THURSDAY DECEMBER 16, 192‘ THE SPRINGFIELD NSW» THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Pabltahed Brery Tbur^lay at Bprln»tfeld, La»« County. oreson, by T H E W IL L A M E T T E H. K PRES» In an Alabam a tow n a one-arm ed m ay o r fined More »haa »ev»U 111111***11 Individiisi a one legged m an for striking a one-eyed police inveatnr» hm * purcha»««! the »«'«ari chief. T he trial \vas a one-sided affair. il«*« of *!••* »rl« mi*l a»» iin i1' ' **’"• • • • M A X E Y . BUItor aa eecoad class m atter February 14. IMIJ at postotrtca, 9 p rla *ti« h l. Qtoaoa M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E Y ear la Advance___ »17« th re e M o n t h s ------.16» M o n t h s ______________ c ° P y ---------------------------------- * * TH V RSPAY DECEMBER 16 192*1 SEVEN MILLION UTILITY INVESTORS IN COUNTRY A ONB-TVBE SE T _____ About the tim e Coolidge and th e co u n try gets going good on law enforcem ent (dry I advoca tion. com es this fellow. D arrow , and says w here would the world and the C hristiati religion be if th e R om ans and th e G auls had enforced tho law. Dh. Well, iis said a fool can an sw e r m ore q u es­ tions th an a fwlse m an can answ er. • • • ' WORDS FROM T H E LIPS OF GREAT MEN Po«im a»i»r E uueal • • Sign of P rogress. Less th a n half as m any is m ighty slippery. buggies w ere m an u factu red in 1925 as in 1923. U F I P P R O V ID E D EXTRA HELP PR O V,D ^ LOCAL POSTAL F O R C t Say It With Candy And regardless of w h at you wish your m essage to co n ­ vey. vou m ay be su re it Nvill receive an in terested hearing —especially if th e candy sent is E ggim ann's sw eets, a t ­ tractiv ely boxed in a m an n er th a t will appeal to th e fem i­ nine heart. O ur candy is of highest quality— and justifies in every w ay th e g u a ra n te e of Purity, goodness, and w holesonieness we s o w holeheartedly give it. EGGIMANN’S reaklenl» r» mm- A eiu .ed of »hrowlii« » lioille on ib«' pavem ent. lim a r William^ » • »rrvHleil by Polire Chlet J«-»» Sm I »on Baturduy nl»hl Iti» »ubaei|H» «l In a l before It« «-order R W Sim ili r «• u n ite d lu Ilo- ImpouHliiii of « Hoe 'f »10 Christmas SPECIALS ONL Y New Player Piano, $325 tt 465 tt 375 NEW PIANOS New Bungalow Piano, $295 ” Norris & Hyde, 335 Terms: 10 per cent down, and 2^2 years on balance. Sherman 5 ljy & Co. Eugene, Ore. Phone 862 j lent Sor chronic conatlpatlon. Adler There is plenty of room a , th e top hut stan d in g rv -ro a S p r lu f t e h l hl» p |e |e ll o lr i ‘hrlKinia« »hopplnp »ml mullin* a» early a» pouidble H* ponteil out thut • lurge proportion of luuli no» h e l l i * liumlleil I» (nlU* 0U" pääte», n I* Rhone i»Hiipan»*■» mol »I» irle iraa«l» rtatln n coni|>anle» •**“ »ml ilmi f m in now «>n th< Ineom ia* , a li ' o f ll o lv » o n lld e io «' Hl lii»««* lliall »lii lie «Ultlcleul II» k e e p tb« u«hii* mitili* ' »»>' w H. • •***•*''■ ‘*f en tlre for««' hu»y II. M ltyll»»t» »toi CiMiiiany. ow nera of ilo- M ountain State» Power l'oin pan) of l'M 'per Tb* »ufet.v of ilielr lnve»lnienta r e t a «pon liv« unilerlyi»* condltlon« he »ny», » h i i l i are- b*lr!>i. the m « urlilo» a re |»»»n-«l liv iiiilii'lrl*'» rem lerlnn nervi*-,'« » Im u «eve i ■ ii'*r monVy, tiine un«l m « O liv e lli * II* < » Th«-> ««inacrve. alni l*> noi ».«m« ; Ho» huilii up »n*l ilo not destro? » i S<>. «noi. th e InveMnmntn are luu li« 1 hv treniendou» phyvlenl pimu» mol dlatrlhutton '»»tein», »tnked lo and imbedd«-*) m the »«*11 »» »» Thlril. uiiwlern v»». eleelrle »n.l lelephon« »yatcni» produce »n«l « ll» lr l »» »» bui** »crii««- »t Ihe low« »I po»»lble rute». PMIIty compunte» bave lohi down m ie» «lurln« the pu«l leu y« ar» ' wlille conte of everythlng ««Merin« In lo evpenre« bave advanced «reatly KdUorial Iron» <’a»per (W yo.) T ri bune. A m erica has becom e the largest fur consum ing •‘Labor Is the Foundation of the Wealth of country in the world even exceeding R ussia with Every Country"— Janies Buchanan. a colder < lim ate. T he dem and for fur on coats and dresses has brought about this wide use of SPRIN GFIELD INDUSTRIAL CEN TER fur. • • • If all th e industrial p lants th at a re n o * in ter-, A P rinceton university professor s a 's w ithout «»ted in Springfield free factory sites should lo­ th e sun th e ocean would freeze and the air lie ca te here th is city would easily lead all o th ers, com e liquid W hat abput the m oonshine, prof except P ortland, in O regon as an industrial cen­ essor? • • • ter. Of course it is expecting too m uch th a t they would all com e here but th e value of Springfield's A pig u n earth ed the most valuable salt min rail location, raw m aterial, fresh w a te r and elec­ in Europe. His