THURSDAY DBCIMnSR », IM S THE 8P RINGF1E3..1 NEWS *>AOS FOUR dFu'T •> .O F F IC IA L I » FU SL1CAT1O N LAM B COUMTV U M JT News Id • -1 s*O. M —r County Agents 1926 Report "'“Shows Numerous Activities .«Niturday Dicht. By Spadai Community News «•■•■vsnpondsnt» 1 GARDEN WAY at Ike Clin«* home Tuesday Tli*- Bishop. and Cllnea were old friends In Minnesota The visitor» like Dra­ gon and nxpevt tb Mwale her» Mr and Mr» William Curry and Murk llalley of Weinlllng »ltd John daughter. Vera, of Ihllom alh and •yncli of Hpringflety w ire visitors at UPPER W IL L A M E T T E greatly appneiated by the players J««*« Mounts ot Franklin apM l Hun the Fish home Hunday. Reflecting a noteworthy achieve- ag»*nt and the county court I» appro- Many of the student» are taking coll day at the Frank llalley place' I Mr »nd Mrs. Allan Wheeler are showers before school begin» In Ihe Mr and Mrs Joe Neal have re- ■lent in scientific anti practical entur xtniataly 811.536. Tuesday evening a number of Marketing rejoicing over the arrival of a habv mornings and claim they are feeling friend» and relatives of thia neighbor turnod from ihelr honeymoon auil prise» looking toward development of Lane County brevtiers of heavy j daughter born to them at the Fnclft«- fine, ate located nt Ihe G. IL Neal home hood met at the Chas Mvers home In J a ne County's agriculture, the annual chickens were Introduced to a re pres t'hrlstian hospital Thursday Derain Mr». K C. Simmons a former resi­ Springfield to help Mrs Myers cele­ rep o rt of th e County Agricultural ,.nta„ ve of „ large California com- her 3. Allan Wheeler la the aou vf dent of Pleasant Hill la visiting brate her birthday After »nine Inter­ THURSTON Agent. O. S. Fletcher, was made pub- nierclal hatchery who contracted for H C. Wheeler of Trent and Mra. friends her«' thia week estin g games delicious refreshments 11c this week. While the report is the egg» from 3.100 hens on nine Wheeler was formerly Miss Elite OR--1 Mrs Robert English and daughter j were served There w o born to Mr amt Mra The following from larggly o i a sU tisUcnl nature, in the ' • « • prl" ; *°n ° f l'*’n< B**Ch‘ Ca,l,ornU Margaret of Ijiitln s Mill visited at , thia nelghborho*«! were present: Mr. William Barnett, a daughter. Mildred Unta on the general prune produc- Friends of Kmery Hehreu.ier who p o s a n t Hill Sunday ■ and Mrs I. Cline, Mr and Mrs. Il K. IsHilte. at Ihe l*aclfic Christian hos­ facts and figures which It contains tlon si^iatlon was glvpu to Lane WB» a highschool »Indent of I’nlon i Mr and Mrs Hay Thomaa of Lal- Wylie and son. Kenneth. Mr and Mrs pital In Eugene on Wednesday Deo Kuch cause for optimism on the o u t ­ County growers and a survey made High school No I two year ago w ill, „,111 wlth and Mra I ,« u McBIbany. Mr F H Chase and ember 1. look for the county's farming inter­ to ascertain the probably production * be — glad • to - know — .« ,.. a he . « has ... w .n . — that fully re I llruwn of l*lea»ant Hill Sunday i WHnn Carol Chase. Mr and Mra. Howard Cotton from In thia county. e s ts is thought to be seen. covered from his operation for ap qu Friday afternoon December 10 Elmo Chase left for a short trip I > Sprlnflt-ld spent Thursday night w itn pewHc'*1» at Oakland. California an*l »t 3 o'clock Ihe ladles of Ihe Christian CnUfgrnln The report shows that Apent M is cellan e o u s Mr and Mrs. Itoy Kdmlxnn Fletcher received 3.469 office calls Three demonstrations on the poi­ is able to return to hia work. Mrs church will hold a haiaar at Wood- , Mr and Mrs. A C. Hogart and aon. The I Julies Aid play given at th» C. T Hyde his mother who was call nlan hall. Fancy work, (aim ed gifts. ! ” f Junction City visited at Ihe II It during the year, and 518 telephone soning of coyol«»e were conducted dur­ hall last Thursday evening was well *ol No 1 oyer the Elmira teams. ! Byiletto.. Ihe Utile six year old ! Dakota Mr. and Mra. Kellogg will Mike Tennl» from Creawell spent How to poison grasshoppers was T|)e gcoI.