T i fU RK DA Y P B T K M B E R », 1926 W in THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS O A C , Iter h -Cina» «ora Wr thte • T H E F A R M E R S C O M P L A IN term ® arhedated te «ad (tecetehrr Since the W orM W a r tcurm urtng* a t dtecvr t«*at have been beard from tim e to tim e among the farm ers T h e y conteod th a t the prices of T W t W IL L A M E T T E farm products have not nsec f u t enough to keep pace w ith thetr cost a t Bring tL X MAJLE1 M Some t f u r r * recently made public by the na M. IMS at Lk¿ tK>naJ Industrial Conference Board indicate* tb» __ ' farm ers are correct in thetr contention : a im o N hats These figure» show the farm owner-operator» Tkra» Meek **• taken a» a group by itaeif. and allowing them out Tear ta st»«te o®py - ** , at thetr farm income a retu rn of five and o n e halt per cent on th e ir investment which to TH tR SD AY I ® EMBER » 1»M 1-tweM rate thetr money would earn if Invest .-d - W ^ R D S FROM T H E L IP S OF G R E A T M E N .rtga_-. - •• I- ' ™ ! i >«aer-o p erato r a * the retu rn on labor and mar “ it it B e rt*' Never to Receive Favor» T han to j agenient during the crop year of 1925-1926 U n th ankful for Thant." QtapHen i FiaM . | T h u u leas than half the tenant farm er's av> r- age income and le w than a third of the averag- L O C A T IN G T H E X W B R ID G E ! annual earnings of other occupational groups T h ere la hot one lo g x a l location fo r the new io r ,b* Bam«‘ penod Springfield bridge acrtMs the W illam ette river In the foBoaWig table are given the index >nd that is at the end of M ain street A few 1 n u m b m of the average retu rn to farm operator*, thousand dollars should not stand in the way of owner» and tenants combined, on th e ir labor ex- a direct route for a bridge w hich is expected to pended on the farm , compared w ith the average sen - the public fo r the next 50 o r 6U years W h a’ earnings of workers in other occupational can be gotten by w ith today will be as obsolete groups, including industrial wage earner» ratl- a* the old bndge n o s a in 1« or 2V year» from road worker» clerical help, public employe», now. Let s build w ith the futu re needs in rid w . clergym an and school le ath ers , and the eff» t And the futu re to more than hkeiy to see a th ick - of the coat of Hvtag in city and country as e f f e c t - ly settled city on both ends a t the new bridge as ¡ng the purchasing power o f th e ir respective at the ends of Portland. New York o r Paris earnings Average Labor Average bridges O r in other word* a auxin street w ith a Earmngs Of R eturn Per bridge on it C rop Other W orkers Farm er T he new bridge should be both ornam ental 1O0 ___ loo and located on a direct routing. W hile It w ill J’ l * 204.2 ____ 150.0 cost shout 120.000 more tor piers on the new lo- i ' - ’ *:*’ 209.6 ___ 1565 cation the rig h t-o f-w ay is not likely to cost so Urban Cost Farm er s Cost much as the route via the old piers cut diagional- O f Living O f Living ly through the block bettoeen Second and M ill - r°P Index Index street. It is likely that it would cost 110,000 fo r Ye* f 1000 ____100.0 this rig h t-o f-w a y and the paving o f a street *’ *« .>r 164.9 164 3 through it. On the direct location the bridge 169 2 165 7 approach on the east would join on the end o f 1— ’ the m ain street pavement. W ith the futu re in view there is only one place to locate the new bridge— on the end of M ain street e s s E X T E N D T H E riE W E R S Y S T E M N early all the people who have become in ter­ ested in the Springfield industrial site have in ouired also about the sewer connections Those investigating the site now have plants in mind th a t absolutely must have sewer connections, T h e city needs a new tru n k line sewer th a t s o il'd Serve the S tew art addition and the industrial tra c t as well as one or tw o o th er tru n k sew- W e m ight as well begin to th in k about this condi­ tion and prepare to remedy it in the near future. Present sewers are taxed to capacity and over­ flow in the streets when there is a heavy rain. It is not wise to continue hooking on to adwers w ith new districts. Soon sewers » d i be bad all over town lf^this continues. . W e im agine Ufe in Eugene M ould be ra th e r drab this w in ter if it were not for the "H e ll-C ata ” and the "Blue-Devils' pulling o ff a little stunt now and then If this whitewashing o f the high school principal continues w e can expect a flock o f movie cam eram en to come north from H o lly- wood Boon and take up stations around the high fruttding • • • Suzanne Lenglen, world's champion tennis star, likes everything about Am erica but prohibí- tiori. She says she is accustomed to have a little Wine w ith her meato Like some Americans she is looking forw ard to an enjoyable trip into Canada. • • • "W h ate ve r became o f the old-fashioned girl 7 ì,° ' S v’“ í , “k'1,S Z r ‘‘ r Z « • s t » . ........- , -.u h , h , „ o n ,. 