Tl IV IIS I )AY PKCMMDKH 2, 102ft TI IE SPRINGFIELD NEWS VfcOlC TW O Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L NEW BRUSHING LACQUER HIGH PRODUCING COWS DRIES WHILE YOU WAIT MAKE BETTER RETURNS _____ P U B L IC A T IO N LANE ¿ » / m i k i - t - w IIIU IT « A IA C O U N T V U N IT nO . 14 Community News By Special ________ ___ -- . — - - CLOVER SEED GROWING SEED FLAX PROFITABLE PROFITABLE IN LANEi ON WILLAMETTE FARMS . •••reapondenta s , ,si flax mi» y ” - >r’ The growing of clover seed ha» ba­ I” r »er« roni'' one of the mo«» profitable agri­ age gross return of *21 cultural pcrsults In la n e county, m- ,,ti 13 W ill'» 1 v lb * v a lle ' U rm « l - u b THURSTON UPPER W ILLAMETTE corlln g to County Agent O C. Fblch- Ing 400 acres, report- William I. Ten- tach. district agricultural a«.nt tor Rev Turner from Eugene spent er. Many acres of clover In Ijute Mr and Mrs D O Linton and two T"'e county have averaged five bushels «r, the college extension service Thanksgiving vacation with Mr. and gons lMwrence and Robert, and Mt lowest return was *9 58 alt a c re w h lla 300 pountla of seed Io the acre Ludwig Miller returned from Unit Mrs. Arch Slough. the highest wua »33 30 dross in- Ernest McKinney of Eugene spent Clover »eed has sold at 30 cent« T e a uf,,rnla. where they went two pound this fall and there tins been a | route from spring oats on the »am« Saturday night at John E im lston a. wet lies In recenl months wtth seed ttax funeral of hl; aunt lait Saturday nt as. taxes, interest, repair of maehin haste and yet It dries while you wait, alumni team consist >.l of pas' st 1 s and barley as the sub-tltutes^ The lluw cranberry relish Is delightful ery. and veterinary. Psing the labor You may wonder why lacquers arv | a.v Olsen, center; latwr. nce Laird Indian Creek his brother John re­ un i easy Io make The cranberries .Multnomah county conference point- hours required as shown in cost apparently of such recent origin, and Willard Elliott, guards, Guy turned horn, with hist: Sun lay. are put through a grinder and equal (.1 out that an acre of seed (tax can Mr«. N , , (hum's little grandson studies in other parts of the etate. True, there have been made for « Mathews and Chester Wheeler 'or- amounts of sugar added. The m ix­ ordinarily lie ospertad to return the group of highest producing cows Bumber of years certain types of ligat wards The highschool team was Daniel Mlteueu fs visiting her. from ture is then placed in a covered Jtr more net profit than spring wheat or Oakrldg gave a labor return after all oth**r lacquers for silverware, metal Donald Kahler, center; Carl Linton spring oats when those crups aro There was a special meeting of and allowed to «land for two weeks •xpenses were taken care of amoun'- work etc b u I u has been only In and Eugene Parker, guards; Keiir.- ’h It wRI grown lo sell. From 20.0U0 to 300UO the I jk II,-« Aid held at Mrs John when II Is ready to nerve. Ing to 49 cents per hour. , be years following the war that cer- McKenzie and Clarence Monson for- acres of seed flax are requlresl to keep Indefinitely. This is a high return, says Mr. la jn solvents have become available wards The winning point was made P rices last Friday, Two quilts were produce a tonnage equal to that Jamison and is due in part to t h e 1 ¡n commercial quantities to produce just before the last whistle blew The tied, also several other article* fin­ which has hitherto baen imported by ished for sale the evening of Decem­ A delicious ten minute dessert la the Portland market for manutaetu-o cheapness of the high quality alfalfa th(. present type of lacquers which highschool team received mu.-h ber 2 when they are giving a play. made with one cup of thick cream praise for its team work. Into oil. says the report of the Wash- bay produced by the dairymen of y ^ w a true enamel finish Mm Flora i*rlc- is spending a few Whip le d , while of one egg beateti Miss Mildred Mormngstar and Roy Inton county conference this association. The next group Brushing Lacquer is used for finish- days In Eugtne with her sister. Mrs. until slid , and 10 cents worth of p e t- producing between 300 a n d 3 5 0 ing any new or any old object made Johns who are attending the Normal H<-ed flax Is Ideal as a nurse crop Rosa Baughman nut brittle rolled on board with roll­ pounds gave a labor return of 4« of wood or metal or any material school