THE SPRINGFIELD NF Wh TWKNTY-THIKD YEAH CHRISTMAS SIOM TOLD IN PROGRAM SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY. ORBGQN. THURSDAY DECEMBER 23, 192« Open New Streets To Factory Sites Many Come and Go a t Yuletide rs Papo*'’ A L IV I N IW 8PA M R IN A L IV E T O W N NUM BER 5D NEW BRIDGE TO BE FOOT Of MAIN SI. Property Owners Give Right- of-W ay; Tannery Lease Highway Commission Selects Confirmed by Council Lower Route Provided Pro­ A new stre e t In the 1200 block on perty Owners will Revise De­ ; east Main leading Into th e fre e In- mands; Cost $179,000 W ith­ J d u strial site tra c t nW be opened out Right-of-Way. ; Springfield Residence» Scene | Of Happy Gatherings For Christmas Christian Church Service To-1 night. Methodist's Friday, ~ 1 Night; Many Attend h(ii|il f|w irrl¥„ w,thou, Exercises of Baptist Sunday' |,ri„ginu in v isito rs to rem ain over School; Catholic Mass S a t., ih . holidays. and f-w leave w ithout i by the city council as a result of land — - j carry in g Bprlngflcld resid en ts who T V new W illam ette river bridge having been donated by C. E. Col- T lv story »f C hristm as la 1» told In , wl|, HpJ.ri«l th e season at d ista n t will be bn It a t th J foot of Main j cord anil M. C. B ressler. The pro­ and rwi liatloii In the i |1()tnl(1 us. psgrnnt end istcllatlon stre e t with a revetm ent as plann d perty ow ners a re each giving half b y /th e engineers, ac-ordlng to a te le ­ Y uletide program i n r i a n y d hy th e , School closed last night, and was i the rig h t of way on th e ir line. B aptist. C hristian ami M ethodist ( foltow id l»y a gen eral ■ Modus of leach- phone m essage received by T he Churches of this illy T onight a. j era living out of II»- rity. C lasses The new s tre e t will open In to ’ flje Springfield News from Al Perkins, 7 :io o 'rlis k Hie C hristian • liurch , will resum e on Ju uuury 2. e a st end of the tra c t and will serve local com nilttc man, who appeared Bunday achoul will pres nt its pro- I Springfield hom es will lie Iho j the new tan n ery to be located on a yesterday afternoon before the big ’•» gram . while lhal "f II»- M ethodist | scenes of inauy happy reunions S a t­ 10-acre lease held by Dr. S. R. Ja y ­ way comlsslon. Th bridge by th $ • hurt h will •u-cur nt Ho- sam e hour ; urday o n e of these will he at the nes. It will also serve o th er indur- Main stre e t route will cost $19,000 tom orrow evening \ large audience | residence of Rev. anil Mrs Blom of tries which may locate on this end of more than via the $150.000 stru ctu re I lari nlxhl heard II. Oral of the th r te i th e B aptist church, who will welcome the industrial tract. T he city ex on th e old stre e t car piers, FIRE DOES DAMAGE TO M E R IT BADGES GIVEN program s, lhal presented l>> th e Hun j home th eir d aughter, Mrs. Itu. I pects to Improve the s tre e t early tn The high »ay cotnm lss’on i eem ed AUTO PARK BU ILD IN G tbe Spring. SCOUTS AT CEREMONY day school of the lianiisi church * the requests of the property ow ners Marsh, and husband, of Portland, uml of Christ inns In j th eir son. Howard Blom, also of O th er ohst-rvam U nder the p resen t conditions th ere ™ « » t <* right-of-way unreas. nable. Merit Badges, uw urds tor advanced F in dam agi il the store building ' Portland Is no stre e t opening Into the tra c t » f o r d in g to Mr Perkins. Postpone- of the Eugt ne-Spi lngfield auto park work In Scouting, w ere p resented to o’clock ai the Catholic church Pro F m la and May Lyons are egpected thls side of 19th street. At least menf of th. bridge was a t first pro- g ra m s have been c« nd u cte d hy the form Pori land to spend the holidays th ree m i-nibirs of th e Lion« d u b tbig iniiining