TH E SPRINOE'IKLD NEWS PAGE SIX O RO 4NANCC NUM BER 512 A n O id in a n c « d a c la rin g tb a coat« •4 n d u w a lk im p ro v e m e n t« in the T o w n o’ S p rm g R ald . O rego n, on tha •a llo w in g a tra a ta : T h ir d s tre e t, Sb'c- o c J . street. M ill s tre e t. M um s tra e t. P stree t. D s tre e t. Sth street. A atreet. C street, 7«h street. 6th street. F. s tre e t 4th s tre e t Sth s tre e t. F atreet, O s tre e t Srh street, levying ass assessment fa r th e p a ym en t th e re ­ a t. d ire c tin g th e e n try th ereo ’ in the O e c k e t o’ T o w n L ie n s and d e c la rin g asi em erg en cy. Springfield Investm ent and How» i Company’s Addition, 3th and K streets, »66 84 F rank Sharman. latta 9 and 10 Block 84. Waahburne's Subdivision ol Springfield Investm ent and Power Company’s Addition. 8th and E street«, »163 79 W T . C lark, latta 7and 8. Block »4 Washburne's Subdivision of Spring field Investm ent and power Com pany's Addition. K atreet, 850 19 W illia m M H unter, latta » and 6. Block 84. W ashburne’s Subdivision of Springfield Investm ent and Power Company s Addition. K street. 850 19 H a rry Wooley, latta 3 and 4. Ulo»’k 8 4. W ashburne’s Subdivision o f Springfield Investm ent and Power Company'« Addition . K street. »50 19 F A. and D N G entry, la t t a 4 and 5, Block 87. W ashburne’s Subdivision of Springfield investm ent and Power Company's Addition. F street. 847 04 How ard Cotton, latta 9 and 10. Block 69. Wasburnes Subdivision of Springfield Investm ent and Power Company'« Addition. 9th and A streets. »157 39 Mrs. John Green, latta 8 and 9. Bhtck 91. Springfield Investm ent and Power Company's Addition 4th street. »108.67. _ Dwvls. Ia tt 17. C lark and W ash­ burne's Addition. 7th street. »54 39 Iatt 16. C larke and W ash­ burne's Addition. 7th street. »94 65. M cVey. Lot 10. Block 108 W ash­ burne's Subdivision o f Springfield In ­ vestment and Power Company's Ad­ dition. 7th street. »91.98 Francis E Clayton, tails 20 and SI. C lark and Washburne's Addition. 7th pant's Addition. It street. »45 20 R. W. Grr. Lots 7 and 8. Block 87 Extended Survey. II street. »11166 John W, latts 5 and 6. Block 27. Extended Survey. It and 2nd streets. »196 69 Section 2 The Recorder Is hereby directed to enter the foregoing as­ sessments In the Docket of Tow n Liens, and to give due notice thereof to the owners of «aid lots bv United States M all Seclon 4 Inasmuch as It Is essen­ tial Io the peace, w elfare and happl- ness of the Inhabitant« of the Tow n of Springfield that said asaeaamenta become effective a t once. an em er­ gency Is therefore declared to exist and this ordinance shall become e f­ fective from and a fte r Its - assage hy the council and approval by the mayor. Passed by the Common Council this 23rd da' o f Novem ber. 192« Approved by the M ayor thia 23rd day of November, 192« A tte s t: G G B l'S H M A N . R W S M IT H . M ayor Recorder. LOCAL METHODISTS ON COUNCIL COMMITTEES Dr. W It Pollard of Springfield has been selected a mem ber of a gen > ral com n'lttve of m inisters and lay- teen to pro m .te the Methodta: M- u a ( < u n d l. to he con d u c t*! In i*nrtland Itrceber 9 and 111. among churches of the Southern D istrict Fifteen hundred are expected to attend the sessions, at which tw elve Intern atio n ­ a lly famous orators, lecturers and , clergym en w ill speak Springfield's local com m ittee. »<• I cording to announcement, la com­ posed o f Dr. N. W Em ery. W G. ' Hughes and It W Sm ith These ap­ pointments were made hy Itev. S. J, Chaney, d istrict superintendent T H E T O W N O F S P R IN G F IE L D D O BS O R D A IN AS F O L L O W S WTierens. the town o’ Springfield did hy Ordinance Num ber »04 provide to r the eon struct ion o’ cement side w alks within the town of Spring »eld. «u> the t o il'« in« streets Third gti art. Mmoti ‘ s tre e t M ill street. M a te street. B s tre e t D a tre e t 9th g tr -e t A street. C s tre e t 7th street. 