I NOW IS THE T1METODOYOUR SHOPPINGEARLY THE SPRINGFIELD N r JK TWENTY-THIRD YEA’I TOWN CHARTER 10 BE REVISED SOON Civilian Committee Named to Assist in Providing Spring*' field W i t h Down-to-Date Working Papers; Total Cost to Approximate $400. I(« vision of Hi«' Town of Spring 0* l«l charlw waa derided upon at a ; m erlins of the round) Monday nlalit. : ami a civilian committee prnvldnd for to aaalat with the work. Meetings \ «. U i,™ * '* * Y Y -Th« Peopiee Paper*- A SPRINGFIELD, I-ANE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY DECEMBER 9, 192G L Senator? Small ÌHHEE K LL S L ffl BIOSES OF MEDJT Reward For Extra-curricular -■ Activities in High First Step in Advanced Scout-1 School Planned Ing Work Accomplished by — — Member, of Lion. Troop;1 «“ aB ‘* ‘»n to «tsM Isb , glee cinb _ . _ .. L IVE NEW SPAPER IN A L IVE TOW N m NUM BER 48 TWO INDUSTRIES LOCATE ON SITES James “Jimmie” Woods »»<• physical education actlvitle» lu Court o f Honor o f Both lh(! h|• ment by W. P. Tyaon. scoutmaster. activities mentioned The action waa taken on recoin H. oula of both troope will participate meudatlon of City Suerlntendent In the honor court. The achievement of the three Rain, who pointed out the neoesslty,' scouts marks the Aral step In ad- I *,,r offering credit for m usic and vanced work done by the local boy j phyalcal education activities If Inter- organisation». Thayer McMurray ha« eat In these Is to be sustained. The applied for a badge In pioneering.' state requires that a student acquire i Ralph Hughea In awlmmlng. and IB credit» before graduation, but no Evan Hughea haa qualified for honors , arrangement la made for giving' In both pioneering and swimming actual credit reward for orchestra. Several other scouts are working on glee club and athletic activities, merit badge programs, and will oe ordPr brlnK , h<. new pJan ready for testing by local men In convenient!« the board d - charge of different activities before cMed , 0 raquJr<. credhg pf , he _ A long. nlora of the present year. In 1928 Sincerity behind a glad-hand Several members of both troops 16H credits will be asked, and 1929 1 d its dividends to this man— who are to be promoted at the honor the requirement will be 15% and the I t recently waa selected in a na­ tional search by a hard-headed court, which was to have been held full 16 will be demanded of gradu­ group of Los Angelas bankers and , last Tuesday night but has been post- ates in 1930. business men to manage the new 1 poned. Among these are Edgar IxMlk. It was pointed out that under the I Biltmore hotel there — and at , who will receive a Arst clans rating: $50,000 per year. Itlllte Wheeler, Aral class; Clinton adopted plan, no more scholastic , Sldwell. Billie Knog. Franklin Drurv w,,rk wl11 be re •te r. charter» and al»o from Springfield's Ity and when In full operation w ill old charier. Coat of the work of re­ employ about 28 people. Ten acre« vising the new < barter which Include« on the w est end of the industrial publishing. «pedal election and print tract has been set aside for this in­ Ins In phmnplet form will be about dustry. A modern concrete factory »too cou n d lm en believe. building will be constructed on IL Il la necessary that the charter be Dr Jaynes formerly operated a tan­ revised Immediately to validate the nery at Hutchinson. Kansas, but sold I u k I bond taaue voted by the people MANY V IS IT NEW HOME it when he moved to Oregon. By hl« for Are engine purposes Rather than OF MRS. S. C W R IG H T process fine leather is made ready for submit the tjond Issue usaln the coun market in from one to 15 days while ....... ............. ............... " . I T ell ha» decided Io a»k for n charter other known processes takes from 9* aa t the old charter 1» obsolete. The scholastic r A™ cs days to a year. He says the Kans­ charter mu«l be printed