Tm People« NOW IS TH E TIM E TO D O Y O U R SHOPPINGEARLY T W K N T Y - T 1 I II U ) Y E A R DEFINITE PROGRESS MADE ONSPM PUN A D IN N E R GROVE W IL L G IV E Best Farm W orker** T O G R ID T E A M A T EN D OF GOOD SEASON Captain John J. M * * * " «« ^ e .r brought hark by members of III« _____ field “ week after the heating given t county court and Al Perkins, of Hprlngfleld. from (hla week's aeaalon Election of officers will feature a Hprlngfleld L IV E NEW SPAPER A L IV E T O W N • N U M B E R 47 APRINGPUDLD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON. TH U R SD A Y DECEM BER 2, 1926 L IO N S C L U B Poo»’’ G R ID BEATEN GAME IN L A S T OF SEASON FACTBflï HEADS ARE INTERESTED IN SHE 8prlngfleld High school, for several years the underdog at the close of football games with Cottage Grove, came on top In the first half of the ■ Thanksgiving day game and stayed Prospects Bright for Two Large there through the rest of the UIL Enterprise* Locating Here; ending with a score of 7-6. Will Inspect Tract in Janu­ The single point waa marked up ary; L a rg e Investment* when Cowart, after fumbling before Loom. an attempted place-kick, picked up the ball and raoed under the goal Thia play followed a beautiful AS ! Prospects of locating som e large yard run from kickoff by Bates, who Industrial enterprises on the 2M scored a touchdown In the last few acres of free factory sites east of minutes of the first half. Hprlngfleld have brightened consider- Cottage Orove scored late In t h e 1 ab,p durlng th<, laAt few weeks, la- second quarter when Hprlngfleld a t-; . . „ . _ ,. .. . - . . . . . . I spection of the Hprlngfleld site by ot- tempted to punt from behind Its owa line but the ball went out of bound* ! ° f two lar«e coterprlses to­ on the 16 yard line. Bcheuffle c f presenting eastern capital has beea After • national contest, Homer . Cottage Orove bucked the ball across promised next month wnen they will Sheffield, age 16, of Crosby Texas, in four downs Cottage Grove failed TDake WWitPrn trlpe looking to r T o S - has been declared the outstanding to convert. 4 TJ boy’s agricultural worker of the b. tiens. The second half was leas Interest­ 8. One enterprise utilising livestock He has won every possible honor ing! the hall being In the center of and scholarship in his state. Re­ the field throughout most of both products Is to be capitalized for cently when cotton was »50 per quarters. »750.060 and another representing bale— he had his made into mat- The game- ended the local grid "*>*« than 8 t” 11»0“ dollar investm eat resses, selling them at »26 e a c h - schedule. Coach Fenwick's team "»*"« w,,od may locate nere lf coadb realizing »100 prefit per bale. of ibe highway commission in l ’o r i meeting of the American Ixtglon post tions are found to be right. Tb# won six of Its games and lost one. land. to be conduct«! at the Woodmen of G L E E M E N 'S C L U B W IL L former is a new enterprise and it •'The Houlhern Paclflc considers a " " W .,M hall wanorrow . . . . . . . A P P E A B ,N C IT Y s o o n C O N V IC T E D O F C H A N G IN G rePuted w111 bP the larff’‘8t of ,ta kmd crossing Just as dangerous where a ¡7 30 o'clock. S C O U T S H A V E J O IN T ln the United States. The latter Is few cars cross It each day ss one | John Will is In lliw for selection L IC E N S E , M A N P A Y S F IN E a plant now operating near the Hprlngfleld residents will be given M E E T ; C O U R T D EC 7 over which the tratfli Is heavy.” said „„ vommander. succeeding W P Ty- an opportunity to hear a local concert I Great Iaikes and desires to move fh>unty Judge C. P. Barnard “ I f son. Will la the only candidate noml- Convicted In Justice R. W Smith’s Joint meeting of the two Spring of rhe Eugene Gleemen's club, an .« west wtiere there is sufficient wood Hecond street could he definitely natral Nomlaatloons will be con­ organisation of male singers, accord field Boy Scout troops was conducted court of bringing an automobile lic- clo-o-d. I he railroad company uii - 1 ducted for adjutant tomorrow night. 1 ense plate down to date. Norman to continue in operation. Ing to plans being perfected by a at the Chamber of Commerce Mon- Both enterprises have requested di uhteitly would be willing to contri­ It Is understood, as Charles Scott, day night under the direction of Hemmftt was fined »30 here late last that they oe given no publicity be­ bute much Io the bridge building pro­ previously named, will be unable to Eton« Club committee. week. The program, to be presented some Scoutmasters and their assistants, cause of present business connection* gram. Thia la of slgnlflcent Im port­ serve. Odd appearance of the altered plate time during November will be a bene- The program was planned by patrol which might be dlstrubed. ance and should be considered a s , Installation of the newly named of­ attracted Police Chief Smftson’s at- fit for Elon Club finances. The Glee leaders of the two units. . . . If either of these enterprises should goon as possible." ficer* will follow at the next meeting men have attained much popularity The Instruction period was d ivid ed ' ,en “ on. and * • had ‘h- b,,|d Methoodist church, of honor to be conducted December 7. ance of water in the Willamette river, cssary before one of these models Scout master Tyson of Troop 1 said num<“r8la Pun by W alter Gossler, re- talned at the home of John Robert dustrial site by the chairman of the soon as the bridge location la oe- new-lv organized lumber company in Chief Smltson Saturday night when * 8 te r - ne two oth'r committee. son In Eugene. Replies have been re­ ntiled E. E. Morrison, chairman of the Chamber will provide regular a struggle developed in a booth of j ‘ ,lr* ’ ‘ '' '>r"l> 1 n°®e ceived from many parts of the the bridge committee here, said yea- service of the Chamber to visitors, the restaurant. Sniitson happened to ix 1 » u * ,-•0 1 6 com^>an^ 1 country. lerilay that on the cost of this right­ Mrs. Ditto Honorsd As Mr. Cox Is president of the Chant- be In the place at the time and took ’ ou n