c ul O. uhra ry Wishing You All A Happy New Yea» THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWKNTY-TIIIKD YEA’l SPRINGFIELD. I j ANE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY DECEMBER 30, 192« IS MABE DURING YEAR ^ NEW OFFICERS WILL TAKE OATH TOMORROW New d ty officers will be sworn In at a special meeting of the city coun­ cil to be conducted tomorrow night. Recorder Ira M Peterson and Coun- 1926 Ends With Springfield Climen W I’. Tyson and G eorge. Reaping Dividends F r o m W*ewart will begin regular service to the city on Janunry 2. Time and Effort Devoted to It W. Smith. who haa been serving Community Activities; Bank­ aa recorder, will open offices In the ers Optimistic about 1927. rooms which have been occupied by the law offices of Mr. I’eleraon. In Springfield ships Ita »«-ill ucroas the Commercial hank building ad the closed aeiiiunla of 1928 with a , Joining the -poslofllce. Mr. Smith reallxntlnn of «i nerniis dlvklomla i will continue a» Justice of the peace, from tim e and effort devoted to vari­ and will handle Insurance and real ous phaaea of civic progroaa. In-fi . eatate, according to announcement nil«- forward steps hav«« bean taken I today. In many lines of activity, ranging W (I Hughes will be swornlnas from school, church and dub work j city treasurer, for hl» new term to to bualnes and Industrial develop-, which he was elected 111 November. meat. TbU waa pointed out by various« The Cha in her of local men who Inlay surveyed the th«* community. year’» activities and discussed the I i ’oiniiiHr«»» I him hud nil active year. prospecta for the future. Not only i Mini bun I mmuim I RD uttrautlvc booklet. was the year viewed a» a successful A Nuttofiiil Guard milt bun been «'Mt 'I'b»* town «»IhtlulM have unn. but eonttileuci- wan expressed In ' abllnhod mude a definite move toward r«vln- another atid better year In 1987. "The general business situation Ion of the old «-barter, und Hprfntr , during 1928 ha« been gratifyin g.' t field will noon ba th«* city of Spring-, »aid (’. K Kenyon, cashier of the held. A bond I nmm «' providing for th«* Commercial State Monk "The agri purchaue of n«'w. rtreflKhtlnjc e* «»siting new licenses to be i»-, yent has exreeded that of many years WEEK AFTER VACATION husbands nr wives and rhtldren history the years that have gone before. Throw aMay the aued January 1. past This, he said, could be account Mr and Mrs. C. O. McBee Application for license No. 1 has i hatchet along with the 1926 calendar. ed for by the presence of many work­ Public schools of the city will of Goshen with their son, Floyd: Mr. been made by Mra. Maude Bryan. gume work next followtng s men here duilng railroad and water and Mr« Wayne McBee, of Goshen; I With the faults and the failings of past years be done. This who seeks the first tag for her alre- Tacatlon of , week and a haIf n , ^ wanrhs development That further de­ Mr. and Mrs E. W McBee of Glen , is another year. dale. The license tags have not yet weeks remain thlg t e s t e r . thrlx McBee, who ha« «■'■■"—- owners are expected to apply for He-1 work business here, said Mr Hughes. BRIDGE GROUP WORKING recently returned lo Oregon fro m , JOHN BUSHMAN CAR IN CM D .C U T C F W A V PI AN r f ' *’ 800i" iaiter the flr8‘ Of ,h < The public school board will « « - Cox OptlnMstle Canada lo live: Mr and Mra Phil' COLLISION AT POINT ON RIGHT-OF-WAY PLAN I year as possible. . duct ,tg re(fu,ar mepting , t the 11. J. Cox. president of the Cham­ Fuul of Springfield with their three j w ber of Commerce nnd councilman Last yar 50 tags wre purchased.! hall on Monday nighL Several mat- sona. Kermit, Robert and Donald; AutomnW|e , driven bv John Bush- Acquirement of a right-of way for during the past year, made the fol­ Mr and Mr. Fred Cline %f Spring-1 ,,f ,„ p SprlngfleW Mln and Grain the approaches to the new W illamette but not all were Issued. There are | tejs of interest are to be discussed. said to many more than 50 dogs In according to V. D. Bain, super!»