BENEFIT SHOW PLANNED BY LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL PAGE THREE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY DBCBMRBR Ô, 1$26 tn a u fil anlar- taluinent. It I I hop»d by thoao In ■ tunic" Ihm , Ih« rn w lp ta from to- ulght'x miti<1 In III«' m i n i u> ni nun I u in Hr in, n linn III i ii I •• rl it 11« tn ■ in w ill lit- i ' oii i l u i i ’ il ul H im II m II tlii'iilri'i' tm itxlil, I l won nniiiiiiiii i ll (inlay at ilm Hpilnit- tli lit l l l r h m iiniil. S hrub P la n tin g Season N o w The planting season for shrubs In W e a trn r t ‘ non extend» from October Already Christm as packages are to A pril, says the station landscape Calls at O exter— Dr. Eugen« K ester leaving the Hprlngfleld poatotttce on specialist. Sorubs are planted any made a professional call a t tbe It. D. every m all according to Postmaster tlm when ground 1« In w orkable Creek was a visitor here Monday. Play N a n *«U Bushnell residence at Dexter Sunday F. B. H am lin . Moat e f the. packag m condition Much harm comes from Hara From Notl— Mm, It H. Sm ith night. In the malls so far have been d •»- planting T ill' tilBti nolliini play, " E llin Humea In muddy soil. Since lined for distant p o n te . but Post weath* r conditions are uncertain a t lu Hlay," noth'll I'Ml (nr U hi il ram al lm nf N u ll wu« a visitor In the city Mon­ Here From Country— W illia m Cole m aster H am lin was m p h a tlc In draw ­ this t.u; i liili o f tin' Hpiltixllold 1 1I a h nt t in n ì, day, tf year, shrubs are sod C F. Leith, both of Motor Route ing attention to tbe necessity of early ordered ea rly from the nurnery and "•I’ll!, 1*111111 lliiii'li G irl." In ill« ui i urti I ng In uniHiunoi'ini nl I Ills w o rk . Stevie« H« re— Hubert H u rle « of ft. Eugen«. I ran «a d "d business In m ailing even to points nearer to I f the soil Is not fit for planting, are t ill' i i I I H i h auilltiytum . laut Friday night. Heavy pruning is done to m aintain underwent a m ajor operation a t the belp wlll he arrangf-d for thè locai lard made a profeaslonal call at M a l­ force. In order tb a t thè mali» a balance between the top and thw Pin Ifli C hristian hospital Monday. postai . eóla Monday i loss of roots in digging. It prevent« M r and Mrs. Stew urt are residents inay he liaridled wlth dlspatcb. The ea rly a rriv a i of ('brtstm aa malia from damage caused by whipping In strong Visit at O exter— M r and Mrs. Carl of Natron. dlatant points he see» a» a good Indi- winds. T he cats are made clean Juet G irard »pent Sunday visiting at 56 STORES Ending Baby Boy Born— M r. and Mrs. Thot- catlon that thè la te r mali» w lll noi above tbe nodes or buds and car« 1« Dexter. Starts vai N yatrum are tbe parente of a be too beavy for thè locai force to used to keep the characteristic shape Saturday of the shrub. A ll dead o r diseased Grim«» Here— Jesae O rlm e», resi­ baby son born a t thè Paclflc Chrla- bandle. Dec. lat. dent or M otor Route B. Eugene, wax tlan hospital last Huturday evenlng branches are removed and burned. Dec 4th T he postmaster predicts that this a viador In Hprlngfleld Monday. Baby Oaughtsr Born— M r and Mra. year's Christm as m ailing w ill be the IN THE W EST Goes to Hospital— M rs Roy F red­ E D. Deadmond of Marcola are the greatest ever handled by the Spring- LO ST PURSE erick o( Mohawk, was taken to the parents of a baby daughter born Sun­ field office. Chances for an all-tim e 6th and Willamette Store 11 Eugene. Ore. Fred Bosserman. while delivering Paclflc Christian hospital on Sunday. day at the Paclflc C hristian hospital record In postal receipts are good, be packages for local stores, a few day» declares. ago lost his purse. M r. Boseernua Chata In T ow n— Harold Chaae. of Builds N e w House— A. L M a tto o n T he approach of the holiday season says he was on B street between sixth Motor Route B, Eugene, wa» In town of Estacada la building a new house for a short tim e Monday. and garage on W illa m e tte Heights. Is seen In tbe gay decorations in and seventh when he bought soma Matoon expects to move his fam ily store windows on M ain street, and Christm as seals from a g irl. He then Oakridge Man Ham — D elbert Red­ Christm as entertainm ents are being went down sixth to D street before here shortly. ding of O akridge «pent a part of planned by schools and churches. he missed his purse w ltn some small Monday In Hprlngfleld. Men's heavy ribbed Cotton and Fleece lined Union Officials H am — N. L. Michels and Schools w ill be given vacation on F ri­ change In IL M r. Bosserman would O. A. Prince, of the Eugene head­ day, December 24. the day before like to recover tbe purse from anyon« Suite. $1.50 value. Why not take advantage of it now, Mra. Van Orden Hara— Among out at this epecial low prioe quarters of the Booth-Kelly Lum ber Christmas. who m ay have found IL of town viadora Saturday wa» Mrs. Company were visitor« at the Spring E. I. Van Orden of Junction City. O U R W O L S P U N U N IO N Held plant of that concern on M on­ O nly by q uantity buy In a and q uantity soiling are we able to sell C re s w e ll Man H am — Lem I»rury of day. you this big. well fitting, warm union at aurb a low price. A t any the C resw ell d istrict wa» In town Cross Paso— M r and Mrs George Hrolor «tore theae special days for------ Saturday. Jones crossed the M cKenzie pass s i- s x ’ i A L Ride with Ethyl' Passmore In Tow n— E J Paaamore Saturday night In th eir automobile, B re w e r H ero— Roy B rew er of F all C. J. BREIER CO. UNDERWEAR