Only 7 M o r e Shopping Dny« Until urinttnnn THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS rfl’KINGFIKLD, LANE COUNTY. OKKOON. THUKHDAY DKUKMBKK Hi. 192« Gift Giver« Will Find New« Of Interest Here NUMBER 43 TWKNTY-THIRD YKAU M KLIN TO SERVE ON COUNCIL FOR 2 YEARS R esig n a tio n o f I I J 1 ox aa city i on lu ll in a ti having been a ccep t.'I. Mayor (I (I (luabm an haa a p p o in t'd M J McKllh oil th« city hod» to till out Mr f o x ’« term of two y e a r« , i t W H. Jone» of Chico, Cal-. Buys wa« announced at a m eeting of Iho Eugene-Springfield Ground* council Monday niglii f o x ’» re«l«n.i from Melvin Häneen; Has lion take» effect Jan u ary I. when Mi j Extensive D e v e l o p m e n t Kiln'« term In Ida own right expire 1 t in i <» iiii. il at Monday*« m eeting »I TOURIST CAMP Plans. W ith an Iniprov.tnent prugni'» al will invulv* d y under way a h trh thi.u-nml« of del ■ ■ I »pi n.tltui ». W H»» li« ’ ’ai“ ’1 !«>«»'»’■ Eugene Kpringtleld Aum , , n i th ' nip. w i l l ' l l lir pm ehased r ' i —nil>‘ .n i M Ivltt H a n n u , Jonna I» a talK o rn la. , .-ui a rr Ivat It u n i a u th o r is e d i nopeiat. plalitlltlR lh . » tie r ! . u lo in I I I . *' to with l l i e i lly engineer i l l Hf • «tension of th ree »In rt« to run through proparty sooth nr B»»i Mai“ to the Industrial tract, j Tin ■«•■ plan» will lie prepared a» »non a- powalblc Scout Honor Court Scheduled Dec. 21 Msrit Badges and Other Awards To Be Given At Public Ceremonies The »«rumi Hoy Scout, court honor lo be conducted alni . (In- or ganlzatlon of the boy» work i ll Springfield will take plan- al the C ham ber o f Comm erce room- on the night of Ilei em ber 21. according lo announcem ent by G. G. Bushman, chairm an of the court of honor. Th-’ public la urged to atten d the rt-reniou THREE PLANS fOfl BRIDGE PREPARED State Engineer Tells of Tenta­ tive Specifications On V is it to Springfield; Commission To Meet Late in December; Seek Right-of-way. T hree plan» for th.- new bridge across th e W illam ette river a t S p rin g - field will be put before the s ta te highw ay com m ission at its m eeting the la tte r part of this month, accord­ ing to Bridge E ngineer McCullough, who sp en t Friday and S aturday here going over-th« ground w ith h ig h w a y Fre.1 S tanek of F ort Dodge, Iowa, »bucked 28.2 bushel« of corn engineers, the county court and mem- in one hour and tw enty minutes hers of the Ir s a l bridge com m ittee. and won the cham pionship thia One plan will te to use the old piers year—d efeatin g 50 of the treat and location of the form er stre e t car busker* in the country, among them Earl W illiams of N ebraska bridge while the o th er tw o involve who holds the world’» reco r- o f the new location a t the foot of Main 35.8 bushel». Zero w eather made stre.-t. The bridge at the foot of husking difficult this season. Main street will eith er be built IU 1 four spans allowing the river to (low under all of it or by a rev etm en t c»o< CRACK NELSON POULTRY ing this side of the river bed and TAKE HIGHEST PRIZES using three spans T he estim ated cost o f the bridge Robert Nelson'» crack poultry on the old piers is about $150.000 or again achieved startH ng succeaa al the am ount voted. The cost using the Pacific International Livestock four spans in th e new location will show In Portland, w h e n th e run about $10.000 more, but hy using Springfield bird» clutched securely all a revetm ent and th ree spans it is es- prlxea In the w hite leghorn class in pected to cost only about $20,000 which they competed, »ave for a more. W hile the engineers and local »Ingle place which went to a bird from one of the forem ost poultry com m ittee and county court as well favor th e new location It will depend plant» In th e country, at R