THURSDAY DBCBMRBR 30, 102« T ir a sP R iN Q p ra a j) news r AAB TWO Her» From Portland — F a r m • r Franklin of IMrtland wna hare for the holiday» visiting hla parents. Mr and Mr». W. F. U. Franklin of Reavey'a hop ranch. [ TOWN AND VICINITY JMMN In—Charles Jesssn of Wall | M n Williams III— Mrs. George WII •rrllle » a s a vlaltor here this week Ham of Rainbow Is reported to be HI. Hiss is Visitor— P 8 . Hills of J a s-1 per was a visitor here Tuesday. W altsrvills Man In— Marion Chase resident of Walterville. was a visitor In town Tuesday. Mrs. Laird Here— Mrs P. M. Laird of Pleasant Hill was a shopper In this city Tuesday. Brownville Man Here — William Fpaulin of Brownsville was a visitor here Monday. McKinzie In—John MeKinxIe of Oakridge transacted business in this city Monday. Vida Man Here— E N Rohart of Vida was a business visitor here Tuesday. Here From Leeburg—W H Craft of Lee bury was a visitor here on Tuesday. • Visit at Harvisburp— W H. Hawk and family went to Harrisbury on Tuesday to visit with relatives and friends. HOME DEMONSTRATIONS GIVEN BY 0. A. C. WOMAN Bartlett III— A K B a rtle tt is HI at his residejiee on F. street. The second of u »cries of food pre­ Toonallt Removed— Miss llonnie paration demonstrations will b gtv.'U Findley underwent a tonsil opérai* n Tuesday January 4 at Vida and Fri­ Monday. day. January 7. at W alterville by Has Operation — IXirothv tlirard Miss Lucy Case, nutrition specialist underwent a major operation at the of Ihe Oregon State Agricultural cel leg, Mrs. Florence Allen is chair­ Pacific Christian hospital Monday. man of the committee In charge ut Here From Jasper— M I.. Wallace V da and Mrs. Lawrence Millican at and daughter. of Jasper, were Spring W alterville field visitors Friday. A salad demonstration will be held Miss Case will give Return to Wendltng— Mr. and Mrs at 10 o'clock Rathbun returned to Wendling Mon ’ three talks. "Ilow to Kat and Grow day after visiting here for a few days. j Fat.” "Ilow to Eat and Grow Thin.” and "Planning Balance,! Meals for Vlaitoro from Goshen— Mrs G J i the Health of the Family " IX-Bos of Goshen as a Sprlnyfield , Meetings will also be held at Co-' visitor Monday. burg Wednesday and Lorane Thurs­ Inventory Taken— Inventory was. day. Each woman attending Is re-1 taken at Ihe Booth-Kelly Lumber | quested to bring a mixing bowl or pan. spoon and paring knife Also company plant this- week. plate, knife fork and spoon will be Visit From Corvallis— Mr. and Mrs brought to halls not equipped for Fred Roth of Corvallis spent the j serving meals. holidays in Springfield. Freealng Injury Io fnull trees I» recogulaed lu the spring by dead bark that usually has a sour smell and may crack and peel off. Il»» Oregon experiment station explains i he pt-e|lng tllacloses discolored Brief Resume of Happenings of cambium and »apwoisl black 'on pear trees. Or the hark may a,there the Week Collected tor and shrink at It dries oat. forming a sunken area Bomrtltn, s a new Our Readers. hark Is formed under the old. which scales off At other Hines the wood A meeting was held nt th Mill City Is killed while the cambium and garage Itiai Sal unlay night lot' D»u inner bark remain alve The sap- I u i - of ccgunltlug lb,- Mill City wood then grows a new cylnder. Gun - Sub. which covers a dead black or brown Eugene’s first Vmllo broadcasting heart. station i;. being luatatlod ai the i.u gene hotel and will In- In operation In FOR RALB—Carbon paper In large about ID days. Il win announced. sheets, 18x3* Inches, suitable to» R. Roux, fireman at the main Coos making tracings The tvews Officia Bay Lumber company mill, was killed when he was caught In an avalanche of sawdust and chips in the fuel bln OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST The Etig’-ne winden mills has an annual payroll ot $I0901M) and cm ploys X0 persons throughout the year, according to Carl Koppe, one of the ow ners of the plant PYROTOL USE TO BE of Clatsop county who fought for the SHOWN ON FARMS United States during the Spanish war will be erected on the Clatsop county The use of pyrotol. government 1 courthouse grounds next spring war explosive. In ditching and stum p-, Thirty eight government hui»- i s ing will be demonstrated on four worked In tiregon during the month farms next week by County Agent of November and took 3X9 coyotes, O. 8 Fletcher and F. E. Price O. A. 47 bobcats, cue bear, eight badger» C. extension engineer Farmers and eight skunks and 12 porcupines others wtth land clearing to do are The population of tiregon farms Invited to witness these demonstra­ decreased from 214.021 to 210.2XX In tions. Ihe five-year Interval between 1920 A demonstration in ditching and and 1925. according to supplementary stumping will be held on the H R figures from the rwnsas bureau Brown farm In the Mohawk vallev The Pleasant school