THURSDAY D P KMBBR fi, 1®2€ Tine SPRINOFIBLD NEWS Q assi (BUYlN60gSEUW edAds BEYgrRTStars) PAGRSKVEN IT’S A OOOD THING S H I NOTICI Ceneolatory DIDN'T NCKD AN AUTO) Nolle« U hereby aleen that I. Cíate A young actress felt deeply hurt If we Tv going to the BtllrR«'. Sprenger. will not be liable to anyone b , , . UM of tM . fB< B a ll-I ll need a new evening d ress., for any debt! contracted by my wlf.,. blun, remarM alrf>ut B<.|)a dear." said the doctor'« wife. I Clara Sprenger on or alter the date »oh tbat man -. ,a(rk Wellborere. W aterwheels 111.3rd ! of ar*' berreby notified to present the and assign the residue of said cs- WALTER W EDMIST^N Adratc- Uriah 8w ve| Granges 93 pel boa of i «line to the County Court on or be­ fore the time fixed for final hearing tate. All persons Interested therein l»tmtor. three hundred larac site. Box-» may be heard at that time. A. E. WHEELER Attorney. herein. H I’ M M O N h luraer than standard alte. Sofind JANE ZIMMER Executrix. N 28: D 2 9-16 23 ROOF REPAIRING JOSIE H. SPORES Administratrix MARY 8. D. ALLEN, Attorney for Estate. court of th e fruit and satisfaction guaranteed or For Hoof Repairing call 2326-J of the estate of Geo W. Spores. De­ K « " A « v 'H' S ? l ’IT 5 ,,ON- ' * <' ° ™ ' money hack We pay express charges N 26: D 2-9-16 23 ceased. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICR ry f Eugene, and get results. I. T. Loomis, i L. E. BEAN, attorney for estate. A box of these makes an appreciated REGISTRATION OF LAND TITLE 8ALE OF REAL PROPERTY experienced and permanently located. | D 9-16 23-30: J 6: N O ._.... .............. Christmas gift. Remit with order. tf. I Notice ,» hereby given that th e ------------------------------ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ACME GRANGE FARMS, l a . ’^ / h r rakl" UBl"",wn heir» at ! NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT STATE OF OREGON FOR 1 HE undersigned Admln'atratOT of t lM taw. If he 1» deceased. »Iso .11 other IdiGrauge, Texas if. estate of John M Williams deeeare*. is- - o u . l Nollce I* hereby given that Nelson COUNTY OF LANE. ... persons or parties unknown claim will on . - and after '^KTs’-ri. ’ ,T c o t ; HT OF THE 11 Signor and Alice L Thompson,! I” tbe matter of the application of day . “J Sa'urd.ay, rhe l i t s na any rlaht. title, estate. Interest STATE GF GREGGN FOR LANE administrators of the estate of Alma James W Seavev against Mary B a n \r r l« .- ai ?., ' 1» *. m rsnanf t n L .V " °r ‘•’■al estate FOR KALE i It TRADE—New 6 room Prn’’®f« Court n t house In Eugene Bath, toilet built- „ COUNTY. . ' Luclna Signor, Deceased, have filed Ellison and all whom It may concern. [ , nf. In the complaint described D ef.n l account of lne,r their an admlnis- to register the title to the * »«»»wing following entered, entered offer nftZe ior «ale and ”7 soil i t anif ants. ins and ha.- ment On paved stre-t 1 ry., Fr“,n t « e «. of rkw ^swe.» --. j «<._» north of of th<> thr* '"’“‘beast Nnnthpfls» corner rnrnpr of nf the ♦>»** highest !_«_>. » bidder .... ora o ° til» the I- Ijist Will unH and • Testament Oregon, and that *v the said ?orth for ca h nr nsw to ftMi all other persons or parties unknown P1. loGur' e Sann. 17 south, range undersigned, »ubject tn the Tnrrrxaf terest or lien In nr upon the real S h oe. ITIce 43160. Address X- I J iIn iff», y«. ThomAH K. IUrton for the final settlem ent of »aid ac- Ject,on M l X B B nrt?.n‘ h;,l! Wlfe: J° h j COUnt Saturda>’ I>cem ber 18th. 1928. #3. west of Merid1an> of the Court, the folle./ln g d e i e r S S estate In the complaint described n • News Office. ?