ochester, on th e highway comm ission as to N. Y. The resu lts of the contest were said to Indicate th at Nelson a w hether the added cost will be al­ . bird« were the best in the N orthw est, lowed. lea. The court of honor wa» planned . CITY CHARTER REVISION at a m eeting of th - troop com m ittee naaged tor »••ai» In hi> »» conducted* la at Friday night, and «uh- NOW UNDER WAY IN CITY «equini arrangi m enta a rc being made III III K « » k r Uevlalon <>f Hn town c h a rte r an in stallatio n «f a n a d e q u a te hy the »rout official» with the guidat­ construction «f “ I 1 M»t H th at the n iu m il may ailhmlt II to I I I - am i- of C It. Clarke. Lane County -n a u and r» abina, ,» lining approval of Ilf people at a apecta! .11 IleW executive. Clarke will hr present at Uns ni «H ih** »I'' bulliini«» •II t i l l ' .■|. i t Inn next mouth, la now under , the cerem onies, a» will other local III ■ »routing official» and viHilor» from r .p erir, anil ealahliahm ent a few wa« with the com m ittee and im tS 'iL mi n inertm x every «veiling Minii i hiblrrii'a playground at«' only Eugene. ,t Un f-a tu r-x nl Jou«*' proposed of the old « b arter w lilih 1« ohaole'e T he firat m erit badge« given to or ha» hri-ti A peuled by »tale law» 1» . I r t U f i U f i i t p n » « ra tn Springfield youth» will be aw arded to nf dollar» te-liix ru t out and nilhnitutlon of mod M m «•»»*< <>f liundrf ! A rth u r W . Cutten and a h alf T hayer -Mi M urray Ralph Hughe« and « I,. I lowi r whb 11 Will »upport a ei n p ractise made The new c h a rte r i doxen other Chicago Evan Hughe», all m em ber» of Troop ta n k With a I aliarli« o f 10.000 « a lb in a will h.- p attern ed a fter recent chart have taken more than »10.000,000 N o . 1. In Ihla tr.Mip, also. E dgar lam k out o f W all Street in the last . tw in « a re i l . i l m i lb .- r e a r » I t h - er> of i Me» of Hie »talc and In con and M ille W heeler will be given first th irty day.- T hey "played" Bald­ . „pgiound. Tin low er bulKIHU fornillv with th e com m ittee'» Idea» i la»» «rout rating«, and Clinton S ii- win Locomotive «locks and its almi will contain m o m » fo r th e i u n iti a applied to the h e a l alluallon steady rise in value brougnt tre - well, Illflie Knox and F ranklin Drury Th- com m ittee It- . ,imposed of the ,t... p ami o th er « '• • t»w*r meudou» profits. will become second cla»» «rout«. Whlrh will »upport Ih r tank extend» tnuvnr and i oiimiltm-n and H ire .- r I H A m o n g member» of troop 2 who , considerable d istan ce above th e (e ll» F II Hamlin. W N Long ami II will receive second da»« rating a t SPIRIT OF YULETIDE man» building assu rin g am ple pi »• K Maxet t'lly Atlorne» Ira M ».ire throughout Un » in SEEN IN CITY STREET Hie m eeting a re Bill Cox. Richard I'.-tumon ha» prevloualy com pared Ixspley. Caul Schantol. Dorman Chase Two Un h w ater main« have le n the c h a rte r with in wer one» and Main street took on Its Yulethle and Oran Mulligan la«l throughout tin - am p during the m ade changes which lie read» lo the Al the m eeting of th e Lion» club pawl month, a m i a hot w ater tank com m ittee along with the old ch art attire y esterd ay a» a r- »ult of action tin- revision of the c h a rte r 'a of the street d e n ,ra tio n com m ittee» troop com m ittee, it was derided to Seek Right-of-way baa been installed w hlrh aaaurea hot er. gs no bird from this section was able What Jone« rnitalderahl« of a task. of the Lions club and Jin- C ham ber purchase a book, the "Scout» Diary." T h - Springfield bridge com m ittee, w i t e r fur all purpose» T he Gratx-Goetllna for the youtljs. As a new m eeting ,o Place ev**n with them The office of town aa»e»aor. which o f Com m erce ha« done In Hie wav of im provem ent headed by E. E, Morrison, is now