T H E BPRiNGPIKLO NEWS TH U R SD A Y DEXBM RKR 16. 1926 PAGE T U R B I Eugene Business Review By D. A. R an dall lalea, model »ud stric tly up-toil»,» pound» potatoes. T herefor*, even a, ferm en t of local condition», realizing During the war the national food ,t" Pr*a**t Prl<* •<:* cream la yet one lh a l a la rg e r city a re I com m unity M«lmlnl*trution plucocl l< cream In oUr food*. would be a benefit to tb»* whole < la- * 3 be< MUM- they found It wa* ex- Thl* popular plant i* one of th»- pjp w»- wish to com plim ent the, man« O ne of Eugene** Best S tore* (cptloiiMlIy high In food value. On*- leading Institution*. T hey have aV ag«-nient upon th eir progressive and these Un»» In aoine d lalan t illy , thu the very popular feature» of the quart of thl* dellrtou* Ice cream ways taken an active in terest in al) suoetssftil policie*, and to refer th t lf home com m unity suffer» accordingly. tubllahtnent. Her* you will find th at equal* tw o pound* of lean meat. 18 { m atter* th at pertain to th* yood >f *-*tab)l*bment and It« products to our Ill thl» part of the »tat* the need», the excellent m aterial and the ex p ert pound bam. 2.8 pound* of egg*, s |t b e county and have aided in the bet- reader». ilealrea and demand» of the mate pop­ w orkm anship Inculcated Into th eir ulation are m ore than aatlatled ut clothe», will ren d er your apparel th a t till» w e|| known »lore. Thl» progre»- deg ree of dl»tlnctlon and quality. »Ive e»|Nbll»hm< nt 1» »Irlelly issslein T hat Individuality which I» so de- and up lo d a i, and I. .Kicked with a I w|rM|l|^ „„ h4r„ h „ W<1„ Hudson, Essex D ealer flax» of good» th at would he a credit for th eir garm ent» a fam e th at la tenu» and accom m odating and It I» a Who a re located In Eugene with G reatest Buy” and sales prove U. to a touch larger city. It feature» ev er Increasing the patronage. nationally fam ous line» of clothe» Ita sim plicity ha» alw ays m eant a pleasure for them to supplì your »alesroom s a, 824 Pearl 84., a re ,h* A full line of h aberdashery, Includ low er selling price than I* perm itted want». for men and young men, whleh, t<« k ul all m w I i h I i iif rlo tlitn g ; In fact, evqrythlnx In Ci* fuinlsblttffs line. Iln r« |> ntilluiiK »<> im portant to lltr I'uuituerclnl developm ent of lb* »mailer city a» an u p to d u t* '-»lab llahmwnl where tin men of the coni' iruolty can »atlafy th eir dem and» for rln ih in c and bab*rda»hery. T hia •» lh> day and age when men, both old and young muat tie neatly attired in cloth*» of dlMtlnctlon and quality If they b a re to do tlie lr »hopping along Benjamin Motor Co. Chet Hemenway i we direct your atten tio n to this evi» Who»» location la 6»l W iliam. -Or M il gel any and all kind» of en ter plete stock of par,» »nd supplies for t-ar» in the world T his perm it» tbe all a*,« and anything th ere Is to be low est prices In Hudson history, anil The men in charge a re au th o rities , ablishm ent as- one o f the moat, ;tn- H i. in Eugene, I. one Of thè forem oat U ln m -n t ih ., he destre» finest H udson t-ver built. Thus on questions pertaining to the auto- I porlanl featu res of the efficiency i t in the wav of ii»«-fiiln*»» It ha» had In radio line they can supply you fa r p ad lo concerna In thl» »ecllon of thè ptoven a big im pulse Io aeronautics, with They m ake u specially of sh o u t-’ H 1» more than ever tbe "W orld's mobile business and arc alw ays com - i tke com m unity. They have a rom pteK line of ai,|ppin«. I, 1C« m e .fa n jic r lug your trouble» and t.ils 1» m ade «tale (PA ID ADVERTISEM ENT) lite forem oat ael» and rep aira for all h a v e the latest m arket r« ports. t h e ' possible liecaUNc they understand (libera They are ,he agenta for Ih«- w eather condition» and II Is hi him ' radio from the ground up Th<. char you help In aay way. We assu re la», decada. Wbile II I» only In It» Veclocipedes. C oasters, S co o ters------ and sim ilar easy ru n n in g , ball bearing Thia firm 1» one of the forem ost In you th a t no obligation Is Incurred lafanry. II» u»*fuln«-»» la proven 'o W heel Toys and C h ristm a s G ifts th a t will d elig h t a n y boy o r girJ, an d a s s u re them th e thia m m thin and they h a v e secured m erely because you asked questions ua every