4hh s tr e e t K street. 4th street « t h s tre e t F street, <3 street, a r ! Sth street at the cost of the pro- p e-ty shutting thereon POSTAL RECEIPTS OF The council has ascertained and MONTH HAVE INCREASE d o -« hereby declare the cost of said D ec 2 Sidewalk constraction to be 58.028 77. And it is fu rth e r found ami de­ An eight per cent Increase over MAMA DOLLS BLEAT AS clared thst the property liable for the corresponding period of last year the cost of said sidew alk construe XMAS MAILS GET START la shown In the Noveber report of Don. and the proportionate share due postal receipts announced todony by | f r m each lot or part o f lot abutting Cries of "m am a” em anating from Postmaster F. H H am lin . Continued th- reon. is as h ereafter set nut. I t is fu rth e r ordered that the pro- oblong packages a re common occur- Increases over last year, and an a l­ p e rtm a tr amount of the costs of said rance* In the Springfield post o ffice most certain Jump during the Ho1’ , im provem ent as h ereinafter set out as the Christm as m ailing gets under day month, promise to make 1936 the | he. and the same are hereby assessed way. according to Poatmnster F U. record year in the history of the Io - . and levied upon the property abutt­ ing upon nmi beuelltted by the im ­ H am lin H a lf a dosen talk in g dolls cal postofllce. provement. already have eith er been shipped o f lots! month's figure Is »633 50 T hat stre e t. »318.18. • The description of the property as- W m . Donalson. Lot 12. C lark and received at the m ailing depot, he of November. 1925. was »495 56. aesacd and t. • ¿mount of the assess­ Washburne's Addition. 7th Street. said. m en t are ss follows: »81 53 H. H M c ’ h rson. Lots 3 and 4. C L. Meyers, North one h alf of Most of the Christm as m a ll already WOODMEN ELECT AT Block 4. K e lly ’s Addition. E street. Fractional Lot 13. C lark and Wash handled out of the poetoffire was des­ 5117.87 MEETING ON TUESDAY C. Pease. Lots 7 and 8. Block 4 burne’s Addition. 7th street. »43.54 tined to distant points. saW Post­ (T h is is paid). K elly's Addition. D street. 887 57. H e urged, however, M olly Scott. South one h alf of Lot m aster H am lin C arl Hossman was named consul C. A. Burden Ix>t 6. Block 4. Ex­ 13. Clarke and W ashburne's Addition. that Springfield people shipping even com mander of the Rprtngfield lodge. tended Survey. M ill street. 82*7.17 a short distance prepare for their Woodmen of the W orld, at a meeting E th el C lark. Lot 3. Block 2. O riginal 7th street. »46.81. J W Stevens. Iatt 14. C la rk and Map. M ill street. 84« 93 Christm as shopping and mailing, as In rhe W fl. W hall Tuesday night. Addition. 7th street W L. M cFarland. Lot 7. Block 2. Washburne's every effort la to be made to keep Others chosen w ere George Cox. ad­ »93 08. O rig in a l Map. M ill street. »37 17 C. L. Moyer. Lot 15. C la rk anu the malls clear and running during viser; Jess Cross, banker; E M av. TIor'ison and Cllngnn. Lot 5. Block Addition. 7th street. the heavy holiday season 8. Extended Survey. 3rd street. Washbvrne's escort; Il O. Sunkey, clerk, and 1. »103 79 8100.43 Coltrln. sentry. Ogden. lx>t* 13. 14 an<1 15. Block M rrris o n and Clingan. Lots 3 and 4 A free sleight of hand perform ance Washburn«»** Subdivision of Deets Hera—- Jot* form er high B lock S. Extended Survey. A street. 110 S rringfleld Inveatm ent and Power i s<.h,x,| , ow worklnK Ro(le. w ill be held al thè hall 1 uesday even- 113 29 E. O. Browning. Lots 12. 13 and 14. Company s Addition. G street. »68 98. . C ity of S p rim fle ld . Lot 18. B l< x k .bur’t 8 u “ ‘‘ »Jr '» Springfield Ing. wlth "C aptata" Jones of Port­ Block 100. Washburn's Subdivision of land featured. W ashburne’s Subdivision of *1111 his parents. Sh’-in g le ld Investm ent and Power 111, Investm ent and Power; —, ■ ■ Company's Addition. F street. »58 90 Springfield „ .. . , ' Oscar D rury. Lots 10 and 1!. Block Company's Addition. G street. 