t PAG B S E V E * M illa r In— V i r i l i M ille r of Jasper ; P IN A L I OP H B A R IN O m I ACCOUNT wan among butin»«* visitors In «ha County Court of tho S ta t* of Spr|nne|rt Monday. Oregon for Lana County In tho ______ _ m atter of tho Estate of John J. Cara Collido Lindsay. daccaaod. Automobiles operated by Andrew Notice la hereby given by the un deralgned ailnilntatrator of raid rat Holme« and Royal Owen« collided at UM.*-»— .—i a t. that by I I . order dated and filed Saturday, a»-- ¡o n December 11. 192«. the above , “ named court ha» appointed Jaunary ] cording to an accident report filed * 15, 1927 at 10 o’clock A M at the with Police Chief Jess Smltaon Fend ! « hamtx-ra» of »aid court In the (a tn e , ,|a m a ie to both automobile» reault County Court Houae InI t h e c i t y of ^ c o rd in g to the report. Kugenft, Ioan«- County, O fefo n a» tne| C O M B IN A T IO N K IN O R A D IO — Tw o I Onte and piar»' for hearing objec H»la In Due, Ixm g D in am -e Cryatal i Hon» If any Io the final account o f « N O T IC E O P F1N.’_ H E '.R IN , RIS° I „11 1 »aid adm lnlatrator aa made and filed, and Tub. \o u can gel h e C IR C U IT C O U R T O F f H B if. tim e and place of final bearing upon S T A T E O F O R EG O N FO R T H E ! M id fin*; account and for the settle- C O U N T Y O F L A N E . ment of »aid eatate. i j n t he m atte r of the application o f ' SUM M ONS A ll persona havl.tg objections o f . Jam eit w sea rey. against M ary B IN I H E t IK< I IT ( O l R T O F T H E naid final account, or any Item there- j,'iijHOn anry S a tu rd a y N ig h t. F R E S H S W E E T (H tA N U K H H r. Min laud Hall. Hum ne. Every Freali Sweet Drang«» »3 per box of Tu« »day Night T ic k e t* 76«' laidi.-.» three hundred large alge H oi«» la rg e / than atandard alxe Sound fru it and »attafactlon guaranteed or money buek W e pMy expreaa charge i. Natron Man Here— Gb-nn Tryon of Natron wua a bualnr « vialtur in th« A box of th e m make» an appreciate.! Chrlatm aa gift Rem it w ith order. i-ltj Monday ACM E ORANGE FARMS. lutUrange Texaa. if. »f N O T IC E O F F IL IN G O F F IN A L account N O T IC E la hereby given that the underatgneil A d m ln latrator of tbe eatate of John T W illiam », deceased, baa &l*-m In the Court Houae at Eugene, latne County, Oregon, haa been fixed as the tint« and pla« < for the hearing npon aald account, and for final aettlo- ment of aald estate A ll persona h a r­ ing obj«ntlon» to »aid account are notified to file the aame. In w riting, with the County Clerk of l«ane County. Oregon, on or b«-fore »aid date. D O N A L D V O V N G . A dm lnlatrator of the ,-atate >*f Hann«* K ristin e Johansen, deceased. D » 16 23 30: J ( : * FOR S A L E OH T R A D E New tí room 3 CHEERS FOR LABOR THE LOW COST OF 2-YEAR-OLDS COMPLETE IMMERSION 140 YEARS YOUNG M r. Green, head o f the Am erican Federation o f L abcr, heaven bicsn him, declares th a t labor want» a pow erful navy, th a t the Lro.U*l States may be properly defend»«» and ready fo r trouble. W orkm en would be worse • ’ foolish to w ant a nation un it»- pared, since they bear the bi i f * when fighting cornea. Big fellow » display their patriotism by mak­ ing a fa t profit in w ar. L ittle fe*- lo««a get »hot, gassed, disease«», etc. M r. Green and Ida F ed eration of Labor w ill no doubt advix-afc» the rig h t kind o f preparedness. A great b attle fleet in the a ir, a n ­ other W o w the w ater. Subm a­ rine« to destroy enemy »hips ajs they come; airplane» to beat rix airships, sink enemy merchantm an and w a r vessel». Those are ta n things