V V1K EIGHT T | Il I ts nA Y N( )V EM BEH 2fi. 102(1 T H E Sl'K IX G K IK l.n NEWS Hut, "I cult- utorv fun ihttii owning a cunning A tlantic liner to met book »hop and running It u»)»elff eludede ", I could lumille III« Illu d e rli W ith banners flying and band» play h ig h b ro w departm ent. H ow« th at ! llow much ill»'1» lie want for It * inc. SCt’it resddenta of Oregon a id lia r face gleam ed, Her deep S h e » m ill'd " I lev» your onthii». Irnho m arched th e strcela of O ntario! "U h," vou r> b ro w n e y e « ahowu like sta rs »bo »aid. "I bellev Fi .lay iti a m onster dem onstration cf check but I "he b n e lh m l. "Imw w onderful that to w rite th eir appreciation of the Inauguration wouldn't want you to do am llilnv ' would bo! All my Ilfs It has been of work n the Owyhee and Vale ir . di cam Hook». To he w ith u n id you talked to him about It and Brief Resume of Happenings of rtja fl. n pro., els He m To touch them , to ru»tla their h im * the idutt for youruetf The annual m eeting of th e Ass«' page» mid mnell them ! T he very the Week Collected for “ But It unundft p erfv ett" I elation of la n d G rant Colleges and odor of book* »pur» my lii»a' annual convent*,-n •-! Sunday 192« se s'lo n of the organisation In Pit nUm for book • I took a library how, * »he A»ke«l. "would titothar And gchoola of Yamhill county waa held at W aahingtcn. D C eour»r nt m hiwd and If l ‘d h »'b the girl« get Along?’* “ Never you mlltd About that McMinnville rich 1 should hnv* I hm n a collector K lam ath Falls vision of a beautiful IQ itft raled bç T’ouï Wtircwn Grain shipment? from H .in e s ar*' city park became a reality when Rn for th ere i«n t Anything th at five» You'll «tun enough to hire » cook p ractically at a standstill aw aiting fus S, Mi orc and Mary L. Moore iiiv more flcAAttrr than nssiH-latloU •h d “ ■lr* ,u ’ lean up mid havu favorable pre a. with booh» I thought III get a »ouiethlug left over for el«ilti«a be- . S A L L IE HEP. P L A N widow of the late Charles Moore. Sr THAIMKI-UL BROWN T ÍL L .ir k I .ni :; ih> ilootbell poaltton in a library b««r<- After fntlo r aldea." ex state treasu rer, donated a tract T h e 'K M P 4*1 1 ■ i 1¿, Iti i'v.l' > .y 1 : , A u " K iliin doe« need a new evening of i n a n c s facing Upper K lam ath l i f t i n ' Brown n .--kieut e, '■ itisi» " a s n, m i l l on u tilHnitle in th«» i>n«M»d on but K tttcn anti \ h ol. oldest pari of tow n. While I " ■' \ »'l it «• Sil a m oi ' p. II. p ru n i» wt uld he b etter for them If 1 »u>« •! «In già.-« Io a let of itäni-, » and per­ For the third year in succession looked aro u n d . T lic hou i T h e city of The Dalle» dedicated a haps If I went to wot k Adali- woul.l- :it h«’m “ a e n storage reservoir and pi® l.m : Ja c k > o n c o u n ty h a s t h e h o n o r oi - id p;lgt and. th o u g h il was s a t ll ) in lli'c il o f paint n't have to take a Jo b '' ing ih e highest scoring girl in th« Ye», I thought, w T he g ard en , w hich streicli* d on b o th sides of th e old brtcff In S arosis park at a cost of fM.uoo " f a ll your frteiul and tell him sta te of Oregon to the annual national w alk, w as typical of T h a n k fu l and I knew she s|w nt m any hour» ted about to pArtie» G overnor Pierce reapi*«'int ed t r a u k i w e're coining down Piense,' Vloleis grew on eifti. Idi o( tin; p ath and one id t . In­ out to home tn terc M iller of Albany a m em ber of th e ! club congress a t Chicago The honor t: , i-e. hhe w iu t to the pbhne and while th is year went to Mary Galey, 15. Aah stinctively. th at >'n