IIKK 1«, 198« P A C E FIGHT Ma«« CXrtatm«« Party street« Many rtitertain m e n t features servad to make Ute V v aatu f s ite Christmas Gifts In The, cMaking pasa M rs. O. lì. Keaaey wa< boat to Ih * quickly and enjoyable. . N ra ia jt-'lo a chit» at a Christm as party Mrs. C K K enyon acted as S anta «.« d u c te d laat Ihritlsjr r t r a i a a in the Mrs Dalla» Murphy »an« a ¿ .lt r 'it t u lly dscoratod room» of the Vlau». Keaiw p reside«!re at H f th and F vocal »olo. A catalogue, telling about o u r S ecretarial. B ookkeep­ ing «Mid Stenographic Courses, sent free to any address, upon request. Monday is enrollment day. gold ribbon Is very effei live, and a bit of sachet «pJwder betw een T h e pliarse "A M erry C h ristm a s’ is «me th at au to m atic 992 W illam ette S treet Especially so w hen th at gift 8- one |«ossessing th e elusive quality th e pow der puff and th e silk b a rk Is still a n o th e r «'harm ing to uch So forget th e shades of past stru g g les at C h ristm as tittle am i with a little tim e, «-are. and Ingeem ilty, m ake Instead holi­ d ay gifts th at nr«> m erry little sh ad es of your ow n personality for vottr friends personal to u ch ! »s And those a re the kind of holiday g ifts th at an- so easily IT’S A GOOD SCHOOL Phone «66 alluring gift, its c h e er is su stain ed m ore th an a rapidly moving m om ent. A row of Val Ince, with th e th rs s e d pulled to frill It. Is then sew n all «round th e edge. RJbbou w ound aro u n d th e handle. In a co lo r to m atch th e silk on th« back of th e pow der puff, «-«»mpletes this d ain ty gift Silver or ally ca rrie s good cheer, brtt w hen it Is followed by an Interestin g , A E. R oberts, P resident 4 the pow der puff Is sew ed out«» the back, w ith the edges held down w ith tin y silk »tit < he«. By STARLING DORAN EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE jv - m ade right in your own hom e, for little cost, am i With great e n ­ Eugene. O regon joym ent. even w hen tliqe Is pressing Every w om an rejoice» in p retty clo th es for her leisure m om ents, and while cozy k n itted sllppt-rs are co m fortable, they QbrUinm are rarely delicate enough for w ear with th e d ainty negllge«>s of today. B u y Your T his year, how ever. It Is at leaest possible to com bine th e w a rm th anti ease of a wool slipper with th e delicacy and A new wool, spun from th e fu r of w hite A ngora rab b its Is now oA th e m ark et. PHOTOGRAPH Al.ltl MS Kt »I >AKS WRITING PORTFOLIOS FRAMED PICTURES LEATHER BILL KOLOS INCENSE BURNERS LEATHER P l’RSES B R \S S ROWLS DIARIES PENCIL BOXES FOUNTAIN PENS PEN AN'P PENCIL SETS SCHOOL BAGS CHILDRENS BOOKS STATIONERY ANY CHRISTMAS CARDS ZINE SI BSCRIPTION. T he girl who e n ­ m ak es a pair of th ese delightful slippers for h er ahum . A ch arm in g lam p-shade is m ade from jiajx-r. m anila w rapping C ut a piece of th e p ap er to tit both top am i »Ides of th e fram e, and glue in place. A strip of bla k p aper finishes th e top and bottom of the shade, and a black painted band o u tlin e s th« print w hich is pasted In front of th e shade. shade is painted w ith am b er sealing wax dissolved In alcohol, Itn- A com m on m arket b ask et, Many useful and ornate articles specially fo r C hristm as I •' E u g e n e Book Store black, a n d covered inside and outside with a gay blue, black or F lam ed M ottoes I an be obtained h e r- at publishers prices. A C om plete S tatio n ery S tore o r a n g e ’8tri|>ed w aterr|xx»f m aterial, bolds a g en ero u s asso rtm en t 864 W illam ette St. of th e housew ife's m uch needed tools. Eugene. Oregon u A w aste -p ap e r b ask et, p u rch ased for tw en ty o r tw en ty - five c e n ts m ay b e m ade to harm ingly fit y o u r frien d 's «1* o ra l- MM a te design and in an ap p ro p ria te color, and »hellack It to m ake it dust-p ro o f. ELKINS GIFT SHOP M any o th e r a ttra c tiv e boxes, for all so rts of practical uses, m ay he m ade in th e sam e m an n er. Eugene. Th«- effects * obtained are diverse and varied en ough to please everyone, and all s o rts of originality m ay he displayed. It should m easu re one yard and a Tin- universal gift half long, but if the c reto n n e