* lowing statem en t: field with their daughter. Bernice; I Company and | ^ u| Smith of Medford river bridge at Springfield is demand- "It la gratifying to realise that Springfield, however. A drive on un- tendent. Mr. and Mra. George Stewart of were badly damaged In a collision at Ing the attention of the bridge com Sprlngfl-lil Is making civic, comnier __« . . _ ... . . . . ... i ------------- ------------ licensed dogs was conducted bv no- During vacation Judgment wag Sprlngfleld with their three children. - Jlldklng p^ nt last Thursday night , m lttee of the Chamber ofCommerce ,jce ,agt ypar rial nnd Industrial progress, and with n nridd given on the essays submitted in the Lucille and (Jessie; and Mr Smith, who was traveling to Port-' and Lions Club. Th ecommittee Is backbone as well as wishbone this: Christmas essay contest for inter­ and Mrs. D. II Kimball of Oakridge. , |#nd for (h(, holidays, was surprised working in this connection for the cun continue indefinitely. . VASBY GOES INTO REAL class rivalry. Margaret Swarts v u j by Ice on the pavement at the point state highway commission, which last “The citizens who have and are awarded first prize, winning for th» ESTATE BUSINESS HERE and his car went Into a tail spin. At week decided to build the new span giving their time and effort In our MRS. REBECCA CRAWL sophomore class five points in the that moment Bushman rounded th«’ across the river at the foot of Main community's behalf fully warrant our DIES AT BEND HOME and was Unable to keep his street. ’ WiU,am Vaab>' Springfield busl- American Legion cup competition. sincere appreciation and support. I —— - ! ®®r v e - Hannah Shidler, senior, was award­ from crashing Into the! Members of the committee will In ”es8 nian' has Pur< based the realty “Before we go to bed tonight, let’« •’»'«•h came early Sunday morning machine tervlew property-holders with regard, ^ S,ne!'8 ° f * F Plowers and wi" ed second place and Audrey Shnltx, to Mrs Rebecca Grawl. former res! whirling Medford car. ask ourselves if Springfield Is any Smith took all the blame for th e ! to the prices asked for the rights-of- ' ^ ’M8' >s"'" Jar"‘«r> 1 Mr. freshman, won third. bdf«r off because of our having lived ll,'n* of Eugene, Marcola, Wendling. accident A wheel was broken a way within the next few days. It Is | ' asb> wi" (On,lnu‘‘ reaIt>' b“a'“e s , another year." I wbo b“ 1' been living for some time In the same office, which afljoins his 12 YOUTHS A P P E A R IN Support to the asaertlona of the Bend. Mrs. drawl was R2 y e a r s, tire blown out and other damage understood. It is pointed out that paint shop. bankers and Mr Cox concerning t h e ,d “ U'Lthe grandmother of C lay-¡done to the Bushtnan car. ; the less money spent on the right-of- COURT TODAY; LECTURED Last year 50 tags were purchased I city'« business prosperity la seen In ,on F »«rbor. accountant in the local' On TllPMdaV- Wayne Elliott of Cres-1 wa>'' ,hp m‘>re can be pu‘ int0 tbe by Mr. Vasby. among them the con- Accused of trespassing on proper- figures on postal receipts for the ” ""'b K‘'»-v «"<' Thad Barber. W(.u r,lportpd (o the , hat hp bridge structlon of a new front on the build- ty rented by Forest Fritts. 12 Spring­ year, which show an Increase of 10 nlM" " Springfield resident. I drove hlR automobile into a n o t h e r ! --------------------------- ing which he leased from Mrs. Chas, field youths underwent a severe lee- fa r rent over those hf 1925 Funeral services will he conducted ma(.htnP on Maln gfrpp, nPar second WATER TURNED OFF AS Fisher of Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. ture in Justice R. W. Smith's court Reports of municipal officials show at 2 o'clock on Wednesday at the He declared that he had Just round-1 WORKMEN REPAIR LEAK Flowers will move to their summer today and were dismissed after sign- that collections have exceeded all I " alker parlors. ed the corner from Second street, and ' resort tract near Coburg bridge. Ing promise.