1« «n h th® eaur® week folte«1M • * r « e d te Saal eaam iaailoe. Vara m e. cSklaUy he«te» D e-e -b » ) I l atei cioè»» Jasaarr X hat a» ated»ei» are permnied te tea»» th» campa» a» m k » a» thter late t» over, all sr» aaxtewaly sw aitlag th» publcwttea or th» printed r u m i a . Z a ttea »» final acc lu si atlh th» c-osaty Cte«k P PI SAI, HEARING Cna arte that hy ctrdrr of Ih» County \ Notice I» brreb) «Itra that IhmsM «‘»art of ih» »aid Cwoaty. katarday. Yoon« ha» field hi» Baal accouet »« the Mh da» a» Jaaaary 1>I7. at th» administrator of th» »»tal» of R u m - hoar of tea vrtech A M at th» court Krksttae Johan»»n deceased aad that room m th» Ce«rl Ho«** la Ksgvn» . Saturday January Uh 1»I7 al Ih» L ese O a a ty Orescm ha» b»»c hour of t»n o'clo» k la fh» forenoon a» th» lim e aad piace of Saal hearing of »aid day. at the County Court ul« «i «ate final ac-coaet aaJ for final. Huum IB the Court Mou»» at Ea«»»e. »»utecerBt of aatd »«tat» Ijn « County. t>r»*oa h»» b»»n fi«»d AH prrapa» hatte« oh)ertloa» to a» th» time aad place fur ih» hearta« « t e fisa! accoaat or aay Rem therr upon u ld account a»4 for final »»ttte of are herehy aotlfied ta p r e u e i Ih» < ►»a« to th» Coaaty t'uwrt >.o or h» m»at of Mid »»1st» All person» bar­ fee« th« dm» fin d tor Saal hrartn« in« ohK< lion» to Mid acroaai are sotlhad I- M» ih» »am» in o t M H , , bereis with the County Cterk of l-aaa FRANK W W IUJAM ». Ad mini» County. Oregon on or before - o f , Ir»tor of th» »out* of toh» T Wil J dal» trami devwaaed tMkNAIJ) YOCNO Administrator RKAN d BROOKE attoraey» fWr of Ih» «»Ut» of H»nnr Krtetlu» »•tat» Johaanrh deceased D h l » » SS 1 «: II > 1*22 X0 J « Watch repudría« done correctly. Work in today—fla t tomorrow Hovt 351 Main at. tf. •with , m ’ j t o ! . ~ ,e t f ' ,n I a c o o ix t BSttcx SprtagSeid N»«» Y o st p»p»r la i*»t » • « » » I m »« u « g other •» » » it» » » latorta« •> tkat th« 8 P B R Ce d«»ir»a Vo I m i « SoatX Svcoad •trvrt clo®«e What » wooiterfnl »ystetB ®t serve» th«-»» 9 P R R oltetate asu»l have’ Woedrr «hat com»» a«xt* Maia Strtrt aad ail th« other ctrreta aorth t® prrfcap« «»»re atw> raa» the 8. P track.»? Mill *ir»»t » h e » « u th» natn Farm er's Aver- Other W orkers' artrtte to S»rt»Sfi*M atw It» eltrti Qrop Average Real . »lee biBtrrlaBd from liter betore age Real Labor Earnings Earnings Years three n Two }»ara taler as «pp»al vaa basis of o ur national prosperity and of most of mad» to tbe r o i i a a j from the Kv- grtevaote was remedied, same rates as Portland and other large cities but there la ho need of a new picture Springfield and other im portant cities of the of tfie Mill «treet rroa»ia< Thr one coast have enjoyed the rates for a long tim e No taken 11 pears ae«tefr- M th l. tersi «>f thete Ih. la r p -t samb»r rhoae Ih» Preebytertea «• aotelaati»«® « U h Methedtet a e t o a » ww-oad Ckrtetlaa Kpl*oo*»t HapiiM. t'atholic. ( *hristia» 8< teer« aad t » - I -'te ilu M l fo llo .« d Ih ih» o»d^ nam«d atth the reet divldtsd amane ' Il olb»r dmooilnation» mahla* i l ■« ¡a ll P»H «hure dined well. It is not necessary that m other slave for a week to prepare this dinner; if so she doesn’t enjoy Christinas w ith (he hest of tbe fam ily. O ur bake shop has many o f the necessary good things that go to make up a fine Christm as flin tier or any other meal for that m atter. T ry P E R F E C T IO N B R EA D A N D P A S T R IE S . T h ey are delicious, pure and Nrholesome THE BREAD YOU DO NOT TIRE OF buggy SPRINGFIELD BAKERY A fte r all tbe w orld’s wickedness gives the re- It's a wise man who does not fall in love close form er a job. to Christmas. Fred Frese. Prop. Perkins-Laxtor. Bldg. h ^»»*> Phone 66 Fifth Street. DRUG STORE I will not be reeponaible for any 1 bill» contracted by any one other t fban tnynelf PRANK ORfPPIN IK.» For M other, Sister or Sw eetheart CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emery nt price» on plate and other work. It I PROTECTION For only a few dol­ lars a year. We have a limited num ber of Safety Deposit Boxes for rent. Keep your valuable papery, jew elry, etc-, where they are SAFE. SB. SALE—Carbor. paper in largr (beeta, 2Cz39 inches, suitable fot staking traste«» Tn« N»w» Office To First National Bank OF SPRINGFIELD W ... vk-T Pet contains all the essen­ tial articles for keeping the complexion young and a ttra c t­ Eat Anything ive. $27.50 "I waa afraid to cat because I al- M any other way» had rtomacb troub e •fter- price fro m wards. Since taking Adlerlka I can »at and feel fine." (algned) Mr». A. Howard. ONE ipoonful Adlerika removes OA8 and often bring» »ur- pricing relief to the Rtomach. Stop» that full, bloated feeling. Remove» old « M te matter from Intel/'nee auu and ¡ sets ranging $2.00 make« you feel happy and Hungry Excellent for olmtlrat« conatipatli ,o> ' - k'unery« Drug «tor« X , 4?. A- ir Shari Combination Set Young Wife Afraid 1 £»V TEACHERS EXAMINATION The regular Hexi-annaul t«-nch»r»' ‘-Xaminatbini, will be held, ill the i County f'ourl r-.oin, comm-iKfnd .it ’ '■i A. M. WcilfKsday Itecemhr.r to, 1926 and la»Cng di«- rest oi the w(»k , j ,-achi-i ap fly to •!>'■ u«