„ i vv W ,y Jone W*»""1““ at ,h" h° “‘ ° f Ten O'clock In the ‘bence west 567.80 feet: thence north real property belonging to fendants and J W. Mist-man, her husband; forenoon of said day at the office of ,Ion * ,h e e""‘ sld<* of rt>»n‘y road to-wlt- * IN THE NAME OF THE RTtTE Sarah F Martin and Frank Martin, the County Judge at the County Court 2833 f ^ 1- thf-nce Past 5(54 67 fPet The We<-t io© fPc t cf Lots 2 and X table stakes DE OREGON, You are herebv Fcjuir- I m i. J,,"e í>,Un•• Mclnls; I House of Lane County at Eugene. th<> * • ’ '* of ‘he southeast of SWV, ■ Range Four West of the Willamette shot craps for yoah- and I wins " TO Thomas K. Barton and Lucie Roseburg Oregon ’ 598 ,o ,h “ ,OB,h , ‘ni' °* Vine and *e th- S F V ,: W ’ ’ of S W H ; Meridian. In Lane County Oregon, be Barton, his wife; John M Barton; November 3 1926 I 8‘rM*‘ *n Beavey’a addition to Soring SE' of SW -t See 35, ish ip 1C by the Court forever established and Betty Jane Wist man and J W Wlse- NOTICE Is hereby given that on LaDP Coun‘y- Oregon, thence south -ange 4 E of W M FINAL man. her husband; Sarah F. Martin quieted as ngnlnst all the defendants, NOTRE OF November 1. 1 1926. 1926 Lafayette Lafayette E. E Prln- Prln- *>as‘ along the said south line of Vine Also: An undivided U interest 9« SETTLEMENT ani| Frank Martin, her husband Jos- November whether named nr described; that del. of Paris, Oregon, filed application 8,reFt 2072 6 feet to the west line of the w est U of SW '4; S E v of gW M ; you be fvrever barred and estopped from having or claiming any right title Interest or estate In or to lands nr anv part thereof, adverse « d " n '.r t U r r e |l e r is ih a irb e'’ h i,’ tb i of ""'d M«*«* -n ie 4 O .. a a XX ’ K.V A ln /\ « . 14 f n m thereof once each week for .Ix'hour of ten o'clock A. M, at the tlon cceaslve week» In the Springfield County Court room at the Court »nccesslve sws Duhll.e.1 In Springfield. News, publlsed In Springfield, Oregon. House m Eugene. Lane County. ■e gon. has been by said Court hv order of Hon O F Kklpworth. . a. . . Judge of said Court entered on the ted a . the time and p l a c e dav of October. 1926. and the r final sotllem ent of said estate. first publication thereof was made on RST NATIONAL BANK, EUGENE, the 38tb dsv of October. 1926 OREGON. Administrator of the Ks A E WHEELER. Attorney for te of Ellen Bowler Deceased Plaintiffs residing In an I whose post BEAN & BROOKE. Attorneys. office address Is Eugene, Oregon. N 18 26: 1) 2 9 16 »» 38 N 4 11 18 25: D « 9 some title, estate, lien or Interest in , ‘be Sluslaw National F orest M T u n X s then e o M w i l 8 w ' 1 8PI4 o M W " 4 the property described In »he com Tb«* purpose of this notice is to of ran£ " 3,we.Rt e V e - v vtvv - 's n c i ^ pIalnt her„ ln Defendants alio*; »» per"°n" dalm ing the lam7 8 ',or'h 770, r ^ i SEV ot N F ’ ' NW U oV S E « IN THE NAME OF THE STATE "dieted, or having bona fide ob jec to the east I ne o. the Cregoi“ * Cell- SB of N E _ NW « of S , o p OREGON You an* hnrphv ro* tlon» to such application, an oppor- fornia railrord right of *ay. thence 7 ot NW«4 or J” ™ 1'* , , and a‘ 7wer the cotm ‘«“ “ y to file their protest with the south 14 degrees east 794 feet to the N W of SW%. Sec. 10 all In tow «, nlf,(] aaln„t vou (n lh). ab o,-o : register of the District United States north line cf Vine Ft-eet In Seavev's ship 16. south range 4 E of H M. entitled Court and cause, within six ’-and Office at Roseburg. Oregon Anv addition to Springfield !.ane Coccty and In "1. 