THURSDAY DECEMBER 2 I»20 THK SPRINGFIELD NEWS •MOW FOtTB TEACHERS EXAMINATION Springfield People Merry The regular semi annuiti teachers Purine th,- (Mat w w k county clerk It 8 Mryaon haa laau, d uiarrlajc examinations will be hakl. In the Pebllahed E very Thursday at llceliaaa Io the following: tili» llt'X County Court room, commencing at ant. Crow Stage. and tllady» Hell, 9 A M Wednesday. December 14. Sprlncftald. Lana County. Orason, by • * * one of the l»rge»l ............... — - . public ---- ullllll»» In Sprlngfleld; Glenn Lowery, Ursula l»M and laetlng the real of lha week T H E W IL L A M E T T E P R IM A statu ette of the Babylonian Venus has been lhl, Northwest. ha* Just purchase,! Dormas. Noll; Marvin' l ea, hers apply Io the undersigned H. E MAXEY. KMtUX «»..«.u.. Sarvu-a u .r .i ... Company I'..nin.nv J . ... ... ... I Jor IM.|,„,|U|,. of tbe time When sub­ discovered with bobbed hair as well as few , b„ Nl, i , , . „ public- Wendllng ami ...................... Gladys Horn clothes. If it were dusted lip a bit probably it supplying electricity to a group of bat,b SprlagOald; Harald Nlrhola. jects -will be given claaa m atter February M, 1»*» a t tbe K. J. MOOKM. County School would tit in with this age. twelve communities la • Wyoming. um, A(|(l tlartni(U1 Rugene; Karl Tim postem e*. Sprtnçflahl. Oragoa • • • Southeast ¡Hontana and 8outhwe»tern m,m* Ixtwell and Heater L. Winfrey. Superintendent. M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N M AT® Dec 1 » We agree with a friend who rem arked the souih Dakota. according to aa an lx)W,j |. Antoalo .Mtgiioretto. Noll. T ear la Advene»____W.1» rh re e M o n th . . _ T * a other dav, "About the ttnie a fellow gets where nouncemest from c . M. Hrawor. ju r y tiuaick. Hoaaburg M o n th .__________ « - » Staila Copy ------- «• he can m ake ends meet someone roiui* along president and general manager w ith Books Received— Two new books. and moves the ends.” the acquisition of theae towns. Moon-1 “gtrlfe" by Usleworlhy. and •‘Teas of C A L L A N D BEE Dr. N. W T H V R S P A Y O E C E M B B R 3. 1H < — • o • tain state* now serve* more th a n ■ an prtoaa oa piota and other w ork. if the d Vrbarvtllee." by Hardy, have WORDS FROM T H E LIPS OF GREAT MEN The country would be better off If some of to« communltiea in the rtve North , been received at tbe Springfield pub­ these safe cracksm en were cracking stones on western state* with electricity, g a e » lic library “When Laws cease to be Beneficial to Man. the road »team heat, telephone or water aer-. FOB B A L E — Carbon paper In large Steel tape repairing correctly done They Cease to Be Obligatory. — Henry Ward MsM lacfcaa. suitable far a a • vice. The new properties will be j u traM nga T h e News Offtea. Hoyt » 1 Main a t FJasv paym ents are easy until they fall d u e -- oparatod a* part of the Caspar wyo-. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS OREGON DOLLARS WILL MAKE OREGON Motor boats are replacing the old gondolas in MT. STATES POWER CO. the streets of Venice. A gondola, once the BUY NEW PROPERTIES vehicle for ordinary travel and joy riding. Is now ------- about as popular as a horse and buggy. Mountain s t a te . Power Company. then they are hard. a a Towns acquired througn the pur- a If a m an’s face was really his fortune, some “What Oregon m akes m akes Oregon, is a . . . . . . . . •ood slogan for home factories new in produc- of us would always be In debt. a a - S m but it might and should have a deeper m ean­ ing for us all. Oregon» dollars should m akej Oregon Industrially or at least go half way. For years we have been expecting some capitalistic j Santa Claus to come among us and 8^ ow" th * land with factories and prtxe industrial enter tMises We would then enjoy the fruits of ln -| creased business, land and property values and enlarged cities; All without effort in this direc- tion on our part. Ail we need to do. we tell ou r­ BE YOURSELF selves is to boost for them and occassionally pay ¡Tlittle money into the Chamber of Commerce A common slang phrase Is “ Bd Yourself." development fund. It is used in various instances. 'Tha* ¡t It has a good deal of intelligence In in it. It. pew Few peo- The industrial enterprises that have been on the verge of catering and developing our state ple object to you when your luotjve8 are consider- for veat - have not come except in rare occasions (ld to be sincere ant| genuine. You are only oh- w ^ 'mieJit well our now that J ,t> put was on 1IICC..CV, motives »..