Special For Men 98c 5 1 .7 9 T A IL O R E D R IB B E D C O T T O N U N IO N S W e hosllato to quote a p rior on thin wonderful elastic, lone fibre knit union, for (ear you might cnnfu»« It w ith the cheaper one« on the m arch! Be aure to eee It s i ' k h . a i . I t 75 value------ 5129 B O V 'S F L E E C E U N IO N S Every mother know«, wlnil boy«' good fleece Unions are worth She must realise wdmt an unu«unl bargain thia well made garment la at only—— H P E X tA I. €qc 2 P IE C E GARM ENTS L O T 101K —‘Heavy, but flu * cotton two piece mu H n T hen* com­ m only re ta il for B*r»« each Now for both shirt and drawwra------ 2 ,or $1 45 N O T IC E We are closing out our entire line of Designer Patterns at a 20 per cent discount. "IT ALWAYS PAYS TO BUY AT BRIERS' " overcoming many difficulties. The lights on th e ir automobile were out of order, and they were forced to make Hare Sunday— M m. It It Minnick th e ir w a, through the snow by the of Oakridge was a visitor here Sun­ light of flashlight They returned io day. th eir Bend residence on Sunday morning. H e re F ro m M areóla— Mrs. Fred M tlte n b e rg e r of M arcóla »pent a part of Saturday In Springfield. LABOR TURNOVER LIGHT of M arcóla wu» In town for a short tim e Sunday. Donna Man Her«— Pete Finch if Donna transacted huitines» in the city Saturday. Mabie V is ito r— Mr». Jim Llndham of Mabie was u business visito r In Springfield Saturday. Hers From Jaeper— Mrs. Perry W allace of Jasper spent a part of Saturday In Springfield Its Industrial and Eduoatlonal Service Spreads Throughout the United States. “Merry Christmas” Electrically One visit to our electric shop by mere man and he will worry no more what to give "HER "- he it wife or mother for Christnias. Electric home equipment brings joy to the housewife's heart and here we have all that is new. practical. economical and efficient in labor-saving home equipment. Maybe it is an electric pereulator, heater, waffle iron, table stove, Iron.t oaster, vacuum cleaner or washing machine. Here nre a few specials we have on display $ 5.00 UP $ 5.00 UP $10.00 UP TABLE STOVES $ . UP URN SETS ........................ $22.00 $ 1.75 UP WEST1NOHOUSE IRONS ......- ....... — $ 6 6.00 00 We carry a complete line of Westlnghouse Mazda Lamp«. The best light known Burns less electricity and gives more light. Ketel’s Drug Store Building. Springfield At Springfield Service Station 5th and Main St. “Where Service is King’’ ! men In the larg er centers are no j g reater than last yearr. Home log d rivin g Is being done in the Inland Em pire d istrict. Heavy rains there have slowed woods work. The pine saw m ill industry Is a t the seasons low point, a large numb»r of plants being closed for the season. signs that the United States la Case D ism issed aw ake to the menare of Its Increasing i "W hy didn't you throw th a t four accident toll are apparent In the grow­ • "ich fish back— you know it s against ing Interest in first aid Instruction as ' the law ?” offered by experts of the American "It was the only one I caught, Red C t o m . I honor.— and I wanted to show it to Approxim ately 10.000 Juniors and i niy wife first. ' seniors completed the F irst Aid course during the fiscal year, passed rigid — i Corroboration examinations and received Red Cross The teacher had asked the class F irst Aid certificates. This repre­ sents an Increase of 1.500 over the *o w rite upon the subject. " M o th e r" preceding year, and this gnln te a t­ W h ile grading the papers « (.« I tributed to tbe emphasis on health noticed that three papers were s trik ­ education by various public bodies In- ingly alike. C alling the three hoys clad Ing not alone the Am erican Red She questioned them about the sim i­ Cross and Government agencies, bul la rity of th e ir work. life and accident Insurance companies, Two or the boys were brothers and and athletic and recreational groups. In Dallas. Texas, playgrosind super claimed they were w ritin g about the vtsora are required to hold F irs t Aid same mother. certificates. In many high schools "Hut what of F o u rs ," she asked the sabject lx Included In the regular the third. curriculum . In order to assist In "W ell my mama wasn't home so trainin g Instructors for thia phase of ' w »nt over to Tom and W illie's the work, special courses nave been conducted In the summer erhools ol house and wrote about th e lr’a ” each leading Institutions as the U ni­ versity of Maryland and the Univer­ sity ef V irg in ia. Instruction waa con­ tinued during the year at Loyola Uni­ versity, New Orleans; University of California, San Francisco; University of Kentucky; Tem pi« University, Philadelphia; Peabody Teachers’ Col­ lege and sim ilar edacatlonal cent era . W o rk w ith the public u tilities group has shown an exceptional tnereaas during the year Classes eonduwtad by f . u r t a e n of th e associated Bell Telephone companies were continued w ith Increased Interest and a number of the companies sponsored Intensive soars**» In F irst Aid for Instructors. T he P i n t Aid Instruction Car of the Red (Torn was busy throughout tha year. la tha l i t cities visited by the car »00 meetings were held with an aggregate attendance of »4.000 pea sone. Mem bership of the people In tha Am erican Red Cnoei makes suck aarvtrea poKalble, the annual opportu­ nity nf pledging support through mem- Worship being offered In the Roll Call from N oram ber 11 to this year. M arriage Licenses Issued During the past week m arriage Icenses have been granted by the