„ waj< K (•„«» visit with their son. Curtis Kellogg Deans. demonstrated on the (arm ot Overton I boys' score was 31 to 13. During the is again suffering with an absess on who is III and who with his family the weekend at Ftml Gray s owe Fifty-eight demonstration meetings Liowell at Mercer Lake were much forepart of the game Robert Munson her right hip She was taken Io the . «pen' a year here recently Ruby Nel­ John Ediulston. who haa »pin! the were conducted, and the agent or c o ,.IU m ‘ * L W“ 8 dOne b e f° re “ “ “ PO“ On b ~ k ''h e place ««it Kenneth McKenale doctor» Sunday night and It Is iearod son after a sort visit In Watertown p a s t two weeks In Washington r e poerative specialists spoke at 164 was spread. ! who has been suffering with bolls an opera!Ion will be necessary The will leave for her home In Rapid City. tu rn ed home Tuesday meetings with a total attendance cf Mrs William llarnell was moved Many of the boys on the team have little child has been suffering for S Dnkola. 8. <33. M rs . A. Fish and daughter. Polly. .*f to her home from the hospital last over a year with what was thought tn H ig h lig h ts G iven • O F F IC E R S O F L A N E C O U N T Y • been laid up during practice becaus Sab tn visited at the G It Fish home Monday. A few of the highlights of the • F A R M E R S ' U N IO N • of boils io the score was more tha.i he inflamatory rehumatisn*. over the week-end. had been anticipated The next M r a n d M r s R oy E d iu ls to n • t i le r - Turkeys by the truck load are go­ agent's report on fiinu crops are • C. W Allen. Vida. President. Mr. ami M rs . Guy Bishop and isiried tor d in n e r la s t S und ay M r a n d • W. I. Seals. Eugene. Vlce-Presl- • game will be play**! with Walker ing from the Pleasant llill district *o given herewith: rtaughi-r of Watertown. ft. Dakota. M rs K rn e s t U e rta c h . Ion* a m i T h e d a • Decemb* r 17. Much Interest is he market. Orders from 90 farmers for 2,236 • dent. R oy I I L I io p o f R in s le » a m i M rs J o h n I'd m ls t o u .tn I E. E Kilpatrick, T F Kahler and a n d M r. a n il M r- pounds of Grimm alfalfa seed were • Betty M Kappauf. Cottage Grove • •»« u k ,,n in b“ ke‘ ,M,I> ,h i" v,'ar Electric lights in th,- gymnasium au l Lyman Tinker attended the Cr «well- J a s p e r. M in n e s o ta w ho a n - Io* a te .I .it j u n s i. o r n a n d J a n e* • Secretary-Treasurer • pooled by the county agent and the Mr and Mrs B e rt W over a re seed was purchased and sold to the • Walter Morgan. Creswell, Conduc-* shofcrer hath« after the game» are Wulk*r basketball gam*- at Cr* » it th e S e u ve y A u to C a m p w • re visitor • farmers at cost by the Eugene Farm­ • tor. ers- Creamery foe. the purpose of • H. H. Smith, Eugene, Doorkeep- • • helping introduce alfalfa in the • er. county. Seventy of the 90 farmers • O. L. Clement. Wa tervllle. Chap- • • sowed alfalfa this year for the first • lain. time. Forty farmers where alfalfa was sowed this year for the first time CANNERY BOOSTS were visited ^during March and April IRRIGATION OF LAND and the owners were given advice cn various alfalfa culture prob'ems. Stayton. Oregon, boasts a farmer- Yields o f alfalfa on eight demon­ owned cooperative cannery which strations on the use of lime and land packed a quarter of a million dollar« ' plaster on alfalfa start*-*! Jn 1925 worth of fruits and vegetables in t h e , were determined. Lime alone In­ past season. creased the yield 900 pounds of hay One of the rule» of this cannery t peL,atreJ T che<'k p,ot on one <- n° ‘ “ » ; cu ting w i e ime and land plaster |^ anR and next year this irrigation together l a c r e a ^ the yield 1285 requlrement wlll apf)ly alR0 toma. 1 THE FINEST GIFT—THE GIFT THAT CARRIES WITH IT A WORLD GF SENTIMENT IS THE GIFT FOR THE A Gift For The Home Is Enjoyed By All toes. R. D. Hoke, manager of t h e : H even demonstrations on Influence ,.annerr explained that the «ft» and Of lime on vetch or clover started In quallty of trrlgated ^ a n s was o M e n u » Lane In 1825 showed that mlK?ri , han non Irrigated bean, lime benefit, botti of these crops lha, he cou,d BOt afford to p c h e r ! greatly, and that more than one ton a1th tbe non-irrlgated o n e. Irrlga-! me « ou be applied for best tjon makes the beans large and tend- geaults with vetch er wlU)(Wt itr ,ngR Tj#f <,UJ»Ure8 88 fol,ow’ were quality of tomatoes is also much im- X r " ‘he e° Un'y 8” “,t: Pr° " d ‘ alfalfa. 