«•» that a do not U'p *niatlt as W ®U make HUtlkf up M «» a minds . . . . . - —- ------ P c C tjonabie l I U l l f l U i r when W U C I I J you V U . — -------- __ ,ho extent ,___________ w o r n w a is « to be developed to the indus- extent . indus- belong ... , o you tru ’tv th a t it ought to be - Oregon "s n w « . The thing people do not like most of all Is to do ■•. Factories must be built b> Oregon pe l • bave you think that you can deceive them. As «.mi Oregon money must go into large coopera ¡ong as your actiojfe are genuine and real, they • Uve “ * - ‘ -*-1— the ' .akttcida* nnev fcpow how to deal with them, hut when they are m * atching outside m money* olhcrY -i-Tw ha. capitalist will care to in v « t »ite convinced that you are endeavoring to overcome u u .n i^ u “ . „ „ „ .¡..„ a money in a state where the people are industrial . them by tn in g . to , borrow ... words or m tio n s or j motives from someone else, they do not like it ly ba A w ard- So thev tell vou to “he yourself." T li a new Salem Linen mills are <"MffU(lcent Of course we express of our emo- tiv. a*, ------ — . j -. Thprp V II vvUIi*r* «v i cannot tailiiin vaj / ivoo » all *•» < »a ............. . examples of what Oregon do. mples Oregoni capital can ta n haxrp ™ m There . Ot ot tions Or feelings perfectly. Then* Is a certain f A d n ?‘here i( xx’ o s t ‘" d e ^ i o n m e n t s " I k e t t n a " ! am ount of se.fS m 'trol required by ordinary dec- are c factory deielopm ents h a \e taaen . , ,y bu, at lea8t tbOse feeling that we express the u r.r thousands of dollars from should be those that are ours unquestionably DU. FMNK CRUE S ffi b ve tr Oregon’s dollars are helping develop Without we can keep some of them othe. 8ta pann„r exoect industrial develop-1 at V e i t h e r c Z i ^ e expect eastern capi- m ent here, rseitner can vve 1 taJi-t to have confidence in our state when by n u n ict it aooears we have not that confi- U dLl 14. , our - . --- . to . do j _ dence. It's up to IP Oregonians what »uav they are able to do industrially to m ake this state. • • • A cood many people are sorr> for them sebes. not because of the hard time they have, hut cause of the bard tim e other people think they ought to be having, it is very easy for a preach- think* th a t er or an orator or . o n he is working hard when everybody sayB that h» js [f be would honestly look at himself and con- suit his own feelings alone, he would realize th at . . . _____ n he IS not working a a . . . . r . , u. 1i,l n n tln n Self-pity arises from a sort of borrowed n ti n We read that a Pennsylvania farm er raised 700 Of Ourselves. Oliver Wendell Holmes said that there were bushels of potatoes on one acre. Well once on n* near Springfield the potatoes grew so severa, Johns in one pers o n - t h e man John Is. an a< rf large and prolific th a t there w a sn t rooni t the m an Jahn thinks he is, and the man other between them to get a shovel blade so the farm er think he is. didn’t dig them. Now you tell one ' everyone of us could distinguish between the • • • ! man we are and the man other people think we Cruel Judge' For stealing a dance dress an are. It would do much to facilitate our getting E n g lS S was sentenced to go to bed every along with each other. ri 8r* • nd r ° " y‘h" M“"‘ an** li'dffanwvni IWItola llv. ana; Edgemont. Miiiith !A>utb Dakota; Hy run. Qraybull. Hudson txivell. New-' castle. Pavillion. Riverton. Worland and Yoder. Wyoming; electric aer-l vice ta furnished In these towns and . In addition a steam heating system I Is operated at Forayth. Montana Hubby:— "I wish some one would tell me how to kill oft all theae w eeds!” W ife:— "Why don't you try clod- rating them like you do the flowers.~ " ™ n *V n Notlc„ h,.r,.br f------ - ■ (if ■ Nnlt‘ ■ . ,U u r (. >»« r til «‘ X « l | ----- | ( t O l l iltlll ■ «>rtl»*r m for*, lo.ure issued out of the cir- ,n ;l wher,.ln „„ th,. 39th ,lny xtiv»*mh»-r. 192<. in huui court <’ f piaintifr recovered jun pvr unnum from April 14. 19"5 until paid and the further »urn ° f <13 01 faxes upon said property. »"<1 '»>- further *ura of |7SOo attor {nh’ ^ whl, „ docket, I B- .i |( >n ( ) dlr<.( (ri, cpvmnanrilng m«’ Jn nanv of the State of Oregon in order to *»ti»fv .aid judx. m.