lit«' sntnine»- hollyhocks and niorigolds and mingled with people *boiinl of regents of state norm al shi wits n«nv iitjr thoughta played land high school student- lu rk -sp u r would add th e ir q u ain t blossom ing to the place which IjHitiK contActx nnd wilh th e InHcinailng Idea of the »hep. ^ t v e r ‘uc<». while »hr w as so evidently of o th e r Unit's. T ie y ard was in clo sed by a Governun nt surveyors» have b gun ma h FftlU * a> i Ju st ihut no,ruing fath e r had pres- AV A. \V n which honeysuckle and roses would clim b in tile ey of K lam ath ! m aking a >urvey and location for a fi'itce over toil 4 me wilh a check for a m ore railroad to carry co nstruction mate- Spring- L. Eli ott, r e - ! than g, io rotis m uount I wouldn I county to su ed eo » icn teeti opened th e door. It rials from th e 11, tiedale braneh of A p re tty girl of about i 'l l fu rti» » unii) I had aeettrgd Ihe slg aed. Su,l«li iilv I hud ah lib a the Oreeon Short I ine to th e "Hole- w as plain io if»'»' th at slit' wa not at all th e o ld -iashloned typo. -Imp Then I'd call him up am f tell P r. A rc,>1.1 Bennett H all, president in-the-Gri unit" site of the proiH’-.d H er nianncrianis w ere 11 !tc new g en eratio n anti th ere wa< 'l . l s b n ì'h au k iiil T eli voti w liit him to come to a certain num ber of th« U niversity of Oregon, plana a Owyhee r iv e r lr rig i lion darn, i es, as il sh e resen ted being ealhal I I I l i o a bit of a frow n b et« I W a ll! t> Is sh.ip and I in down (own. lb* would Unit me hare- to u r of the sta te up»n his retu rn from i n f i x I km iii'.'d in h t hand. I T h e I'mpti! i bro. toil exchange dis- trotn th e new novel wlii gi-lttg lo bave it. bui I n. « il voiir i,l«-, le h tm l a « ■r ami w earing W a hington. D C. c tr n g g le d trihuted S24J.17t.ll to the broccoli th a t this Ava ■ > ne of T belp, I don t UlK’W a «laro thtna wild be lovely sun k Itavi id, ta x in g ite r ow ! stren g th , which ai, ut hook» All I e,in «lo I» di' - Consolidation of the C entral Ore­ grow ers and o th er in terests connect shield from all hardship ■ If) and ihan. l'-aiikfitl and gon Pi : . r i ■ -tally. I the ed wilh th e locust ■y dui ing th e un was none too robust. ee.ssMIch a l Arieti ami f a r i Vs would lie »av B ind bulletin. - . erne, n daily, was favorable 1S2S sea •on. according to -T h a n k tS a in the kitchen A’l I hien ¡mil olh'-r uuihor» of ’b e «tamper on ta» announced a t Bend. j the au d ito r’s report made at Ihe stock tteunced, -p u ttin g up Jam reliera' I» Ih » ) co llie alniig. boi and then returned. T esans In Meetmy back." She d esignated th N early 30 cream ery men from west * holder»' ns< ting in Roseburg, «-hm n «mie» lo reni lltru iu re I ut •'I was tb-.nkins if you really m eant e r r Oregon attended the second m eet­ Jefferson Myers, m em ber of the the house with a wave of e r ban-1 Forne r residents of T exas will con­ The onty 1 grvt,,ed ni<, cordially and urged nothing but alt over a bridge table Clifford Eiford, convicted a t M arsh a sudden drop of diphtheria cases in 1 suppose Kilt- n or chase about Io luncheon» w here field of the m urder of W illiam W ho th e city of P ortland from 218 at this me to alt down Show s how much you use the sam e type of people brey. was sentenced by Judge Kendall tim e last year to 68 since Septem bei told you th a t she knows about what s going on an 1 talk about nothing but dieting, to a life term in the Oregon peniten­ 1 this year. R eilly I'd back h ere." »he sm iled Indulgently. and perm anent wave». tiary . Over >1.000.000 worth of farm pro •'1 finished those an hour ago "ah “ give an y th in g to try my hand at A. L. M artin of Marshfield will be duce will be raised annually on the nodded to a cupboard which held row som ething else." Brg.