631 49 w eks from the date of the first pub- 8“ch protests or objections must be Oregon, thence east a’-mg the north Also: An undivided H Interest 1« llcatlon of this summons, and if vou bled In this office within thirty days line of li n e street -4«( feet to the and to lot 14. Sec 2X 'fall to so appear and answer, ferifrom the date of the first publication place of beglnn'ng »o«!“ range 8 W of w m . -wo o» want thereof the plaintiff will applv of this notice, which first publication All the above describ d land being tattling In all 41 *cres 1 situated in I ane County. Cregon. ; Also: An undivided % interest fa to the Court for the relief prayed for ‘8 November 18. 1926. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON and to EH of SWH no 1 W L n t CERN: Take Notice that on the SE U . It. township «7. HAMILL A. CANADAY. Register that you and ench of you have no ISth f of November 1926 an appll- range 3 E of W M. ar«1 ?pt5 n N IS 25: D 2-9 16 right, title, interest or estate what­ cation was ffl.d by th" sa;d James 1“ a” ’ «A a<,rX’ ' ° L P' ," “1’ 1 ever in or to the following described W. Seavev in the Circuit Court of J 41 "7 C?,uhn ta' SU M M O N S real property: ay . ’ The East half of the Benjamin R IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE the S t^ e of Cregon for Lane County | Dr ed this STATE OF OREGON FOR I.ANE for Initial reE rtratlcn to the la n d . 19f 6' r n„ .v Ad vini«trafw t Barton and Rebecca J. Barton Dona (tlon I-anrt Claim No. 47. Notification COUNTY. .ab ove tkscrtbol novr unless you ap ‘ ™ «tam s decea -X No. 7191. in Sections 4 and 5. Town- Walla. Plalntlc V s, James L .,e -r cn or b eP r. tn» 27th day of Bs‘- ‘c c- • n D 3.9 ship 17. South Range 1 West of the Walls. Defendant December. 1926 and -how cause why | _ _ _ J_______ W illamette Meridian, excepting the, To James L. Walls. Defendant: such appllcaticn shall not be granted c ic -m c -iv o o n s < ell on the South side of said JJf THE NAME OF THE STATE the same will taken as confessed NOT’CF OF 8HEIUF1''» wai . k - claim and lying East of the McMe-kin o p OREGON: You are hereby re- and a decree will he entered accord-, EXECUTION IN FORM - claim In I-ine County. Oregon qttlred »0 appear and answer the com Ing to the praver of the application Not'ce is hereby given tort , 228 Muin St. Residence 126 C St. and that the title of the plaintiffs in plaint filed aga'nst vou ln the above snd vou will be fow ver barred and tue of an execution and ®rc. r said property Is good and valid, and entitled suit on or before six week« foreclosed from disputing the same. in foreclosure issued out 01 n 62 J 62 M that you and each of you be for- ver from date of first publication of this R S BRYS''N. County Clerk cult Court of luine County t r , - barred and enjoined from asserting summons, or for want thereof the FRANK A. DE PUE. Attorney for on the 29th day or N° veFl'/.r i Full Auto Equipment nnv claim whatsoever In and to said plaintiff will take Judgment again-t applicant. R 'cidence, Springfield. In e suit wherein on the 3. ' ' November. 