to the extent of a t two m ore s tre e ts a re desired by the peRed by the comm ission p n t'l b e tte r v a rio u s room s o f th e public schools, w ith th eir parents. Mr. and Mrs A. troop u t th e Springfield Court of L a st $1500, ami required th<* st-rvlc-s industrial com m ittee. It is hoped term s could be made with the pro Honor Conducted T uesday night at of the Springfield and Eugi ne fire us well as local clubs P. Lyons of Mill street. o th e r property ow ners may be public Perty ow ners but upon the prom ise the C ham ber of C o n n erce. Evan d ep artm en ts L i« r e It w as ex tin g ­ T o g rro m o d g te l o s e who plan to Ju liu s Fulop and family plan to spirited In the sam e degree a s Mr. the county court and Mr. P erkins H ughes and T h ay er M cM urray won uished. a tten d Ho services tonight, the spend Chrlstuuia day In Portland Colcord and Mr B ressler and offer ,h a t ,h e -v would go back to tb ? pro­ C hristian p r gram *111 he given first: Th. bias** broke out behind a right-of-ways. Im provem ents on the pertv owner- and get t*-- rlght-of- Miss Chula Woolley and bro th er. th eir budges In plone< ring and Evan liiidgi-s In •wim infnjç. S e le ctio n l>y H io lr Mtore in * h k h a hot lire was burn- industrlal tra c t will enhance the wa>’ reduced the Main street route Gl.-nn, nre going lo Modesto, C alifor­ Hughe won In hi- Mays?r (». Ü Btishniati T rio . Mr* A ll’ ll H o yt ttae, Mrs nia, to spend Die holidays with th e ir C lothes banging behind the value of the property bordering on it. was decided upon, said Mr Perkins. ing. Ita lla s M u rp h y . Mi It B Moshlcr p arents, and brother. W arren, who «ajaiiT1! as i-lialtniaii of ti r ( o u rt of •»tot firwt caught fire, and the The accessibility of the tra c t from T he total cost of the right-of-way Honor. Aaria ting Lane County Ex- Selection h r choir. quickly spread to the build* the McKInxIe highw ay has m uch to bX **>e Main stre e t route w as over ire w intering nl th at phti II Tab] uu directed liy Mrs. Ii< rlw-rt Woolley will lenv.* *i noon today on t I-Ullvi (’. It. Clark lu *c> vin g tr * tl inir U riu le s t dam age w m in Uie do with Its desirability for In d u s-! $18.90 of w h'ch $12.000 was for tha lo tho aw ard asp iran ts wert* Dr. W rvcf Moon T his b-glli- will, i proc< tria l sites. Springfield side. The cost via tbo li Southern P<:<-in«-. ('. Ht-bban, V. D. Bám. H. E. Max« >. s io tiu l. "*'1. C onic, \ l l Ye F a ith fu l." A. C. T ravis and family will spend Tannery Lease Ratified j ®W P‘erB and th o u g h th e block dia- Th« am p .was liought recently by and Exoeu- T ableau No. I. Judea M ournoth; No C h ristm as ui Hu r- sldt-nce of th eir •while Mayor Bu«htiian gionai to Second and Main totaled W. H. JoncM <>f t ’hJco. ( ’alipornia, J Prophet« Bling H ope; No. 3 The d au g h ter. Mrs. Will Morrow of Tllla tlve Clark gi ve short taika to tho from Melvin Han»en. , The council m et in special session $n .000 Tht. (OUin)ission feels th a t honors ndlng thè m on S ta r; No 4 The Fb.irrJl of the M.igl: nmok a t 5 o’clock W ednesday evening and these estim ates a re much too F enner T rav is and H ubert Seouls coninx approved the lease for Dr. Jay n es'- No S. Angels appear Io th e Khep-, - T ravis, sons, of S eattle ftnd M arsh­ a lliilii . <1 nnd outlining the advHRt* POLICE STATION NEAR, tan n ery as draw n by the industrial Th„ dPcl()ion to roat(, (bp b i ) t h w b ir d s ; No ». B ethlehem ; No 7. The field. respectively, also will visit the age of Scout train in g Bill Cox. menile r of Troop 2. tren BUT AUTO DISAPPEARS com m ittee. Dr. Jaynes expects to down Maln slrpp, with the hrid<<, M nnger; No. S. Jud a It« J. . e ll. M o r r -w bon»- al C hristm as