FAG K four THURSDAY n EC EM n ER 2S, 1926 T — L ;!~ thr SPR ;n r c ij) nkwr •rr COMMUNITY S 3 »» t f THURSDAY DECEMBER 23, 1926 CHRISTMAS GREETINGS s I Z ‘X'/liJIh' Merry Christmas and To our faithful old friends, to our new appreciated friends and to those whom we strive to ’know, we tender most hearty Christmas Greetings. Signing off—“Merry Xmas.*' With keen appreciation of the pleas- ant business relationship yon have per- milted us to enjoy In the past we take this means of wishing you all the com- pliments of the season. Happy New Year KARS COME. YEARS GO. HIT CHRISTMAS IS „WAYS NEW. THE SPIRIT OP IT IS IRRESISTIBLE IT CREEPS IX AM) WARMS OCR HEARTS. IT REDI ES LIKE TO THAT POINT WHERE ALL THE FALSEADAS Farmer's Exchange First National Bank PACE FTV» BEEN SHORN AND MAN STANDS FORTH AS THE SON F GOD. NEElflNG NO OTHER PROTECTION THAN III' GOODNESS AM» MERCY. .MAX MADE LINES. ON CHRISTMAS HAY W ES' XI) OXLY AS BROTHERS AND SISTERS. THERE ARE NO IT IS TH E BROTHERHOOD HE MAI FAt INt. FRONT I'o ONE GREAT LEADER. CHRISTMAS It is our hope that we may continue to serve you in the future—not how­ ever without thanking you for your past favors- and pausing to wish all a very Merry Christmas. < Ketel’sDrug Store Mountain States Power Co. "PEACE OX EARTH. GOOD WILL T o M AX" IT IS. AMI SO HERE ON THIS PAGE WHERE GREETING IS FROM NEIGHBOR TO NEIGHBOR. WHOLE HEARTED, 8INCH AND SCRSCRIliED To BY t h o s e w ho i e e l THAT IT HAS BEEN THE M)YALTY OF YOU. THE FELL(D>I| olf YOU AM) THE PATRONAGE OF YOURS WIRCH HAS CONTRIBUTED TO THEIR WELL BEING. IN EA( WISH AND HOPE FOR YOUR PEACE. HAPPINESS AM) PROSPERITY AS EXPRESSED IN THE SENTIMENTS I RE. IT IS TO YOU (THE READER OF THESE LINES) PER­ SONALLY THEY ARE ADDRESSED. THE TRUE SPIRIT F CHRISTMAS IS HERE FOR YOUR ACCEPTANCE. IT IS THE "GOOD WIIJ. OF YOUR FELLOW.MKN. dX With th»*se sincere C hrist m rs May the jay of achievem ent and th e happiness of content* n»~~. be yours a t this gladsom e G reetings please also accept our wish—H appiness to you anl yours—O ur Friends. .«oliday Season. Our wish for our -1926- friends— Accept o u r season’s G reetings p at­ in the gool old fashioned way. ronage of our friends has made We wish you Jcy and h a p jin e ss ours a happy C hristm as and it on the M erry C hristm as day. T he loyal support and "th a t ('hrlutntnx limi» them alt We have enjoyed a bountiful happy and will leave them , all C hristm as trade and we know feeling clad.“ to w*hom we a re Indebted. Our is our wish th a t they too—every friend!, we thunk you! Farmer’s Union Casey’s Service Station one— enjoy a M erry C hristm as. Springfield Service Station Eggimann’s We had you In mind shown when thin upacf --« i h»*r»* in n M erry ('brlwtm as to you. A Street Service Station F Springfield Garage L. F. Anderson, Prop. W . H. Adrain In with our stock we always count the greatest assets, the good-will of our customers. So at this time it is befiting that we extend to you our friends tlw best wishes of the season. W. F. W alker May the ship of Golden Opportuni­ ties and Success dock at your port and may we lie listed among your friends who wish you a Merry Xmas—whether it does or not. .4P J It is nut what you say but how you nay It. So we’re putting ull we feel Into two word« "MERRY CHRISTMAS." White Front Grocery John W ill T his organ tuition ba« been extending ('brlstuiH s G reeting! Io the good cltlsei)! of Spring- field for 13 y e a ri—but never more heartily or sincerely than now*—to you. our heartiest Good W I r I ipn and May your Chirstmas be*Filled with Love and Joy and May the Happiness ol the day be Happier for the Many Good Wishes we Send to You. Sanitary Market Electric Shoe Shop Springfield Mill & Grain Co. During this glad season we never fail to realize that it has been the patron­ age of our friends who have contri­ buted to our success.’ To all we extend A Very M erry C hristm as This store and its workers tuke this op­ portunity to extend to you Its most cordiul greelngs of the season. a Gray’s Cash & Carry Wright & Son Henderer Electric JJJJ May TIs an old friend th a t greets you here and hope« th a ' your C hristm as will be running over you Christm an bring Joy ami happinoKH to you, you — who has contributed to oura The aw e e te a t C hristm as sends la pleasures the kind rem em brance of your friends. W> inns. s t ill! one. through your patronage wish you M c irv The g n e tln g s ( ’liris i- old. but Wc ciiiuiot find n better Nobody ever w ill, With Kinde t Tli miglila and Ileat Wishes ir C hristm as your and the “w Year and sincere appreciation patronage, pant, Dr. S. Ralph Dippel Flanery’s Drug Store Dr. W . C. Rebhan Dr. Carl H. Phetteplace Grindell’s Grocery C. E. Mheaton Harry Vhitney of present future— so u hearty good wish—M erry Christinas. with happiness and good cheer. Newland's A Turner’s Novelty Store May your stocking bo tilled to overflowing with Life’s choic­ est gifts Is our Y ulctldc wish for you unit yours. * Long & Cross May C hristm as bring Joys that Will last until we have the opportunity to renew our wish to you In 1927. D, W. Roof M erry C hristm as all in sim ple rhym e. G reetings, Sincere, hearty, tru e and cordial, to last as lofig as time. Huntly’s Delicatessen