123 95 I W elby Stevens. Lots 16 «ml 17 and ' ork lan<’ l°rd s have another M atrim on ial happiness consists of 100. Washburne’s Subdivision o f F rriiw fle ld Investm ent and Power Fractional Lot IS. Block 111. W ash. «l*a< e-t 3. Block 95. Washburne's Suddlvi- vestm ent an? Power Company's Ad- sion of S rrin efield Investm ent and d C street. »76 41. Power Comcany's Addition. 10th and Geo E Doyle, B'uck 75. Wash- E streets 8160 50 bn ne's Subdivision o f Springfield In ­ T. M. Grubs. Lots 17 and 18 Block The jolliest, happiest place you ever saw. H undred’ vestm ent and Power Company's Ad­ 80. W ashburne’s Subdivision o’ of toys of the better so rt—toys tHat will be treasured and ii to n . C street 435.'8. Springfield Investm ent and Power K L Hall. BI k 75. Wash- Company’s Addition E street. »4 ’ 14 remembered long a fter Christman day. A small payment bu ne's Subdivision Springfield In ­ T. A Rathbun. Lots 1. 2. 3 and 4. down will lay-away any toy until you wish to call for it. vestment and Power Comi any'« Ad- Block 102. Washburne's Subdivision ditien. C street. »35.28. of Springfield Investm ent and Pow< - M rs. Maggio Yar.: ’.!. Lo’ 1 and Company's Addition. G street. »10 762 Shop now before the chooice toys have disappeared F ractio nal lx>t 2. Block 2. Kelly's Ad­ D r Evans. Lots 15. 1«. 17. 18 19 Let un lay them away for you thus avoid ponslblo pre- dition. E street 865.78 and 20. Block 109. W’ashburne’s Rub- Christm as discovery F rank W orlev. Franctlonal Lots 2 division of Springfield Investm ent a r.I an I 3. Block 2. Kelly's Addition. E Power Company’s Addition, G street street. $49 74. 153 «1 . Seth L.-.ra»ay. Lots 7 and 8, Block Ed Lavert. L o t 10. Flock 102. W ash­ ge Washburne's Subdivision of burne’s Subdivision o f Springfield In- Bpring'iuld Investmen and P o w r vestment and Bower Company's A«1 Com v s y ’s Addition. A street. »48 61 dition. 6th street. 101.25 J. Fogarty. Lots 11. 12. 13 and Lots 11. 12. 13 and 14 14. Bio k 70. Washburne's Subdivis­ Block 104 W a s h b u r n « S u b d iv is io n ion of Springfield Investm ent and of Springfield Investm ent and Power Pow er C> mpany e Addition, A and Company's Addition. F street. 8t 12.80 9th stre. is. $209.88 F 'rs t National Bank p f S iir ln g ’i - M J. N Fogarty. Lot 11. Block 69 laits 14. 15. 16 17. and 18. Blo«-k 90 W ashburne’s Subdivision of Spring- W ashburne’s Subdivision o f Spring field Inve-tm ent and Pow r Ccm- field Investm ent and Power Com-j an y ’s Addition. 9th stre. t. $96 96 pany's Addition. E street b »201.34 Jennie Peebles. Lots 15 and 16. H erb ert Clarke. |,ot 10. Block 82. i Block 70. W ashburne’s Subdivision of Washburne's Subdivision of Spring Sp rin gfitld Investm ent and Power field Investm nt an«i Power Com ! Company' A d d 't'o r A tr**et. $59 61 pany’s Addition 6th street. »96 50 Clayton Barber. L ot- 17 and 18 Geo. Perkins. Ix it 5 and F ra c tio n a l, | Block 70. Washburne's Subdivision of ixit 6, Bloek 1 Kellv's Addition. D | Spa ngfli Id Investm ent and P< w -r street. »73 50. Con an y s Addition. A street. $52 29. Chas. Brattaln. Fractional Ixits 6 J. N Fogarty. Lots 19 and 20. Block and 7. Block 1. K e lly ’s Addition. I) 7«, Washburne's Subdivision of street. 48 51. Bprmgfield Investm ent and Power L. L. May. Fractional Lot 7. Block Company’s Addition. A street. »51.81. 1, Kelly's Addition D street. «24 25. F rank i-enhart. Lot 20. Block .1, Geo M Kebelbeek. Ix;t 11 B'o'-k 85. Washburne's Subdivision of Spring- W’ashburne’s Subdivision of Soring field Investm ent and power Com­ field Investment and Po-v" Com p an y’s Addition. 9th street, »109.09. pany's Addition 9th street »1 18 75. Francis E. Clayton, Lots 1. 2. 3 and Z. T. Klntzley. Lots 7 and « Fra« 4 Block 69. Washburne's Subdivision tional I^ot 9. Lots 2 and 3. Bloek 78 o f Springfield Investment and Power Georges Subdivision D s trp e t $119 80 No. 14 Rubber Covered Wire 500 ft. Rolls >5.00 Company's Addition. A street »96.75. Mrs. Ella Ixjm bard. Lot» 8. 