thi» country needs. r. .. . II I iw to ,b * C ounty c o u rt on or he- ; (Jegc^t^d ianda and premises to -w lt. W illiam Donaldson and l l - l - n Don | , ore the tim e fixed for final hearing Beginning at a point th irty feet aldaon. hl» wife, plaintiffs, v».. B A. herein . , , . . north of the southeast corner o f the W aahburne and M ary Waahburne. hla J ()9 lE H. SPO RES. A d m in istratrix j acoh Halstead D. L C. No. 47 In wife. Janie» C larke and Ethel Clarke, of the eatate of Geo. W. Spores. De- R^(. „ on jg. township 17 south, range hla wife Thotnan W halen and Jane, ceased. 3 weat o f the W illa m e tte M eridian. L. E. BEA N, atto rn ey for estate Poe Whub-n. hla wife, or If deceased thence west 587 80 fee t; thence north D 9-16 23 30: J «: th eir unknown heirs. Owen Mathew« along the east side of county road To be too fa t doesn’t and Jane Doe Mathew«, hla w ife, or 2833 feet, thence east 564 67 feej. to aarily mean over-eating- O ften * If deceased. lh«-tr unknown helra. and 1 the east line of M id claim and thence Also all «liber unknown parties who N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T R utjj ,( « 3 toet , 0 the place of begln- TABLE STAKES m eaiv defective metabolism. « • - have or . lalm some title, estate, lien.! Notice Is hereby given that Nelson n|n< perfect elim ination. A P ris e a w nr Interest in th* property described H Signor and A lice L. Thompson. Also; feci en bread and w a te r fo r tw e A man known for generous tipping In the com plaint herein Defendants adm inistrators of the eatate of Alma Beginning a t a point 30 feet north weeks rain ed three pound» The­ was In the habit of alw ays eating To James 1. Clarke and Ethel Lucina 8l«nor. Deceaaed. h are filed #n(, g27 g wegt of the southeast ta -a d and w ater diet put his sy>- In the aame dining room Insisted J Clarke, his w ife; Thomas W halen th e ir final account of th eir admlnls- corller of t j,e Jacob Halstead and w ife tom to w ork. upon having the aame w aiter- 'his and Jan* Doe W halen, his wife, or I f , tratlon of M id eatate w ith the clerk d L. C N o . 47 In section 2« township Mothers and fathers «houW b e morning a new colored gentleman deceased, th e ir unknown heirs; Owen ««f the CotWtJ^CoBrt of Laae Cotuxty, 17 south of range 3 west W il.^ M e r. M ath ew s and Jane Doe M a th ew s, h l« ! State of Oregon, and that the aald running thence west 627 feet thence totereated in th * fac t that tu b e r­ came to lake hj» order. w ife or If deceased, their unknown court has set as the tim e and place north 130 fee t; thence west 300 fe e t; culosis is increasing among y u « « < "W hat's become of George? li e s ,)F|rll. „ j,,, a || ntbee unknown :tl for the final settlem ent of «aid ac- thence n «rth* 830 feet, thence west girls. G irls starve them sew ee tc, keep thin and tu b e re u la *» my regular w aiter." who have or claim some ft*** es- co u n t Saturday, December 18th. 1*26. 999 g fee t to the east line of the Ore ■em u attack a weak body "W e ll auh. t.aw-ge ain't agin' to ta t*, lien or Interest In the -« •-*- •« a t the hour of T en O'clock In the gon 4 C alifo rn ia RaUroad rig h t of bisuflleient blood supply. aerre vou no moah He and I done <»*- rl1,* d ‘n: foren«xm of said day al the office of w a y ; thence north 14 degrees west the County Judge at the County Court 5*8 feet to the south line of Vine . the alMire named defendant«: T he responsibility is w ith *e shot crap» for yoah—and 1 wins." I THK O F T H E S T 'T U House of Lane County at Eugene, street in Searey’» addition to Spring ! ents th a