-’i as a m em ber of the »tate game Tum alo project when the cam paign ol a fte r row of glasses, all of uniform "T hat » the way I had you tig- com m ission when Governor-elect P at­ colonisation now under way is com Size with fresh paraffin tops. T h e , ured out. ' she repIK-.l. "you looked terson* considers changes in the com­ pleted. according to D. J. McLellan grape jelly shone like old burgundy , to me like a person who was »train m ission, it is stated. project m anager It is expected that hrt know It at all." of o u r service, and we look forw ard to being of Always, It seem ed to m “ of more than 50 candidates w e re advised by W. A Dalxiel. deputy ' K)rl' was , h | nklnK of som eone * "No one does because It hasn t | Increasing g re a te r u sefu ln ess to them . j been opened to Ihe public yet. You Tony Rubro. 25. was injured tataiiy state sealer of w eights and m easures I o th er th an herself v t - n he was crushed under a log th at the sale of flour, either white May th is T h an k sg iv in g he filled with c h e e r for “ W here Is Addle n o w ?' I asked ae-> he fixed up th e plac»' anil th--n which rolled on him at the logging whole wheat, graham or rye In sack» "She's taking a business course,” ; his wife, who i a Parieli nne. bi- | every heart and hom e In Springfield. cam p of the W illam ette A’alley I-uni of equal subdivisions of a barrel ol I she replied. “ M other disliked the cam e very unhappy h ere so he de- j h er company, five miles above Black 19* pounds, will be perm itted until idea Intensely but." she blushed. “It d d iv l 1« would be b e tte r to sell out I * fu rth er notice. Ito, k. seem ed n ecessary with things so and leave before he spout a lot m ore ! money advertising and getting the ] Repeated requests for perm ission tc frightfully dear. T hirteen persons were killed and And K itten Just th e worW. 8 h e « shop properly launched. H e Is will- i M7 persons were injured as th e re- trap and kill b e a re r which. It Is aa , (.ouldn t gl) ()U, s a lt of m otor vehicle accidents in Ore serted. are found dam aging property the baby you know. J u s t a min- Ing to get out for much less than he I OF SPRINGFIELD #he nun< o w h er ahoulder> spent " gon during October, according to a reach the »tat« game commission. Bo uU How th rillin g !" I cried, "really. rep o rt by T A Raffety, chief Inspectot :auae beaver are growing scarce is the state aach of the requests la in for the state traffic departrnetit Tb»- state 're a su re r has paid off the vestlgated by the commission to maki last installm ent of >480,001) borrowed sure th at they are not made by or foi from the various banks of Oregon dur professional beaver trap p ers who want Jag the ni nth of October and early in to sell the skins A new cattle tuberculosis eradtea N ovem ber to meet the cu rren t ex tlon law for Lane county, or one tbal pen ses of th e state governm ent. T he state of Oregon will receive could be agreed upon by all oountlei an inheritance lax totaling >150,048.10 of w estern Oregon, waa discussed al from the estate of Mrs. Jean ette a m eeting of herd owners at Eugent Meier, widow of one of the founders and a d raft subm itted by Dr. Fred H of the Meier A Frank store, who died Thompson, federal veterinarian, foi southw estern Oregon, was referred t< la P ortland several months _ r — ago. “ a •- OC““ com m ,■??