J.HI R SlU Y ItWCKAUI^K I*. THE BPmWGFnBLD NEWS PAGE SIX of the Christmas tree you may have I glassed In porch, so that all pa»..ra-1 heart to khow that within that home times will do when hung Inside end 'in the home, place It where It can by. may enjoy It loo the Christ m a. spirit - W «"' P behind the glass panel The writer te «een through window. door* o» ¡ Il girr« Ihm warm tod lu g to , KM« —U prem iu m knows one tamlly from the West who were quite shocked at seeing the wreath on the outside of the door— expressing the feeling that It was too suggestive of death iu the home h Is the One Time Of All the Year When It Should However. It is a matter of choice and no doubt one can well be govern Be Dressed Up — To Do Its* Sit In ed by the custom of the locality .it Spreading Yuletide Cheer which they live. For the windows, all decorations BY HELEN OLSON are hung on the inside If one has B rea the h o » « * . way their mothers dress th-m can say that arrangement o f color Tilts gives Just the right touch of By—s«une mothers, as you know dot s not call for a certain sense of color and a uniformity which Is very pleasing to paaaereby. •M td oin g it—others o ' their bad the artistic* Throughout the "country the prnc F irst' of all consider the site of t o t e — and still others who seem to think that a "hair ribbon" is enought the house when selecting the deco­ tice Is every year becoming more gen rations that are to be used at doors, eral of decorating the living fir. or t e make one feel dressed up. evergreen tree» which may he Christmas decorations in the home windows and throughout the home. growing In one's yard Tiny bright At the front door a fat bright holly nr* not for the family ami visiting friends only Every housewife should wreath with a plentiful supply t f Christmas electric lights only are to the people of Springfield anti vicinity, and to secure a Complete t lone tint "I th<- Loy When the lights are turned realise this fact. Colorful decorations red berries, by all means The real used Department we have gone throught the entire stock and marked down praett- ally t-nrt on It is beautiful and Inviting holly wreath Is of course'to be prefer- however are very, very essential tv When one has two living Christmas thing. __ ________ _______ rvd ,n the Ensferu states the prac- the develoment of the real Christmas i»rit feeling, putting the color and tice Is quit* general of hanging the trees at one's doorstep—all ablate A visit to this store w111 convince yon of the worthwhile savings, nol onl> In letlon into what otherwise might wreath on the outside of the door, with with brightly colored lighls ,t Christmas Gifts of all kinds, for you will be able to aetjure all kind« of Drx Goods am ■erely b, a drab Winter week in This is done so that it will not wither spreads the Yuletide cheer. ready-to-wear at saving prices. The moet artistic touch of all—was Jecember { or dry out as quickly—as It some- that soul who first conceived the Idea and William Vaaby, vie* command- of transplanting small firs, cedars or LEG IO N OFFICERS TO ers; J. O. -Burchum. adjutant; F It. evergreens to the flower boxes which Ladles'and Children’s Ctiata. Vnderw ear of all kinds. Hosiery. Blunketa. Dress BE INSTALLED FRIDAY Hamlin. W. P. Tyson. M B Huntly , throughout the summer had been such goods and Flannels. Silks of all kinds, sheetings and Muslins. Towels anil I tfwellng and C. A. Swsrta. executive commit­ a riot of gay color During the holldav Purses and Rags. Officers of the Springfield post of tee; H. E. Maxev and Oswald Olsbn. week, one can pin red cranberries to th e American Legion will be installed finance com m ittee; Charles tfc-ott. branch ends of these little trees— quartermaster, and Jack Larson, fin­ adding to the decorative value tomorrow night at ceremonies over You will note we h ate touched which TSebrge Love, past commander ance officer only on home decoration for Christ, o f Vl* Eugeyie post and district com- FOR SALB— Carbon paper In larga mas which has to do with the view MiTteeman will preside. The m eet­ •heett, ïfixt» lachea, saltante fe» from the outside of the home. Just ing ' w ill'b e conduct«! at the Wood- making tracings The New» Offloe one more point; no matter the sTx,- Men o f the World hgll. Don’t Put Your Houee to Shame at Christmas Time The Great Christmas Sale A t N e w la n d ’s S pringfield Store w ill come to a close Friday evening, Decem ber 2 4 Com e jo in the crowds th a t are grow ing larger every day to secure this highly desirable merchandise at re m ark a b le savings fro m regular prices To Make This Sale More Attractive Extra Special Prices On NEWLAND’S I The Quality Store T h ose to be induced into office are CALL AXD SEE Dr. N W Emery John W ilf commander: Vern Wooley on prices on plate and other work, tf T " M M aH BgM M H Our Guarantee We guarantee to give you full ami complete satisfac­ tion when you buy from us; That article« sold you re­ present full value— a real saving—and will give you ser­ vice you have a right to expect. if for any reason you are not fully satisfied wtth any article bought from us. we ask you to reeturn it at once and give us an Opportunity to make it satisfactory. No misrepresentations are permitted whether pictured, print­ ed. spoken or implied. f . . . S * li A Gift For the Home is Enjoyed by All Skeie’s Jewelry Store 927 W il l a m e t t e phone t n THE FINEST GIFT—THE GIFT THAT CARRIES WITH IT A WORLD OF SENTIMENT IS THE GIFT FOR THE HOME! SELECT ANY ONE OF OUR SEPARATE PIECES—OR SUITES AND YOU MAY BE SURE OF A LIFETIME OF SATISFACTION WITH YOCR PURCHASE. ■ *»>*- EACH PIBC’E OF FURNITURE IS FULL OF BEAUTY GRACE AND CHARM. GIVE THE GIFT OF FURNI­ TURE THIS CHRISTMAS—MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW-TO BE DELIVERED WHEN YOU WANT IT. MEATS and POULTRY Sweet— Tender—Juicy Davenports Art Lamps Stand and Shade Let these Lamps be repre­ sentative of the value giving Christmas offerings In our store. They have beautiful polycrome bases, of various styles and shapes, with silk shades, lined and pleated. Complete w i t h adjustable light sockets and cord. Yes. sir tender, deliciously flavored roasts and the choicest of choice poultry fresh dressed—ready for vour oven and your own Christmas dinner. Place vour order Now—It will please us to serve you Prices always reasonable. We Deliver- Phone 80 C H A IR S • S A N IT A R Y M E A T C O . Main St. One of our fine Blltiwell Barntl, Velour and Mo­ hair Davenports will give you many an hour of rest and comfort. Many other lamp«—table and stand shapes — with handsome silk or parchment Springfield, Oregon shades. Poultry Producers ATTENTION Davenports— In Velour, $72.00 to $98.00, Mohair, $95.00 to $136.00. Rockers— $5.00 to $45.00. If you are interested in advancing the interests of the poultry industry, and in bringing about better conditions fot yourself, as a poultry producer, be sure to attend the ’Poultrynien’s meeting at the Chamber of Commerce, Eu­ gene. Oregon, Saturday, December 18, 1920, at 1:30 P. M. Dinning Suites— $30.00to $225.00. Floor Lampe— $9.75 to $26.00. Smokers— $1.98 to $12.00. C e d a r Chests— $9.75 to $26.00. 42 pc. Sets American Dinner- ware $9.75. Few homes do not nee'1 another chair o n e that comblnes fine appearance with comfort. We have many of these fine chairs- that can b e purchas'd separately. They harmonize well with other furniture and their cost Is moderate. A New Colonial Range will cook a fine Christmas Dinner $55.00 to $115.00 A small payment will hold any article until wanted for Christmas WRIGHT & SON All poultrymen and their friends invited. Springfield, Oregon ■», ... ., ,l'r , , ,