ao that bond­ tlea. as tannery was built from a $2300 ing hou«e« can be furnlahed with Tuesday afternoon Assisting tha 1 Place and date for the court of Boy students at Springfield High concern to a $50 000 plant In two copies and It waa thought that It boateaa w hs her daughter-in-law. Mrs honor will be determined at that Adoption of bills and other routine would he better to have a modern Will Wright and Mrs I-araou Wright time according, to Tyson. Mayor 0 business featured the meeting of the *ch00’ dropped into tb« scholastic years. I background when announcement was Allied Factories Sought document rather than go to the ex­ Among ou tn f town friends who call­ G Hush man is chairman of the honor board Monday night. Hides for the new plant w ill be pense of printing the old one A» I ed on Mrs. Wright were Mrs. C. F. court, and It is likely that C. R Clark. made today of the names on the M Peterson 1« city attorney and re­ Benjamin, Eugene; Mrs. Hayburu. Lane County Scout executive, will be MRS. EAST DIES IN honor roll for the second six weeks bought in all part* of western Oregon corder elect he has agreed In pre­ Mrs. Dan Crltea, of Eugene and Mrs. present at the ceremonies. The pub­ and the finished leather sold to the W EST SPR IN G FIELD of school. Not only were thefour general trade. Efforts will be made pare the new charter without charg­ J O. Scott of Saskatchewan. Canada. lic will be Invited. Regular m eetings of the troops- __ _ Kast, a resident of , highest averages the property of girl to locate a suitcase and hag factory, ing the uaual legal fee for such work. Among others who visited were: Mra. Preshey The council »elected II K Maxey. were conducted this week, at which We st Springfield for five years, "dlc-j I B,Udent>' bUt 3° ** 1116 41 naBles 0B «love factory and shoe factory oa Mrs. Frank He l*ue. Mrs. M J Mt- F B Hamlin and W U Hughe» aa Klln, Mr». W. C. Rcblian. Mrs. W. F . , tim e work In preparation for the a, residence there Tuesday Mrs tbe ,,st are wemlnlBP- the same site, as this has been the members of the dtlaen a committee Walker. Mrs 8 It IRppel. Mrs. J. C. honor court was .accomplished | Kb„, ,n glxty.ftve I Hannah Shidler, with a average of practical working out of the tannery to assist la planning the charter ’f McMurray. Mrs. Robert Drury. Mrs Among mom tiers of troop 2 who yearg ago 97 p|Ug retained her place at the peak business in the east. Fine furs w’U any of these refuse to serve, alter­ E E. May. Mrs W Wlllan»». Mrs. B will receive second class rating at «„rvived hv h„, h ...k of the llst Three girls, Audrey also be tanned and made up for the nate» will be saked to become niem A. Washburne. Mrs. F B. Fishery. 5 the court of honor are RIH Cox Rlch‘ NormL„ K , 8 Shultx. Wlnnlfred Tyson and Esther trade. Skilled leather finishers and b»r- of the com nil I lee, It waa atated Mrs. L. May. Miss Edna Swarts. Mrs. ard I«epley, Paul Bchaatol. Dorman and of M ( " McPherson tie for second honor« with fur makers will be brought here fr o « The proposition of hulbttng mitn« C E Bwarta. Mrs Annie Knox. Mrs i rl,a ” ' aBd _________________ , Route B. Eugene, and two daughters'. - 8 r* t,n 8 98 .. Oran Mulligan tlie ....................... east to oversee the work and new trunk sewera la being consider­ N W Emery. Mrs Ella Lombard, • other help will be trained here. Visit in Portland ¡Mrs. D. A. Thompson. Blue Earth? Other names on the honor roll, ed by the council and It poaalbly will Mrs. Harry Whitney. Mrs. William The site for the slaughtering plant M r .n a M r . i . k . i v t « . . r i , . . . i Minn . »««1 Mrs. F. W. Ralston ot • which Indicates an . average of ... 90 or will he submitted to a vole of the people u ,n([ Mrg j T Hpndprw. Mrs. C. E Mr. und Mrs. Jonn \\ inv^nrit^d hsvp _ . . thrpp acre’s at thp south p H , f ® Brookings. 