192«. n said court C I-ady Assistant premises adverse to the plaintiffs, vo„ and will n-nlv to the court for Oregon. Hvde. plaintiff, recovered • d c-- ‘ N 25: D 2-9-16-23 and W that the deed made by - R - hecca , be relief prayed for in complaint against the defendants. Ad’le J. Barton and her husband Benjamin aT1,( for a decree of absolute divorce NOTICB is hereby given that the ^ n ' |n d Frank E Whitton for I»« R Barton, n» grantor», to Willlftm U « - Concv. as grantee, on the 10th day of 5™ a"d »»»»I'ment of the mar State l^ nd Board of the State of SUTO of $560.00 with Interest tfr- ■'» Oregon will rec*'*vn sealed bid» at at g % per annum from M-F July 1865. .hith Is recorded In B ok E on Page 788 thereof of the Deed r “,a summon^ Is published once jtg p ^ -e in the Capitol'building at 19*5 ,.nt 1 uaid and the fur:h r Records of Lane County. Oregon, ?ar".hw e n for six consecutive * pcks t^ipp, Oregon, ur to 11:00 o'clock o{ 913 01 tnxes upon said pror<-ffr. — E C T O R Y¡ ¡B U S IN ESS DI R ----------------r FIRC W M . G. HUGHES AND AUTO INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Offlc« at FIRST NATIONAL BANK Bprlnflflald. Ore 90 n General Law Practice I. M. PETERSON Attorney-at-Law Commercial Slate Bank Bldg.. 8prlngfleld. Ore. W. F. Walker Funeral Director “The Loop” Your Home When In Springfield Call «_ SUTTON TRANSFER Phone 57 DR. N. W. EMERY d e n t is t GEO- N, McLEAN Automobile, Fire snd Life . IN S U R A N C E Surety Bonde Phone 617 My business It to protect your business 863 Willamette St. Eugene Oregon Sutton Bldg. Phone 20-J Residence Phone 153-M Springfield, Oregon D. W . Roof JEWELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield. Oregon FRANK A. DE PUE ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Sutton Building Springfield, Oregon. M. G. HOGE Attorney-at-Law Practise U. S- and State Courte Eugene, Oregon VASBY BROS. Painting & Decorating in all its branches 312 Main Street DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phone 43 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Sprlngflsld SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or rond work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk­ ers nt foot of Main on Mill street. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. » « -Y l i l t IX I > 11 * pk tr 1 a a" as w — — abutting thereon. the preference <, Iw.v. t, allace ns filed hls final account ns Beginning nt the cerner to frac-, quarter of the southeast tpim . fu» conformity with the order or the Tlon. ndmlnistrator of th.- estate of lohn flonal _____ Sections 19 and 20. on the ^,„.(1, w baif _ of thn __________ northeast rf r oralile (I F Kklpworth. Judge of the ' V ’C« I),e'> “I'J1 .’J'"’ ,th:” - ,h " We,lt *hcpe of Triengle Lajto, ' in ‘ 7. | _____ of thp _____ Southwest _ quarter. th so Jib- .... , . .„ I r i!rt has f,XIHl as n,<> t,mf' fnr h,'"r- 1« S’ . R 7 W W illam ette Meridian. ba1} of the southeast qua half of the s southeast o f ton above entitled Court, made and en- ¡nK tbp same 10:00 A. M. of D»c. 10. and running thence along U, S. Gov- nortbeaKf e o m is and .i u quarter quarter, the souL east tered on the 27th day of October. 1926. at the office of the county Judge ernmenf. Lino, , quarter of the strathwest quarter of 1926. Dale of first publication there- f]1 Ínteres! of suld defew it« . the settlem ent thereof. All object-1 notiCP. to purchase ! Adele Whitton and Frank E. Wh tf-w». tons must be In writing and filed with Dated at Engene. Oregon, the 11th “Application and bid shore lands." 'and all persons claiming by. through live Clerk of snM Court on or before dav of November 1926. Dated at Salem, Oregon November or under them or any or either .rf IRA C. GATES, Executor of the said dny and tiin-. 15 1926 them In and to said rcemtsce. CLIFF ABRAMS, Administrator. eatal“ of H. Gates, deceased. Q. O. BROWN, Clerk of 8lnte Land I FRANK E TAYLOR. BherifC FRANK A. PE PUE, Attorney lor DONALD YOUNG, Attorney for ri laine Cour.» - ciregiofi Oh« eetwt». I K I X » : D X91X23 I0: J 513 20 NJ 1-13-36: D »9 N11-18-25: D 2 9 D 2 9-16 23-30 • <*•