country and with the dawn of
now prosperity In the country the fu­
ture will aee thia firm one of the bust
eat hee hlvea of Induatry aa proaper-
Ity gives impetua to the desire for
efficiency. There la not an establish­
ment In the country which la til
greater commercial value than thia
The name alanda for quality, relia­
bility and progress In the laundrv
business of thia section of the coun­
try. and as the advance of the per
lists have marked Improv« menu Iff1«
Itrm has adoptd these late scientific
methods as rapidly as they have hp
peared and were approved by the
They have won a warm place In
the hearts of thi* public thres'h the
excellent work they have done it)
every branch of the laundry Ituslneaa.
The thinking public haa com« to un­
derstand lhat when work go*« •«
thia Arm It la done according Io
their reliable method« and a satis-
tactory Job la certain
It Is a pleasure for us to point to
thla concern as one of the leading
I-ocated in Kugene with warehouse feeds that are fat and milk produc­ gained In no other manner.
Thousands of dollars are brought
enterprises of this aectlon and to at ltd Charnelton are extensive deal­ ers will be found In their stock, and
aay that la always haa been eminent ers In Hay, Grain. Feed and Seeds. ; they are constantly In tonch with Into this section each, year through
ly fair and honest aa well aa progres­ Poultry Feeds and supplies. They their customers who have given it a : (he trade channels of this nouse. and
• a number of people are- also give«
sive and up-to-date and the reputa­ make a specialty of seed cleaning trial.
They make a special effort to serve employment at this concern. The fact
tion they huve won for themselves and also mix their own feeds.
To .successfully conduct a business the farmer and are glad to give him that their trade extends over all ad-
la an enviable one. They are one of
the leading concerns engaged In their of thia nature requires special study any advice or Information he desires I Joining counties, their special field,
special field of endeavor, and we and care In selecting the stock. on any subject pertaining to their brings new faces to the city in which
point out the advantages of doing Farmers are no longer satisfied to line, and as a result their business they are located.
In making this review of the on­
feed their stock any kind of feed, but has grown until they reach out !n
business with them.
ward progress of thia section of the
require a feed that has been tested every direction.
Their parcel post service la a con­ and Is of proven quality. This con­
Because of the great volume rf country we wish to compliment the
venient feature tor the residents In cern has given the question careful business transacted thru their exten­ admirable manner in which* the busi­
the surrounding territory.
study, and consequently Is aiding in sive wholesale establishments, be­ ness of this valued institution is op­
The business In under direction of the agricultural development of all cause of their up-to-date business me­ erated. and their progressiveness and
thods and the high quality of pro­ public spirited policies. We wish to
latter day ouslness men who appre­ the surrounding territory.
They handle a full line of feed, ducts handled this well-known con­ refer this establishment to all onr
ciate the value of good service as a
trade winner and they and th Ir aa- both imported and local, and have cern has gained for this sectlqn a readers as one of the distinctive fea­
soclatea are always willing an I anx- given special care in selecting it so commercial prestige as an excellent tures of the commercial efficiency at
loua to accommodate their patrona, f that It will give the tx-st results. Only market for retailers that could he this part of the state.
F. K. Seivers & Co.
IxM-ated In Kugene at 337 Olive 8t ,
are apeelallata In Plumbing suit Heat­
ing and nr« e*ulpp«-d' to do a large
volume of business In recent year«
more thought haa been glvin to sani­
tation than ever before II has b«<en
learne<l that modern plumbing, cor­
rectly Installed will leaaen the
ohanrea for sickness and Ihia compels
the sanitary engineer to be a man
of advanced Ideas and a thorough
knowledge of the laws of sanitation
Thia concern has given this busi­
ness the roost careful atudy and by
constant application and years of ex
perlence has become known as most
practical and competent In every
During their p«-rind of business
they have been culled to do many dif­
ficult Jobs «nd have Install««! hot
water, steam and other heating ays-
tema In many buildings and homes.
They have complete equipment to do
this work as It should be done and
pass over nothing
They carry in
stork all fixtures and appliances
needed to give thdr expert service
and you can go there and make your
selection before you buy.
The time |s past when those living
In the country and rural communities
cannot have the advantages that are
offered to elty dwdlere. Modern and
sanitary homes are becoming very
ed Increase In the number of pa­
This company Is known through­
out this section as one of the leaders
In the lumber business. The tremen­
dous prestige of their Immense vol­
ume of business, the experience of
yiars us Hie prominent firm in thia
line, the practical knowledge thnt
bus won for them the recognition of
the country at large and the patron
age of thousands, ull adds to the pro­
gress and prosperity of the commun
Ity In which their large anil modern
establishment Is located.