sign rom any of Eugene was given the place m ust be obtained for this troop. *" the c,ass of cockerel« under one f t H ie w ater »»«trill already I« «ahi ha» lo n x been changed by atatc law. busy securing agreem ent« for right secon. . ti have lim ile the local ram p one of will lie elim inated from I he new co n tract to deco rate the street, and Mayor Bushman has undertaken to year. N elsn o » birds p la te th a t of way for both locations. -W hile th« th eir secure the c h am b e r of Comm erce for third and fifth, while the bird the heat equipped m HH» p articu lar ch arter, the new huilgrt law will he F h rlstm as trees and bells mad right-of-way m ust be purchased by the ........ . the scouts , 1 P'»‘ w’ four,h ‘ an,e ,rom Nel8on e««a n thia section o f U n I’m Ihr H igh­ placed In the ch arter, and le«i»laHon ap p earan ce yesterday. F irst -place in this class went to th<- th e county the coninUs8ion_desires to A t each in tersectio n stream ers governing »aloon and hitching rack« way. F irst, second, know th e com parative cost of right- New York rooster, N ip .-te . n o f H ie ra h in « In Jin- i a m p ! will be elim inated Method» for vot­ red and green lights are to be hung MATERIAL INEXPERIENCED third and fourth places w ere aw arded of-way for both locations. ff* of mml have been n- roofed ami All ing bond laauea will be d e a iitle d Hi and th e lam p posts will he decked F O R HIGH SCHOOL TEAM to local pullets from th e Nelson Some m isapprehension a» to* how m i n x r e - lln 'd a m i o lh e r w la e lm - will al»o the priM-eedure In anh- nl with green One hundred tw enty fir the approach to the bridge it to he ranch. New fu rn itu re I« In- forri loaeil property trees have b - n d istrib u ted along the pro' «ed Inalile To shape a basketball team of In­ Nelson exhibited his birds last year built was hefd by the property own­ The whole glvi an exceed! experienced m aterial w ithout a singie «tailed w here need* il Idtrge quantl Springlteld will In- ralleil «' city in stre e ts and received high praise from poultry e rs on th e west end It was belieited Ing'.y pleasing Y uletld- effect, and letterm an around whom to build a . . - of gravel are being dum ped on j m-w c h a rte r Instead of a town. experts Journals. The Springfield th at a fill would create a lake abovs Dt.- ground« to elim inate the mud — — ■ .. will rem ain in th at fashion until a fter working aggregation is the job facing poultrym an is recognized as one af the bridge approach in w nter. Ea- Grov.-s In the rear of the camp are DANIELS BUYS INTEREST New Years. Coarh W alter Fenw ick of the Spring- the m ost successful chicken raisers gineers have agreed to m ake open­ M em bers of the com m ittees present N Ing cleared of brush to provide ad ­ field High School. But despite this in th is section He has confined his ings In the approacu to take care of IN LOCAL CIGAR STORE were O. O Bushman H urry Stew art. fact. Fenwick Is optim istic over th “ ditional facilities for private ram ps com petition to the International Live- th is and the m a tte r has been settled. E lectric lights are lie I tig Installed Interest» held hy W J Scott in E. R D anner. H. E Maxey, Ja c k season's prospects, and expects by stdek shows, and has achieved suc­ A Y-shap approach to serve both about th e grounds and th at portion "The Loop. Io< at cigar store, have llen d i rer W. Rebhan the end of the w inter, at least, to cess in each of these in which he has the north and the south traffic Is in Hie vicinity of the Midway dance Is'eti sold to V J, Daniels. It was an- have at least one o r two victories entered birds planned by the engineers. The ap- hull, included In Jon es purchase. '» ! nouncad this week P. T . A. P la n » T e a Mr. Scott, who chalked up for