t lose all control o f tha field. I^ine County, Oregon, thence Oregon. A ll persons having objec­ " O F O R E G O N : You are hereby »"•-■ ehihien, beyond retaining the he tions to said final account must pres­ east along the said south line of Vine N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G O F F IN A L ■"«’ •*«»»‘F*d to • r o f p ayin g th e ir bills. ent them on or before said date of street 2072 5 feet to the west lin e of answer the com plaint filed against SETTLEM ENT , yon in thè abnve entltled sull and final settlement F ifth struct In said addition, the »am« Hum an beings cost money being a County road. thenCe eolith hereby _ g lre n fhal thè court w llh in a l l weeks from th«-«late N E L S O N H . SIG N O R . Notice la __ _____ raise and many are not worth A L IC E L. T H O M P S O N . Adm inistra along said west line 1540 leet to the uniler»lgned A d m in istrator o the es of the first publication of thia sum place of beginning. late of Ellen Bow ler, deceased, has mona. to w it: on or before the 27th tors. I M P E T E R S O N . Attorney. Also; filed Its account for the final aettle- dav o f January 1*27; and you w ill Returns "From Conference N 18 25; D 2 * 1 6 Beginning at a point 1630 feet north ment of aald .-slate In the County '»ke notice that If vou fall to appear and 1252 94 feet west of the south­ Sv-v. a l Springfield aif-n have r e ­ Court for Lane County In the State and a n s s e r or plead w ithin aal.l t|me east corner o f the Jacob Halstead turned from the M ethodist Episcopat ot Oregon, and th a t Saturday, the the p lain tiff for want thereof w ill N O T IC E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N D L C. No. 47 in tow nship 17 south 18th dav of December. 1*2«. at the a p rlv to th. above entltl««! court for F O R E S T OFXtT EXCHA N G E E NIN T F R IO R ° f ’ W" ‘ W M ta>a* “ 8 ® onducted >a> hour of ten o'clock A M. at the th* re lie f prav*d for In th e ir said D E P A R T M E N T T« c v n n r r r r r north 770 feet, thence w est 1663.6 fe«i Portland late last we< County Court room at the C o u r t, complaint to w it: U N IT E D S T A T T E E S f L A N D Ok I* It E. eag, Hn(. of , h(. Oregon A Cab , b<>sf a tt,nd«d fro i Lane County, For a decree herein. In and by In Eugene. House Roaeburg. Oregon WiS forn1» ra llro a '1 r i* h ‘ of waT ’ ’' “ T Dr W H Pollard Dr N bv said Court “ which all adverse claims ot aald de Novem ber 3, 1926 192^ , . south« 14 degrees east 784 feet to th« *>r V. H P o lla ro . irr .» Oregon, has been fendants and ea ch <*f them In and , to I . N . w O T IC E is hereby given , , 1 1 . - - ' — — ..ereby Riven that on »inF Vine street in S e a re y ’« i City Record A R W Sm — , ------ fixed as the tim e and p la c e iX s 7 e d 'T n n. L t e M«'ountvr' ^ r . 7 \ ’' r r^ ; £ 7 ’ * ? ™ * . , O r a g o ^ m ^ lp p B e .V io n ad<1' ’ lon ^ “ i o ^ f c X r t b ! P r“ '' B a r,h o k ,B e ’ an“ W " , U “ for final settlem ent of said estate. mber ■< F IR S T N A T IO N A L H A N K . E U G E N E . __________ ________________________ O REG O N. A d m in istrator of the Es- ( t « i Block O n - Hundred On«' t i n t ' ¡ 0 k j j ,43 Stat.. 465) to exchange, the southern district convention urne « s ftuhdlvl.lon th* | I , thp s W w '4 ,4 . S H SE>4 SEL, N S W W t4 U . . Sec. Sec ■>■»« ¿’ s ¿ „ ib e d land being U te of Ellen Bowler. Deceased W ashhnrne Snh«livl«lon o o f f th* he N E i^ S d* A ll ’5 the . ^ above land being motion committee. field Investm Investm ent ent and and Power Power 37. »7. Tow Tow nship nship 15 15 9 . Range Range * » W W est. est. W W. .,AI1, 1 I L ” described Countv Oregon BEA N A B RO O KE. Attorneys. Springfield - addition ‘ to the Town of M w lthtn ,he Sluslaw National d. T ? ¿ , H n M I T M A Y < X 1 N N 18 25; D 2 * 1 6 Comp« nv ................. - . . . For- - vcoer Flats Man Here — 9le*W field !.