8. D. Two brothers also above, are; Ronald Adams. Elane De ,nrpp a^ 8 81 soutn Ra'fa at (he anme time. A new trunk Kenyon. Mrs Carl Olson. Mrs Dallas j returned from Portland, where they are living They are M J Miller o f ! Archambeau. Doratha Bailey. Agatha ”f ,he tract about a mtle and oM »< wer la needed In the north and east Murphy, and Mra E. J. Moore. spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Exeter. W l .. and Marvin Miller of BR»'R I-«clUe Bonnell. Naomi Carl- half fTom ,he c“ y A bui,din< with part of town aa well aa on Wlllam- — ........ ■ .......... — | Mrs. Joe Lemons, formerly of Sprtng- Taberla. WIs. tlon. Marjorie Daniels Clifford Darr, COBcrete floors ®nd w» » s »Hl !>• ette helghla. x field. Neadlacraft Meets The funeral will he ...............a . i Mary Fisher. Chester Hyden. Evan «»»»‘™cted. pens built and other sub- j The Needle« raft club met with Mra. Mr. and Mrs. Wlnxenrled plan tj the West Sprlngfiekl residem thi Hughes, Ralph Hughes. LeRoy Inman. 8tantial improvements made. Mr. 8 Ralph ntppel on December 2#d. spend the Christmas holidays with a fter n o o n « ', * neWw-u . , „ « 7 7 ? 7 Borene Larimer. Elma Landsberry. Holverson formerly operate a butch- NEW OFFICIALS W ILL afternoon at 2 o'clock, under the dl-1 TAKE OFFICE SOON *Pen „ w Crlteg j ^ s o n I Bernice Van Valxah chapll’n and ; ent O. H. Jarrett states that the plant «-EC 'O N JVr M EETIN G Much information has been to locate in a Main street office .n Wr,ah, w N u „gg,e r c „ Wllgoni Mrs. Snook, historian , will operate the first four days of the John Will was elected commander promisJd^nsDcTth hea7 ° f hoth ha,ra order to carry on h l. business. Smith „ w Hobgon H „ nlptM>| W1,„ nnl I ___________ __ I week until further notice. Recently ___. »___ , __ promised Inspection of the site short- was called to Portland yesterday, and „ awg(,n Ou,,gtg were Mrs. M I it was announced that work on Sat- of the Sprinfleld post of the American Iv J- Attend Entertainment Legion at a meeting conducted « j 1 II Is rumored that he Is considering W1,g„n Sl|k|I) Mrs Clifford O I Mr. and Mrs Sam Rlshmond and ! Urrt8y ,rouhl be dl!,P’>n«,ed moving Io that city. In such case, of the Woodmen hall on Friday night« ti,e . . .. 8 een B chlhlrelu. Helen and Lucille, and Mrs. ------------------------ last. W ill was the only Legionalre Jfes that m M indUS- course, his public positions would be , . ... , A Washburne. C. Egglmann anil ward. Miss Edyth LIN N TO N MAN FIN ED FOR filled by some one else. Hurd, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilson CHANGING AUTO PLATES ag chief of the local unit. | s)d^ pec? are now brl*ht S>ml,h will be succeeded by Irn M. Entertainment Postponed attended the Christman entertain- > considerable development here, ae- Pelerson as city recorder. The re­ The entertainment which was to I ment at the Eugene armory Monday) Thirty dollars was added to the! J' ° Burcbum wa8 cbf)8en cording t„ the committee corder-elect said today that he plnns ‘ha eve»!"«. '¡S p rin gfield treasury Monday w-hen , ant ° f th* P”8‘ ™ ‘I , t nd 7 * I ------------------------------- to begin work In the new office as 1st church December 10 has been . i „ arp Vern Wooley and William Vasby. p n i l D M ea t . soon as possible after Jattnary 1. W. George McCorten. resident of Linn-' , . . .. ... ruuR MEN ARE ADDED postponed. It was announced. Plans , A . Selected on the executive committee Royal Neighbors M ett P. Tyson nnd Oeorge P. Stewart arn ton. paid a double fine when convict-1 „ „ „ „ .......... _ TO NATIONAL GUARD for a Christinas entertainment are be- . , , .. were F. B. Hamlin, W. P. Tyson, M the new councllmen. while W. O, , I be Royal Neighbors conducted a ed of Illegally changing the license 1 „ „ . _ , „ . ' B. Huntly and C. A. Swarts. H. E. Hughes will succeed him self as city ’ “ "haP’2 2 ___________ meeting at the