Springfield. — - proach will leave the Pacific highw ay «specially welt lighted for the con­ has owned an in terest In the »tore Just north o f the Kingwedl green So little do th e high school's venience of patron» driving tn In for th ree years, haa not yet decided T he Springfield Psrent-T eai hern- LOUIS H. SMITH IS (houses and w ill necessitate h u y in t basketball recru its know about the cars. A ssociation will conduct » liver tea Ilia future plana DEAD AT ACE OF 62 a t least part of this property as well Jones reports th at d espite the I Mr, D aniels has already taken at 3 o ’clock tom orrow afternoon at game. Fenw ick has found it neces-t as property on the north side w here sary to teach even first strin g as w.-aiher condition», to s rts t travel is ch arg e of Ills new In terests In “Tne the Lincoln school building A goo I plrants the most rudim entary p rin -' D eath cam e S aturday m orning t o | ( v o houses must be moved, boliltvix up exceptionally well Mou- | XM,p program 1» prom ised by association cfples of the hoop sport. Such will Louis H. Sm ith. 86 years of age. a |I day night every cabin in th.' grounds m em bers, who have Invited the pub­ he the activities of the players until resident of Sprinfielil for nine years, q M. OLSON NAMED was occupied, and the p atronage ha»| lic to atten d , ’th e proceeds from the S ta r a t T e a a fte r the holidays, when Fenwick will and a relativ e of several local resi­ h r .n gisirl throughout the last fort HEAD OF MASONS HERE tea will go to the plav shed fund. pick his Jlrst team and begin work dents. F uneral services w ere con­ Honoring retirin g officer» of the Bight ducted Monday at the W alker chapel C ascade C hapter. O rder of th e Eaat- in earnest. The first game will be Oswald M. Olson was elected S p ec ial M u sic P lan n ed ern S tar. Mrs. C () Wilson w as host played with U niversity High School with Rev S E arl C hilders in charge w orshipful m aster of the local Ma­ COLLECTING TOYS AND Mr. Sm ith is survived hy his sonic lodge Tuesday evening Instal­ a t a dainty afternoon tea at her rest- Special music Is planned for the early in January. A nnouncem ent of FOOD FOR DISTRIBUTE tjence last S aturday widow and five d au g h te rs: Mrs. W. lation of the officers also took place Mrs. I F | C hristian church services next Sun­ the com plete schedule will be made Ketel. retiring worthy m atron and day when a rep resen tativ e of the de- , in a few days, C. McLagan and Mrs. R. L. B urnett at T uesday's m eeting t lirtstm as b ask et, are to be turn Mrs W L. House, retirin g associate of Springfield; Mrs. Jack T hayer and O ther officers named w ere; C. A. nom ination's m issionary division will D anner, who played for a short i- h e il to tw e lv e d. t l t u l e fa m ilie s tit m atron presided at the urns Miss O neta Sm ith of Fall Creek, and Sw arta. senior w arden; W illis Frit«. he the chief sp eak er Tlte chorus Springfield by H i- S a lv a tio n A rm y , tim e at Santa Clara is Is one of the j Mrs c h rjg W i,(, e of M ichigan; two Junior w arden; C. F. Egim ann. tr--.s- G uests bidden were Miss S trau b of also has been arran g ed to give spec- most prom ising of the new men out R Smj(h of r o , ta|fe Grovp A bn> .i, cording to Mr I’aitl ItraHaln. po tire r; Roscoe Perkins, senior d e a rm ; I t . m atron, who is cooperating w l'h P ortland Mrs Cllffonl Wilson of th is ' lal num bers a week from Sunday for basketball this year. O thers who th e r L. W. Sm ith of E astern Oregon. J W’ Purcell. Junior deacon; C. H th. army In planning th e benefit city, anil the following retirin g of ) are likely io make a strong hid for Two siste rs are also living Mrs. Fred W heaton. se cretary : H arry W. P la n n in g E n te rta in m e n t fli e rs o f th