9 and ' C. W Yarnell. Lots 1 and 2. Block 10. Block 78. Georges Subdivision. D 71. Washburne's Subdivision of street. $77 65. Loom ................. .......................... 2'/tc ft. Springfield Investm ent and Power Edgar Brattaln. Lets 1 and 2. Block i Company's Addition, 9th and B ....................... 3c ft. 8 4. W asburne’s Subdivision « f I Lamp Cord ......................................... o streets. »148.78. Springfield Investm ent and Pow *tr I Vasby Brok . Lots 1. 2 and 3. Block Company's Addition. .. 2'/«c ft. 9th and El 70. W ashburne’s Subdivision of streets. $164.06 Springfield Investm ent and Power 30c Key Sockets ......... E. M. Richardson, Lots 17. 18 19 Conti ant J Ad »¡H o p . B street. »112.14. and 20. Block 87, W ashburne’s 1 fhib- Ernest Berg. I-ots 1. 2 and 3 Block >1.60 Entrance Switches division of Springfield Investm ent 87. Washburne's Subdivision of and Power Company’s Addition, E Springfield Investm ent and Power street, »209 68 Company’s Addition, 9th and k ■ W If. Ham m Fractional Ltrts ■ 5 I streets. »91.04. and 6. Block 70. W asbum u’:; Subdlvl L i.h r la n d . Fractional L ot 13 and slon of Springfield Investm ent and Lots 14 15 and 16. Block 87. W as’.i- I Power Company's Addition, 11 street, burne’s Subdivision of Springfield $37.80 Investm ent and Power Company s L. K Page. Lot 4 and F actional Addition. E Street, »88.67. Lot 5. Block 7.0. Washburne's Subdivi­ John Abean. Lots 11 and 12. Block sion of Springfield Investm ent and 87, W asburne’s Subdivision of Spring- Power Company's Addition. li street. field Investm ent and Power Com­ »38.64. I pany's Addition. E street, »65.85. HARDWARE, FURNITURE, FAINT J W . Key, Lots 7 and 8, Block 70. Wm O Hughes, Lots 19 and 20 W ashburne’s Subdivision of Spring Block 88, W ashburne’s Subdivision of field Investm ent and Power Com WELCOME TO THURSDAY DECEMBER 2. 1026 OK H A L B — Payroll sheets, p rin t*, C A L L A N D S E E Dr. N W Em ery asut tn stock a t (Ma Nswn otfloe on prices on plat« am i other work, tf F o r a suitable for ronu, eonatrncUon work, saw m ills, «to,, w ltn table m compute w u rtm n u a compensatlus FOR HA LB— Carbon paper in largw and dednoUona. No em ployer ahoni.- «heats, 16x38 Inehaa, anttaOla t w be wlthouf these ( -ma when they making trnoings The News o m en. C S /ix ñ J L i r u J W T / i í ^ T j y w i J A I(olltlay Im portation Of NEW MADEIRA AND ITALIAN HAND EMBROIDERED LINEN PIECES—EXQUISITE! An Entirely Now Presentation W orthy of many attribute*! Beautifully embroidered in dettlgns exprettaive of the a rt of Italy. Richly effective and In many delightful patterns. Quality In every piece. At Prices That Will Tell You It’s Wise To Shop Early — DOILIKS 15c TO 75c - SCARE'S $1.50 TO $7.50 BRIDGE SETS $3.50 - 3 PIEX’K SETS >3.60 —OBLONG SCARE'S $1.25-11.50 —BRIDGE —LINEN TOWELS $1.50 SETS AT $7.50 * -P IL L O W CASKS. PAIR $5.05 — OVAL SCARE'S ti’»c-$l 25-$1.5O • —72x00 LUNCHEON CLOTH $35.00 LOVELY NAPKINS. DOZEN >6.50 McMorran and Washburne T0YLAND “Eugene’s Foremost Store” 1 Electric Wiring Supplies Wright & Son Say “M erry Christm as" Electrically One visit to our electric shop by mere man and he will worry no more what to gjve "H ER " lie it wife or m other for Christm as. Electric home equipment brings joy to tlie housewife's h eart— and here we have all that Is new, practiiial. economical and efficient in labor-saving home equipm ent. »Maybe it is an electric percolator, heater, waffle Iron, table stove, iron.t oaster, vacuum cleaner or washing machine. -Here are a few spt r ials we have on display PERCOLATORS HEATERS $ 5.00 UP $ 5.00 UP WAE’E’LE IRONS ... TABLE STOVES URN SETS UP .... $ . $22.00 TOASTERS ...... $ 1.75 UP WESTING,HOUSE IRONS $10.00 UP $ 6.00 We carry a complete line of W estinghouse Mazda Lamps. The best light known Bum s less electricity and gives more light. Henderer Electric Supply Ketel's Drug Store Building, Springfield