spent Thanksgiving at their for clover or grass seed because It William W eeks of Eugene hut for­ ing pin; combined by carefully cut­ uses less moisture than otitier grain cents per hour, and the group pro- supposed to have a finish, It comes homes in Cloverdale and Irene merly resided here was tn Thurston ting and folding together It la served The members of the Christian En- correspond- and dims not shade the ground 40 dneing 250 to 300 pounds gave a re- ¡„ solid, opaque colors Tuesday. • cold In aherbert glasses. turn of 37 cents per hour, w herets ¡ng to enamels and also in clear, deavor society had a party at the UMieh, says college authorities. Mr. Buyer from Eugene represent­ t t e lowest producing group showed transparent finish, like varnish. Christian church Wednesday Nove.n ing the Maytag Electric Washing Rial« bread Is freshened by wrap­ • O F F IC E R S O F L A N E C O U N T Y • a return of 32.4 cents per hour Thus it is applied with a brush Just like her 24 Machine Co. was in Thurston Tuev ping the loaf In a dampened clo'h 1 • F A R M E R S* U N IO N • the highest producers gaTe a return paint or enamel right over a new or The heavy rains of the last fe w day. and setting It Into a warm oven un'II o f 18 6 cents more per hour than the an old surface. It brushes out days have filled all ditches and Miss Maude Edmlston who 1« at­ the loaf becomes soft and Is again < C. W Allea, Vida, Prvsldent • lowest producers, or a little greater smoothly with no effort and dries creeks and In many places water is tending I* of O «pent the weekend like fresh warm bread W . | »sala. Eugene, V lct-P resi- • than 51 per cent more per Hour than without laps or brush marks running over roads The road b u ilt at her home here. denl. s the lowest producers. This quick drying product makes last summer through the Williams. The lutdles Auxiliary of Farmer Betty M Kappauf. Cottage Grove • This meal Is lacking In Iron which -In thia section of low feed costs finishing and decorating convenient »chunk and dressm an ranches was Recretary-Treasurer. • under water for gome distance, and union met with Mrs. Ira dray Wed­ is necessary for rich, red blood and even these low est producers showed and enjoyable. Any ne can use It. nesday, Walter Morgan. Cretwell, Conduc * many fields were turned Into lakes. good health; Hashed brown potatoes, • profit but the high producers show- ------------------------ The Farmers* Union held a meeting scalloped corn, bread and butter, tor. • Otto H. Wangelln has been confin­ Breaking It Gently ed so much greater profit that there at the Thurston hall Wednesday Jelly, upplesam e and sugar cookies. H H. Smith, Eugene, Doorkeep- • ed to his bed with a severe cold. remain; no argument for keeping the er. • Murphy, one of the best railroad The first Christmas bazaar to be evening Foods rich In Iron are liver, lean poor producer. Herds may be bu'lt Mrs Genevieve Beaman and daugh­ meal. fish, eggs, spinach, carrots, O. L. Clement, Wa tervllls, Cbap- • engineers the road had. met with a at pleasant Hill for some time ap to high producing ones by using luln • fatal accident and his best pal was wm be given by the members of the ter. Zora. of. Eugene visited at wlioole grain breads and cereals, and hred-for-productlon bulls, and sav­ called upon to break the news t > Christian church at Woodman Hull Lawrence Gosder's Thanksgiving beana. ing heifers from the best cows and Mr. and Mrs. Belmont Russell from Murphy's wife. Wanting to break It December 10. The committees are gradually eliminating the low pro­ N O T IC E gently he proceeded tn this fashion. working hard and a good supply nt Salem also Mr. and Mrs. Currens llloorispots are removed by m oist­ ducing cow.” CALL FOR SCHOOL WARRANTS. “Mrs. Murphy, do you know that (.a ndy. fruitcake, faneywork, h Ip the Orphans* home James an-1 daughter Maude 1 took Milk Is the most perfect f(M S l cluding Warrant No. 1284 interest I hanksvlving dinner with Mr and and the o ld People’s home Every child needs at least ceases after December 5. 1928 Mrs. llq,I McPherson at Springfield. known Mr and Mrs. Henry Hendekemp " 'r, Mrs. Marvin Chuae and family. Mr also Mr. and Mrs Yates from Ran and Mrs. Lester Cyr and daughter. Diego are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Cheater Chase. Mr. and Men's heavy ribbed Cotton and Fleece lined Union them. Mrs. Everett Cha e, Mr. and Mrs Suits. $1.50 value. Why not take advantage of it now. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stevens who are Homer Chase. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene at this special low prioe Chase, Maude Chase, (¡lady Chase, teaching In the school at Oakridge spent Thanksgiving vacation O UR W O L S P U N U N IO N Carol Chase, Clarence Chase, Mrs. their aunt, Mrs. Taylor Needhams Only by quantity buying und qunntlty selling are we able to sell Mitchell. Mrs. Avltt. Gertrude Ooln. Mr. Stevens helped Roy Mitchell you this big. well fitting, warm union at such n low price. At any F. B. Chase and I W Chase. Hr, ler store these «perlal days for Mr. an,; Mrs. Homer Chase are the wire their house for electricity w’lll- here. *■ ,;i ' TV f a r , nt; of a son horn Novem­ We are sincerely trying to ber 29. | Several fam ilies are having th ill T A IL O R E D R IB B E D C O T T O N U N IO N S render you, as a friend and Miss Lucille Male, who tenches at house» wired and are anxiously wait­ W <- hesitate to quote a prl<»‘ on this wonderful ehiHtlc. long libio ing for the line to be completed for custom er, a real service- But ' ■Il Cr,-. It, and Ml, , Mlram Male FREE TRIAL knit union, fot fear you might confuse li with the cheaper om on electricity. we need your help. We are w: teaches near Ureiiwell spent i the mnrekt. Be sure to see It. »1.75 value— — m aking a Special Offer to give At cur expense, bave T hink -v'ng a' th- home o f t h e ir ' % The Thurston Ladle» Aid are glv ing a play a t the hall Thursday even you the advantage of The Day- Daylight Kitchen Unit in­ M'tii,** M*s. Clara Male light Kitchen Unit in your stalled today. IF it does Mr. and Mis. II R. Wylie spent ing December 2 entitled, ''The Thurs­ B O Y 'S F L E E C E U N IO N S home. It brightens every cor- not sill itself tonight, we Thanksgiving day with their daugh­ ton I.adles Aid Hewing Culh.” The • hivery mother known what hoys' food tteec" I'nlotis are worth Who are taking part are as follows: ner. Makes the room light and will replace your old fix- ter. Lucille, at Toledo, Oregon. . She must resllxe What an unusual bargain tills well made garment cheery. Banishes gloom. Re- ture- If you keep it, pay In h o n o r o f F o re s t A u d -ra o n 's Inus Slough, president of the club; Is nt only—— 1 Rena Edmlston, secretary of the fleets the gleaming cleanliness only 75c down and $1.00 seventh b irth d a y . M rs. W. H. A n d e r SPECIAL of your kitchen. Won’t you monthly, with your light son entertain,.,I a number of his llt.ti- ‘ *'lb; Pf arl rh |, f F>< hh 'P; conte in and let us explain what hill, friends on Dece m he r fir s t from 2:39 “„ T,,ry *u"«,,c1ou'‘ mem' 2 P IE C E G A R M E N T S this unit, with a single lamp, Two models price $7.00 l/ ) T 101K H eavy, but fine c o tto n tw o pi, e - suits. These com to 6. Tito time was spent playing ber; Mildred Price, n gay old m aid;, can do for you? and $8.00. monly retail for 95c each Now fir both shirt and drawer»:----- prize games and enjoying the birth­ Ethel Platt, a very deaf old lady; day cake. 'The following were pres­ Haxsl Russell, one who looks aft, r ent: Mahlon Pengra. Ixmlle Mundi, the deaf lady; Rose Henson very; easily flustrat.ed, Llllah Herts, I,, j N O T IC E Gsraldlng Chase, Gale Chase, lien.* We are closing out our entire line of Designer Patterns Harrington. Richard llardfe, Randall great on style; Nathalie E,lm < hutterfat per cow of fl„I»h that (a used en Hue m o to r stow ed the greatest return at»ve ears and furniture Unlay. It reaetu- feed cost». In the Rogue River cow bles Chinese and Japanese lavquera iZ tln g association of Jackson and beauty and and durability and tn In beauty durability. Josephine reports Neil C. Jamison. It Is the nature of lacquer finisher at the to dry quickly. Automobile and fur- dairy extension specialist niture lacquers used In the factory •tate college. that they cannot be Herds averaging betw .en —' a n i but applied with 400 pounds of bulterfat per cow for a spray gun the year gave a profitable feed c u t This rapid drying property of lac- o f *107 87. according to the record . w he. quer enables auto paint shops to re- Just A Few More Days ACT NOW Before Special Offer Closes UNDERWEAR Special For Men 38C Will You Help Us To Help You? ONLY 75c DOWN B,,R(’,A,‘ $1.79 C9C DA YLIGHT YOUR KITCHEN Mountain States Power Co. 2,or$1.45