By reason of their modern facili­
ties they are able to furnish excel­
lent service and promptness and dis­
They are at all time« pleased Io
be of practical assistance to the
homebuilders. They Invite you to
talk over with them your building
problems—their building experience
enables them to furnish useful Info,--
■nation and sound cousel.
Tho contractors and hiulders, the
farmers and the people generally
have come to know that they can
depend on this well known firm for
Just about everything that there Is
In the lumber business. The reputa­
tion thut they established for stock
of quality and for straightforward
dealing is bringing thousands of dol­
lars to town that would go to some-
other trade center were this estab­
lishment not located here. It mnv
he truly said that this establishment
Is a valuable asset to the county, and
in this edition, which calls to mind
our onward progress, we wish, to di­
rect your especial attention to their
commendable activity as one of the
distinct features of our business and
Industrial efficiency.
Independence Creamery Co.
Located In Kugene at 61 Kast with every feature of the creamery. produce a brand of butter and Ice
. ,
. ,
. . a ' business.
-rir.nt of uniform high quality. At the
do un exclusive wholesale and .
The plant of this company Is a
of 'his company the producer
retail business In pastur ze. m 1. .
NHn|,nry institution and equip m cnintei's the most courteous treat-
cream. and manufacture their famous(pi>)| w)th |h(i v(.rv bes( o{ mod,,rn ms , m.nt and receive* more for his
brand of lee cream mid butler which (.|,,|lery and under the direction o l l cr*an* 'han would he paid If he had to
has been of such uniform qualify that latter day creamery men. We wish t d ' end on a smaller creamery for a
It has become known ns the nrlato give them the prominent p it* , which rar..ket.
The business Is under the direct­
crat of the dinner table. It Is of the their modern creamery merits as be­
highest quality and the housewife ing among the foremost concerns In ion of a latter day business man who
will take no substitute from her deal­ the county engagisl In this particular appreciates the value of gixul service
er. This Is a prominent sanitary field of endeavor. T he, are big con­ as a trade winner and he and his
Institution which has aided In the tributors to the progress and pros­ associates are always willing und
anxious to accomodate their patrons.
uphiilldliig of the community and ren­ perity of the community.
He has always taken an active In­
ders a valued and essential service
In the furnlalilng of the famous Ice and the consumer Is evidenced by terest In the development of bhe
cream and butter, which In the pant the large number of farmers selling country and is known as among our
years have enlarged their business to them and the fame their brand foremost citizens.
We wish to compliment the man­
and are admirably equipped to serve of products has attained. By reason
the wholesale and retail trade, which of the fact lhat they handle a large agement upon Its progressive and
th«»y Supply all over this section. A volume of businesF.. It can readily successful policies and to refer their
well-known concern under a manage be seen lhat this twentieth century establishment and Its products to
ment that Is thoroughly conversantorganlzallon also enables them toour reader».
It is a pleasure to have such a
Whose most modern Confe«?tionery delicacies are coffered that are invit-
common. It Is possible to have a* and Cafe Is located In Eugene at 996 '«>» and tempting to the taste of the clean and modern cafe as this to
refer the stranger and local people
country dwelling as «modern as any Willamette S t, Is one of the beauty most fastidious.
The local and traveling public has to. as good eating places are not
city dwelling and this firm special­ spots of Eugene. Their high grade
learned that this is a placs where the' common, anti at this place the food
ises on this work. Have an early quality candies have won commenda­
demand Is more than satisfied In oh-j is prepared in a very satisfactory
consultation with them and let the~n tion from people In Eugene and sur­ taining food. Courtesy is another out­ manner.
explain thelr’syatems to you and get rounding territory a» has their lunch­ standing feature of this place, as it Is j The proprietor has had years of ex­
their prices. They can give as refer­
eon service for it Is a common saying a pleasure for them to serve the pub- perience in the cafe business, striv­
ences many places where this work
ing to keep the service courteous and
to hear people say '•I’ll meet you at lie.
has been done satisfactorily.
The cafe business is a business prompt at all tftnes. The interior to
Peter Pan.”
We wish to compliment them
This well-known cafe has gained a within itself, and does not end with attractively decorated, pleasing to
and to assure our readers that If they name that has spread far and wide serving of fiMxl on the tables, but the eye and arranged for the general
are In. need of service of the highest as a place where the local and travel- extends to the cleanliness of the kit­ comforts of their patrons.
character thnt this firm does work ing public can more than satisfy their . chen and other plaes that are only
We wish to compliment them oa
lhat is reliable and that their prices demands for good wholesome foods : frequented by the manager and as- the standard of their caf? and do not
nee right and they need have no hesi­ The menu consists not onty of the sistants. where all silverware is pol hesitate to refer it to our readers aa
tancy In calling on them for any­ prime necessities of life, but many tshed and dishes sterilised
a good place to eat.
thing In their line
Walters-Bushong Lumber Co.
