PAGE FIVE TILE BPR1NGFUCLD NEWS which you thought had forever passed from the stage of child­ man who obviously baa a m or. strict —a ad «be tt Is who usually la I ret to have the vision and the m w r ig t limitation. hood to give place to sm arter and more Ingenious toy» to the Tbe point la—no o .» i « in or tan to bring them into her home liking of the modern youngster. So Mister Man. loosen the strings overstep his poaltlon in Ilf*. The For they are hack -almost all of them. Our old friend», Joy It will bring to woman a heart on your purse just a wee tiny btoea ' Cock the old fedora on your head a n t BY EMMAF1X) WILSON uurla, the old-fashioned kind with kid laxly, soft and yielding to Ma Christmas shopping aa aogge«tr«l go out thia week and aetea l -ome teaf Christmas presents for the iovad above. « Toyland in open. Preparatory overture to Banta Claua, the touch, with parted lip» and arm» autatretched in waiting.; ones. American markets are without In ull their guy Intrigue, are giving the children an early leaaou They are th«' kind of dolls that brother used to operate on when I hope— well I hope th a t MB read s doubt the greatest in tbe world. appendicitis first became fashionable, and a button, hidden In Price» are not high We And In this article in politic», und truly, th ere’» no thrill like It. the sawdust stom ach, was the elusive appendix. our stores the beat m en oandiae to For It'» an old fashioned Santa Claua who thl» year stand» Won t I about "Merry Christmas'* be had In th e worM. What waa a All of the wicked vamp dolls seem to have been abolished, -and mean it? welcoming ut the door <>f thl» Joyful laud, holding out promise» luxury a few year» ago may now of untold happlne»» to good little hoy» nnd girl», who seriously t»s If In keeping with the old-fashioned spirit of Santa Claus. be almost a necessity, due to great promise to win. by good behavior, ull tin- golden treasure» he Gone are the bathing suit beauties, the naughty flirtatious' production development», advertising I will not he responsible tor any damsels of the goggle eyes the Irresponsible shimmy dancers. —and a higher—mu. b higher stand­ bills contracted by any one othar darrle» in his puck. And th«- most popular thing In dolldom Is the baby doll, an exact ard of living. Phan myself. If you would feel the year» fall away, and catch again copy of little brother a few «lays after the Btork paid his call, j Woman’s mind has mostly brought PRANK GHIfTOK D?-* som ethin* of the glud spirit of childhood, when care» “were not These doll» tom«* singly, in ttains, even in triplet», with complete thia about. She it was who firat ho heavy and magic und m ystery wove their »pell, then pay It a CALL AND BBS Dr. M. W Emery lltt!«• layette», cradle» and all. learned of theae new and better visit thl» land of wooly dog» and little tin soldier» of horn» thing»— she it wa« who desired them on prices on plate and other w<»g. If And you will find th«* same stuffed, wooly anim als you und colored shl|»s and curly headed doll», with their glad little knew when you were a child, although you may hardly recognize painted »mile». the teddy beur because they have all taken to wheels—just like Never!Iieleaa. you will And till» happy land ha» it» tear». their elder*. If you visit the newly opened Toyland» In Bprlngfleld »tore«, In Judging from th«* toy display, the dark Darwinan scandal spite of the blast of horn* und ahrleklng of whlntlea and little hasn't touched th«* North Pole, for Noah's Ark, with old Noah aqueala of chlldtoh delight, you will feel a funny, tight little sen himself and all the wooden anim als are back and going strong. nation in tile throat a» you recognise m any of the old treasure» The children know who he is, too. Yet kvlth the wide tolerance of youth, th«* monkey enjoys equal popularity with the other animals. Grownups in Toy land Almost every line of industry is represented in Toyland thl» year. There are moving vans, milk wagons, and grocery trucks, even horses that can be hitched and unhitched, for child­ hood, In »eart h of diversion, does not scorn ancient method*. There are trucks and tram s, and trolly cars and b u s s e s -- every nuxle of transportation Is represented. Real phonographs | In m iniature, taking the place of the old-fashioned harp th at could play three pieces, ami a few cash registers seem to be the) only concessions Santa Glaus has made to mtxiernism. No, It hasn't changed much these ttventy and thirty a n d 1 ’ forty yearn-— and there is a thrill In store for the grownups as well as for the children. • Start a Saving» Account with $1.00 and Get a Liberty Bell Bank Protected by Electric B urglarly A la rm System A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY Commercial State Bank Springfield. Oregon Friendship Is an Important part of our life. The Greeting Card I» the m essenger of friendship nnd its m is­ sion is happiness, love and good will. It say» what yon want to say. and say» it better. TH E GREETING CARD I s the natural outcome of our busy m odern life. It Is the modern method of keeping in touch with friends and loved on«*«, and has replaced the friendly, leisure­ ly letters of time» gone by. Then, too. our friends are scattered more and our circle of friends is larger than was the case when folks traveled less THE GREWTING