TIH'KShAY l ’Kt'EMUER 23, 192« n THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE SEVEN Kay ______(Continued from page 2) her waved this aside, as I knew I i» t honor and inteygrlty were part ¡ft his fine character which I had gr iw e OR S A L E — Payroll abeats. p rin t» nod In atorx at the News nffloe T u lle r Back— Louts T u lle r la bark to knww intim ately from my associa­ Form vuP.abla for road, construeUos a fte r aoveral weeks apent at the tion with him In the shop work, sawmills. etc., with table Southern l*a«lhi hospital at San The late afternoon sun fell la compute w orkm ans rom pentatlos y*ranele. o. T u lle r Injured hla shoul­ slanting rays through the panes -jf and deductlnna. No employer ahona», I crowned T ha n k fu l'« be w ith e r* »he»« f -r,i» when they der aome time ago. Hla Injuries are leaded glass. Improved and he 1« able to return soft h air w ith an aureole of light to work. “Look, a 8 a in t CeelU a!” thw notice O F IIE A R IN C F IN A L >* It K E N T laug e Im e t of good FOR SA LK A good Ford touring young Cossack nodded to wb *-,-<» ACCOUNT C O M B IN A T IO N K IN O R A D IO - T a o Io the County Court of the State of farm land near Hprlagflchl. Cheap ¡ __ ____ T hankful sat, in prouil d ig nity * r- car. driven 137«! miles 404 C at.. I S»-la In One, Long Distance Crystal Oregon Itc Lane County in tha I -NOTICE O F F IN H E '.R IN G rent, a than»« for n . ....d farm e r to ' Ing her new-fonnd love, and .'q< Kprlngllelil. Oregon |) g.ja , noattar of the Estate of John J. j Notice ta hereby given that the ur» atul Tub»- You cjm get ’em all malte sum»* money Ijttid should Lindsay, deceased. deralgned. M ary Jane Z im m er haa over he placed his lips very g -rrtly w ith thia m w wonder awl Rave 1»« plowed thia w lnter. 1 «quire FOR S A L E Good building lot In I Notice la hereby given by the un died the final account of her admin against the spot o f dancing cold. It Money 218.00 set complete 210 0»l News Utile«. deralgrn-d adm lnlatrator of aald eat- Istratlon of the estate of F rank J was tru ly a gesture of one who had Springfield or will trade for Eugene I C all T T Hurd. 12621k M w r e m e at« that by Ita order dated and filed Zim m er, Deceased, and th a t the properly Address W, Newa offle been born close to the throne. I W a ll h r* pairing Untle c o r re r ti. on Decem ber 11. 1926 the above County Court has fixed December St Phone Eugene 1415. D 9 16 23-30 turned away and »0 engro«se»l wens W ork lu today— Out touiiirro w n am ed court ha» a p p o in ted Jaunary 24. 1926, at 10 o'clock A. M a t the lin v t D 9 16 23 30 15. J927 at 10 o'clock A .M at th - Chamber of the Court in the Court they in th e ir mutual adm iration th a t 331 M ain sL tf. l o l l S A L E A *700 Schuhort Player FO R S A L E - 500 Steel Handpower chambers of aald court In the I-a n - House, Eugene. Oregon, an the tim e . they did not know when I had goaa. MM ■ 11 1 *9a*a9»W W W »* -saw«-* . » -. Plano for 2275. Phone 6SF6. 1» County Court House In the city of and Place when the Court w ill ex - "Curtiss 7" we sat looking over Htum ppullem 230 <*a»'b Horae OarrwtCa Old Tim a Danes« Eugene, la»n<* County, Oregon aa the amine and allow said final accou nt.! power 275. Autom atic Oates. Hand tim e and place M idway E very Halurday Night for hearing objec-1 and aaalgn the residue of said ca­ Shades Mountain where a grou* o f FREHII SW E E T GRANGER W ullborera. W aterw heels. 1113rd tions If nny to the final account of t* * * - AI1 peraona Interested therein bright stars did a sarsband for ” >• Dream land Hall. t.ug»ne Every Fresh Swa-ei Grange» 23 per box of benefit of a pale, thin moon th a t Av»*., Renton. Wash. tf. aald adm inistrator as made and filed may Io- heard at that tim e T ursday Night Tickets 76c I Adle» three hundred large else M A R Y J A N E Z IM M E R Executrix. B o s -s ! In aald court on December 11. 