house, one mile Wednesday afternoon. January 6. east of Silverton. was destroyed by Thursday a blasting demonstration fire lag’ week The Ore had gained will be given on the Ralph Lynch considerable headway before being farm near Lorane. discovered and all the content» were On Friday January 7 pyrotol use in lost. removing stumps will be shown on Alice Sanders, an employe of the the Marlon Elston farm east of Lea- burg A demonstration for Thurs state department In Salem. * U »er day. Jnunary 13. is planned on th»- Icusly burned when her clothing caught fire from a heating stove Lewis West farm at Trent. The burns were confined io her back and left arm For cleaning up wilt-infected po­ An order for 140.000 white coder tato stock in Oregon fields the three ' railroad lies has been received at plan method of mgutng is recommend­ North H«-nd from Japan The ordn ed as the most rapid, in a report by »III be filled by the Coos Bay Lumber Visitor Here From Medford— Miss From Longview — Mr. and Mrs M B. McKay of the experiment sta company and the Western White Co Harriet Newell of Medford. Ore., is Ernest Skinner and small son of tion. This method Is best used with dar company visiting in Springfield. She is a form­ Longview. Washington, visited at the a seed plot, by means of which wilt Central Point’s brick factory. Io er resident of this city, and has been Robert Sid well residence over Christ­ control can be had with the least rated on the Pacific hlghwuy at th, • guest at the Fred Frese residence mas trouble and labor. northern part of the city limits, and daring a part of her stay. which has been idle for some months Dine at Harrisburg— Or. and Mrs Application of stomuch poisons to, is expected to commence operation R P. Mortensen drove to Harrisburg Among Thurston Visitors — Jack plants for insect control has come within a short time. Harbert and Carl Carpenter were Sunday, where they dined with Mr 1 to be regarded In Oregon as most and Mrs. Fred Moddy. The Morten­ The Salem chamber of commerce among Thurston residents who trans­ satisfactory in dust form, says the, recently launched a movement to oh sens and Moodvs have been friends acted business in Springfield Tues­ experiment station entomologist tain a radio broadcasting station for for 20 years. day. Oust sticks to slick-leafed plants that city. The station would have a Out-of-Town Visitors— Among out- such as cabbage better than liqu’d. power of 10O watts and would serve Here From Riddle— Mr and Mrs. of-town visitors here on Fr'ilay wer- covers the entire surface more even both Marlon and Polk counties J. Elder, and sons. Allan. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Purrell and John ly and seem s to burn tender foliage The FourL hall at Westport, re­ Harold, all of Riddle. Oregon were Purcell of Wendling. Earl Deudmnnd less. It may be applied through a here this week visiting Mrs. Elder’s of Walterville. and Guy W iltse of coarse sack or cheesecloth bag, but puted the finest along the lower Co lumliia river, was burned to tip parents. Mr. and Mrs. 8 C. W right Marcola. a preferable way Is by means of a ground last week, with loss estimated commercial type of duster. a) $15,000. covered by Insurance. Re Return to Portland— Howard Blom Visitors From Portland — M i s s t '.Hiding Is considered probable and his sister. Mrs Ruel Marsh. Maude Gorrio and brother, T. C. Gor- At the first session held In six years Pollination of Ett-rberg straw- chlldren of Rev. and Mrs. Blom of the J rie. »"ere Springfifld visitors over the Baptist church, returned to Portland' week-end. They were at the home berrte- 121 by interplantirig of other the county treasurers of Oregon. num boring 15. reorganized their assn, ia Sunday aiter spending Christmas of their mother. Mrs C I Oorrie Sr varieties had no more effect on the tion at a meeting In Portland recently crop than self-pollination, in tests with their parents here. Mr Marsh Baby Son Born—A baby son was by re-electing foy president I). (I accompanied them on the visit to born to Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wetzel conducted by Oregon growers and the lirager of Salem, treasurer of Marie , xperlment station. Barrenness of Springfield. of Springfield Monday. -----------------------------------------F ---, ____________________ some of the terminal blossoms was county. Nine tracts of timber, located In a-crib d to defective structure of the Coos, Lam and Linn counties, wer» pistils. sohl at Roseburg liy the government land office In a -ah which aggregated approximately $82.000. All of th, tracts sold were originally Oregon and With grateful appreciation of all favors received by ns See a shc4w here New Year's California grant lands. Wishing You A Happy New Year I. - RAIMO « T A T IO N KOAC 2P0.7 M eter»; MX) W a lla ; Rchvdule for wWek of January », I MT. Monday — January $ « 3 0 1• .M1. Agricultural sit uni Inn reports. a u, P M Timely farm t iplcs, ; nt) P M Tin- rnnipu* reporter. < 15 p in 4 II Club activities 7:2® 1* M "1C, onoiulca of Ilog Pro- due tinti lu Or»son.’