lime. Fol build in the spring. j on the low er location is received here C haracters, Ju d ea Audrey D aniels; lowing il»* holiday, alt *111 conic ,o u si-road class ra tin g a t the honor From the city ball front yard, as It .... , — , --------------- - Mary, Iteulah Richardson. Star. Eu Springfield and rem ain for a week on court. M em bers of T roop 1, sim ilar­ general satisfaction Even with ■ut .u m ilile thieves pilfered a pQLICE MATRON IS nice M ePttrlnnd; Angel. Jew el llilde- ti»« T rav is farm . th e saving made with the old piers Mr Morrow Is ly honor d w ere C linton Sldwell. ’ w en mat bin. of light and popular m ake brand; Shepherds. C harles Cole, Eu­ pastor of the M ethodist churmi of Hilly W heeler and F ran k lin llrury. HEARD BY CHU R C H M EN ,he ’ ,raiKht rout*' conceded to be The Court of Honor was the belonging to John Bryan. gene Philips. Irvin H ouse; Mag!. M arcóla. _______ _ j the best. Jam es llem eiiw ay. 1’antiy Wayne ï \ s* t .e episode p is o d e occurred Sunday The average ag • of delinquents Building of the new bridge is ex- All of th eir children with th e eg- second to tie conducted in Spring- Iteiol. Jack Peilersoii; ITophets, Jim ceptlon of cm* will lie home for a re ­ held, and (he first since the o rg an i­ night. ha8 been reduced from »6 to 18 years Pected to sta rt as soon as the w ater inv Phillips Karl llouac, l.ioyd H ar­ union at the residence of Mr. and sation of Troop 2. < lift Brvan. b rother of the ow ner from 12 to 1« years since she be- goes down in the S pring w ithout If ris; music hy young people’s chorus Mrs. E W. Collins C hristm as dnv. of the autom obile, parked It opposite work am ong the w ayward youth. held up through condem nation pro­ and Junior choir. file city hall on Main street, bellev- Mr„ j M Ady pojiep m at ron of Bu »codings on right-ofway. Those who will sll down to C hristinas PAST STATE OFFICER At Methodist Church d in n er a re Mr. and Mrs. E dgar W. INSTALLED AT M E E T IN G ln* ,ha’ ,>l< Pr°xl>ulty of the cen ter gpne to,d m em bers of the M ethodist "C hrlslm ns In F innegan’s H a l." la Collins of Marshfield. Mr. and Mrs. of m unicipal governm eent and peace c hurch brotherhood at — - ■ * Monday C H R ISTIA N CHURCH TO th> title nt a C hrlslm ns play to be I rank Parrish of Noll. Mr and Mrs Newly elected and appointed of- enforcem ent would in su re Its safety n |gbt's m eeting. Mrs. Ady gave a HAVE ANNUAL M EETIN G presented as a pari of the M ethodist W a lle r Griffin of laix Push. Wash- fliers of (he C ascade C h ap ter of the while he atten d ed a Sunday night • gPp Pr#i review of her wwrk, both program Mrs W. W. W alker coach Insten. Mr and Mrs. K. 8. Collins of E astern S tar, were installed nt cere- sb°w. 1 ch arity and am ong delinquents. The annual m eeting of the Spring- cd it»- play, while Mrs Gants S un­ East Main street, Mrs. Clara Faw ver. monies conducted Tuesday night, But he under-estim ateed th e ’ bold field C hristian church will be con­ R eports of the recent M ethodist day school superintendent has gen­ of Springfield. Gordon Burgess, of Mrs. Alhi-ria Mi Murphy, of Eugene. ness of autom obile thieves. Men's Council held in P ortland were ducted on S aturday, New Y ears day. eral charge of the program And now John Bryan. Police Chief Noll, a m p lp w. and Mr. and Mrs. E. past worthy grand m atron of Oregon. T he M ethodist choir fund at the church h“ i,<,iDK beginning heard. In Up- enst of lb | lay a re the fol­ W. Collins T he son who will not acted as Installing officer. Installing J»«« Sm ltson ami Traffic Officer A m aterially with receipts with a lunch a t 6 o’clock. The low ing: P atrick Flnnlgan. W illiam be holm Is H arvey Collins of Olyin m arshall was