1926 hung by a gossamer thread lr a Free 8. D. A L L E N , A ttorney for Estate. E H E I) H. L IN D S A Y . Adm inistrator larger than standard alxe. Sound ' ROOF R E P A IR IN G muted violet sky. of John J Lindsay, deceased. N 25: D 2-9-16 23 fru it and satisfaction guaranteed o r 1 "Y»*s. Sw eetheart." For Roof Repairing call 2325 J F R E D E S M IT H . Attorney for Ad­ K i l l SAtJS—Carbon paper is large money back. W e pay express charge» R E G IS T R A T IO N O F L A N D T IT L E I bad Just finished telling- b !m tb« Eugene, and get reaulta. I T. Ixximla. m inistrator atícete, $6x39 lochos, suitable tot A box of these makes an appreciated N O ___________ D 16-23 30; J 6-13 story of Thankful and Captain T experienced and perm anently located making traelnga T b . newa nffloe Christmas g ift Remit with order. " It certainly Is a good th ’wg tn a t IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E tf N O T IC E O F F IL IN O O F F IN A L A C M E G R A N G E FA R M S . S T A T E O F O R EG O N FO R T H E these lovers are going to relieve naw ACCOUNT COUNTY OF LA N E notice of filing of final / I.«Orange, Texas. if. ' of that shop.’’ N O T IC E is hereby given that the In the m a tter of the application of SUM M ON8 ACCOUNT "Yes. I know You were tired ■»< IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E und-»raigni-d a d m in istratrix o f the James W . Seavey, against M ary B N O T IC E la hereby given that the FOR S A L E OR T R A D E — New 5 room S T A T E O F O R EG O N FO R L A N E estate of George W Spore», deceased. Ellison and all whom It m a r concern It. w eren 't you dear?” enderatgio-d A dm inistrator of the house In Eugene. Hath, toilet built- C O U N T Y has filed h er final account w ith the to register the title to the following "Uh-huh. but that wasn’t a ll." I estate of John T W llllnnia. deceased, W illia m Donaldson and Helen Don­ County Clerk of Ij»ne County. Ore- described land« and premises to-w lt: couldn't have gone on «*-en If Ud in» and hasi-ment. tin jxv«*d street baa filed hla final arro u n l with the gon. and that by order of the County j Beginning a t a point th ir ty feet County Clerk of t.an« County, Ore­ and car line W ill take vacant lot aldson. hla wife, plaintiffs, vs., H A. Court of said County, Saturday, the north of the southeast corner of the wanted to.” I pot mv head against gon. and that by order of the County or lota In Springfield as first pay­ W ashburne and M ary Waahburne, hla Rtii day of Jaunaiy. 1927, at the hour Jacob Halstead D L C. No 47 In hie shoulder "Curtiss, «an t you Court of the »aid County. Saturday, wife. James C larke and Ethel Clarke, ment and give easy term» on bal- hla wife, Thomas W halen and Jane of ten o'clock A. M at the court room section 26. tow nship 17 south, range gue«s?" t»w Ith day ol January. 1927. at the H e tilted m y face up tow-ard him anoe l«r|,-e 23150 Address X- Doe W halen, hla wife, or If deceased in th<* Court House In Eu„ene. I^ane 3 west o f the W illa m e tte M eridian. hour of t*-n o r lit» k A M at the rourl County. Oregon, has been fixed as the thence west 567 80 feet; thence north room in the Court House in Eugene. News Offlea. th e ir unknown heirs. Owen Mathew» w ith both his hands and gaxed deep tim e nnd place o f final bearing upon along the east side of county road Ia n » County. Oregon, haa been hied and Jane Doe Mathewa. hla wife, or aald final account and for the settle- 2833 feet thence ea»t 564 67 feet to Into m y eyes. aa the tinti. and place ,,f final I,, nrtng If deceased, thid r unknown heirs, and ment of said et-tato the east line of said claim and thence "M y d a rlin g !” he whispered, “ to S U M M O N S apon »aid final account an.! for final Also all other unknown parties who, IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O E T H E AH persona havi.ig objection» nt » uth 2833 feet to the place of begln- It. can It be?” have or claim some title, estate. H e n .' settlem ent of said estate »aid final account or any item