* Pi of. A W. Ollwr ; r- p M Ihmltry llrcndlng No |, l*rof A G Lunni X tin I’ M Strawberries Pi Oregon, No. I. Prof C E Kciiustnr. CALL AND KKK Dr N W Kmery on prices on plate and other work tf Eugene’« Largest Department Store Wishes All A Happy And Prosperous NEW YEAR Greetings of the Season To Our Many Friends Eugene Farmers Creamery EUGENE OREGON Bell Theatre and New T eat s night. DEC. - 31 — JAN. - 1 from you and for the priceless though intangible asset, your Good Will, which we prize beyond measure, we seek to merit your continued confidence and aim to serve you faithfully in the future. F. A. Patterson. »1. pioneer of Ore gon and father of Governor elect I. I. Patterson, died at his home In lnd< pi-ndence last week, deprived of th» pleasure of seeing his son ascend tc the highest office within the gift ol the people of the state. The board of regent» of state nor mal school», by a vote of five to four »elected La Grande a» the location fot Fourth and Main Streets the new state normal school which was created under a measure ap PHONE 63 proved by the voters of Oregon at the last gtnersl election. Opposition to the proposed plan ot I-------- . «!-— -------------— --------------- . establishing a game refuge for mule P M M a B M 8 8 H B B B B n e M « M M m m « t I »1»» H. ,iam w. W '-t'WltmkUHMMN - lull deer In western ,.ake county ha» been encountered among land owner SUNDAY ONLY — JAN. 2 of the district, who maintain that th» establishment of the reserve would W1UJAM rn r tend to dc, re«se property values. . '-I A long-distance telephone messag, Friends in business are as precious as friends in from John Maben, caretaker of Cratei social life. j Lake lodge, reports that the snowfall / A N D THE has reached a depth of seven feet With the dawn of a Bright New Year Sve feel a deep grati- five Inches In the Crater Lake Nn tude to our friends for their loyalty. tlonal purk The snow Is heavily packed and wns still falling steadily May we continue to serve you in a sincere spirit of cooperation and m utual helpfulness. Up to Inst week apple shipment, TUES. _ WEO. — JAN. 4 . 5 from Hood River had reachfsl 4041 Big ten reel show. Bring the whole family for 50c Tues­ cars, and estim ates placed remaining stored stocks at 550 cars. The re day night. mainder of the apples of first grad, late-keeping varletlea will be held fot Coming soon— the late market The pear tonnag» BUSTER KEATON IN shipped to date reached 481 cars. In d e p e n d e n t M e a t C o . May We Serve You In 1927 W IÓ J 0 N K I Ylhe i yCowBoy COUNTESS’ EGGIMANN’S "THE GENERAL" I 2nd - - Low Price Qualify Must Come First in all our Plans to Serve You. Low Price la Important, But Is Secondary to Quality. Low R asili« S tan d ard T im a . Meacham, midway between Pendle­ ton and lot Grande, was the coldest town in Oregon during the recent cold spell, the mercury dropping to 32 below. A monument In honor of the mam Here From Seattle— Mr. and Mrs Has Minor Operation— Howard Nel- Ernest Bartlett are here from Seattle eon of Wendiiny underwent a minor visiting his father. A. E. Bartlett. operation at a local suryeon's olliee Returns to Portland— J W. Craug- Tuesday. han returned to Portland Monday after spending the holidays with his Adenoids Removed— Adenoids were family here. removed from Nelvin Platt "of Thurs­ ton at a suryeon's office here Tues- Return to Salem— Carl and Delbe't Whitenack returned to their home at Salem Monday after visiting here for Leaves for California— LaVerne s short time. Newman left this week for Chico. California, after apendiny the holi­ Visits Mother—Dr C. G. Van Val- days with Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Turner. zah of Portland was here for Christ­ mas visiting his mother. Mrs Bernice Here Christmas Eve— Mr and Mrs Van Valzah. 6am Montgomery of Notl spent Christmas eve at the Fred Frese resi­ California Visitor»— Mr and Mrs. dence. John Neher entertained their son and daughter from California over Smith Returns — Justice of the i the holiday week end. Peace R. W. Smith has returned to i the city after visiting over the holi- Mrs. Emery Return»—Mrs. N. W days at the residences of his four Emery Is back from Portland where daughters in Portland I she visited for a few days with her sister. Returns to Reed> pert— Carl Sen| aenay. who spent Christmas here | At Kester Home— Floyd Kester and visiting relatives, has returned to »rife of Marsbfi Id visited at the E Reedsport where he is employed by E. Kester home here over the Christ­ the Southern Pacific company. mas week-end. ----- Price W ithout Good Value Would Indicate • Cheapness. Note the Difference.