Mrs. Clark W heaton, S. C urrie are looking for a c ar of ' r lunch will be served by the women ,. . . , , _ . „ ; from a waffle sale held by the pollard; Biddy Finnegan, his wife, pla. W ashington 1 * and installing Chaplin was Mrs. R. light and popular m ake. of the church. brotherhood. M argaret O derklrk: P rofessor Itrat Mrs N. W Em ery will lean - to- B. Oldham. j In the business session following on. a Herman, m usician, C harles Nad- I m orrow for Portland, where she will Preceding the cerem onies a cover- TE M PER A TU R E DROPS t a social hour, plans for the next C H R ISTM A S BASKETS CO vninlk; Mlsa N eversniile. a cross old spend C hristm as vlidtlng her tw o ed dish supper was enjoy il. Solos year's activities will be sh a p 'd . A TO SEASO NS RECORD .unlil. Ellzale th H ughes; Dan Dooley, «Isters, Misses Emilia and Abbie w its sung by Miss M argurite Hurd TO NEEDY ON FRIDAY budget com m ittee has been a t w ork a policeman. Frui.k B artbolem ew ; ! Massee. She will retu rn T uesday, and Mrs. Ida Sw aris. for some tim e and will subm it th e Springfield skidded about on icy Mery Bright. Faye P arso n s; L lttl" Dr. Em ery will be a C hrist man guest ............ .. ...... C hristm as baskets will be sent to j<,27 financial schedule for conslder- pavem ents th is ....................................= m orning following _ a Tom. Harold F oss; Miss U isalheart. l at lile John Rossm an home on Camp night during which the tem perature n,ne Springfield and six W est Spring- ation of thp church m em bership Of- N eedlecraft Has Party Jn le P ollard; chauffeur. A rthur Pot- ! Creek road. dropped to 27 degrees, five below Oeld fanl,lit* tom orrow by the Salva- ncerR w„ j chospn at the mpPt|ng. to r; slum children, E nnis Y arnell, tion Army’ acoordinS ,o Mrs Paul L ast Sunday at the church Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Sant M ontgomery of H usbands of m em bers of the frePZing. K ldm l Muslim. Murl Carr, K enneth Noll will Is- C hristm as guests at th e N eedlecraft Plum bing troubles w ere reported B ra ,,a in ’ Police m atron, who has co- ^ ¡ i p y representeding the state mis- club were en tertain ed W alker, Elm a Lansberry, Edith Fred Fres« h«»iiie. as will Mr and | at a delightful party nl the attra c tiv e form var,OUH part!( of the city city. and o opera,ed p e ra ,‘‘d with the Army in *“ c coll»rtin o llectin K g , g|onary sionary nn|t, unit, told of the internation- Internation- Lansberry. Velma Moskop anil Emma Mrs. Paul Schlew s of Springfield. - ««,. .»a \v-u for th e needy and des- ! ,i m missionary- convention recen recen tly tly ¡E ugene resid en t» Of of Mr and and Mrs ii att, orooblle driving driving on on th«. the pavem p a v e m ents e n ts, contributions Mi Mrs I) D automoblle t, issionary convention T rlnks. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. W heaton will W. C rites last T hursday evening Is dangerous. A clear day gives pro- i he,d at Memphis. Tenn. Baptist Program .. , .. . . I Mrs. B rattain todav expressed h e r. visit Mr anil Mrs. H erbert Vincent i The event was in th e n atu re of a mise of an o th er cold night T hursday, i . „ „ , ’ . Mrs. II Blom and Mrs. A. Pengra of Eugene C hristm as day. th an k s to all Springfield resid en ts ' ¡C h ristm as party, with tree and o th er Ball Teams Entertained H opes for a white C hristm as faded | who and cooperatP d! had general charge of the B aptist E dgar T ro tte r and fam ily will go decorations adding to th e sp irit of y estrdaey when a light blanket ° f , in thP work The response has been program , given successfully last to W altervllle to visit nt the D. C. ; the occasion. M em bers of the sophom ore girl# snow which covered th e d istric