there- ning. S T A T E OE O REG O N EOR L A N E "Yes. It is and can be." I »miled. or Interest In the property described of are herreby notified to present the; A ll persons having objection» to Also: COUNTY In the com plaint herein. Defendants : said final account, or any Item there- Dayton llllrm a n . Plaintiff, vs. F lo r­ « m i - to the County Court on or be Beginning at a point 30 feet north as I m im icked bis coninsMti “and I To James L C larke and Ethel fore the tim e fixed for final hearing and 627.8 feet west of the southeast of are hereby notified to present the do ho»*e It w ill be a eon, Cortis«. ence Hlletnan. Defendant Clarke, hla w ife; Thomas W halen h* I',>ln- same to the County Court on or be T o corner of the Jacob Halstead and wife Florence Hltem an. the above Jnst like you.” and Jan»- Doe W halen, hla wife, or If | fore the tim e (lie d for (Inal hearing J O S IE H. SPORES. A d m in istratrix D. L. C No. 47 In section 26 township i named defend ant "Oh. no." he replied, "th at would deceased, th e ir unknown heirs; Owen herein In the name of tha State of Ora M athewa and Jane Doe Mathewa. hla of the estate of Geo. W. Spores. De­ 17 south o f range 3 weet W II M er running thence west 627 feet thence never do It M U S T be a g ir l!" Tn-n F R A N K W W IL 1JA M R Adrolnls gon: You are hereby required to wife, or If deceased. th e ir unknown i ceased L. E B E A N , atto rn ey for estate north 130 fee t; thence west 300 feet; he sat in silence for a moment, ga«- (ra te r of the eartate »if John T W II appear and answer the complaint heirs; also a ll other onknovee -r.rUea D 9-16 33-30: J 6: thence n.wth 830 feet, thence west Ing into the nl«ht. llama. d » c » le » l filed against you In the above rn who have or claim some t ’tl». ea ' 999 6 feet to the east line o f the Ore- M EAN « IIR tM IK E , attorneys for titled court and cause, on or before tate Hen or infer«»» le ••>» t - ' - e e t y j "Listen, precious," h e fin a lly sai B N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T * C alifornia Railroad rig ht of the expiration of the tim e prescribed described In t b - - estate - • ■ • 1. r n; N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N . T hat ^ » 7 : thence north 14 d e g re e west " I ’m going to m ake a wish over m e In the O rder of Publication, to-w lt: ' th-* above named defendant- D » I« 23 30 J 6 Calla A. Tipton. E xecutrix of the last 598 feet to the south line of Vine le ft shoulder on the new moon and On or before the expiration of a lt j I' IN T H E ’ " M E O F T H E T ' T i ; - w ill and testam ent and estate o f| Street In Seavey's addition to Spring I you know that never fails." H« weeks from the date of the drat pub O F O R E G O N You are hereto — llcatlon hereof, and If you fall to m oo«! and required to »» m p - -n d | Reuben A Stephens, deceased has, "*>ni»»»r or plead w ithin aald tim e C ity of Eugene. Oregon has been fix «“ <’ Room In the Court House at Rugena. ’ «“ ‘ b T H E END. the plaintiff, for want thereof w ill | l4 n e County, Oregon, haa been fixed proper place for | * • » { / » e Jacob Halstead T hia summons 1» published i«ir»u anrdy to the above entitled court for ed as the day tim e and hearing of objections to said final D L C. No. 47 in township 17 south aa the tim e and place for the hearing ant to an order of the Honorable (J 1 All objections to said final S west W M running thence apon said account, and for Itnal settle- F. Skipw orth. Circuit Judg»' of Lane the re lie f prayed for In th e ir aald , account N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S com plaint, to-w lt; account must be in w ritin g and filed » » « b “ . V * £ e o r ' ? £ O r « o n 2 meat of aald estate All persona h a r-j County Oregon, made and entered , For a decree herein. In and by with the C lerk of the Court on or *° east line of the Oregon A Cali N O T IC E IP H F R V fiY G IV E N ; T h v t Ing objections to aald account are December 21. 