THP11HDAY DKCKMllKH 3», 192« T H E BPRÍNO nELD NEWS Classified Ads (SPYING Pit SELUNfc1 F d lt R E N T — Modern house on Kasi Muin Bt Heult furnished .Mrs. ( ’. L. II F<‘ H R E N T la r g e tract of good farm land near Hprtnitfleld. Cheap rent, a chance for a aond farm er Io make some money. I .and should be plowed thia w inter. Inquire News office. W atch repairing W o r k In to day 3 f l M a in s t done correct?/" Out tomorrow, GETRESULTS) CALL ANO BEE Or. f t W. Emary oo priest on plato and other work. If PAOE THREE TRAIN SCHEDULE Cascade L in s Southbound, leaves 7:60 A. M Daily. Springfield, OR B A L E — l ’a rre u ibeota. p rin t*, , and In stork a t the N ew * offlos Form editable for road, eonetrnetlea Northbound. Springfield at 2:45 P. work, aaw m llla. ate., w ith table la M. Dally. compute workman a compensation M ain U n e — Bus connections Here. and dednetlona. No e m p lo y e r «honte be wtthww* these f t u » when they Southbound C alifo rn ia trains, Eu­ gene at 1:26 A M„ 1:45 P M , 12.10 P. M . and 6:08 A. M Daily. OF H E A R IN G F IN A L ACCOUNT Northbound C alifo rn ia trains. E u­ In the County Court of the State of gene at 4:15. 2:17, 10:58 A. M. and O r e g o n ftac Lane County In tho m atter of tho Estate of John J. I * - * ® F - M . Lindsay, dsosassd. Southbound Oregon locals. Eugene Notice Is hereby given by the un­ at 12.25 A. M. and *:0 0 and 1:25 P. dersigned ad m in istrato r of said «sit- ate that by Ita order dated and filed j *•- on December 11. 1*2«, the above j Northbound Oregon locala. Eugene named court has appointed Jaunary Sm art Fellow at 2:25 and 7:35 A. M. and 3:20 P. M . 16. 1*27 at 10 o'clock A M at the | Postman: "H ere's a le tte r for yon chambers of said court In the Ia n » W endling T rains County Court House In the c ity of — It has a black border." Eaatbound mixed, a t Springfield, Eugene, Lane County. Oregon as the "Oh. my poor fath er is d e a d !" tim e and place for hearing objec 9:16 A. M "But you haven't read It y e t!" tlona If any to the final account of Westbound mixed, a t Springfield " I know, but he’s dead. I recoff- said a d m inistrator as made and filed 1:50 P. M. In said court on December 11. 1*26 nlze his h an dw ritin g.” F R E D H L IN D S A Y . A d m in istrator I o f John J* Lindsay, deceased. H a b it No W ay Out F R E D E S M IT H , A ttorney for Ad-1 Speed C o p:— "H ow fast were you m lnistrator. Sam was charged with theft and going?" D 16-23 30: J 6-1.7 the Judge was talk in g to him tn "Y ou 'll have to ask m y law yer N O T IC E FOR S A L K I'lano In storage, used C O M B IN A T IO N K IN O R A D IO — TWO only slk weeks, Latest Style plain Seta In One, Ixm g Distance Crystal < a/e Baldw in make. Sweet tone and Tube. You can get 'em all and responsive action. W ill sacri­ w ith th ia new wonder set. Have fice for Im m ediate sale. *10 per Money <1X00 set com plete 610 Od m onth If desired. W rite K. I). Pot­ C all T T Hurd, 1262 74 la w re o c s ter. 396 South 11th, Salem. Oregon HL Phone Eugene 1415. 1) 30: J 6 13: D » 16 23 30 Pf(, rfI , he 27th , 22nd day of Jaunary at the hour of Seixure of said personal property. I "F in e — what tim e w ill you hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon ttnd for surh other «nd fu rth e r re lie f! January 1927- and vou w ill ien o’clock In the forenoon of aald and th a t the same has been seized there?” of aald day. at the County Court as to the court may a e .m Just and nott<. . tha( |f fa „ to day. at the County Court room In thp as aforesaid, and Is being proceeded Room In rhe Court House at Eugene, proper * and - answ er o r plesd w ith in said tim e c ity of Eugene, ■ »tlgsV 11’ , V/l ~ A been z. x xx fix * ’» th * ’ um * 17 • * 1 the 20th day of January. 1927. offer to the owner or owners of any lands ' field. Oregon abutting thereon. the preference 5 \ enrolled a m for sale and sell, a t private sale, to c i zxza lv ¿A 4 <-^¿-4- in -v s the I b (i C i ' l le n e rk b s «• office vvs z* a .\.F s a lt sale ano sell. , , private saie ... docketed of D 16 23 30: J «13-27: the highest bidder for cash In hand. P ' ' " . court in said Countv on the 29th day the follow ing described real property, the highest price offered, provided o f N(,vember. 