THURSDAY DECEMBER it. 1W TH K SPRINGFIELD NKWS PAOR SIX same, pursuant to the provisions of C hapter 29. G eueral l.uws of Oregon for 1923; and You and each of you. and all per sons having nr C alm ing Io h a te any Interest In t*'« said Essex autom obile above described, are herein required Io appear before th e above entitled Court In the Court House of lam e County at Eugene, bv tin- I2lb dav of Januerv. 182? said dav help« the answ er day In this cauae. which h ■« *• retofore been duly set bv tlo- above entitled Court to defend against these proceedings, and upon von* failure so In do a )ud«en»-nt of forfeiture of said Essex autom obile „ l io v e described will ho applied for This notice 1« Issued and directed io v e il ah.I each Of you pursuant to (he order ilillv made and entered by the above entitled Court on the Sl* Angeles bankers and business men to manage the new Biltmore hotel there — and at $50,000 per year. N O T IC E Oar Preferred Shares Will Prove f R esulls of the medical exanilna lion of high school boys. conducted for lh» first tim e here this yesr, were announced Imlay by W aller Fenwick, head of the high school departm ent of physical education Tlo exam ina­ tions wore conducted am ong 57 Junior High school stu d en ts ami «5 Senior High school youth» W here defects were found, card» have been made out and the parents of such youth» are being notified la a few ease», students were eseludcd from ath letics because of physical co ndition' The following resu lts of Ju n io r high W ITN ESS MY H AND and the seal exam inations were given cases of of the said Court nfflxed at Eugene, denial trouble 22. I n fe c te d tonsils.8; ‘a I eo e C o e e lv , i'w » n n , Ihts l i s t thyroid enlarged. 12; h e a r t sneaknesa, dai >f D ecem ber. 1*2« it S BRYSON Countv 3 ; u n d e r w e ig h t. 3 ; n e r v o u s n e s s . I ; Circuit C le r k , a n d e x officio Cl-rk hernia. I Court of tho C ircuit Court l-»n Senior high school Infected to n ­ County. Oregon I'v K»a S eal sils. I, leelh. 7 (neglect largely re ­ I Duckworth. Deputy sponsible!; Ihvrold enlarged, 7; h eart D $8 30 w eakness 5; lung weakness. I. Dr W C Rebhan and Dr Carl TRAIN SCHEDULE Phetteplace examined the «enlor high school boy» and the Junior Isiys were Csscads Lins Southbound. leaves Springfield e x a m in e d b y Dr. W II. Pollard. well-tailored collars has recently been affiliated wifh th Four-L lum ber news, has w ritten a poem for the lum berjacks and mill men entitled “D on't C uss.'' E v a n 's , com position has been posted on the bulletin board at the Bin lh Kelly Lum ber com pany plant here The ! last verse, which depicts th spirit lo t the poem, follows: W e'll not be lum ber jugglers - when we reach th e Gulden shor »I When we go to meet St. Peter beyoml the pearly door; So when a hair-brained ag itato r , comes along to make you sore. Ju st chloroform the blighter w ith a seasoned two-by-four. But don't cuss. V isit from Brownville— Mr. and btrs. W. C. Tem pleton c f Br- .vnvllle risited Monday at the residence of Or and Mrs. W. C. Rebhan. Dr. Rebhan Is a b ro th er of Mrs Tem ple. M e re fro m M c M in n v ille — M r. and Ira. G Isaac end children of Me- linnvllle. visited over the w eek en d ith Mr. and Mrs Fred Frese and Ir. and Mrs. Carl W ebber. The iaai:s knew the local resid en ts when I) were resid en ts of American Falls. Laho ' — POEM T E L L S E V ILS OF OATHS OF LU M BER M EN —— t C harles Evans, of Wendilng. who Leave for North— Mrs Jennie Bon­ ier and spiall children left W edne-- lay for Spokane, w here they- will risit with Mrs. B onner's m other-in- aw. Mrs. P. J. Bonner. Needle Causes Injury— Miss Alice im ons was painfully injured Sunday hen a needle was accidently th ru st Ito her w rist. S4h° was