t in ! h(>arty an(J shp „ ¡ j . night. Thg program as given fol - , T r(lttt; rPR,d„np„ „y-er C hristm as. b asketball team , cham pions of the The men were asked to give a th«» m orning m elted w ith risin g tern-1 ______ lows Springfield High school, en tertain ed Ferrule P erkins left y esterday f o r ; recipe for th eir fav o rite C hrtstm ns p eratu re at noon. ’’Joy To The W orld.’’ hy congrega­ the sophom ore boys team a t a p arty Medford to he w ith Mrs. Perkins pudding Floyd F lnnery was award- FOUR-L M EETIN G TO BE a t the Paul B rattain residence la st tion. over the holidays. | Pd first prise. CONDUCTED ON MONDAY night. Games and m usic com bined •’Hall Him," by Interm ediates. Theda Perkins arriv ed from S eattle Those present w ere Dr. and Mrs. LONG A CROSS MOVE P rayer. Rev H. Blom. to m ake a delightful evening. IN TO OWN BU ILD IN G I. be a guest of her brother. George ! M ortensen. Dr. and Mrs. S. R. Dlp- T w enty books of stick ers bearing P rim ary select Ions, with re cita­ M em bers of the girls team pres- P erklns of th is city, over th e holi pel, Mr and Mrs W illiam Dawson, the words, “th is o rd er m ust be ship­ i en t w e re Maxine Snodgrass. Evelyn tions hy Hilly I'engrn and l*»ls Chase. Removal of th eir plum bing shop days.. Mr. and Mrs. H arry S tew art, Mr. and ped In wood boxes," were d istributed j japobgon E sther M cPherson, L ena Song, "W here Is He," hy Inter­ the old cream ery building, he- Springfield m erchants by 1 dacob*,on’ E8,h* r Lenahell H arper Is home from Mrs. W alter G ossler. Dr. nnd Mrs .r C hristm as w II Pollard Mr and Mr« Carl tween Fifth and Sixth on Main, from Sprtngfleld mere nt y Hflda W agner. M argaret mediates. Monmouth Normal for , " _________ ___ __________ ___ H , o " arrt. a n " Mrs ( , r l . . . . ____ . . . . _______ , the local unit of th e Loyal Legion of Sm>rta Mnlldo B rattain. D n o ors ,« Song. "M erry C hristm as.’’ by Ju n ­ Sw arts, and Maude Olson. Mr and Mrs. G. W. Hobson. *bp q u a rte rs betw een F ourth and Loggers and Lum berm en. The 4-L ! W agner was a guest. Boys p resen t ior g irl’s class. Mr. and Mrs. C. O Wilson. Mr. and l’’ifth - * a» »U rte d ' hl’' by Power Linea Dosvn organization Is engaged in a cam ­ w ere Jack Danner, Boh A rcham bean. R ecitation. Lorna Chase. & nnd Cross. It will be several days Power lines of th e Callfornla-GTe- : ^ rs d t"' K etels. Mr nnd Mrs. E. E. paign boosting the lum ber Industry L. Roof, Coy Lansberry, Coy L eth ers, Solo. Dorothy Frese. gon power com pany, feeding th e j Mfty- Mr nnd Mrs. Flovd Flnnery, before the move will be com plet“, and urges the use of wooden boxes. Duet, "B right Stnr of Hope," Mrs. K eith K endall and LaV ern Lawson. M ountain S tates lines from th e south, 1 and Mrs Floyd W esterfleld. M rj. i 1 nnd the plum bing concern Is doing O ther features of the cam paign w ill, A Pengra and Wllford Cook. o rd er yesterday nnd . *"»«•»» Hrurji. Mrs O. H.' J a r re tt, »»"In»”" **>th places at present, w ere out of of o rd er yesterday a n d , . . , Long & C r,gR owll thp hu)ldlng lnt0 be announced shortly a fte r the first I Trees Given Away S cripture rending by Rev. Blom. Juice wns being taken from the P o rt-1 M rs- w of the year. ! C hristm as trees th a t form the Pngeanl. "T he C hristm as Story." which they are now moving. Crites, The unit will conduct a m eeting S{ree( decorations will be given aw ay Scene 1, "T he S hepherds and the land end. It wns reported at the lo c a l, The next m eeting will be conduct­ Monday night at the W. O. W. hall. by thie m erchants Friday evening. A ngels.” Angels, Dorothy Frese. plant. On Tuesday, also, wire trouble W edding Date Set Violet Onks, M arjorie Johnson, j reported