home of Mrs. Ina Sert- Pl»tes to his Packard truck and of i t"1" o w "r l'’- Poa*‘ mpn successfully passed ex- vener In Eugene yesterday. The after-1 leaving the motor running unattend -I g 8X' 5 8n' *Wa ‘ Te of Eugtene. district committee- j Hlom Long and Gordon Lee. They field organisation of the Neighbors of Jack Polll, of Eugene, well known Mrs. Nesblth at their meeting In the man and former commander of the i wln begin activities with the com- W. O. W. hall last night. Members Woodcraft will be condtleted at the to Springfield residents, passed his Eugene post, probably will be the sn-! P»»y Immediately, Woodmen of the World hall on the 100th birthday yesterday. Open house of the society whose last names have School Vacation Dates stalling officer, according to W. P. j Approximately a ton of new equlp- the Initial letter “M” entertained last night of December 22, according to was held at the K iw n s residence, Springfield schools will close on Tyson, who Is planning the cere- ment’ Including clothing, signaling announcement today. A Christmas J Polll Is the uncle of Police Chief night. the evening of December 23. accord­ monies. , apparatus, etc., arrived yesterday tree entertainment featuring t h e Jess Smltson, Frank Smltson nnd ing to announcement of Superintend­ With membership dues decreased. ( and w ,ll be put Into use by the com- spirit of the Yuletlde will be features Mrs. Jennie Fisher, all of Springfield, Returns From Hunt—Norman How­ ent V. D. Bain, and will remain closed the Legion Is In a arive for additional PanF of the reunion, to which all members _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ard. superintendent of manufacturing until January 3. The Christmas va­ members and at the same time Is I and former members of the circle j Kiddles See Deer of the local plant of the Booth Kelly cation will ataijt two days before» Planning Bazaar planning an active year under the will be Invited. By arrangement with the Southern I Lumber company, has returned after Christmas. In order to give students The American Legion Auxiliary will On Jaunary 12 new officers of the Pacific, busses ran double shift yes- a week and a half spent duck-hunting leaving town sufficient time to reach leadership of Commander Will, conduct a food sale and rummage sale club will be Installed. Invited to this terday carrying Springfield school In the Klamath Falls region. their destinations before the holiday. on December 18 to complete paying m eeting are the members of the clr- children to Eugene to see the rein- Local Residents Honored for a wheel chair recently donated to (ties at Drain, Cottage Grove, June- deet nnd Santa Claus visiting the Rail Officials Visit—John M. Scott, At Hospital— L. A. Smith of Fall Sara Richmond o f Springfield has Veterans Hospital No. 77 at Portland, tlon City, Creswell, Waltervllle and coltnly seat. assistant passenger traffic manager Creek underwent an operation at a been elected commander of the Gen­ according to announcement by the Coburg. of the Southern Pacific company, was Eugene hospital Saturday. eral Lawton camp. United Spanish president, Mrs. M. B. Huntly. Mrs. Craft Better— Mrs. May Craft, a Springfield visitor yesterday. Scott's War Veterans, of Eugene. Mrs. Eggl­ Mrs. Huntly urged that all those Here From Creek—Lola Crabtree who has been suffering fof some time office Is In lfortland. He was ac- Undergoes Operation— Mrs. F. O. mann ha» been named secretary of having articles to contribute to tha was In town yesterday from Camp from Influenxa. Is reported to be campanlad here by L. L. Graham, dis­ Murdock underwent an operation at the auxiliary to the Eugene organlia? «>le get them to her as soon as poa- Creek. slightly Improved. trict freight and passenger agent. the Pacific Christian hospital Monady. I tlon. slble. C 2 - . « . a » - « « . j tw . a .