The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 09, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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    T ill RSDAY DRCBMRRR ft. 1926
--------- 1
-T -..
t_ "
"W ould
you mind
» titlin g
price» on the lly -l*» f ot each of
| thee»?*' I asked him . " I haven't the
r—'b e m g ttw Conies sh
o t a near w if e — l ÿ
fhlhteat idea what they are worth “
“ But moat certain ly,'1 he replied
tie »tool w ith m ilitary precision when
ever I spoke to him hta manner and
bearing tow ard me were exactly a»
if he were serving a queen. W ishlna
to do away with such »tilt form ality
I turned to him abruptly and said
' "My the w ay. T hankful and I have
1 decided to call you ('a p ta in T ."
T tia n k fu l blushed to the roots of
her soft, brown hair
" I. e r,“ she stammered.
“ Never m'nd, r. w T '.in s fu l. w>
i can't stand oil so much rerem onv
working here i v» rv day tikft sar-
dln,,a Hes'des." I » m "w hile we
nut chairs
I slid » low footstool, and then frank disapproval made r
tor his feet to rest upon, suit perched -elf manifest in Is m anner and voice
"You're Juat a little m ail." he said,
on the arm of his chair
"W ell, what do you think of tt?" "that I». of course. If you mean such
a thing but I »Imply won t beilnv«
I w antid to know
that you've gone ahead and bought
"W hy. It's a very unusual sort of
whole store w ithout even an mu h
place, to w»y the least,
Hut I co,il l
as asking my advice
O f course you
tell that tie was looking at It In a
cant go through with the thing
thoroughly Impersonal light
rossilile. the c h ic k
uiuat he re­
'Now I m going io tell you «
re t”
I leaned close to his car.
m id
m atter of f a d
“ listen, honey. It s mine, all mine
Every Inch if it
I exaggerated my about a tiling which I looked upon
>i*tiitrslilp in lb
ahop bwause I as entirely my own affair, Incens-d
I leaped from the arm or his
wanted the aurprlse to be complete. me
I would explain Hie detail» of the chair ami s I im h I facing him.
bualness transactions w lo ii we got voice souniicd 1111» and • tar away
“ I W I I . I . g» Ihrough with II. And
He sprang form hia chair. Then the check wtll N O T be returned
he sat down again
Il was a business transaction and a«
"o h . I see
It's some Joke what's such the question of the check la
b-,nally , Mw (-uui»» pul, ,,p ln rront the hlg Idea? A» I told you before closed And why I ask you. should­
n't I buy Ihe shop?"
of lhe (.urb ln
, „ „ I crave food.“
" I mean It. sweetheart.'* I was still
him consult a pl«w- of paper to which
"Because the whole thing la rtill
h<> comimrwl ,hr nuniber
.,u>p enthusiastic, " I took the cheek father rulous, pre poster nu»
nul of
a,,pr<Muh„, the dtK,r
( „nr- I t ? » me and made the first payment the question lxw>k at you now in
a wlBt#r aa „ , bad bwn down, and I'm going io pay for id ­ one of Ihoae damned a rtis t ro stu m -»
lest of It as we make the sales My
a„ tUy
that I despise" l i t waa the second
h, op,.n0d lhr doOr .’hare In them, you see *
Continued on Cage g
,hrn w,|fc ,
,,f aa,(inl. bnMMlt hr
He rem ained »tlent for a moment
ference fust then.“
"You always are whenever I want
you." I pouted, " I H A 'lh t confer-
Itut In the end I promised to be
i satisfied If he would come the mo
, meni It was through
I was keenly disappointed for I
wanted him to a rriv e while Thankrul
and i aplnin T. wi re there.
would lend atmosphere to the scene
and beside», I wauted them to sliar«
his surprise, »
Hut when live o'clock came I in­
sisted that they leave and I was
left w ith the la ia c brass key, which
fitted the antique lock on the door.