« n - County O regon •- for , he tim ber on th e S E \ . NE*6 ™ A 1L __________________ - Snrfnrfleld » f u l l , de.eem.ned and «le, la’ . _____ Sp<.t,bn 4 , Township 20 a S . . C E R . , . - h r. an unnlb B o w k - 'o f Cedar Flats waw In t««ww r low nsnip «» 7 ▼ , , - . • , 0*> «hall be nnd adlu.lglns ths’ the " •" ’ " ' 'J * Range 12 W«-«t. W . M also w ith in (1 “ L u * filed by the »aid James transa« ting business Monday, the o «n e ts of the «hove desrrlbEd the Sluslaw N atio n al Forest. . , b_ c irc u it Court of that the defendants, T h e purpose of this notice Is to W . Searey in tbe < I n u u « ourt o , ---------------------------------- .................................. the State of Oregon for Lane < ounty . 8 m |# i (B T -w n _ B o ’« s '.: ™ " ,« . i 41 for in itia l registration to the land t , , « . , . . I , . . I .O -.1.1 , . . l » -« ________ _ « _ ,« « !. - -- r — h « , l n - , l _ . M - - W -e . X n-' " ; dent of Natron, spent a part of Mow- , r _________ . " " * nnle«« won a 1 nerty or anv ««art thereo f: sn*l alao tions to such application, an oppor- above d «■ Ssringfleld houae In Eugene Rath, to ile t built in» and basement. On pav««d atre.it and car line W ill take vacant lot or lota tn Springfield aa flrat pay­ ment and give eaay term s on bal anoa. I*rlce *3150. Addreaa X- Newa Office. < By Arthur Brisbane . ' *A’ J 'B U S I N E S S D I R E C T O R Y !,! i" , > u o ---------------------------------------- W M . O. H U G H E S P IR I ano a u to in s u r a n c e N O T A R Y P U B L IC O fflea at F IR S T N A T IO N A L Springfield, BANK Oregon W. F. Walker Funeral Director 22S M ain St. 62 J Qen«-ral Law Practice I. M. P E T E R S O N Residence 125 C 8t 62 M F ull Auto Equipm ent I.aily Assistant Attorney-at-Law Com m ercial State Bank Bldg.. Springfield. Ore. Cfill SU TTO N TRANSFER Phone 57 DR. N. W . E M E R Y D IN T IS T Sutton Bldfl. Phona 20-J Residence Phone 153 M Springfield, Oregon D, W . R oof JEW ELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon DR. 8. R A LP H D IP P E L D E N T IS T Phon« 43 F lra t N a t'l Bank Bldg., Springfield SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road w ork. We m ake a specialty of crushed rock nnd rock sand. B unk­ ers at foot of Mitin on Mill street. H E N R Y W. C H A S E, Prop. ,n o - r "• *U - „ u f t he the same w ill be taken as. conresseu N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F S SALS ORf - ....... ........................ part th e r e o f.'" “ ^ , ^ 1 , 1 . office V tth ln t h l r t v * a r s and a decree w ill be entered acconV E X E C U T IO N IN F O R H C L O S U K F rt-al prvW'Ttv or anv ,nhp datp of , hp flrM publication ing to the prayer of the application Notice is hereby given that ky r.c adwra«* to th** n la ln tffi* still for «uch 6«, I'a.lev sa -I to r,> * ro™ , . first .. • >- .« _ and ... i you _ w t ill ll u e o v a*v- r> a w . . .ifiatrx u n « l c x r g ia x r sy C M ftkd« other and fu rth e r re lie f herein , w hlch publication be f forever ba«-ed fllTfl and tue of an exteufion and order o f sato ... _____ o* ««««a I««o*t ■ __ . _ _ , , ____ «>,_ unme in foreclosure issued out o f the C ir foreclosed from disputing the same. th»' court nun seem equitable is Novem ber 18. 