e lo d g e : Mrs. J F. K etels. , w. rlt h ere at C hristm as time. first team positions are Rill Cox. Bill Stahlm an of Detroit anil Mrs Phylla W hitney, senior stew ard; H arry W. C hristm as en tertain m en t of the F ru its and o th er foods, and aecond M r» . W I. R ouse. M rs . C. A. S w a r li. Thomposn. Orva! Eaton. Bill Pollard. Rllyeu of Kalam a. W ashington. W right. Junior stew ard; L, F. Ander­ •».ml toy« a te » an ted for the haske’ s Mrs Opal R oberts. Mrs S. It Dippel. C h ilsllsn church will he conducted Evan Hughes. Orval Redding, T liav -r Mr. Sm ith moved here from Albanv son. tyler and J. F. Ketels. ehaplin. on the night of Dceemher 2'.i. it was fm Hn- poor it 1» «late'l Mrs B r it­ M rs CHIT A b ra m s M rs J u n e Cruzan. McMurray E Squires, T. Squires and and has bpen in the employ of the tain said that any Springfield people M rs I E W in a to ll. M rs. J a c k H>-nd announced today. P lans aro in charge L aw ieiu e Roof. Mountain S tates pow er Company for P lay B a s k e tb a ll S eries w ishing lo donate to the cause e r e r. M r - J C. M i M u rra y . M rs . of Mrs. H erbert Moon, and include several years. ch ild ren 's exercises and music. - hnnlil n o titi hei anil »he w ill • h it C h a rle s W ils o n M rs It I! (Jlilliam. POLICE MATRON WILL T he interclusa basketball serie« Among relatives and friends who -ml collect the contributions , M rs P a u l B a s to n i. M rs. H o lv e rs o n SPEAK TO BROTHERHOOD attended the funeral on Monday were was started yesterday by Springfield C om ed y D ra m a T o n ig h t I high school boys. Y esterday the Tho C hristian Endeavor of th “ the following: H old M e e tin g T o n ig h t MRS. NELLIE DAVIS F reshm en and Seniors played one Mrs. M. S Ady. police m atron of C hristian church tonight will present Mrs. J R Dassell of Albany. Mrs. DIES AT HOSPITAL a comedy dram a. "T hose D readm l Eugene, will address the brotherhood Ella B urnett. Mrs. Roland Allen, and game, and the Sophomores and Jun- T in - i l l y e h a r te r c o m m itte e w i l l *o rs enfalfe’' in an° t her Today Twins." at the Bell th e a tre This Is of the Springfield M ethodist Episco­ Mrs. Mildred Campbell of Albany . o iid u e l a n o th e r m e e tin g n t th e city i Mrs Nellie Davis, wife of J A 1 the Freshm en and Juniors will com­ pal cliurcli fit a d in n er to he con­ Mrs a th ree aet play ami will s ta rt at 7:3t>- Fred Stahlm an of D e tro it;, h a ll to n ig h t, s i c o r d in g to a n n o u n c e - Davis, o p erato r of a mitt on th« Mo­ John Lynch amt Ralph Cole have the ducted at the church hasem ent Mun L uther Sm ith of H om estead; Mr. and pete as will the Sophs and Seniors. m m t o f R e c o r d .! It W , S m ith Fur- haw k and resilient of this city, died It is expected th at the hanl-fought day evening. Mrs. Ady will discuss leailin roles as the twins. Mrs. Bert Bilveti of Raim a. AVn.; Mrs. th e t w o rk on Itu - p ro p o s e d new work at the Pacific C hrlstIgn hospital Sun gam es will occur tomorrow, when the tie r work am ong delinquents and will Andrew Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. J W. ing papers of Springfield will tu a. , (ja y ,.v,.n |„g F u n eral services wer-. Ju n io rs and Seniors will vie for lower tell of the aid that stleh organizations C iv ic C lub M eets C ottrell, of P ortland; Mr. and M rs., ci mpllslied conducted Tuesday afternoon at the a stlio brotherhood may he to that division honors. A pproxim ately $40 was cleared hv Cecil Ford of C rab tree; Mr and Mrs. W alker iliapel. with Rev. S Earl Hie Women s Civic Club at the tiazaar cause. Fred Gooch. Mrs. F rank Titus. Mr. M a rria g e Licen ses Issued ! ('fin d ers, pastor of th e C h r is tia n conducted last week, it was reported Hjx ,|,,],,KI,te s who attended