254 acres; vetch. 152 a cres- red clover and alslke clover 80 acres- “,rrl’ « ’,on " Mr H<* * - ,h“ *>r beans, sw eet clover, and common *n ‘at" t ‘WD< f° r ,h "' P* rt beans one acre each country that ever happened. A cow testing association with .12 "’Fbr year8 Pe °P,f' havP worked Dembers awning 642 cows was or- un<,,'r the 'upression that there was ganlted and testing was started >n “o lnuth ralnfal1 in ,h ** Willamette May. , valley that drainage was the only Poultry Meetings ■ Problem. Now they are finding that Two hundred four poultrymen at- there ar<‘ "everal months of the year tended six poultry culling demonstra whf‘n there ** a i,hortaK’' of water tlons conducted during August by H and 'rrikatlon will often more than E. Cosby, ccoreratlng with the eoun’y doublt' tbe er°Pg- Tho,w' who do no' agent. , have ditch water are installing pqmp- An intensive campaign against the Plant’' ” gray digger ground squirr-1 «gg , a ------ *----------------------- rled on throughout the county in co- CALL AND SEE Dr. N W. Eme«y operation with farm organizations on Prices 00 pla'® and other work, t?' and committees of interested farmers In communities having no farm ©organizations. TIME AND PLACE OF • LOCAL MEETINGS • The county agent, assisted by a . Canary—First Wednesday. Third • 54 Moore of the Bureau of Biological Saturday, F a rm e rs Union Hail. • Survey, mixed SiMO pounds of strych­ Cloverda!«!— Second and Fourth * nine poisoned barley, and approxl-' Friday *. Cloverdale School House. ‘ mately 5254 pounds or this was sold C resw ell--First and Third Tues- • during the year. Thirteen committeemen In tw elve' days, Creswell. M. W. of A. Hail. • Coast Fork—Second ami Fourth • communities poisoned squirrels on 8248 acres of land In 47 tracts that * TbUrl,da’r’ ' Farm ,Jnlon Hall. F irs t Tuesday, Danebo • were neglected by the owners and the . D Danebo— „ expenses charged against the land by 8ch° ° l the county. Committeemen also pol- °<>r,?n«—Second and Fouth Tues • soned squirrels on 2720 acre« addi­ • days, Doreria Church tional land at the request of the • . H adleyvllle — First and T h ird • owners that would have been neg|Pf.« Thursdays, Hadleyvi!le Hchool. Sunday of each ed but for the ortmnlztd campaign ‘ lieceta —First ....... . .............. month, Heceta School House. • •o that squirrels were poisoned on a Jasper—Second and Four'll Wed- • totalxjf j 1,968 acres of neglected land nesdays, W, O. W. Hall, Jasper. • during 1926 Soil Improvement 1 * ^ r a n e — Second and Fourth • Feasibility surveys were made on ‘ Wednf*'la y'- ’• <»'• F- Ha'’ * proponed drainage projects near i'res * v ',rnon~ Flr»t and Thlrd • well and Donna at the request of in ’ W”dn’”"lay Brasr.eld Store terested farmers and assistance h a s1’ Sllk Crt<* Meets First and Third • been given these parties in their et ! ’ Tbur9da>' at Cedar School Houne • fort u, organize drainage districts*" ’ Spencer Creek—Third Friday. • Five carloads o f pyrotol with * Plne ° r° Te Sch001 • total of 135.300 poUndR haV(. ‘ T ren t-S econ d and Fourth Wed- • tribuled during the past yrar T w o ! * ae*daya >,l«aa«nt Hill H ig h « hundred sixty Individuals made th r e e 1 ’ SClWO, B1<1< hundred eighty four purchase» wi,h 8 ®cretar1*« wi’1 please »end In • total of 95,300 pounds and the c o u n tv * llm e “ d Pl8C’ ° f meet,n8 and * court four purchases with a total of * cha"earance with comfort. We have many of these fine chain» that can I» e puruhased separately. They harm onize well with other furniture and their cost is m oderate. Davenports— In Velour, $72.00 to $98.00, Mohair, $95 00 to $135.00. Smokers— Rockers— $5.00 to $45.00. Cedar Chests— Dinning Suites— $80.00 to $225.00. 42 pc. Sets American Dinner- ware $9.75 Floor Lamps— $9.75 to $26.00. $1.98 to $12.00. $9.75 to $26.00. A New Colonial Range will cook a fine C h r istm a s Dinner $55.00 to $115.00 A small payment will hold any article until wanted for Christmas WRIGHT & SON Springfield, Oregon