is used in one piece Is m ay be doubled, and only th»- side seam s will need stitch in g . i are selvedge«!, this m ak es th e Inside of th«- slip n eat. prices to At . in use. Carl Baker’s Kodak Shop — A p air of shoe tree s ta n l»e m ade festive in a Jiffy, If th e 7 WEST 7TH EUGENE, OREGON wooden tips are gilded and th e m etal pieces th en w ound with half inch satin ribbon, and th e knob flnipheed w ith perky little bows. Frames - Albums Enlaigements - Pictures J u s t on«- shoe tre e can be quickly transform «-d into a Eugene. O regon ut any purs«-. f it T he top tape Is pulled, to draw it up aro u n d th e g a rm e n t h an g er, when Next 1. O. O. Bldg. 77 9th Ave. E. a size to fit any age As the«»- should lx- tu rn e d dow n «me Inch to m ak e a easin g , th ro u g h w hich ■ WILLIAM’S Self Service Store “KODAK” A c reto n n e slip cover to protect clothos Is a useful gift th a t can be m ade in a hu rry . * Willamette St. with Its han d les enam eled five cen ts, m ay be m ade to ch arm in g ly fit your frien d 's d eco rat- Oregon Myrtle Wood Novelties. K mu MAGA­ T he su rfa c e of tin- parting a lovely tran sp a ren c y . P ictures from 50c to St BOOK OR . W here every item of a large but individualistic stock offers you g re a te r opportunities to please. We will be glad to advise you w h eth er you buy or not. G ifts are o u r business. M EM oR IE BOOKS T h e y arn h as a fu rry a p p e ara n ce th a t is joys k n ittin g will he sure to m ake a hit at C h ristm as if she GIFT SHOP DESK SKI’S Is dyed in th e sm artest shades, both pastel and th e high colors so popular this w inter. very pleasing w hen the th e rm o m e te r Is low. at a It pow der puff, back p a tte r style, which is so convenient and d ain ty for evening use. An Inexpensive pow der puff, which can he bought in a nu m b er of sizes and even h ea rt-sh ap e d If deJdred, is Do Your Christmas Shopping Here in this m odern m ethod store. or have to hurry. tk .. K Christmas Gifts sm a rtn e ss of the loveliest lounging robs. first o|x-n«-d at th e side seam ju st wide enough to slip th e pointed I end of th e tre e in. It Is th en secu rely sewed in place. T he trim ­ m ing conies next. A piece of flowered silk o r ribbon th e sam e You will not have to wait E verything is plainly m arked and you can tak e your tim e and choose w hat you like, not what th e salesm an likes to sell vou. SH O ES For Every Member of the Family 98c to $4.98 BRING THIS ADVERTISE­ MENT with you. It will be worth 25c on every purchase of $1 or over D W IG H T O 'D E LL NAMED ON BARO M ETER STAFF Oregon Agriculfure College. Cor valll», Dec 1«:—Dwight O'Dell of Springfield a Junior in Commerce a t] the college has been appointetl to th e) »taff of the B arom eter, daily new» paper puhllHhed by the AHSodated Student». O'Dell 1» one of t l persons | appointed to the »taff from an awplr-1 an t etas» of m ore than 50 »tudent» who have been trying out th is term . A stu d en t m ust »how ability and Interest In JournallHm to become a mem ber of the B arom eter »taff. O’Dell I» one of the leading news- writer» on the eampuM, being one of I , the leader» In a w riting content d u r­ ing the pa»t term . li e was a varsity »port» w riter during part of the foot- | ball season H e 1» a member» of Alpha Pi Delta, social fraternity. Of co u rse II -will be a tu rk e y for C h ristm as! It's ra re goodness h as estab lish ed th e custom of T u rk ey for C hristm as. We have selected from th e best b reed ers th eir very choicest birds large plum p and Juicy. Our cu sto m ers are requested to place o rd ers now— we will select early and be su re you get th e pick of th e flocks. Of co u rse, we have D ucks -Geese and ro a sts for th o se who p refer them . Card of Thank» Buy Where The Selling Cost is Less T im e to T aiK T u r K e y We wish to thank our many rela­ tive« and friend» for th eir klndne.,» our hour of g reat sorrow and loss of onur hour of g reat sorrow and loss of our dear huahand and father. Mr».. L. A. Sm ith and family. th e ch oicest and ten d erest. C hickens Altvays Fill your C hristm as and New Y ear D inner M enu here. IndependentMeat Company 4th $ Main - Phone 63