by th e M ountain S tates ed on Jau n ary 6 a t th e W M. Daw­ On C hristm as eve everyone m ay Shirley Sm ith, Faye Jo h n so n ; shop-; Pow er com pany employs, who blamed son residence In Springfield. have a tree. T here are 120 of the MRS. J. P. KING IS Miss Edna K irscher, form er resl-j herds, Lloyd Frese, Roy Sm ith, H ar I he trouble on some person who cut DEAD AT AGE OF 26 little trees and nearly every one of dent of th is city, will be m arried in W oodcraft Initiates Three Ian L ltherlnnd, Donald H awk, nnd a potential C hristm as tree down over . j them Is suitable for a fam ily tree. a. few days to John W illiam s of Edwin Weber. Scene II, “The Shep­ th e line. Mrs. N ettle P ardee King, wife of j No one needs to be w ithout a tree T hroe were Initiated Into the Springfield, the cerem ony to take J. F. King, an em ploye of the Spring- th is C hristm as. herd s and M ary." Mary, Faye Jo h n ­ N eighbors of W oodcraft at last Place ln A 'herta. Canada, w here Miss G irl Scouts Meet son. Solo, tfelmn L ltherlnnd. Reci­ field offices of the Booth-Kelly Lum- Two girls passed te sts at the Girl n ig h t's m eeting a t th e W. O. W. hall. K irscher has been llvleng for some i her company» died a t th e Pacific tation, Jeksle Simonson. Scene III, Chrysanthem um M eeting ’’Ma^y and the Wise Men." Wise Scout m eeting conducted a t the The new members are Mrs. Robert time. Mr. W illiam s left for A lberta i C hristian hospital Sunday m orning. A social afternoon was enjoyed men, Jam es Montgomery, John Mont­ C ham ber of Comm erce last S aturday Cowden, Rachael Thatcher and Miss 8unday m orning. yesterday by the Chrysanthemum club She was 26 years of age. The couple will reside at Cottage E lisabeth H em enw ay passed the Lucille Richmond. gomery and A rthur Pengra. Funeral services were conducted at the residence of Mrs. Leland Eu­ Elfty-two were presen t a t th e m eet­ Grove. Pageant, "S ilent Night, Holy table settin g and histo ry of the flag Dainty refreshments were at the Walker chapel Tuesday after­ bank. N ight," by interm ediate glkls. Ruth tests, while M aluta Read w as given ing. A Christmas tree was enjoyed, noon. with Rev. F. L. Hornshuh, of served by the hostess. Have Christmas Party C arlton, Dorothy O aks, V irginia aw ards In table getting, six trees, tlx and useful gifts exohangeil by the the Lighthouse Temple, Eugene, in Chase, Bessie Hyde, Vernlce Hawks, flhwers, six birds, six anim als and m em bers. Correction Made— In the account A Christmas party was held by the charge. Internment was In Laurel coolUng and baking. Practice was conducted for the In- E sth er F rost, NettW W ebber. » of the death of Louis H. Smith In Hill cemetery. Tl\e next meeting will take place “Oh, Little Town of Bethlehem." January 8 at the Chamber quarters by congregation, > >i A stereoptlcan story of the Chlvst- Mrs. Blsnlt Here— Mrs. Ed. Blenls mas will be given hy the pastor of the Christian church next (Sunday of Wsltervllle was a local visitor Tuesday. . evening. stsllstlea of new officers, to take place on Jaunary 12. All outlying circles In this Jurisdiction have ac­ cepted an Invitation to attend this svent, which will be open to the pub­ lic. Rebekah lodge Monday night. A The husband and three small last week’s News, the names of two Christmas tree for the children wns daughters, Dorothy, Margaret and sons. L, tt. Smith of Cottage Grove followed by a Yuletide program. Jeanne survive! as well as her father ( and Otto Smith of Springfield, were Mrs. W. F. Walker, Mrs. Riley and mother, Mrs. E. E. Pardee of Inadvwrtestly omitted. Mr. Smith Snodgrass and Mrs. R. P. Mortensen was 6« year of age. ., were lu 'general charge of the affair. | Hawthorne, California.