CARD I h a little, definite piece of sunshine offered by friend to friend. Life «teems a little kinder, the day a little brighter and the heart a little lighter when it conies. Tt carries kindly greetings for all ages and both wwes, and for all the wholesome occasions of life. Inspect the m any beautiful lines of Greeting Cards at W illam ette Press O p p osite P. O. will not be in the bank again before the holiday», so that we ewill not have the pleasure of personally extending our best wishees, we take thie opportunity of wishing you a Year. Mere man goes a Christm as Shopping. Ami most always, lat?. because that Is the way of man. And he frets, and he stew», and he is em barrassed—and usually, he end» up by purchasing gifts with which he Is not at all satisfied and that he feels for a certainty will not create any gr«*at thrill in receiving. There Is on* law in Christmas shop­ ping—when the gifts are tor Her— be It mother, wife, «later or sw eet­ heart. that man should remember It is (his: "Woman does not want you to be practical." By that Is meant she wants you to forget your responsibilities, your re- sources, your obligation!-, the practi­ cability of I be gift In relation to her other possessions. In other words she wants “some- , thing nice." Something personal be­ cause she Is still a little girl at heart — Ju»t like a man Is a little boy grown up The feminine la much mor* artib tic and her y ¡»ion so much greater for Ideals that It Is a task for maa mind ; Io comprehend how to really and i truly please and thrill her In his gift selection There Is always the exception to ' the rule even among men. And there are those who organise their Christ­ mas shopping Hat and go out early to make their selections. That of course—la the ONLY way Wife may tell you that she wants a new front door mat, as HER Christmas «lit- sh r 18 hon**t—*' cause she Is trying to help you But that isn't what she wants M all. Whut she realty wants Is a plat! „urn wrist watch, a new fur coat, a , j dltungnd ring, a new sedan, a check Ing account of her VERY own. a toy, |y new hat. or. maybe a baby grand piano. For a certainty—It s a little hit mure than anything you m*ve thought you could afford. You know your wife, don't you.': You know of the unguarded w ish .“ which are oecoaatonally expressed , “w ishes for the moon" you term them. But they are not. They are , cravings of her very heart and If you j would bring real Joy and happiness . to her on Chrlstma- morning— you II . shut your -y es to “yo«r comiqon sense" and you will walk out and j ! buy her Just one article—that Is he ! yond the wildest hope» of her. Therein also Is the "key to all your ahropplng You give gifts to '' those you love. Love call« for s a c i- I flee and he Is happiest who knows that the gift which thrill» is the gift • that 1» Just a little grander and a . little more personal than was ever | expected. All things are relative. This men who goes a little beyond seemingly has plenty with phlcli to afford «nth shopping Hui when truth Is known It Is hist as difficult for him as that. We trust that the careful attention which we have always attem pted to give to your affairs will w arrant a con­ BY MARY E T H E L PAIGE i X Your business has been, and is, sincerely appreci­ ated. No m atter how little or how much you have, Huai sucres* depend» on Thrift and Thrift m eans SAVING. Start with only If neceaaary but- START! The privi­ lege« of saving are brought to you In an ideal way at this Hank w ith Its manifold service», it» unquestioned safety and It» m any conveniences. It take»- $1.00 to get your name on a sav ­ ings pa»» book. Why not do this the first thing tomorrow. When you do. we will present you with a Liberty Bell Savings Bank to assist in building up a Saving« Ac­ count. Realizing that m any of our out-of-town custom ers most joyous Christm as and a prosperous and happy New Straight From the Shoulder Woman to Man Success Depends On Thrift Merry Christmas tinuance of your patronage during the «coming year. The First National Eugene. Oregon Christmas Will Soon be Here YOU ONLY HAVE A SHORT TIME LEFT Women’s Kerchiefs Linen, lawn and batiste 25c to 75c Each .. These handkerchiefs will instantly win your approval because of their distinctive block and printed patterns. Many round and scalloped edges this assortm ent are designs that will please you. Linen Luncheon Cloths $2.00 Each This assortm ent includes quality and designs in colors of blue. gol«I ami yellow. You will appreciate the extra quality of these luncheon cloths. Woven Rag Bath Rugs 50c Each You will be sure to find tlie exact color and design you wish in the as­ sortm ent. Make your selection early as the quantity of this lot is limited. Italian Vases 98c Each All hand painted and of distlncltve Individual designs. kind is always appreciated. A gift of this Grocery Bulletin Do not forget Oregon prunes packed In 2 lb.. 5 lb., and 8 lb. sixth, ready for shipm ent, always an ideal gift. Special Savings Christmas Nuts and Candy Oregon W a ln u ts ............... 27c lb. 4 lb. 99c Mixed nuts ....... ............. 26c lb„ 4 lb. 99c Christmas Mixed suger candy ....... 2 lb. 25c 2 lb. 47c French Creams candy 5 lbs. 25c 17c 7 large rolls toilet paper 1c lb. 43c MatlocR’s Eugene, Oregon * ! GROCERIES i mmMiw«MiHi »•»-».«Bweiutee» DRY GOODS