1926. R S B R Y SO N , C o u n ty Clerk m it Court of Lane County. Orego«. T ill» su m m o n - 1» published pur­ non-coal . „ , „ F R A N K A. D E P U E . A ttorney f o r , „ „ the 29th day of November. 192«. suant 1« th» order of Honorable G. H A M IL L A. C A N A P A Y . Register a p p lb a n t. Residence. Springfield. a BUlt w herein on the 29th d ay « * F Sklpw orth. Judg« of the above en N 18-25: D 2 9-16 Oregon ! November, 1926. in said court C . F title«! court i'ub' mad*' and enter’ d N 25: D 2-9-16-28 Hyde, p laintiff, recovered Judgeinv«*' on the 14th dav of December. 1928. A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S SALE OF ' i ag ain -t th»- defeadanta \*b I«' W h it- T h " first | nidi« alien of this »umninns R E A L P R O P E R T Y N O T IC E Is hereby given th a t t h e , t „ n ani1 p rank E W h itton . foe ffrrr «111 be made * n C**- 1«’ h dav of Dec- N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N that State Land Board of the S tate of sutn of 2560.00 w ith interest tltervewv mber 1*2« ........................ and the last miblieatton lh«T«'«*f » i l l '«• mail* on the 27th day hv‘ v |r t „, of an order of the County Oregon w ill receive sealed, bids at a , g % annum from A p ril IS. . Court of Lane Countv Oregon, duly its office in the Capitol building at ¡9 -5 u ntil paid and the fu rth e r sun» « ’ J a m ia rv . 19?7 and 't «H l he puli ix ,,.« ...P tlv« * weeks In the ma()p lin^ enter «l on »he second day Salem. Oregon, u p »0 l i t» o 'c lw k of J1301 tax m upon said p njperty. Usile«! of December "»2« the undersigned A M . February 15. 1927. for all the an|, (u rt,,p r SU|B of 37500 a tto r Se' ln r ” * Id N -w s newsoaner an«p the ctfsts and disbavae- - I m » E T F R R rtN Attorney for A d m in istrator o f the estate of H A. State's interest in the hereinater «les- ¡n sum. of | i 7 M , P la in tiffs P«*»1offh« a d d r e ss. S p rin g Rnsor. deceased, will, on and a fter crlbed shore lands, giving however. mrtHg the ?n(> 1 nnP ro u n tv . Oregon as plat- - Said -- - lands • County. Oregon, and described as fol- j ¡np described real propevAyi; tu-w tt" la te of Abraham M ille r deceased has ted snd recotv’ ed. filed In Hi. C. nntv Court of t h ' State " 'T b ^ '^ M lf w ill take nlac-e and bids lows: The North half of th e northw est of Oregon In and for Lane Um intv. 1 m>v «„hnltH ed to the sab, »«tuiln- Beginning at the corner to frac- „ „ „ n c r of the southeast q tp rtfv . the her final 1. »* -• as silch a d m in is tra -, 1)IW nr p - t t - r A ttonal Sections 19 and 20. on the n„ rt t ha |f of the nurtheasf «RJaiior trlx : and lh a t ten o’cloi k In the „ . xvillam elte Street. Eugene, W est shore of T ria n g le Lake, in T . I of tht, Southwest quarter, the auudtx forenoon o ' Safiiritay the 15th dav o f. ' jg S. R. 7 W W illa m e tte M eridian. hil|( of t,ie southeast q u a rte r of tha and running thence along U . S. Gov- northeast quarter, and the s o u tb e w * January. 1927. at the Court room Cr* «O *^>n « or p X* 9« V » I « I rx x *s ■ ’ lx r A x d ll m l l l l in l l l istrator c iin ix » » x of *» q uarter of the southwest qustnVr th reo f h ave lu e n hv th e C ourt, fix ed ; E s t atP ,,f H A R a s o r Deceased the northeast q uarter o f segttow nnd apnolntert as the tim e and place] p ,„,33.30. j 3-13 J Vx-no- w 8.00 chains 2.00 chains tw elve In Tow nship nineteen south for h.'arlng o bje.tions to «nid r e | * o r t _____________________N. 34 oo vv N 57“00' W . 