-nt, inter«., attorney . fee*. v o ,t. of .u i. an- southeast qoartrr. tk>- north half of the northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter, the »nuth half th* aoutheaat quarter ot the nor,t,ea,t quarter, and the aoutheaat quarter of the southwest quarter of the northe««t quarter of section J" *"*«* county. Oregon, con* taintng seventy acres, tnicether with the tenement«, hereditament« and ap- ’’ Now ,h„rpf„rH> tn ,h(. namp of ,ht. s t a t- of o r e so s . compliance with , »aid execution ami order of »ale and In order to »atlafy »aid Judgment. Intere»t attorney» fee». co»t» of »ult E d ito r ia l C om m ent and accruing coat». I will on Monday the 3rd day of January. 1927. at the POWER OF PRESS GROWING hour of one o'clock. In t h e afternoon of »aid day. at the South went front T n e late la te g general en er a l e election le c tio n in ,?ur o u n tr y siiu w » (|Oor the county Court n„u»e. n«»u»e in The Our c Country shows ti„or of tb,. _ a. «« A I»-, tw* n o t i / » n o l o n / l u l n t u ♦» f . L’ n o o »,*, f ana. f 'm in lv ftrv m that political I leadership in national and state af- BavMM. L am county Orocoa. offer night at 10 o’clock for three years. A catalogue, telling about our Secretarial, Bookkeep­ ing and Stenographic Course«, sent free to any address, upon request. Monday Is enrollment day. Phone 666 992 W illamette Street Eugene. Oregon Always Appropriate A nice box of candy Is always appropriate for a Christ unis gift Pure, w holeaoiue. delirious randy such as Eggimaiiu m akes will be appreciated by young and old. I,a<’k«,d in boxe» specially lo suit the custom er Egginiaiin's candy like Eggimanti's service is Just a. little different. A large assortm ent of empty boxes. Many beautiful designs suitable to hold different presents. Theae boxes will make any Christinas present look nifty. Try us. ,: tt,mB,’odf,,,.T«S in the clerk s <.ttt, .- ,,f »aid Mprl(lilin> A. K. Roberts, President IT’S A GOOD SCHOOL Guaranteed Cura aI 9 EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE Old maids live longer than anyone else on the average says a would be medical authority. Go o r. it just seems longer. ’ A woman is a person who will not wait her ^ ‘8 be‘^ . a88“^ aby «er ! » X n 'tV r ld e W n ^ ^ p r o - turn in a barber shop, savs one of our tonsonal The country weekly and small town daily ex r vldid hv |aw an the right, title , else dom inant and direct leadership in building at|1| interest, of »aid defendant*, a a a ’ the political fortunes of individauls, and molding Adele whttton and Frank E whttton. , „ . public sentim ent on principals and ideals in pub- ar"i •» per»on* claiming by. through J. K. savs he once saw a room full of women ' affairs Tbeir ,)()W(.r is increasing and fhev or und,,r "?Pm or, ,any °T *,,her "f e ’-I««. o n » ha,I iirst a sk erl w h o lc a " a lr 8 - 1 neir power is increasing, auu n ic y them In and to »aid premia«, perfectly silent. Some one had just asKeo n arg rightly called the home newspaper, in towns frank e T aylor . Sheriff was the eldest. an(j on t he farm s.—The M anufacturer I a n , County, Oregon. EGGIMANN’S Don’t Burden Yourself during the holidays with u lot of baking. Holiday times are always fatiguing and one never has quite enough time to do all one .wants to do. Ixqtve the baking to us. You will find fresh daily all sorts of PERFECTION BAKED GOODS at our shop. W hether It'« for a light lunch or a full course dinner we ran help you. Our delicious buked goods always m ake a hit with the family. THE BREAD YOU DO NOT TIRE OF SPRINGFIELD BAKERY Fred Frege, Prop. Perklna-Laxlon Bldg- Phone »6 Fifth S tre e t W e W ill W elcom e You A j A Shareholder J> 2 9 I6-23 30 •with KO P»PA A in ' t HOME TJur ME T o u D m am a HE VMUt c o u n ' R ight 'B ack ! J S ? ajtRorv-^ kfcUGSTORE DR Come Early! » ti. É T | See our complete assortm ent of • attractive • PUBLISHERS • A ü TOCASTEH From All Walks of Life Doctors, lawyers, preachers, teachers, mechanics, craftsmen, housewives— all are ; partners in this company. Our shareholders come from all walks of life. Some own substantial amounts of out Preferred Stock— others only single share® , s e r v ic e HE.!. PAX OFFICE GOSH t fc'¿Í N / I WAlOP»' TCf-< three ho - t o ' Some have purchased their investments’ « m ig h t, for cash — others have used the, tO9»cngni monthly investment plan 'Í. 'T r r ^ 1 rtt U SOfWEY j took a load ' o All receive dividend checks regularly — by mail— every three mouths. You can do •o, too. Greeting Cards The art work Is excellent; the sentim ent Is expressive; anil the quality and price are satis­ factory to yotb Flanery’s Drug Store 33U i ou Should Know the FactJ A bout Invejtm ent, In O u r P referred Share». The Preferred 8h«rea of Mountain States Power Co. MOUNTAIN May Be Purchased From 8TATE8 POW ER SECURITIES COMPANY k