tak en to ip Pacitii C hristian hospital, where lie needle was removed by D*. W. C. .ebhan. ^TiatPriceJeaut Post- L. 1 ollard m a fte r p R Hamlin Special de- is spending a few days at P ortland liveries also will be handled until visiting with his m other. Mrs. Alma i noon. Pollard T ie peak of incom ing m ailing was V isit Frese Home— Mr. and Mrs reached Monday, when an all-tim e Sam M ontgomery of Not! were v isit­ record was sm ashed by the postal o rs Sunday at the residence of Mr receipts of $119 72 Forty eight sacks of mail w ere sent out of th e local and Mrs. Fred Frese. office, to g eth er with some 10 o r 12 Goes to Astoria— Mr*. M. B Hunt | boxes which w ere too large for sacks ly h as left for A storia, w here she The n earest approach to th is record will spend C hristm as with h er p a r-, in the offices history was Monday of en ts. Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Pohl. C hristm as week a year ago. when W o rk P rogresses—W ork on the i postal receipts reached $108 24. McKinnon and Matoon houses o n ' By virtu e of ex tra help afforded W illam ette H eights is progressing by C ncle Sam. not a train has been m issed by th e local force. H ere rapidly. is a record of the mail sack ship­ At Creswell— Mr. and Mrs. F red m ents from the 13th until Monday, Louk and fam ily spent Sunday at when the peak was reached: 14 sacks C resw ell visiting his parents. Mr. and Dec 13 ¡2 sacks M rs W H Lonk. 14 26 sacks 15 ................. V isit W ils o n H o m e— M r and Mrs 28 sacks 1« Lee Wilson of Annlauf spent Sunday 30 sacks 17 ......... w ith his bro th er . B. D. Wilson, and 34 sacks 18 ................ ...........— tom ily. of Springfield. 48 sacks ! 0 ............... ............... I Incom ing mail is now flooding the Calender* Gievn Out—Safety first calendars a re being handed out to office, employes of th e Booth-Kelly lum ber company from th e local offices this CALL AND SEE Dr N W Em ery j on prices on {date and o th e r work, tf P o lla rd rnam two men nave proven that seats tn the United States fieoate can ba purchased from the electorate. Now the question 1», ‘ Shall they be seated?" All America known that It la no* a party question and any senator who so considers It will And him self In the same position as those who voted for Newberry. Where are those senators now? Gone—■ a ll Gone—Twenty seven of them. MEDICAL EXAMINATION RESULTS MADE PUBLIC TO APPEAR IN T H E CIRCUIT COURT OF TH E STA TE OF OREGON FOR LANE COUNTY. Th<- S ta te of Oregon, Plaintiff, vs One Essex Coach Automobile, 192« O regon L icense N um ber 229»310, Motor Num ber 379483, 1925 Model. L W right and C. I. T. C orporation a corporation, D efendants. To I,. W right, C. I. T. C orporation, and To Whom It May C oncern: IN T H E NAME OF T H E STATE OF OREGON: You, and each of you, are h ereb y notified and will take not­ ice th at the following described per­ sonal property. to jw3t: One Essex Conch Automobile. 192« Oregon License N um ber 229-311). Motor Numbr-r 379483. 1925 Model, ha« b^pn Rpizfd by the nherlff of Isane County. Oregon, on the 27th day of N ovember, 1926, In the vleln- Itv of T hurston, on the highway known as "The High Bank R oad." n Lane County, O regon; th a t said above described property has ever since been and now Is In the PO«««"' slon and custody of the said sheriff of L ane County, O regon; th a t the said sheriff has made a R eturn of Seizure of said personal property, and th a t the sam e has been seized as aforesaid, and Is being proceeded a g ain st In the above entitled Court ,.n.i ..a»»» for Its- forfeiture of the ACCE1»T OUR SINCERE GOOD WISHES EOR CON­ TINUED PROSPERITY AND IIAPPPINESS; ALSO OUR THANKS EOR THE EAVORS RECEIVED FROM ,YOU DURING THE PAST YEAR.