b ro th er u n earth ed the T eaisit trical pow er is p retty well establised. And also dome. • • • th e free location is w orth while. S urely we will land tw o or th ree good ones soon and probably Co-eds in Jap a n ta k e m ilitary train in g along w ith the men stu d en ts. Hope we will never h a v m o re later. to go to w ar w ith Jap an . CALL AND SE E Dr. N W Etn**y on price» co plate »n«l o th er work, t ’ I T h e rep ort of th e y e a r’s county ag en t work M arriages are m ade In heaven, so we a re told Steel la p * re pol rl n * correctly «lune bespeak th e value of having a co u n ty agent. F ords are m ade in Detroit but they d o n ’t stay ■Hoyt 321 M ain at. tt. Surely m uch good will a c c ru e to Lane county there, say the wag. ag ric u ltu re and livestock industry if this so rt of , - „ Simple Miaturo Makoa service is continued. T he present county agent Don’t w orry so m uch about th e younger gen- h . F ael F in . •ra tio n R em em ber we w ere all younger gen era- Stomach Fool F no is an en erg etic and practical thin k in g official as tion once, and look a t som e o f ua now. b acktbora bark, «lycorino. by ell as an expert train ed in his line. • • • etc., ss ttiiiwl I d A d leiik a . often help» I We are rem inded th a t gettin g d ru n k used to alolna,.b trouble la T E N minute» by F ran c e will w ait to pay h er national debts be a disgrace. Now it is an accom plishm ent. removin* Q A 8. B r in * . out a »urprta- « n til a fte r th e A m erican Legion convention in e e < ing amount <»f old w a its m atter you P aris next year. A fter the boys have disposed of You c a n ’t alw ays judge a m a n ’s c h a ra c te r by never th e ir savings ac co u n ts F ran ce will h a v e som ej w hat he th in k s laughable. | njaheB yt)U b a w *nd cheerful B ic o l »oney. . . . • Ih a l Man Fined H H atulla. The poatmauter r.peated ^ , y T ^ Id o le n e i l t e »nek* of mall war» haml 1m1 rf>U) >t m* depot, and ihe ap p r, ^ , t o( , h» holiday» prom ter» io »weil »hi» dally In order to In E xtra a»»l»tance wax furniahed the su re rapid »ervlee. help ha» been postal force yesterday a» the Sprln* added botb to the ln»lde force and field Chrtettna» mail be*an a»»umln« the carriera. « Ith the resu lt » a » Springfield I» to have the beat holi­ large proportion»». T hroughout the week. m ore than a day mallin* »e rv Ice In year», » a ) ' GIFTS For The Whole Family At Springfield’s Shopping Headquarters W hen you to m e h ere you have a large variety of useful C h ristm as g ifts to select from . Some- thing can be found very ap p ro p riate for a g ill for m en, wom en or children. T h is is th e C h ristm a s shopping h e a d q u a rte rs of Springfield. O ur large and varied lines a r - on sale a t BAKED GOODS Let Your Appetite Rejoice! A fter th e call fo r d in n er Is mud«- and everybody has settled Into th e very serious business of ea tin g everything in sight th e co n v ersatio n is principally ab out how good it is to be alive and to have so m any, m any good thlng.i to enjoy. M any hostesaea buy all th e bake«! goods for th e m eal at o u r bakery. And very often they m ust say. "Oh, I d id n ’t b ak e it -no really I didn't. You'll have to th a n k th e Springfield Bakery. THE BREAD YOU DO NOT TIRE OF SPRINGFIELD BAKERY F red Frese, Prop. P erkins-Idixtori Bldg- P hone 66 H O L ID A Y T R I PS - Fifth Street. LO W CO ST Close Out Prices From All Walks of Life Doctors, lawyers, preachers, teachers, mechanics, craftsmen, housewives— all are partners in this company. Our shareholders come from all walks of life Some own substantial amounts of out Preferred Stock —others only single shares. You can t go w rong buying her«- from o u r big »election of C h ristm as goods. Quality ami prices are the best th a t can be offered. S a n ta C laus h as show ered o u r sto re with C hristm as th in g s. Com e in and see Reduced Fares Some have purchased their investments outfight, for cash— others have used the a » .' «-nient monthly investment plan —fo r h o lid a y tr a v e l All receive dividend checks regularly — by m ail— ever) three months You can do io, too. Christmas, New Year’s— each comes on Saturday. So plan a trip. Visit the home folks. The whole family can go at surprisingly low cost. For examples , 1' om Should K now the Facts A bout Investm ent In Our Preferred Shares $5.42 to Portland and hack. Roundtrip (area specially reduced, (or The Preferred 8 h » r» , cf use Dec. 17, 18, 22, 23. 24, 25, 30. 31 Jnn. 1 and good until Jan. 4. Mountain States Power Co. M O U N T A IN May Be Purchased From S T A T E S P O W E R S E C U R IT IE S CO M PAN < S o uth ern Pacific CARL 0 L 8 0 N , AG ENT