8.00 chains of Range eleven west of W llla m c tt» and for Ih» final settlem ent of the M eridian. Lane County. Oregon, cow N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T 1.59 chains N. 28’ ÛO’ W esto," of -a h ’ ib«'*'a--ei1 4 96 chains to present lake taitiing seventy aeres. together w ith Notice Is hereby elven th»t the un. A M A N D A E. M IL L E R . Adm inistra­ the lenenients. hereditam ents and a« deralgned. ad m 'u lstratoy of the es- qh trix rate of Nnni-y Rutherford, deceased. ¿O'OO' E. 5.16 chains aking pres 1 purtenances thereunto belonging ar A E W H E E L E R . Attorney. It n a .- | a I e ^r»o| ncpn'AVit ’73 ’ «nt lake share H " » "rw la e appertaining. D 16-23-30: J 6 I3 | Now. therefore, in the name of tlxw *.»«- with the Count«’ Court pf ’ ape 9 8.38' E. 3.06 chains along pres­ State of Oregon, in compliance w i t * Countv Creeon nn«l the «aid Court ent lake shore. N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T said execution and order of sale am* has set Mondav the 17lh dav o ' Jan S. 62* 45’ E. 4 50 eains along pres­ in order to .satisfy said Judtf™en<. Estate of P erry R Edmlston. de , , , rv 19n7 Pt »0:0« o'clock A. M as interest attorneys fees, coats o f suit j CCflRed. • he time, and the Court Room In the ent lake shore. 1 Notice Is hereby given that W alter C a « ,*-♦-• f*»»pvt Vou««* *»» F ’*een- T,«ne S. 41*54’ E. 3.92 chains along pres­ and accruing costs, I w ill on Mondaff the 3rd day of January. 1927. at the W Edntlston. A dm in istrator of the County. Oregon as the place for the ent lake shore. I estate of P e rry R Edmlston. de- 147 chains along pres-1 »>«»>' " f «'»•’ «>««»’ * '» «h* anfimoow S. 49*26' W o ' sold fine! a cco u n t All ; - ■ day. *— at - • -*■ wee, fro nt ceased, has filed in the County Court h«*»rlng cut lake shore to place of begtrnlng ! <>f . "a«l th* South H.mthweet front i dooT of th». County Court House, is ’> of the Slat»- of Oregon. In and for nnvaon« h p v ln g obtcetlons tn «aid On- ^ „ r a i n i n g a 14 acre« j t.ane County, his final report ns such et account or any p articu lar Item Applications should be atcom san Eug«ne. Lane County, Oregon, o ffe r thnrAof a re h er-'h v n otified ,0 if,,*- the . \ fsir mill tid n iln ls tra to r, and that ten p’clocb led by cheek or d ra ft for the amount for sale and sell for cash, at public " in ie w ith the C lerk of «aid Court on in the for* noon of Monday, the 27th auction, subject ,o redemption as pn» of bid and should he addressed to (lav of D*« e m b er. 1926. nt the Court nr h..'Ai-e th** «»Id 17th dav of Janu- G. G. Brown, C lerk of State Land vld««l by law. all e f the right, title „«-,. ia«7 < *» ifi-fifi o 'clo ck A. M and interest, of said defendant«» ! room thereof, having been by the n o t e of th e «««♦ onl-H entlon o f th is Board. Salem, Oregon, and m arked Adele W h itto n and Frank K. Wblttiux. I Court, fixed and appointed ns the “ Application and bid to purchase anil all persona claim ing by. througfc ! time nnd place of hearing objection» l-nfl.'-i ’« p o e e t u b - r 16 1.926. lands." . t a m e s H t ’ T iiF T t F o n n . Adminl«- shore Dated" "nt Salem, O r. gon .N o v e m b e r ' " i" 1" ' , ! ’ " h ,r 1 to said report and «*f the final settle­ m en t of Hi* » s t a t e of said deceased trate*- - f *b" - Into o f N a n cy R u lh er- «a iaag them in and to said premise«. G O B R O W N . Clerk o l State L an d ! ' R A N K E T A Y L O R . S h e rtlf 1 W A L T E R W F D M 1S T O N . Ailmln , for«,. Deceaaed. ■ („trntor rtovdo« m W ell«. Attorney Tor Ad- Board * Lane County, G reton. A, F W H E E L E R . A ttorney. ' mlnlslratoT. N 182«: D 2 -M 6 23 3C; J € 13-20 D 29-16-2330 N 25; D 2 9-16 23 D 16 23 30; J 6-I3