may be obtained in any design, such as holly and candle. Santa Claus, poinsettia, bell, lantern, and many other. "Do Not Open Until Christmas-’ labels show soldier boys. Santa Clauses, etc. Cards In effective designs are attached to bits of gold cord, and tags have Irregular shapes and seasonable designs. THE FINISHING TOUCH By EILEEN LORD Christmaa package wrapping has become an art. Any one with a gift of imagination and ingenuity ran create fascinat­ ing parrels. THURSDAY DECEMBER 1«. lf»2« THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE POUR Then* may be obtained in such a delightful variety that the difficulty will be in elimination ruther than selection. Those of us without the gift of creation can copy The decorative value of flowers, either real or artificial, must not be ignored. Flowers, espe< tally poinsettia, ut this a stamp of our own personality, must still be of such a nature season adds charm to the package. Trees, fir cones, frosted as to appeal to the recipient. Make your Christmas packages evergreen, sprigs of holly, and mistletoe combine beautifully artistkwlly attractive, and give them an air of individuality. The with ribbon. the creeators. keeping in mind that the wrappings, while really more attractive the package is. the more appreciated will be the gift Santa Claus is papt master in the art of producing beauti­ ful Christmas packages. Yet even he Vould fail without proper gift dressings. Some shops have conceived a very useful pack­ age which contains euougli tissue, ribbon, stickers, cartlss. etc., to do up many packages. These assortments are varied, and A gift of Blockings ’may be tied with u |xtir of fancy garters. A gift to a high school boy or girl, or college boy or girl, may be tie»! with class colors. A nice old fashioned lady would like Iter package decorated in gray ami lavender, ami the majority of men still prefer the bright, cherry red decorations of past Christmases. ginosa. So lei ua all aearob out the nsgdr. I be lonely, the unhappy, ami make It our duty Io »»«• that w le ti I lirC tm ua ate. Don't let ux In Springlleld pu«« nil morning 4u»n» ear b bar aoine lukeii of the w ork o f ('hrlaliuua rlia rltl« » o f ibe day —a mtaaagc of cheer and over Io the "O imo I Frllow »." A mere good wl»hea a feeding that "«out“- and subscription to any organ Dalton does body known," aomebody carea" Dot by any meaua relieve uh ot our that aa t lilje n » ot thl« ip in m u p ll).w e obligation* to our fellowtnvn T h ru all want Io be happy together loo. the real Joy of giving I n In the Suidi l'b rl»tn ia« g b .n g do. hot perMinully re a r king out Dial one require one ihou«unlh port of the* « b o ahould be made happy and. In worda a« u«ed lo r e to ronvey the bringing It to pa»» thought You know a «light token a cheerful ra id , tell» a »lory that Stuch good work 1» not or cannot cannot he covered In any book be reatrli led Our «< bool i blldren ■aikl s v n tu m » la an» fu m i or «out h» r - aot to thou» nvar and d»nr only — but tbe fortunate to the unfortun th eir parent«, their grandparent« - all «hould Join Is —and no m a ile r how poorly «lluuteil any Individual may be moat alway« they can tin t one who 1« more lonely, more needy or yearning for tbul little p enonnl touch of fellowablp which mean« hap D rganlied charity ' o «1 t»< and I’ doing a wonderful worb lly all menus NUpport all »ueh l ‘lirl» lm ;i» a d lvllle» then go do an Individual Job at It by youraelt know n only of It your «elf and. you w ill learn the true menu Ihg of liappln*•»» yoitr»elf Christmas Good Fellowship save considerable time. • The days when plain colored tissue j»aper and narrow greeu or red ribbons were the accepted materials have passed. Crepe pa|«eer, plain or patterned, gold or silver |>aper, plain or News|>ai»ers arriving in The Springfield News office this with design, tin foil, cotton batting, wall paper, oil cloth. In week are virtually all carrying ncw> of the "Good Fellow" clubs bright colors, (enough to make a useful article may be usedi in their respective tifwna, which as we all. no doubt know, is n chintz, gingham, silk, and other dress materials are now used. community effort to see that all enjoy "A Merry Christmas." This * Ribbons for tying the packages may be of silk, satin, chif­ activity extends to practically*every city, town and village in the fon. or metallic weave. The kind of ribbon used will depeud United States. It is part of America's great charity and it upon the kind of material selected. The width will depend up­ is most commendable. Here in Springfield the Good F el­ furthertng of a ll »u< b actlvltle». And on the size of the package. The bow may be tied in the center Ib i» et » -p a p e r hold» out Ita band t> of the top of the package or placed off center. The ends of the low« are again at work a» they have a ll orgnultMlion» wblch glve and work ribbon may remain loose or may be pasted down to the wrap­ been for many aenaons. It la a fore­ freely lo Ih» need— thè p iace— tue gone conclusion that th e ir effort» w ill bupplne«» and thè Joy o f our citlgeoa ping with stickers or sealing wax dropped where the ribbon In­ result In a w ider »preadlng of Cbrlnt- and ib e ir cbildren wbo may ni Ibi» tersects Itself will give a smart touch. The sealing wax may­ maa cheer— tak in g Into needy homes tim e be unfortunate be pressed down with the thumb or a monogrant. Those who remembrance« of the day o r necessi­ Hum anity ho« alw ay» been kind do not like to use stick sealing wax can purchase liquid sealing ties which w ill bring happlne»» to —