1926. and the drat pub which all adverse claims of aald de- ■ , . a . 2 ««,» dm « 1 lo m ia railroad rig h t of way, thence the underslened. has been duly atv- notified to file the same. In w riting, llcatlon hereof la made the 23rd d ay| fondant« and each of them in and to 7 bFif’r,P J , h ,„ ?«,h , I , V „» D ecem ber ■'"Hb H degrees east 794 feet to the Itated t h l. 18th day of December. aorth Seavey.s •'ointed by the County Court o f the w ith the County Clerk of lame of December. 1926 and the last pub the follow lne deace'hed re a l oropertv State of Oregon for the County o * al'uated In luine County Oregon t o c t l I A A T IP T O N Executrix addition to Springfield. Lane County. Ijin e as the ad m in is tra trix of the date February. 1927. w|1 ■ I .ota Fifteen <16» end H'vtren x A D e l’ U F attorney for « « « « » • *■•«» along the north e -ta te o f t,. A. Sm 'th. deceased and F R A N K A D e l l K. attorney to r . H O W A R D M B R O W N E L L , A tto r­ 116». Block Ope Hundred O n * (1011 D O N A L D YOUN41 Adm lnlatrator all persons having claims againat o f Ih« ««tate o f Hanne K ristine ney for p lain tiff Residence; Fit W ashburn«'» ------------- place of beginning.. Rubd'vlalon of th»* the estate. said estate are hereby notified to Johansen, deceased D 23-30: J 6 13-20 gene. Oregon Springfield Investm ent and Power AH the above described land being present the same to the adm inistra­ D • I I 23 30: J 6; IJ 23 30: J 6-13 2027: F3 Comnenv'a /d d ltlo n „ November. j 1926 an a p p ll-, by Rajd James before six months from the- date o f are the owners of the above deacrlbed m ln istrato r of the estate of M argaret catjon ,wafl ounty w Seavey In the C ircu it Court of this notice. real property; that the defendant* M. Liles, deceased. by~ the Dated December 20th, 1926 the State of Oregon for iA n e County 1 have no eatatr. right, title or Interest Court of Lane County. Oregon. B E S S IE H. S M IT H . A dm lnis!*«- All persona having claims against f(Jr registration to the land whatsoever In and to aald re«’ pro­ perty or snv pert thereof and »1«« »»id estate are required to present aboTe described now unless you ap- trlx . 0 . HUGHES F R A N K A. D eP U E . attorney fo r w ith the proper vouchers. pear cn or bpfore the 27th day of j that the defendants «nd each of them them. F IR E A N O A U T O IN S U R A N C E be fosever debarred from asserting w ithin six months from the 23rd dav December. 1926 and show cause why the estate. N O T A R Y P U B L IC of December 1926 to the said ad RUch appitcation shall not be granted any claim» whatsoever In or to said ininlstraP’ r at »he law office of L. L . , thp Rarllp w m taken as confessed I Offlcs at real property or an» part thereof, Rav ia the M in er Building. Eugene. and # decree w ill be entered accord- N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F S 9 A L S 'Iff E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E FIRST NATIONAL BANK adverse to the plaintiffs and for auch | oregon • in< to the Pra yer o f the application Notice Is hereby given that by v ir ­ SprtngReld, Oesgon other and fu rth e r re lie f h»r«ln aa to O N a " V l.H ES. A dm inistrator of and you w ill be forever barred and tue of an execution and order of s ite the court m«v saem equitable 223 Main St. Residence 125 C Bt F «ts te of M argaret M Liles. De foreclosed from disputing the same In foreclnsure Issued out of the C ir­ Thia summons la ptihllahed r u r - ; a \ I R 9. BRYSON. County Clerk. 62 J 62 -M cuit Court of Lane County. Oregon, »uant to the o rder o f Honorable G. L L R A Y . Attorney for Estate [ F R A N K A D E P U E . A tto rn ey for on the 29th day of November. 1926. General Law Practice F Skipw orth. Judge of the above on- Residence, Springfield. applicant. F ull Auto Equipment D 23-30: J 6-13-20 in a suit wherein on the 29th day of t»tled court diit» made and entered Oregon. Lady Assistant November. 1926 in said court C. F on the 14th dav of December. 