1926. and said exeew- E S T A T E O F A B R A H A M M IL L E R . belonging to said estate, to-w jt, such offer is made in good faith, also, tion to me directed commanding me DECEASED. The N orth H a lf of Flvp reserving to the Board the rig h t to : in the name of the State of Oregow, » | |„ order to satisfy said judgem ent. N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T (51 and Stx (61 In Block T ^ ”n »''-n ln e. Notice Is hereby given th a t Amanda 1 129) In Gross Addition to the C ity of 1 - interesL attorney's fees, costs of suit FI M ille r. A d m ln lM ra trlx of the Eugene. Lane County. Oregon as plaf- Said lands are R^ uatP^ *n and accruing coats to sell the hollow- fate of Abraham M ille r, deceased, has j ted and recorded. . . . . County, Oregon, and described as fo l-j ln g described real property, to -w lf: I T h e sale w ill take place and bids ¡lo w s: The North h a lf of the northw est filed In the County Court of the State Beginning at the corner to frac-1 q uarter of the southeast quarter, the of Oregon. In and for f-ane County, ! m ay be submitted to the said admin her final report as such a d m in is tra -1 Is tra to r at th e law o lllr» of Po tter £- tional Sections 19 and 20. on the onrth h alf of the northeast quarter _of ,n T I eff the Southwest quarter, the south trlx ; and that ten o’clock in the i K ing 961 W illa m e tte Street. Kugene. W est 16 S. R. 7 W . W illa m e tte M eridian, h a lf of the southeast q uarter of the Oregon. January, 1927, a t the Court room O H V A I, RASOR. A d m in istrator of and running thence along U. S. O or northeast quarter, and the southeast ernm ent Line, q uarter of the southwest Quarter o f thereof, have been by the Court, fixed the Estate of IT A. Rasor. Deceased. N. 59’ W . 8.00 chains the northeast quarter of section D 16-23 30: J 6-1.7 N 34’ 00' W 2 00 chains tw elve In Township nineteen south for hearing objectiens to said report N 57’ 00' W . 8.00 chains of Range eleven west o f W lllam ettsr and for the final settlem ent of tho N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T N. 28’ 00' W 1.59 chains M eridian. Lane County. Oregon, con- estate of said deceased Notice la hereby given that the un- East 4.96 chains to present lake> tainlng seyen'ty acres, together w ith A M A N D A E. M IL L E R . A d m ln ls tra -, (lerslgned, adm inistrator of the es­ the tenements, hereditam ents and ap­ trlx tate of Nancv Rutherford, deceased, shore, S. 60’ 00' E. 6.16 chains along pres­ purtenances thereunto belonging o r A E W H E E L E R . Attorney. has filed his final account in said es­ tn anywise appertaining. D I« 23 30: J 6 t,7 tate w ith the Countv Court of Lane j ent lake shore. Now, therefore. In the name of the 3 8.38’ B 3 06 chains along pres- County. Oregon, and the said Court S ta te of Oreuron, tn compliance w ith has set Monday the 17th day of Jan , on* >ake shore, N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S said execution and order of sale and N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N : T hat uary. 1927. a t 10:00 o'clock A. M as: S 62* 45' B. 4.50 coins along pres- In order to satisfy said Jurigaaeat, the undersigned, has been duly ap­ the tim e, and the Court Room In the 1 ent lake shore. Interest attorneys fees, costs o f suit pointed by the County Court of the County Court. House, in Eugene. I^»ne S. 41*64’ E 3.92 chains along pres­ and accruing costs, I w ill on Monday State of Oregon for the County o ' County, Oregon as the place for the ent lake shore. the 3rd day of January, 1987. at th« Lane as the a d m in is tra trix of the hearing of said final account. All 8. 49*26' W. 147 chains along pres­ hour of one o'clock, in the afternoo» estate o f L. A. Sm ith, deceased and persons having objections to said fin­ ent lake ehore to place of beginning o f said day. a t the Southwest fro nt persons having claims against al account or any p articu lar Item containing 6.16 acree. door of the County Court House, la said estate are hereby notified to thereof are hereby notified to filo the Applications should be accompan­ Eugene. Lane County, Oreson. offer present thp same to the adm inistra­ same w ith the C lerk of said Court on ied by check o r d ra ft fo r the amount for sale and sell for cash, at public trix at the office of E rank A. DePue, o r before the seld 17th day of Janu­ of hid and should be addressed to auction, subject to redemption as pro­ the attorney for thp pstate In Spring- ary. 1927. al 10:00 o'clock A. M G. O. Brown. C lerk of State la n d vided by law. all o f the right, title field, Oregon, properly verified, on or Date of the first publication of this Board. Salem. Oregon, and marked and interest, of said defendants, before alx months from the date of notice Is December 16. 1926 "Application and bid to purchase Adele W h itto n and F rank B W hitton. this notice. and all persons claim ing by tkroagh J A M E S R U T H E R F O R D , Adminis­ shore loads." Dated December 20th, 1926 Dated at Salem. Oregon. Novem ber o r under them or any or e ith e r of tra to r of the ro tate of Nancy R u th er­ B E S S IE H. S M IT H , A d m inistra­ ford, Deceased. them In and to »aid premises 16. 192«. FRANK E. TAYLOR Sheriff trix . G fl BROWN, Clerk of State I-anJ Gordon S W ells, A tto rn ey for Ad­ F R A N K A. DePU E , a tto rn ey for m inistrator. Igtne County. Oregon. Beard. the estate. D 2 9-16-23-30 N 16-28: D 2-9 16-23-30: J 6-13-20 D 16-23-30: J 6-I3