In my hand
How Im p ortan t I felt
to be the custodian o f so much
beauty and a rt!
T he lights were dim and over the
»nop clug the taint odor ot incenar
first day nt the book shop was one of the most ex-
«ftlng experiences of my life.
Arriving early in the m orning exp,Kl to m. Ue » Mt,1(oi, doMa.-,
Che tithv thing I did, tow ards furthering my business career fnr un
„„ W(, „ixo wan,
w as to order dainty lavender frocks for Thankful and my- a ,„t,e fun - And
aelt, and so arrayed, we spent the rest of the day getting ready , ,urnw, to the yoilB< omear
to open the Shop to the public the following afternoon.
„ T ha n k fu l, o r * a lovely nam e)
O t course the shop was not entirely mine but I had the
Ju„ pU1„
feeling that it would be soon an d /also I felt that It was not
mor* Meea„ Wrl<h, - , ,r l.d
a n tmrv. «enable desire which burned in my breast, for while ,0 ,mltaU bt, for, 1<n acc„„, H„
th e nutl(t.tea were -harming, with an old-world atm osphere and Thlinkful> havln< be. n won |o
th ere were none of great value except one original etching a , (XX, hun„>ur !uu<h..d and
a n d a few rare editions which Captain T chertkov said he wltb my ptaBa
would not sell for any price. We soon discovered that he ..Now- , lurned to
„upaonn. rvoogn.wd ma. taking me I . at .
X as a connoiseur of ¿he tine arts and these treasures belonged -the husband wtll b„ aunu„on,.d ln Mlanea.
Jo a smalt collection he had m anaged to save from the glory of rh„ awne .. , dlaled ,br nuuilw on
Ho, A
ot aonw ktnd;
e past-
. a
the autom atic phone.
for the Junior League?" W e ll how ;
i asked him why he had not disposed of them during
-- _ .
th a t tune in Parts when he was so seriously in need of funds. camt> Curtlaa yoloe
and I'll w rite a check. Then let's be
" If I had oee, I would just as soon think of selling my child.” -H o n e y ’ i s« ,d
getting home
I didn't have tim e for ,
he replied, hr the attractive foreign way he had of rearrang-
Yes.” hl» answer was quick as if luncheon today and 1 m as hungrv
n>g his p h ra.e s.
1 rejoiced th at here was one whose pas­
t i n a t e and sincere love for beauty was beyond price.
His ! •>’* had b»»n »"gaged and disliked as a b e a r.1
"N o slree. you're wrong this tim e."
w as an intuitive appreciation for lovely things.
Although being disturbed.
I told him. skipping from behind the
bis lips were sealed as far as his past life in Russia was con­ "E veryrhing's a ll right. I haven't showe-case.
"Cotne and sit down |
cerned. little by little I carne to share T hankful^ opinion that he been kidnapped nr anything like that.
but I want you to come Im m ediately No. first o f a ll I want you to come
a n d his family had been reared close to the throne.
T it o
“ Listen. I can't possibly stay i f
tn - same small shop with V la d im ir
T ch e rtk o v and t a ll him by that ter-
ldtde name." I confided to
Inter that day when we were dis­
cuss ng him. “from now on. regard­
less of convention. I shall call him
Captain T ."
to a certain address I shall give you downstairs. Look at everything and
"Oh. " she gave a little gasp, "you , h >re g , urprlae for n ,u , „ d one 1 11 »*» X»» «<>•■“ ' » «•»••• on "
wouldn't dare?"
I am sure you w ill lik e .“
A b e r a tour o t the lower room
"W atrtk m e!"
"But sw eetheart." he
with its g litte rin g arra y of brlc-a- j
I called the young officer over to
"N o
huts, dearest, you
brae, bronses.
and enamels from
where 1
was standing by a case come.”
! foreign shore». I led him back to
which held some interesting hand
"Could It wait for an
hour or two? ihe book shop and made him sit
tooled editions which he had p ic k e d '
wgq havtB({ „ v(,ry ,mportan t con- down In one o f the com fortable wal-
up in Florence, “ for the trade.”