1926 i 1. M. PETERSON N 25: D 2-9-16-23 Hyde, plaintiff, recovered Judgemen» The first nubllcat'on of thl« summons i A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S SALE OF Attorney-at-Law , against the defendants. Adele W ’ it- w ill be made on the 16th day of Dec ' REAL PROPERTY N O T IC E Is nereby given that the ton and F rank E. W h itton . for 'h e ember. 1926. and the last publication Comm ercial State Bank Bldg.. N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N that s ta te Land Board of the State of sum of $560.00 with Interest ther - >n thereof w ill he made on the 27th dav Springfield, Ore. bv virtu e of an order o f the County Oregon w ill receive sealed bids at a t 8 % per annum from A p ril 18. o* January. 1927 and It w ill he pub Court of Lane County Oregon, duly its oflloe in the Capitol building nt j Halted six consecutive weeks In the made nnd entered on the Second dav Salem. Oregon, up to 11:00 o'clock 19'5 until paid and the fu rth e r sum of $13.01 taxes upon said p roperty, Sorlncficld N*>w« nos-spnner I M P F T F F S O N . Attorney for j of Decemh - '926 the undersigned A. M . F ebruary 15. 1927. for all the and the fu rth e r sum o f $75.00 a tto r ­ Your Hom# When In A dm in istrator of the estate of H. A. State's interest in the h ereinater des- ’ ’Inlntlffa. Postofllce address. Spring- Rnsor. dec-ased. w tl' «n and a fte r crlbed shore lands, giving however, neys fees, and the costs and disburse­ Call Springfield ments herein in the sunt o f $17 >1«. field, Oregon the 2fith dav of January. 1927. ofTer to the owner or owners of any lands which Judgement was enrolled and D 16-23-30: J 6-13-27- for sale and sell, nt private sale, to a b u ttin g , thereon, the preference SUTTON TRANSFER docketed in the Clerk's olfiee of sas»cil has Fnyppn I nne County. Oregon as p lat­ DR. N. W. EMERY County, Oregon, and described as fol- ing dercLbed real property, to -w it: business IHcil In th»' Couptv Court of th» State ted np«t recorded T he »ab w ill »ike place anil bid* lows: " '•9 N c -th h alf of the n o rth w -s f O E N T IB T of Oregon. In and for I ane County, 860 W illam ette St. Eugene Oregon Beginning at the corner to frac­ q uarter of th “ southeast quarter, the IV b« subm itted to the said admití her final renorf as auch adm inistra­ Sutton Bldg. Phone 20 J tional Sections 19 and 20. on the n orth h alf of the northeast quarter trix : nnd that ten o'clock In the tofra te» a» »b ' law office ef P e tte r Ä- West shore of T rian g le Ijtk e , In T. o f the South we t quarter, the south Residence Phone 153 M forenoon of S aturday the 15th »lav of King 961 W illa m e tte Street. Eugene 16 S. R. 7 W . W illa m e tte M eridian, h a lf of the southeast quarter of tha January. J927. at the Court room Or ryep VASBY BROS. " I t V ' l , R iS O R A dm inistrator of nnd rnnntnie thence along U. S. Oov- northeast quarter, and the sourfieast Springfield» Oregon thereof, linvt been hv the Court. fix*'d thc E state of H A Reser Deceased ^ . ne' „ . . . hnln. q uarter of the southwest q u a rte r »U nnd appointed ns the tim e and rlace Painting & Decorating n t g e f t n - J 1 6-1.7 R-te N - 59 " . w 8 00 2 chRlns the northeast q uarter of section? D 16-23-30. N 3 ro o „„ ch, for hearing oblectlona to sn'd re p o rt; chains tw elve in Tow nship nineteen south in all Its branches nnd for the final settlem ent of 111 N 57"00' W . 8 00 chains of Range eleven west of W illa m e tte estate o* anli’ deceased \ ’(1TH'E O F FINAL SETTLEM EN T 1.59 chains 312 Main Street N. 28’ 00' W M eridian. Lane County. Oregon, con A M A N D A E. M IL L E R . A d m ln ls tn N otice Is h ereb v g iv e n th a t th e UP- East 4.96 chains to present lake tainlng seventy acres, together w ith JEWELER trig. derslrm-d adm inistrator of the e s ­ the ten»«ment8. hereditam ents and ap A. E W H E E L E R , Attorney. tate «f Nanev Rutherford, deceased. shore. Rcpulrliig a Specialty S. eO’ OO' E. 5 16 chains along pres- purtenances thereunto belonging w D lff-23-30: J 6-1,7 h a s fi’ «d h l f in a l n e c o u p f IP s a id ’ «- • g h (jrp In anywise appertaining Springfield, Oregon DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL ta»e W'th th" Count-.