THE SPRINGFIELD NZV’S -------------- Only 7 Mera Shopping Day« Until U ru tm .u NUM BER 4» SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY, OREGON, TIIUKHDAY DWBMIIKR Iß. I»2« T W E N T Y -T ill H I) YEAH (Cljrtßtmaä E ò itto n C H R IS T M A S BY PAULINE EAHHKL Christ mas. ju st'o n e word, uinl yet in that nne word there Is a world-wide m eaning and significant e. Everywhere, for all tim e, Christ­ mas has been, to people of varying creeds, a day of varying emotions It Is a day of glad­ ness or one of bittern«»». It Is a day on which happy mem ories become glorified or hard thoughts sting like acid In an open wound. It Is a day that banishes huli-wuy m easures t day that may easily lift one to the heights of happiness and jnst as easily plunge one to the depths of misery. F or th o se who do not feel it at all. for those whose feollugp are indifferent,- so m eth in g in S P IR IT significance of Christm as. It is the spirit of love and good-fellowship— of peace and good­ will. Believe in Christm as yourself and make it w hat it should be, rath e r than leave it to others to m ake It w’hat you would like it to be. Make a spirited and determined effort this Christm as to brighten this 'world and its hoiiKs, and bring to an actual reality the greatest message ever heard—th at message of hope and possibility—PEACE on EARTH— GOODWILL toward men. Peace and goodw ill— not for a day, or for a year—but for all time. Give the spirit of Christm as a perm anent place in your homes ami in your hearts th at it may grow so strong that qpthing can destroy it. A Merry. Merry Christm as to you. The best we could w ish for anv one of you is a true and •warm understanding of Christm as. agree with Mis» F arquhar that the true Christ­ mas spirit is withering. But again we repeat, C hristm as is what we as individuals—m ake it. Nothing ÍH life Is without alloy—even Christm as m ust have its flaws. There are some few people to whom Christm as is a day of giv­ ing and taking -of expectancy, disappoint­ ment and paiq; a day. in fact, of great worry, distress, sorrow and ill-will. To those people, Christm as Is merely a day on which to pay social debts. Those are the people whom you hear say that the m odern Christm as is losing its spirit and meaning and that it is nt Av vic­ iously commercialized by dollar-m ad business men. * Gifts in themselves are of little value— they are symbols of som ething else—and be­ hind the gift is Che sentim ent that is the real life lias gone .wrong Christm as is what we make it. A Christmas Editorial To many it is the day of greatest happiness. Those who recognize the opportunities it offers of taking Light the candles on your tree of hopes. a little hit of joy to the lonely, sick or poor This is Christm as. know that Christm as is the Iwst day in the Let h earts refresh and take joy and year and there Is no question In thejr mind Forget the trials of the day or the hour. Know th a t this world of ours is governed by a wisdom far beyond the com prehen­ sion of man. Even as the Swallow's fall is guarded—so are you—and yours, all mankind, and he who learns the peace of ever-reliance on HIM. will heve no fear and can well afford to m ake thife day of days one of rejoicing and praise giving. gladness to those who are heavy laden. as to why they do the very same things C hrist­ This is Christm as. m as after Christm as. They knot* definitely Listen closely to the melody in all crea­ why they hang stockings for the kiddies, light tion because it is there for those who will Christinas trees, decorate their homes, and hear. spend endless hours In surging, struggling, disarmed Christm as crowds to secure a tiny token for eyes of Love which com­ ringing some friend. prehends only th a t truth land of our and to a most is all in all. favored people. Certainly they know the joy of Christm as Day is only for those win» lose themselves In rem embering others. In the National Magazine, some time ago, Have all knoW that duplicity is by the gazing Christm as This is Christmas. And—’tis day which Day there appeareed an article by Anna Farguhar, —the In which she said:— resound with the echoes are this They are through our m eadowy land and great should m arts of commerce. W e. of their laughter—a true "S an ta Claus to tters under Ills pack, 'w ear­ ing a long, old face these days. Probably In Ills youth he had no idea of growing old or depart- hig this life. Nowadays, he creeps down the chimney stealthily ns if som ew hat asham ed of his mission, like a polar burglar, and his eight tiny reindeer make small clatter on the lawn, for many of their Joy-hells have been lost. W’hen Santa lays a finger aside his nose r e ­ flectively In our times, he exclaims, •without a hit of jolly shake below the waist, "D egener­ ates! Degenerates! Has my world come to Hut h a pass th at people wish to pay me for my presents? Can it he that little children are so surfeited with toys that they stop to a«k how much they cost before accepting them ? There was little Willie, I hs I year, who said to his mamma, when he first saw the beautiful Svooly dog, "W hat's it got Inside? Candy or money? Don't want a dog unless It's got som ethin’ In­ side!” And undoubtedly, there are many ready to chimes throughout echoing Children’s a free people reflection of the Child of made so through our faith t in HIM—m ust never lose God whose birthday it is. the understanding th at It Carry gifts. Let Love r shine. Happiness is in the is the dem ocracy of our heart only when \ve are every m an giving -Love. worship None is too old—nor ♦ none too young to gaze Into the star-H^bt night anti see again the vision of the m anager. Child King Feel that spirit of Him, the Jesus. He brought to us an everlasting herit­ age of Love—Peace Hope. Set aside the frown and hold out a hand of hearty welcome to Santa Claus. It Is the spirit of HIM you Welcome. religions, which I ceeding His Christm as Mercy Cift 'CIvar« Will Find News Of Interest Here and g iv in g to his right to in h is w ay. makets each furth er suc­ proof of His Goodness. None shall perish. 'Tis Christm as. Awake and salute the happy morn. Thrill again in the joy of service—and the love of fellowmen.