Located In Baffin* *t Fourth and
Pearl 8t . 1» one of the most popular
lumber concerna In this section doing
an extensive husin«'«« In I'tmber.
shingles. roofing, cement and build­
ing material. They also feature the
famous "Stieetrock," the fireproof
Their prices are right and quality
mid acrvlce the beat. I his Is a firm
whose high grade lumber has won
wide popularity «ml patronage for
the company at ull times. It Is a well
known fact that there Is no Institu­
tion In the community Hint hus met
■with greater favor with the public
than this well-known establishment.
By reason* of the fact that the man
agenient has had wide experience In
every feature of this business knowl
edge of every branch of the trade
this establishment wltneaaes contlnu-
Peter Pan Confectionery
Eugene Concrete Pipe Co., Inc.
Who are located in Eugene at 135 cero has provided modern and scien- for a "Greater Home Community."
This is a local concern, manufac­
Blair Blvd.. Is truly a heme concern tlfic tile and concrete pipe equip,
turing the best pipe and con cete
lhat manufactures high-grade pro­ ment.
As the world's greatest authorities products. I: has the best equtprr.’ot
ducts. including sanitary sewdr pipe,
drain tile, hallow wall tile, gypsum have approved the recent inventions and expert workmen. What we wish
partition »all tile, brick, blocks, and in all makes of equipment (hey have' to call onr readers' attention to. h w-
this) ever, is the duty to demand t! Hr
also feature famous shope water­ been immediately adopted by
proof patent face brick, reinforced company, and this coupled with the products—not only because it is
culvert pipe, and ventilated chimney maintenance here of one of the most j perior. hut It ;s a local concern :n<t
modern and up-to-date plants In this merits your support
In conclus’cn, however, we wish to
They make a specialty of hollow state. Is responsihld #■ r the vtery
concrete tile for building purposes satisfactory service rendered their state that the manager and assist­
which rend ir permanent use and fire­ patrons over the country, and for the ants have taken a commendable in­
proof class and are effo-'d at pric>s fact thnt every patron of the concern terest in all propositions that fuifier
a little more than if built of tempor­ Is also a loyal supporter and a con­ public improvements and that they
have been willing and anxious to a'd
ary materials. In buying concrete sistent booster for ,t.
in the growth and expansion of tde
products yen are assured of a per­
manency that does not exist in in­ sociates In the company been satis (-immunity at ull times. Therefore. It
ferior materials as there Is nothing fled with merely providing for the j has merited the popularity and lib ?•-
to rot. nothing to rust, and nothing ’ Immediate needs of the people of the;al «-«-port that is receives and «»
| section. With a broad vis'on of the! predict th»: when each town In
to decay.
There is probably no oth >r comm- future they have made Improvements community becomes a famous
unity of this size In the country that'w ith the view of greater expansion* tic--<lis this company will . ontl"’!«
Is better equipped In this respect. ' of their service and have been most' to minister to cur needs In the same
for this well-known and popular con- loyal supporters in the movements admirable manner
Gus L. Neely Tire Co.
Located In Eugene with shop nt motorists have marveled at the
9th and Oak St. do an extensive busi­ wonderful value offered.
You can't go wrong nn Ajax tires.
ness In tires featuring the famous
Those who have tested them out
Ajax tire.
The enjoy an ever Increasing pat­ have not only been pleased.- but also
ronage from Eugene and Springfield surprised at the extraordinary mile­
age obtained. You don't need to take
and surrounding territory.
This Is a latter-day business house either the dealer's or the manufact­
that determined when they opened urer's word for their superiority^—
their doors to the local public to ask anyone who uses Ajax tires and
see that motorists In this part of you will learn that they actually do
the country were given all of the ad­ stand up wonderfully under the most
vantages of metropolitan tire service grueling tests. Try them yourself
and positively there can be no ques­ and you will readily be convinced
tion they have succeeded. Through­ that they cannot be equalled.
It can readily be seen that this Is
out this section of the state this
place is known as one establishment one of the most important features of
where high grade tires are sold at the life of this section of the stats,
exceedingly low prices and manv and adds materially to the develop-
ment of the country. The fact that
visitors and local patrons can get
anything and everything in the line
of supplies and service at the met­
ropolitan institution brings new peo­
ple and new capital to the county.
The tire repair and vulcanizing de­
partment Is on par with the best in
the largest cities and Is prepared for
the very best of work in all branch«*
of vulcanizing and tire work.
'In making this review of our on­
ward progress we wish to compli­
ment them upon having not only sup­
erior products to offer their patrons
but also a superior service and one
that is ever courteous and satisfact­
(Continued on page six)