- Court e f T..ane Now, therefore, tn the name o f the 9 8.38 B. 3.06 chains along pres­ County P r» m n , »nd the said Court N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T State of Oregon, in compliance w ith DENTIST ent lake shore. hns set Monday the 17th dav of Jan » ....................... — said execution and order of sale and Estate of P erry R. Edmtston, de 8. 62* 45’ E. 4.50 calns along pres- in order to satisfy said Judgment. unrv 1927. nt 10:00 o'clock A. M ns censed. Phone 43 the time, nnd thp Court Room In the 1 ent lake shore. FRANK A. DE PUE Interest attorneys fees, ooste o f suit Notice Is hereby given th a t W alter Count» Court H ouse in Eugene. Lane I g 41*54* E. 3.92 chains along pres-j and accruing costs. I w ill on M onday F lret N et'l Bank Bldg., Springfield A T T O R N E Y A T LA W W . Edmlston, A d m in istrator of the County. Oregon as the place for the [ en( i a|,P shore. the 3rd day of January. 1927. a t the estate of Perry R Edmtston. d»t- N O T A R Y P U B L IC A IL g 49*26' W. 147 chains along pres-1 hour of one o’clock, in the aftiwnoon • ccnsed, has filed In the County Sourt hearing of «a'd final nccount of the State of Oregon, tn and for persons hn'-’ p’ obiectlons to said fin «nt lake shore to place of begtrnlng ! of said day. at the South went fro n t dooT of the County Court House; in Sutton Sprlngflsld, l,ane County, his final report as such n, account or any p articu lar Item containing 6.14 acres. Applications should be accom-pan-! Eugene. Lane County, Oregon offer a d m in istrato r; and that ten o'clock »»'«ranf are hereby nntifled to file the] Building Oregon. in the forenoon of Monday, the 27th some w ith the Clerk of said Court o n 1 led by rhesk or d ra ft for the amount i for sale and sell fo r cash, at public day of December,, 1926, at the Court or before the said 17th dav of Janu of bid and should be addressed to ' auction, subject to redem ption as pro- — All kinds of gravel for con­ O. G. Brown, C lerk of State Land j vid»>d by law. all o f the right, (itle room thereof, having been by the a rv 1937 «» Ifi fifi o'clock A M crete or road work. We Court, fixed and appolntod as the Dnte of the first publication of thin Board. Salem. Oregon, anil m arked , and Interest, of said defendant«. M. G. HOGE make a specialty of crushed "Application and bid to purchase 1 Adele W hitton and F rank H. W hiK on, tim e nnd place of hearing objections notice Is December 16. 1-926. and all persons claim ing by. through Attorney-at-Law J A M E S R U T H E R F O R D . Adm inis­ shoe« laads " to said roport nnd of the final settle­ rock and rock sand. Bunk- Dated at Salem. Oregon. Novem ber! or under them or nny or e ith e r n t ment of the estate of said deceased. tra to r of the estate of Nancy R u th er­ l ers at foot of Main on Mill them In and to said premise«. Practise U. H. and State 18. 192« W A L T E R W E D M IS T O N , Ailmln ford. Dereaaed . street. F R A N K E T A Y L O R . S h e riff G « . B R O W N . C lerk o f State I-and Courts Istrnlor. Gordon S W ells. A tto rn ey fo r Ad­ HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. Beard. I I-ane County, Oregon. A E. W H E E L E R . Attorney. m inistrator. Eugene, Oregon N 18-2«: B S-9-18-33 30: J 6-13-20 D 2 9 16-28-30 N 26: D 2 916 23 D 1« 23 30: J 6-I3 Classified Ads (BUYING 02 GET RESULTS ) Cos at Portland— I I J Cox visited over S alilrd'iv and Bunday with h it fath er near Portland. Laava for Hood Rivai^— Ml»» Spaulding left laat night fo r home at H o o t Hiver. u °' ""P ! B U S IN E S S WM. IJ I R E C T O R Y W. F. Walker Funeral Director “T h e L o o p ” D. W. Roof SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO,