The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 02, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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-¿ y 'M itre Z /a
Cresw ell— Mr«
At Dorms— Dr Kester made a pro­
Waltz of Creswell was a vlaltor In
fessional call at Donna Huiurday.
Springfield Saturday.
In fr o m Mareola— Mr. and Mrs
H e rs
M o n d ay — M r.
Joe Queen of Mareola w. re visitors
Howard Humphrey and son were
here Hunilsy.
here Monday from Eugene.
Creewell Msn Here—leun IHury.
At Sutherlin— H. W. Whitney visit
of the Creswell district, was u visitor
ed at Hutberlin, Oregon over the
here Monday.
To E d it Y e a r Book
Swim m ing Cleeeee Start
Dorem- Lsrlnt«r will « lit the
"Maple Leaf. ’ Sprlngfleld High aebool
year book, thia year. She has be.-n
elected by -tii-te n ta . A manager Is
Girls' swimming classes, under thd
auspices of the Girls Leggi» of tb»
High School, have started. Twenty-
one girls attended the first class,
which is held in the women s bu Pi-
log pool at the University oí «regó*.
bl. ch<MM,n
and le a v e s 'o f all kinds, and when
Ib rfu i e, properly u "I. “•>'** ,"1" " they w i re thoroughly dried, mix and
tb . effect of dainty fielldlouaneta
till thin muslin hags with Uteni.
and . P aulin, at that >» die
When placed In a tub of water, a
f . n oh charm end beauty. bill
\V < v k e l i d .
1 II..». i Ukc ptrfumc II obtained.
ahethor ur not U 1» » dallhhtful •'*
Perkins at River—Oeorge Perkins
Perfume sould always bo placed on
V isit In Albany— M r and Mrs. Cafl
and daughter were visitors at Blue
Juncl lo your churm or offends per
I* Klee visited at Albany over the
the skin and never rn materials, as
sons of sensitive« »» and < ous.-rva
It Is likely to stain the materials. River Sunday.
Thanksgiving holidays
live taste depend» not only on what
Neither should It be placed directly
Mra. Crim es H e r a — Mrs. J
perfume you uao. hut alao on now
Hers From W en dling —J L Zehner
on the hair or scalp, as It doe» con­ Crimes of Route 1 was a visitor here
of Wendling was a visitor In the city !
you u»e H and when.
siderable damage In some cases and Monday.
You adore your favorite fragrance quite oft.-n turns the hslr gray Per-j
—and perhaps never give a thought fume may lie put on the eye brows,
to the fact that It may nauaoate the sml b.thlnd the ears A drop or two
S t i f l e , d ’ Saturday.
person with whom vou come In con­ on the lobe of each ear la refreshing
tact. ►'or that reason, It Is wise and lasting. When the atomiser Is
U> use even the moat dellgnlful per used, hold II a few Inches away, and,
fume sparingly.
spray freely.
Hart of Waltervllle.
mMjor operation at the Pacific Chris-
In selecting your perfumes keep In
Your perfume, toilet water, sachet
Coburg Resident Here— Mrs Henry , |ail hospital, was released from that ;
mind that the elaborate and ornate powders and hath salts should always
container Is not always an Indication correspond
Bricker of Coburg spent a part of institution Monday.
that the perfume la of highest grade
Saturday In Springfield
. w — I n D e v i*
Mrs. Davis Here— Mrs. J. D. itsv.s
since perfume Is Intended to please
License Pistes A rrive
Here From Junction— Mrs. Verne <>f Portland has been visiting for !
the olfactory organ. It Is best that
New automobile license plates are Stewart of Junction City was a *e voral days at the Leonard Lcpley
the sense of smell guide In Its selec­
residence on Fourth street. She Is
being received by Springfield motor Springfield visitor Sunday.
a former Sprlngfleld resident.
Here's a delightful perfume you
From Marcóla— Georg- J. Daugh-
Seattle Visitors Here— Mrs. Ruth
can make at home yourself at very
erty of Marróla was a visitor In this
n u m e ra ls b e tw ee n 4000 and 5000.
E. Hall and son. Arthur, were enter­
little expense. Mix on eb aP pint w it
city Monday.
tained a t the residence of Mrs. O. B
hollse.1 extract of rose and on half
B iby Daughter Born— Mr. and Mr.i From Mill— Mr and Mrs Stillman Kessey and son. Dwight, o v e r
pint alcoh.dlxed extract of tuberose
Add one wineglass of extract of . ¡ i l l 1 Wilt urn llarnett are the parents of a Pratt of Fisher Mill were Visitors in Thanksgiving. Mrs. Hall and M is.
Ilia, one wine gilts* of extract of topi, baby daughter, laun Tuesday night Springfield Monday.
Kessey are sisters.