« to the effect that they other years here. Many collections MrR- Orawl fam e to Lane county K|anppd back when the collision zWater in the central part of the would keep off Fritt's property hence­ nn old nnd almost ohsalete assess- j 20 J,ear" nK"' ■nd ls well known h e r e .! pnmp city was turned off yesterday w hile' B E R T SNOOK BREAKS forth. She Is «»rvlved survived by three children: j m eats have been made, or the pro- ^b,‘ employes of the Mountain States The 12 lads were hailed into coart perty sold and the uatter cleared up 1 a' Grawl of Arlington Milt Graw l j ARM CRANKING ENGINE S tart Junior Church Power Company repaired a serious; when Fritts charged them with going of Wltohlla. Kansas, anil Ida Bell Here is a table of city collections fori leak which had developed in the Barber of Henil. While cranking a gasoline engine onto his rented property east of the year up to Dec 1. Junior church will be Inaugurated Main street main In front of the valuable . I iin u a r v yesterday Bert Snook, of Springfield, Springfield and r i d i n g 922 84 at the Methodist Episcopal church Huntly Delicatessen. sustained a broken arm. Both bones horses without permission. He said February .... ................... ....... 1766 80 PASSING OF YEAR T O BE Sunday. The children’s services will The supply was off for several that all efforts to keep the boys off March 153« :t'l be held at the regular churc- hour, hours, la was necessary to cut a were fractured. WATCHED BY CHURCHMEN April 3313.05 Snook has been back from tho heretofore had been futile. Justice with Mrs. W. H. Pollard In charge. hole through the pavement in ord«r M .iv 19.714.8 l| veterans Hospital at Portland only a Smith told the boys of the evil of W atchlnght services will be con First assistant Is Miss Elizabeth to reach the leaking tube. .lim e short time after a confinement of six j their ways, and demanded reform. He 7019.88 dneted New Year's eve at the Spring-! H,,’tb<'*’ T,',> «orvl-e will he similar July months. He has been employed a t ' said that on notice of further offense 2815 48 np)d |, apt|gt ,-hurch. and will replnce , *° ,b,‘ »«"lor meeting G ratitude Expressed August ..................................... the Head Construction company, con­ he would find it necessary to turn 419.70 , hP ,,g,,„| midweek services. T h e 1 Children from eight to thirteen September ............................... tractors for Eugene's new water sys­ the matter over to the Juvenile court. 1105.28 meeting will start nt 8 o'clock, and v’‘ars of a’"’ or "n «hove the prl- Gratitude to Springfield members October ................. 3454.29 continue until after midnight. mary. are eligible to attend the ser- of the American Legion Auxiliary tem, and it was while working f o r : ^November .......... 915119 -pho Epworth le a g u e of the Me vlce*' Worship, memory work and was expressed by patients at the that concern that the accident oc- j POSTAL RECEIPTS JUMP Im provem ents Noted pWiodlst Episcopal church will hold a , »*11 characterize the meetings. Veterans Hosptlal. No. 77 of Port- curred. TO RECORD FOR YEARS Among noteworthy Improvements I 1>ar, y whlar A general social t,hp ypar of ,bn Methodist church will ma()p by Mrg M B HllntIy presl-j ed to $8315.28 at Christmas time, ac­ railroad bridge, removal of th . car time is planned by the young people's h" ‘’""lucled by Rev. a R C haney., of |hp auxlllary. Thp vetPrnnJ tracks from Main street. Installation organization. ....................... tonight at 7:30 ....... were especially appreciative, she. Tbe the superintendent, K' Th°mPson residence was cording to figures compiled unofflclaL of an ornamental lighting system. oth er walchnlght parties arc to be o'clock. said, of the wheel chair given to the ,hp srenp of " hapPy re d»*"" Christ- ly by Postmaster F. B. Hamlin. A tarrying on of an extensive side walk conducted In various parts of tho Children second flooi. Mra. Huntly visited at I mas mas day. da' Children of of the the couple survey of the entire year hv month« building program, extension of water ! city, and a general round of noise, Visit at Corvallis—Mr. and Mrs. F 8t. H elen’s. Hillsboro, Astoria and present were Mrs. Grace Roberts, and quarters is being made hy Post­ mains, and similar activities. Tw