day Proni a atandpolnt of kind of exercise so essen tial to th e proper developm ent of children. Splendid, sensible entertainm ent, It I» unexcelled The ¡th e best d»»» of m erchandise to o ff e r 1 They a re genial and accom m odating g ifts th a t will be th e talk of th e n eig h b o rh o o d an d th e envy o f o th e r boys and girl«. blggeal c o rn e r,», addrnases, opera», the public They can supply you with and would like for you to call around H ealthful toys th a t will keep sonny and siste r o u t in th e pure a ir and sunnhip«- music of »11 klnda. baseball arili foot ae,a from Ihe very cheap«-», to th e anil look over th eir stock and get S cores to select from fo r tiny to ts as well a s th e la rg e r children. B ring th e kiddies in to ball gHinea, all eonteala of In tern a' m ust ex pinslve kind on the m arket, th e ir prices. The wonder» of radio see o u r display of new W heel Toys. Iw-nal Im portance are rep o rted » » 'N o m atter w ha, priced set you buy a re ho many and ,h< co s, »o sm all they happen, to the radio fan». T here I you ge, value received for your th a t no one, no m a tte r whnt » m at Ion la not a night hut th at the radio fau money They have »Iso a most coin- 1 In life, can ufhird to be w ithout he. Boys! H ere’s R eal Fun! New Wheel Toys- Now Our Greatest Christmas Display $ 6 .7 5 Hardwood Coasteis Pacific Feed and Supply Co. Hay, G rain, Feed Ixicaled In Kugeae In tfie O regon Rlei-trlc Bldg . near th* d e p o t,a re ex- tensive d ealers In hay. grain, feed, poultry and dairy feed, aa wi ll as ail kind» of com nien lal K rtlllxer which esn b* tHiught In sm all am ounts or car load lots. » To successfully conduct a h u sln ets of this nature result« s special study and care In selcrtln g th* stock F arm ers are no longer satisfied io feed th elr slock any kind of feed, but r»qulre a feed Ihat has been te ste I and Is of proven quality. T his con < » rn h» w faces to the cltv In whleh line an I a a resu lt tlielr .b u sin ess n ,r y a re located. H um Kinwn until th«y r«-auh <>ut In tintkinie thl* review of the on­ » very - • <1 in crease In the num ber of its pa­ paiinieiit a, Ml, and \Vlllam«'IK- St., trons. ar> extensive nmnufai Hirers of him T his company Is known through In r, lath, shingles and slabwiHiil out ibis section as one of the lenders Thl* Is truly u home eni> ip rise as ln‘ the lum ber business Th« trem en ­ all DiunufHi-iurihg taki - plac* a, llielr dous prestigi of th elr im m ense voi modern mill. For they are the Irirgi-st um«- of hiisin* - s. the exp, rii nee rl m anu factu rers of lum ber In Lane years a- Ihe prom inent firm in this county and th e lr payroll Is expended line, the practical knowledg that hns at home. won for tin m ili- recognition of the T helr pilr'.*:i are right an,I qilHlIty country at large and the p atronage and service the best I his Is a II,'in of thnnsiinds, «II a,Ids Io Ihe progress whose high grade lum ber has won and p rosperity of the com m unity In -wide pn pit It, r 11 y nml p atro n ag e for which llielr large and m odern estale the company at all limes. Il Is ii well lishm enl is located. known fa it Ihut there Is no Inilltn- tion In lhe com m unity th at has m t with g reater favor with the public than th is well-known eslahllshm eni. Ily reasons of the fact th al the man agem ent has had wlib experience In every feature of (his buslnesa knowl • dge of every branch of the trade Uns establishm ent w itnesses contlnu- By reason of th elr m odern facili­ ties they are able Io furnish excel­ lent service and prom ptness and dis patch. They a re nt all tim es pleased to he of p ractical assistan ce to th e hom e­ builders. Th' y Invite you to talk over with ih* ni your building proh- lem s llie lr b u ild in g e x p e rie n c e en alili s th em Io fu rii,« h useful Inform a- ffl tion a n d r - n n il ( liu tis ti T h - co n tracto r and builders, the pi opt*- generally farm ers and ,h th at they can 1 have coine to know k depend on this well-known llrrni for | J,I-1 iilmui everything Ihnl th ere ‘s III the lum ber business. I lie rep ,11 I- tlon (hu, they estab lish ed for stock of quality and lor ,-fralghtforw ard dealing Is bringing thousands of dol­ lars Io town th at would go Io some o th er trad