• the Pacific Christian hospital. Th>-
eight drops of orange blossom. I It'*
N evers Here—C A Nevers of
Enjoy Dinner— Mr. and Mrs C. E.
oil I. and four drops extract of si IP.'I Kiri ib»s b''.*n named .Mildred Itural Route C of Eugene was a visit
Kenyon were entertained at the C. E-
Increase nr decrease lb’
or here Saturday.
»warts residence Thanksgiving. The
quantity desired
You will have a
Thanksgiving program at a Eugene
perfume that Is delightfully refresh
I will net be responsible for any
theatre was enjoyed following dinner.
log and agreeable.
, hills contracted by any one other berger of Marcóla was a visitor ‘n
M artin To Leave— Lloyd C. Martin
A charming custom of older g :i i t. un myself
eratlons was to save fragrant flowers
Smith Back—«'tty Recorder It. W who has resigned as cashier of the
Smith Is hack from a visit with his First National Bank, will leave Dec
ember 5 for Argyle. Wisconsin, where
daughter In Portland.
he will make his home in the future.
Hara From Creek— Janies Kills of
Visit In Eugene— Mr. and Mrs Carl
►Till Creek spent a part or Sunday
Olsen were entertained at the D. W.
In Sprlngfleld.
Crites residence In Eugene over
H era From Dexter -Mrs. Nathan Thanksgiving day.
Chaffey of Dexter wi i a visitor In
Residence— Mr.
V isit
Wallace ' anfl M™- D A Schomaker and
Jasper Msn H era— Robert
daughters, Marie and Majorie. of
»42 Willamette St.. Eugene. Oregon.
o f Jasper spent a pari of Saturday
Salem, visited over the week-end at
transacting business here.
the home of Dr and Mrs. R. P. Mor?
Tonsils Removed— Mra. Lew Wal­ essen.
lace of Jasper underwent a tonsillect­
Cox Leaves Mill Office—H. J. Cox.
omy at a kwal surgeon'll office Sun­
president of the newly organised Lo­
rane Lumber Company, on December
Progress on House— D. W McKin­ 1 relinquished his position as chief
has aai
u n iibbs
•*- new
..... rafters
. . . . . . . . . In
... on
— the
••• at the Booth-Kelly Lum-
house which he Is erecting wn South i ber company office here. He Is suc-
Thlrd and D sTreet.
' ceeded by Clayton Barber.
Pure and Sweet
Here From Albany— Mr. and Mrs. (
John Shots of Albany »ere week-end EM PLO YM EN T IN PACIFIC
guests at tbe W illiam Dawson rest
Saving is a Habit with tome people: a necessity
with others.
In either case, the saving« listed below
will prove attractive not alone because of tbe low
prices but because of the high quality.
is an Important part of our life. The Greeting
Card Is Hi«' m essenger of friendship and its m is­
sion is happiness, love and good will. It says
what yon want to say. and says it better.
TH E GREETING CARD Is the natural outcom e
of our busy modern life. It is the modern
method of keeping in touch with friends and
loved ones, and has replaced the friendly, leisure­
ly letters of tim es gone by. Then. too. our friends
are scattered, more and our circle of friends is
larger than was the case when folks traveled less
THE GREETING CARD is a little, definite piece
of sunshine offered by friend to friend. Life
seems a little kinder, the day a little brighter and
the heart a little lighter when it comes. It-
carries kindly greetings for all ages and both
sexes, and for all the wholesome or itslons of life.
Inspect the m any beautiful lines of
Greeting Cards a t
T m
W illa m e tte Press
Opposite P. O.
Freshly Rendered
90 c
5 1 .7 5
Small Pails ...........
Large Pails
Bulk Ijird.
2 lbs.
Buy your future needs now
Independent Meat Co.
Phone 63
Quality All The Time
Corner 4th and Main
Just Horse Sense
W e hate to keep pounding at you on th is • ub> * 0* *£*?«"?’
but a fte r all. isn't it a fact th a t Y O U profit more than W E do?.
make a tew cents m argin on the v a rio M ite m , we «««
use health helper« of ours, you get a D A IL Y K IC K , a d a i l y y y
is not even comparable w ith our email money profit, t i n t i t so?
But our H A R D E S T job is to get you to K E E P ON * ^ * ^ 0 the* e
health helpers. You moeey in and out of our .to re and when you get
'.Br x a x
b° a So today w e’re going to R E M IN D Y O U !
ItG w .
Unguentine— A Salve
r J
For Those Who Save
Elm er
»ho was elected, as declined to serve.
We mention THAT one be­
cause It's so highly advertistd
but lordnos we've got plenty
A slip of the razor!
An ornery cut, a burn! A quirk
slap of Unguentine and |jie
pain, the g e m » , the cut all
sorta disappear!
this item next time you're in
Makes Smile»
Come Easier?
