PAGE TH R E E T» iE a P R B ^ i g b P N g W jL A J C. B R IL L STORES M ER C H AN D ISE BOND W IL L SOLVE YOUR G IF T PROBLEM . ISSUED EOR AM OUNT FROM »1.00 UPWARDS AND R E D E E M A B LE A T ANY T IM E {ac&ue& YOUR C IIR IH T M A 8 PACKAGES W RAPPED AN D M A ILE D W IT H O U T CHARGE. SPECIAL A T T E N D A N T IN CHARGE AT S T A T IO N E R Y D EPAR TM EN T, M AIN AISLE M A IL ORDERS PR O M PTLY AN D C AR EFU LLY FILIJCD. lS /lX a /L U rD £ M K l Christmas Shopping Can Begin Here And End Here GIFT SPECIALS In H ardw are Dep't N ote T h e Exception­ ally Low Pricings On W om en’s Smart W inter Apparel $11.95 Woolen Frocks, Only •95 Especially suitable for school w e a r. P la in colors and mix­ tures. Tailored Coats Values To $21.75 $ | Q 98 Biggest coat value o b ta in ­ able. Made o f all wool coat­ ings. Good range o f sizes 14 to 44. Women’s Dresses Fur Collared To $21.75 Values Coats, To $35.00 D e lig h tfu l creations of w ool­ ens, Jersey, lustrous satins, also silk crepe. Reg. »3.25 A lum inum Raoster value, Large size. 5 2 .4 9 A lum inum Tea Kettles Paneled Design. Reg. »2.00 value 51.69 E lectric Toasters Extra heavy element, guaranteed for one year, Reg. »2.76, apodal 51.98 E lectric W affle Irons H ighly nickled w ith solid alum inum grids. G uaran­ teed fo r one year. Come in tw o sizes, Reg. »7.25, s|>ec. 56 59 R e g -»10 25. spec. 59.19 Oil Heaters A very econom ical heater, guaranteed smokless and odorless. Reg. »7.25 spec. $6.15 Cocoa Door Mats E xtra large size, »1.95 Value, spec........... 5159 Liquid Veneer Polishing Mops Cleans and polishes. Reversible pads. Easily re­ moved fo r washing. Reg. sold fo r $3.50. 52.29 T in M ilk Pails E xtra heavy’ quality. 12 qt. size. Reg. 95c Now Is the tim e to buy fo r yourself, m other o r daugh­ ter. Men’s Silk Ties Very Special At Hundreds o f newest designs to su it and please every taste, is embodied in th is group. Choice o f e ither c u t silk or kn itte d fo u r in hand ties. Fact is men look forw ard to being remembered on C hrist mas w ith neckwear. 50c Pocket Knives Of a very fine q u a lity and finish. Blades o f specially tempered steel. Guaranteed. Reg. »1.25 and »1.50 values lo r ................ 51.00 now . *1975 $1 1 95 Our hardw are departm ent offers great help in g ift suggestions. Openly displayed w hich makes shop- ping there very easy and a pleasure. Every Section Of Eugene’s Largest Department Store Has Made Greater ThanEver Preparations And In Stocks, Values And Service Offer Every Rea­ son Why You Should Come Here For Gift Needs For Every Member Of The Family. 75c 79c 11 Qt. size. Reg. »1.00 .............................. W illow Clothes Hampers Hand made, fitted w ith covers. Regular $3.00 special 52.59 53.59 R egular $1.00, s|>ecial Tools 20 Per Cent Discount D iscontinuing o u r entire stock o f tools therefore . th is 20 per cent reduction in price. Including saws, ham m ers, wrenches, hack saws, steel tapes, bits, braces, blow torches, etc. Men’s Bathrobes With Slippers To Match Celebrated 'R ah- ( 7 OC b o r" bathrobe, v’ • c a re fu lly tailored and finished o f dependable q u a lity genuine “ B eacon" robing. D e lig h tfu l patterns in gay as w ell as sub­ dued color com binations. O ther lu xu rio u s robes, some em bell­ ished in genuine S kinner satin, »9.75, »9.95 and $12.95. « Men’s Handkerchiefs Of Rayon, Only A n outsta n d in g value, Indeed! Made o f genuine R ayon— so lustrous and so soft In texture. Come w ith fancy colored borders. We advise early shopping. — M en’s fine q u a lity im ported pongee kerchiefs, are hand draw n and hand corded in various colors, w hile the? last, each 50c 25c Lovely Silken Underthinga Are Indeed Giveable Rayon Vesta, dropatltched efTect ............ ¡. (>5C Heavy Q uality Crepe de Chine. Teddies, lace trim m ed ............. 52.49 Heavy Q uality Crepe de Chine Teddies, ta il­ ored and lace trim m ed styles special 52.9 5 E xtra Heavy Q uality Washable ¿repe de Chine Teddies, Point Venice and real lace trim m in g , also band em ­ broidery effects »3.49 and 53.9 5 Genuine Milo-Sheen Slips, In a ll wanted colors and sizes .................... 52.49 B oudoir Pillows, o f various shapes, squares, oblongs ami heart effects; coverings o f flue q u a lity O riental all over lace, Joined w ith satin ribbon over backgrounds o f green, lavender and pink, very effective, 51.9 8 s p e c ia l Boutoniers, expressing the tru e colorings 98c to .................................... of nature, 51.39 Corsages In an assortm ent or hues and colorings that Indescribable In mere type, »1.19 to ................. 52.50 r D ishware Is A Gift That R e­ tains It's Charm For Years A n d Y ears Now 1» th e tim e to select. D ishw are Is a gift every woman adm ires and one th at is useful and necessary. Our China d ep artm en t Is show ing a wonderful selection of beautiful p attern s. A good rep resen tatio n of high grade A m erican, B avarian and English ware. ELECTRIC TOASTER FREE (Or goods of equal value) with each 42 piece set of H om er Laughlin D innerw are, in beautiful pink rose p attern 5 1 5 .3 5 42 piece act Johnson W are in Horton or Alton pattern, b eau ti­ ful floral design*, priced at. set ........... -..... 5 1 8 .4 5 (T ea K ettle or R oaster free with set) 42 piece set Gold Band Bavarian. In Im perial p attern , 22 k ar­ at gold em bellishm ent Come And See The Wonders Of 5 2 9 .8 5 (E lectric P ercolator free with set) 42 TOY TOWN Gold Band piece Homer Panam a worth double iiHk 42 w hat we 57.9 5 Laughlin D innerw are. Royal p attern Heavy All Wool Double Blankets Made of pure wool (long fib re ), th o ro u g h ly