«• ittM of T five to io r k over ana E nactm ent of an income tax law ; ;?•! subm it to the s t y e leg islatu re at it» A d tfin ilt Kuaranltt of •Im iiar to that sponsored by the state ■ •T " session aarly next year -t.w grange in the recent campaign was « « » * ? - y“es a-». >. wen - quality means nothing m e d upon up, n the forthcoming legisl« * A tentative BSged tap ian v e program pro g ran, calling caning fi for ex •w e by the Marlon and Polk county Pen«7,514,000 on existing without a reliable con­ XoiniMia grange m eeting in Salem Irrigation project» out of th» reclam ation fund, has been subm itted j A B P I h k continue to pass through cern to back it up. to the budget bureau and to R epre . Hood River valley w arehouses In You’ll keep cool with a Montag be­ te n tativ e L. C. Crampton of Michigan heavy volume, averaging more than cause it is triple insulated with sheet Montag dealers ably lb cars per day. Shipm ents to date chairm an of the bouse sub-committee asbestos which holds the heat INSIDE on t a l e rlor departm ent appropriations have reached >346 carloads, more than represent the reliability by S ecretary of Interior Work. Ex the range—around the oven and under 10«n 22.66^,004 the cooking surface—right where you of the Montag name—a for 1925. would be made on projects situated want it. That's why it uses less fuel, A bottle filled with an ounce ol wholly or In p art In Oregon under th« name backed by reputa­ that's why it bakes evenly, that's sm all gold nuggets was displayed In proposed program. Including >17,714,. Medford by J. A. Taylor, who for a 000 on Owyhee. »,115.000 on A'ale why it’s the most satisfactory and tion of over 40 years short tim e has been operating a mine and >1,831,000 on Klamath. comfortable range to work with. a t Jacksonville. The gold, he said standing with Western Oregon monthly pensions have been w as taken from a hole less than a , Examine the Montag line of Ranges. granted as follows: Mary E. Swain cooks. io o t square See how handsome they arc,—how Portland, >>o; Lydia E Ensley, Port . «(¡¡oh '» • J Stanot. rep resen tativ e In j land, >30; Belina F. Diller, Portland stu rd ily b u ilt. Montag Colonial congress from the second Oregon dis >80; Frede H. Noltner, Portland, >26; When you need a new Ranges satisfy. tric t, has returned to W ashington Louis M. I.ayton, Portland, >26; range go to the Montag from his home at The Dalles in order Adolph Faeaaler, Portland .>20; Alice dealer and buy a M on ­ MONTACI STOVE WORKS to testify as a governm ent wltneea al A. Burton, Portland. » 0 ; Mark B Rolf tag. Portland, On gist th - conspiracy trial of E. H. Doheny son, Portland. » 0 ; M arrin Mc/llnnls Oil msgoMte. Portland, >26; Teofll Mlikowskt, A^ peat. Answioan Legion, a t a torta, >S0; H annah M Wood, Oreelutrn -Sold b y ------ - m^t^pg of the Salem council, pledg >12; Bessie Archibald, C orralllr, >80, •d >2400. payable N ovem ber-1, 1#27 Claude M. H uddleston, Corvallla, >40; With which, to defray »he coala of th«- ■ L ealta • M Btaarna. A ahtaa d, >30, gam m er band concert» and, expense» lAMij* c . Thlhodi-aa. Setuiida, >2t; attending tbe operation %f tkc m uni Jo fh R P arr. Bend, >20; A m asda J* ♦d t - J - _ elpal rest room». M H le ^ B p H n g f ls id ,^ .^ .^ ^ l»,dl '• • » - v - - S I V , . , i --«f V « 0K5CN NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST 4>eing the Ccnfessioi» of a new ii'Lfe — 2 W C X Baker Thanksgiving Greetings First National Bank ■J istagffeta COLONIAL Ranges