e ccnh-r were this estab ­ lishm ent not located here. It may he Iruly said Hint this *a,ablishm ent Is a valuable asset to Ihe county, and In th is edition, which calls to mind our onw ard rogri ss, wre wish to di­ rect your especial atten tio n Io Ih c ’r com m endabii activ ity as one of the d lstincl featu res of our business an in d u strial efficiency Eugene Fruit Growers Association Whost most modern Hnd up-to-date plan! Is located in Eugene ut klh and F erry St., Is one of the most ex­ tensive nmnufai luring p lan ts I n this section of Oregon. They do a IreniendoUH fruit packing and ship­ ping business and m aintain one of the lending D ehydrating plant» In thia district, as well as a com plete Ice and Cold Storage plant. The Eugene F ruit G row ers' asso­ ciation planl 1» the larg es, food plual In the N orthw est and the- largest packers of vegetables on the Pacific Const. They m aintain plants a t Ju n c ­ tion City. C resw ell ami C ottage Grove. It Is a f a d beyond question that ad equate Ice service Is essen tial ,0 lhe progreas and expansion of any com m unity. T herefore In detailing the prospects for a "G reater Home Comi­ ty ' It is with a feeling of sa tisfac­ tion th at we direct your special a t­ tention to th elr lee m anufacturing d ep artm en t. - T here Is proh'ahly no o th er com ­ m unity tills size In the country th a t Is I,ctler equipped In this respect, for lllis well known and popular concern lias provided m odern and s, leniltlcal- ly correct m achinery for the nianufa.- lu re of p u re ' Ice, and this, coupled with the m alntaiance lu re of one of tile mosl m odern and up-to-date p lan ts In th is section. Is responsible for Ihe very satisfacto ry service re n ­ dered to th elr many patrons. T his is also the home of the fam ­ ous College lee Cream T his Ice cream Is no, only health protecting, but Is health giving as well. Only the p urest of cream and flavors are used and every pr«eau,lon Is taken lo make Ihe prodnet delicious and henllhful. The m achlnety Is of the ‘53S H ardw ood bodies, ru b b e r tired disc iwheels, ro ller b rak es and steel g e a r—well finished. All Metal Scooters s3” With ru b b e r tired disc w heels and stan d . High handles, stu rd y and well fin­ ished. Extra Large Scooters S J 5 0 E x tra stu rd y of build, w ith ru b b er h a n d ­ les. b rak e, bell, and stand. Disc w heels b a l­ loon tires. “Tot Bikes” for Kiddies Like Kiddie K ars, but with pedal propelled fro n t wheel — hardw ood fram e enam el finished, several sizes, priced tip to $6.50. Disc VV heel Scooters Heavy tyj e scooters with steel fram es, high hahdle and brake. R ubber tired dis w heels. «3« : S • 50 $7.50 Large Coaster W agons W ith hardw ood bodies, ru b b e r tired disc w heels, ro ll­ er b rak es and steel gear. Very well finished. Metal W heelbarrows F or th e y o u n g ster. Has m etal body and disc w heels. Nicely finished. NVw. Sg35 88c Many Styles Velocipeo’es From th e very larg e size with tub'lai steel fram es and tan g ei t spokes, just like bicycles, with roller b earin g w heels and pedals to th e sm aller st*-el fram e styles, ra n g in g from $17.50 dow n to $3.95. LUGGAGE The Finest Gift of A ll N'tAv — O ur G r e a t e s t Show ing — Very M oderately Priced. W hat gift could be m ore ap p ro p riate— w hat gift m ore ev erlastin g , th a n one of lu g ­ g ag e? O ur display is now replete w ith th e new in hat boxes, ladies fitted cases, h an d b ag s, su itcases, e t c. C hoose yojirs now. Extra Special! TABLE LAMP w ith im ­ p o rted vase base and g eo rg ette sh ad e in a v ariety of colors. Lam p is equipped w ith cord and fixtures. C om plete $435 $6.50 Enameled Duck Hat Boxes $4.95. H at boxes in p aten t le a th e r finish, trim m ed with brow n leather- good h ard w are han d les creto n n e lined, 16 and 18 inch sizes. • $11.75 "Naugdhyde" H at Boxes $9.85 Very durable n u m b ers built for long service, p ractical and good looking, now priced a t, $9.85. Both Mens 18-lnch Band Bags, $9.50 M ens lined h an d b a g s in high gratle le a th e re tte , w ith sew ed co rn ers, heavy h a rd w a re h an d ies nofiv $9.50. |~Buy Gi iftsN ow —Pay For Them Next Year | • USE YOUR CREDIT • ^/ETHERBEE -POW ERS WE CHARGE NO IN T E R E ST