When Poverty Ends!
Now Let’s Settle That Argument
Lane County Ford Dealers Announce
Poverty ends when the spirit of sav I iik
begins in a man. The am ount saved is un­
im portant tin* lilt* thing is to M AKE T H E
When w ill YOU m ake th is Mt art?
m uch longer w ill you put o ff this im portant
step? Decide right now that you w ill do
this the FIR ST th in g TOMORROW by open­
ing a Savings Account here. When you do,
we *.vill present you w ith a L ib e rty Hell
Home Safe to assist you In saving.
S ta rt a Savings Account w ith $1.00
and Get a Liberty Bell Bank
Protected by Electric B ttrglarly A la rm System
Com m ercial S tate Bank
8printfield, Oregon
For The 1926 Improved Ford Model
$250— Cash Prices
List of Prizes
F irst Prize
Second Prize
$ 50.00
T h ird Prize
$ 25.00
F ourth Prize
$ 20.00
F ifth Prize
$ 15.00
Sixth Prize
$ 12.50
Seventh Prize
$ 10.00
Eighth Prize
N inth Prize
Tenth Prize
1 The cars w ill s ta rt at Woodson Bros. Ford agency in Cottage Grove at 10 a. m.,
Saturday, December 18th. They w ill drive north on the Pacific H ighw ay through Eu­
gene and continue on to Junction C ity or fa rth e r.
2. Only standard Ford cars knew n to the public as the improved Ford or 1926
model are eligible to compete in the contest. Com peting cars m ust be equipped w ith the
standard Ford ca rb u ra to r and ig n itio n system and m ust be standard in every o ther res­
3. Any standard body type of the 1926 model w ill be eligible to compete.
cars w ill not be e lig ’ble to compete.
C ut down
4. C om petitors may use any brand of gasoline provided th a t such gasoline is sold
to the public through ordinary pumps at regular fillin g stations and is not 'what is com ­
m only know n as high-powered gasoline selling at a greater price than the o rdinary
5. No Ford dealer nor members o f Ford
dealer’s organization
w ill be eligible to
6. Each com peting car w ill be given one gallon of gasoline and m ust run on the
selected course un til car stops due to exhaustion of gas. A fte r gas is exahus ted each
car m ust remain in place where it has stopoed u n til its m ilage has been recorded by tha
Judges. F ailure to do th is w ill result in car being disqualified.
7- Mileage w ill be recorded by speedometer on Lincoln car w hich has previously
been checked and found to be correct.
The contest judges w ill be J. O. H olt, Eugene; E lbert Bede, Cottage Grove; Judge G. F. S kipw orth, Eugene; Edward
Bailey, Junction C ity; W illiam Bell,Eugene
For F u rth e r In form ation See
E. C. SIMMONS CO., Eugene
WOODSON BROS., Cottage Grove
is an im portant part o f our life. The G reeting
Card Is the messenger of friendship and Its m is­
sion is happiness, love and good w ill. It suys
what you want to say, and says it better.
T H E G REETING CARD Is the n a tu ra l outcom e
o f o ur busy modern life.
It is the modern
method o f keeping in touch w ith friends and
loved ones, and has replaced the friendly, leisure­
ly letters of (lines gone by. Then, too, our friends
are scattered more and o nr circle o f friends Is
larger than was the case when folks traveled less
T H E GREETING CARD is a little , definite piece
o f sunshine offered by friend to friend. Life
seems a little kinder, the day a little b rig h te r and
the heart a little lig h te r when It cornea
carries kin d ly greetings fo r all ages and both
sexes, and fo r all the wholesome occasions o f life.
Inspect the m any beautifu l lines o f
G reeting Cards at
Willamette Press
Opposite P. O.
DANNER MOTOR CO.. Springfield
GIBSON MOTOR CO., Junction C ity