After a rug shave, just one
■et dash of Witrfi Hare? tak»«
the starch and stiffness outta
the cuticle, thus allowing the
7 muscles which costrel *mlles
to function without pain.
Cotton Pad soaked with Wilt-h
Hazel and allowed to rest o v e r
tired eyes for a few minutes
gtves them back their Ibre and
SPECIAL— Both Sexes
We've a PRICE on a Auto Razor Strep that ODOHT to make
♦h-sc Strops leave heme and start out in tbe world ft>r> them ­
selv es Think of M. for a Strop that makes a blade
9» davs LONGER! Not only THAT but eac*. time you USB the blad
i t s lMKi SHARP.
C ity — Louis
Portland. Ore.. Dec 2. - (Special) -j
McBee snii wife arc here for a few
E m ploraent in the Pacific Northwest I »
days from Oregon City. They are
has reached the low point of the year, j
visiting relatNe» In SprtngllcM.
and present conditions will generally |
B rule» H a rp e r In— H e U t a h H a r p e r prevail throughout the next two
arrived form Monmouth Saturday months, according to the 4L employ­
evening, and tai sending a few (lay* ment letter publish«! here today. ;
Thousands of men who work on con
visiting here.
structlon jobs and on farms, have
lx Slightly Improved— Mrs Carl come into the larger centers to re­
Employment d is­
Carpenter, who suffer«! a stroke ,,f main until spring
paralysis, last week, is reported to tricts of the cities, however, do not
(present any more than the usual ,
be slightly improved.
number of men fir this time of year.
Spent W eew -rnd
Hera— Mr. and
In the Portland and Columbia
Mr*. E. G. Jarvis and daughter. Betty, River districts ¿here is at present vir­
of Portland, spent Thanksgiving and tually no d« mand for help. A major­
the week-end at the residence of l»r. ity of the logging camps will be
and Mrs. Eugt ne Kester.
closed about December 15 and log­
gers are h M ing their Jobs until the
Funeral Hold—The funeral of Mis. shutdown. Reports from other Paci­
Hubert D. o 'lh ll. of Kali C m * . w is fic Northwest districts follow:
Aberdeen Hoquiam, Wn. — Several
conducted at the Walker . Impel Sat­
urday. Mrs. O lb 11 o lio at the Fac ­ night shifts at sawmills in this dis­
trict have been taken off.
ile Christian hospitul Tuesday.
turnov r Is light in both camps and
la Injured— Mrs Alice Wilson was sawmills.
T u r n « . W it — Fiw calls for any
slightly Injured Saturday when struck
by an automobile operated by Mr*. L. sort i f labor were posted in this city
W. Hobson. The accident occurri .1 last week There is a surplus of men
on E street between Fourth and here but there has been no noticable
Increase of unemployed In the pa it
Fifth streets.
ten days.
Seattle— With loggers holding fn*t
Visit at Corvallis— Mr. and Mr*.
to their jobs until the holiday shut­
Floyd Flanery were visitors at Cor­
down. and with practically no turn­
vallis Sdnilay. They were accompan­
over In other lines of labor, ther ■
ied hmm by Mis* Carrie Flanery,
have been few jobs offered here lu
sister of the local druggist, who »111
th e fa s t win k.
spend a few days in Sprlngfleld.
S po kan e — Seasonal
conditions obtain In the inland Em­
Return to Oregon City— Mrs Craw­ pire.
Wlnt t logging is generally
ford and children, who were Thank* ifniier way. Sawmill and planing mill
giving guest» at the W. II. Pollard operations art- approaching the sea­
residence, have left the city. Mrs. son's low point.. More men Ihan Joba
Crawford, a sister of Mr*. Pollard, here.
has returned to Oregon City, while
the children are attending ( t A. C.
Visit Lightfoot Residence— Dr. and
Mrs. N. W. Emery and Mr. nud Jack
Henderer of Sprlngfleld wore among
guests at a Thanksgiving dinner s l
the William Lightfoot residence on
College Crest. Others present were
Mr and Mrs. John Rossman of Camp
Creek. P. H. Emery. Floyd Emery
Wade and Bertha Paddock.
Mother: -
don t lot me trll you again Jimmy.”
Jim my:—"I'm afraid I can't stop
Takin g
llnven to ry
"Why are you counting your
“I Just shook hands with an ex-
Can YOU Save Money?
Andrew Carnegie once said: "The man
who does not and cannot save money, can­
not and will not do anything else worth
Andrew Carnegie am assed a fortune but
the FIRST thing he had to do was to sav"
his money. You may not be able to accum ­
ulate a fortune but you can, with the help
of a Savings Account, take advantage of
opportunities that you would otherwise be
compelled to pass by.
S ta rt a Savings Account w ith $1.00
and Get a Liberty Bell Bank
Protected by Electric Burglarly A la rm System
Commercial State Bank
Springfield, Oregon