til“ and Mrs. F rank Gooch, all of Philo- j Plan Homecoming During tin* past week ninrrlnge Hi"* r h n n fi. In charge, at a m eeting hi Id Inst night. Tin- 5,, ,|lo(|jK, Lnyineit's Council In l\irt- m ath; Mr and Mrs H enry C orten Of Plans are completed for the annual i psi s have been issued by the county Mrs ltavls was horn in 1880 In noxt m eeting will take place Decern |}|n(| w)1| ,.vp,,r t On the convention, S easide; R A. MeLagan og T angent. homecom ing of the W oodcraft lodge, She Is survived hy Three C, loth to tho following couples: Albert Illinois. Waffles, coffee Htid bacon will he ser- Lou Fox of Summit, and Mr and Mrs. to be conducted at the W. O. W hall All' ll and Bessie . Mi Caini both of sons. D. A. anil H . A. Davis of Spring tier 28 — -------------------- j veil, the proeeeds going to the Me- Don Stahlm an of Eugene. next W ednesday evening. A C hriit- i . , i l i i n d . F r a n k B lo o m fie ld am t Ra ' field, and C. E. Davis of Inglewood, In v ite Y o u n g People I 1 hod 1st choir fund, m as tree program is planned, and all fiel H erns, bolli of E u g en i'; Tracy California, and one daughter, Mrs. J form er m em bers of the circle have ------------------ C alison mid Nellh Jackson, both of M. M lllell. of Sprlngtli hl The family H elen Meyers has Invited th e Rooms P lan E n te rta in m e n ts ! been Inxited to attend. The circle E u g e n e ; H a rv e y G e ig e r ' a n d N e llie has re s id e d h e re n liiiu l th ree m onths, young people of th e C hristian church F in g e r Slashed O ff— T h e 4 y e a r old h e ' plans to Install new officers on Janu- WoJnak both of W endling; Howard _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to h er residence on the McKenzie son of Elza Riddle of Donna S u sta in -! C hristm as en tertain m en ts w i l l _ riv er tom orrow evening for a social ( a ser)oug |n ju rj- to one of his flng-' conducted in the roll room s of the W 12. A Robb. C ottagi Glove anil Nora Moyer Goes South— C. L Moyer, affair. ,.rs wfien playing with his b ro th er '-Springfield public schools next week. H arvey. J a s p e r: H o w a rd Keen» and M rs. S cott V is its — M rs. C. F. Scott M argaret Cline bolli of C o H bcp four years with th e local plant of the 1 Saturday. T he finger was nearly sev 1 according ----------- - to announcem ent of S u p e r-' , . Booth Kelly ber Company, lias cred from th, hand hv a blow of a , Intendent V. D. Bain. It Is possible visiting for a few days a t the real- (¡rove; Carl Lawson and Minnie G ar­ P ostpone C a n t a t a —The h ig h guile to California with the intention denee of Mr. and Mrs. D. W McKin­ ner, botti of E ugene; Donald Scho­ hatchet. 1,h a t the hlf[h ar h f,<'>l also will have of locating at some point In that school can tata, to have been p resen t­ field and H i lda Davis, bolli or .Alluni an en tertain m en t, and the glee eluhs non' Mrs. S cott Is Mrs. M cKinnon’s »Into Tho move was mmlc neces­ ed D ecem ber 17, will not he conduct m other. She has been visiting for M c L a g a n a t M a rs h fie ld — W . C. M c -ia re working on C hristm as song». ed until a fter the holidays. It was some tim e in P ortland at the resi­ M artin Here— Ralph M arlin, aalea sary hy the condition of Mr. M oyer's ------------------------ announced hy rep resen tativ es of the Lagan, steam superintendent of the | m an ag er of the lloolh-Kelly Com­ health. When he has derided on n M ountain S tates Pow er company, left Mrs. Lepley III— Mrs. Leland Lep- dence of h er daughter. Mr». A. F. glee i lulis this week. The date will pany. was a visitor at th e com pnny's loentlnn. his family will Join him !n ley Is clnflned to her bed w ith illness. JelNion. yesterday for M arshfield. lie m ade public soon. the Southland. Jetai plant today.