J it W’ T H K 3P R IN 0P IK L 1) N1CW8 Lane County Farmers Union News OFFICIAL PUBLICATION LAN« COUNT* UNIT r»O. 14 • • • • • • • FARM REM IN D ER S • O FFICERS OF LANE COU NT* • By Special • FARM ERS’ UNION • --respondents • C W Allen. Vida. P resident Costs i f handling early lam bs on • W l. Saale, Eugene, Vtce- very good and very exciting on Tuesday of last week »«« brought ta m e s of hu- ke tb«It were played at 'lo r e T hursday. p* im ent station rep o rt says Some • to r th e P leasant 1011 h '-h seh o o l gym­ invest m eat for sheds for lam bing • H H Sm ith. Eugene, Doorkeep- nasium last FrM ay when the girl« tin; is needed, but th ese ex tra cos’s • er. TH U R STO N a te com pensated by slightly larg er • O. L C lem ent. Wa te rrllle . Chap- . and boy» team s of W alker high ' school and P leasant Hill high school lam b crop, heavier iam bs, and usu al­ • lain. Mr unit Mr« Ed Baxter met. The balcony of the gym nasium W endltng -pent the w eekend ly a bet!< r price. was packed with e n th u siasts who re Mr. B axter pioth r ; reived many a thrill during the Changr’ in the site of Oregon dairy My and -\ti C urtis Price a ' gam es W alker »«» well repr« s< n. P erry Brice w o a r c att< lidillg I- A herds is having som e effect on th e ' ed and did som e splendid rooting. | P at C orvallis arc spending h d l ’sv» tren d of th e industry, the experim ent The studentbody of th e ’’le a s m t here. station finds. In the coast d istric ts ! lllll high school u n d er the leader herds w here n a c fin e ry is av ailab le A i-well W eaver left last T hursday ! ship of Bob Monson gave many good for K lam ath Falls. a re increased to maximum carry in g veils and songs. The girls' score was site for the farm In the W illam ette T here was no school the last few Things You Should Know ' a tie 29 to 29 The team s w ere even ilavs last week in the prim ary grade m lle y herds on strictly dairy farm s , ly m atched and put up splendid as th e teacher. Ml«« Dorothy Travis, a r - also being enlarged, but h erds b asketball both displaying tr im took the te a rh era exam ination In E u­ carried as sidelines on general farm s work and quickness of action. The gene. or track farm s a re no more than . boys’ game was nip and tuck through Mr. and Mrs Felix S parks from holding th e‘r own sixe. ‘ out th e en tire struggle. The calm Blue River spent the past week en I ; d elib erate team work of th e W alker »1th th eir son Arch Shoiigh Clover failures In the Pacific n o rth ­ y-. < ._____ 1 boys was offset by th e fast short S anta C lara basketball learn played w est a ' wn by rep o rts of the by John Joseph Gaine», M. D . passes of the Pleasant Hill offensive. the T hurston team Iasi Thursday Oregon ex; rinient statio n to be in- Many sen satio n al long distance evening »m the local floor. T h u rs­ c reas'n g rapidly. Among the reasons Vaccination. i baskets w ere throw n by the W alker ton won. assigned for the failu res are de­ W ith th e approach of w inter, Rev T urner from Eugeni la apend center. The close of the game show- creases! soil fertility, use of poor s-e;(. disease and insect injury, ad- comes th e possibility of w in ter con­ | ed both team s had a score of 23 lug thl« week In T hurston. tagion, and th e prevention of such Maude Russell, who Is attending Five m inutes m ore was pluyed and ve.-se clim atic conditions, poor cut everyone had eonceedcd the gam e to N ormal at Monmouth, Is »pen ling ' tn ra l p ractices an d lack of inocula­ seem s a very ratio n al th o u g h t at th is tim e. We know th a t Je n n er W alker when C larence Monson holidays with her parent« Mr and tion w as a hundred y ears ahead of his bouncing the bull the full length of Mrs Fred Russell. tim e when he gave the world its Jay (¡rant from C orvallis 1» A C th e floor made a bask-1 In the last Each y ear new crop» gathered bv m ost valuable preventive o f sm all­ half m inute of plnv. m aking the score ind M arjorie G rant from MmiinHlt' explorers and in v estig ato rs in many pox. Only within the la s t ten or 28 to 27 in favor of P leasant Hill As N orm al a re spending llie holidays p a rts o* th e world, an- sent into Ore­ fifteen y ear- have vaccines been ex ­ th e P leasant Hill team is p ractically with th e ir parents. Mr and Mrs gon. The experim ent statio n , seed tensively used fo r th e prevention a new team , th e patron« of th e school C harlie G rant. com panies, and plant breeders are o f o th er fq o ally serious diseases. Haxel Kdminston. who 1« allending were delighted with the results. Introducing and d v elo ricg new- Vaccines have alm ost obliterate»! N orm al at A -hland. and Maud* Ed rropa and Improved varieties The R ooters < aps of yellow and purple, minstou. who 1« atten d in g P. of o . typ C r-gon farm er is t*'U« able to “try each hearing the Initial of Its owner, In I'ugt ne. are spending the holiday.» tdge in sanitary precautions. kr.o o u t“ many crops tfca’ may or may One of th e most dreaded diseases urrived Friday Dt cam ber 17 -q time at th e ir home here. not be of value to him. Many of kr.own today is scarlet fever. for th e W alk er-P leasan t HUI hasket- H -rold Baugh from Eli <• n th “se crops are of little o r no value. C hildren anyw here n ear a case of Mr. and Mrs M. E Hays of Q ardln- spent the week end at John Price’«. th is terrib le infection should be . er. Oregon, art- spending a few lavs M erit R enter and Mrs. Edwin B ern­ E xhibits a t f » - h- bo - and g irl-’ vaccinated bv a good physician h ard t an I d au g h ter from Cushman at P leasant HUI visiting friends. club m em bers at? regarded by R. C w ithout, delay. T hey atten d ed th e C hristian E n­ spent Tin «day night at John Eilmln«- Seym our, s ta te club leader, som e­ I believe th a t influenza can be deavor C hristm as party S aturday ton. w hat as th e sto rek eep er's window prevented by the tim ely use of night. Em ployes of Eugene Pow er ; hint displays F w persons recogniz? the good vaccines; 1 vaccinated tw enty- a re placing the poles for electricity A fter a w eek's sickness Miss ■vast am ount of work and care back five p atien t- luring the epidemic to he Installed here in the n ear fu of th e exhibits. S tartin g several of 1918, ar.|c» The Southland w inter «how will be held shortly Nelson I» »ending three cockerels and Ihr*«» pullein to the exhibition • Cloverdal»— Second and Fourth ’ Friday«. Cloverdale School House • C resw ell First and Third Tues- ■ days, Croswell. M W of A Hall. • Coast Fork Recoud and F our’ll 1 T hursdays. Farm Union Hall Danebo— F irst Tuesday, Danebo ’ School House Doreuii Second and Foulh Tues • days. Dureila Churoh 1 tladleyvllle First and Tin».I ’ T hursdays, Haill»‘yville School • lleceta First Sunday of each ’ m onth. H erein tkchool llnu»e J a s p e r—Second ami F ourth Wed ’ nesdays, «V <• W Hall, Jasp er L orane Second and Fourth ’ Wcdn< »Jav* I O, t F Hall, 1 Mt Vernon F irst and th ird 1 W ednesday Brnsf.eld Store v Silk C reek M eets F lrsl and Thrid T hursday at Cellar School House S pencer C reek—Third Friday. Pine Grove 8choot House. T rent —Second and F ourth Wed nesdays P leasan t Hill High School Bldg S ecretaries will please send In tim e and place of m eeting anil changes of d ate as they may oc­ RADIO STATION Ktl.AC 290 7 Meter»; WO W atts; Pacific S tandard Tims. P ro g ra m for week of Decomber ?#. 197«. M onday Decsmbor 27 ? tr» |i in • II t ’lub ai-llvltl-a 7 30 I’ til "T he R id ('lover Situa tilin. ' l*rof (1 R llv s lip 7: U n m •'Fou ine R hubarb for Early Mark eilng and Home V»e." Prof A 0 Itouquet. X (HI P nt I’rtui l|d»-s of pruning. No Î Prof W S Brown M U p in "T he Place of S ulphur »I M anagem ent Dr W L cur. R eturn From P ortland— Dr. and M rM Kuflrmo K estr r have retu rn ed from a abort v u n in I'nrtland «Kb Mr. « ml Mr*. E Q Ja rv is Seavey In— L«r S« uve1 war a Spring th l I •»■«■■■■»■»BssgBncwsBSMn a -w . NEW GROCERY and Floral Shop I wish to Announce the opening of a new Grocery Store and Floral Shop in my building at 216 Main Street. Call and look over our Stock. THOMAS McKINMS, Prop. A Few Suggestions From the 3« Store of Practical Gifts S T O R fc fi . BreierCi IN THE W I S T 6th and Willamette Store 11 Give Warm Blankets $1-85 to $12.50 Eugene, Ore. w )recialed- T hf gift of dainty lingerie I h the Ideal one for m other, wife, or "best girl.’’ L "t uh «how you these pretty things of— Ituyon z and Sheen In bloomers, step-ins m- Ise and com binations. Soft pastel colors, som e con tru stin g trim s, some fancy edges. Colorful Gift Kerchiefs Crepe he Chine with gold m etal lace edges; hem stitched Irish linen; color­ ed pure linen with fancy cut­ out edges; white kerchiefs with co n strastln g applique co rn ers; colored silk with white lace edge; printed p at­ terns, and dosens of other novelties. S 1 /iS - 5 ................ ^ 4 - «A»'