The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 25, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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    TH U R SD A Y NOVKMUKR 26. 1826
TH E S P h i a i . c IEI.D AEWH
Eight boxes packed with JoUlea,
Jurn» and o th er food were t i n t 'o
P ortland thia week by thi local igi t
of the A m erican Legion Auxiliary.
The food will be uaed to add tc tb
cheerfulnea» of the
Inunk .. g '
' ---------- i y T t lis s J lv
Improving the Eyes* Good Looks
I, 1« ll I till u l l l<> Hit own any (I«*- Ing It m ust of courae be Used »par
finii' rule for us« «if ■ vi> make-up Ingly,- pl.y i I over the lid unit fadod
U h the iiio , i im portanI | o ' Mi l- h ,tr out at the »Ide« tow ard th e te m p i',
n in'iid 1« Ju
» nl « .‘mi gn ( ¡ r e a l c a r » iiiiih I he taken th a t the
s ’ lilc » 1» iiitiNin when > i > ii apply e lic it la not one of fatigue.
It ami tin n work until you g«t
Kye m akeup alionld never be at
I 'o t l 'i i l a r
Coiorlug, tem pted by anyone except at nig. I
Vlvlilio !< ■ loii-i mill »lx» of Hi» « y
and lIn n i nly If It cun lie don'
llitin l
tul-nii Inin c< in » I < I« rti 111 in »klll’ully and perfectly.
bill t- tuocr iiiivnl In «Ian »cry lin
Ey« iiiuk«up I n frnnklv FORMER SPRINGFIELR
urllfli-lnl. and »h<nil<l be lined only
by tli» type who ap p ear to bent n<lv-
antiigu In nn «atole iihmii I If you be­
W illard M Booker and Mina Nalda
long In Hint dana, you will undoubl Hiulilinun of D etroit, Oregon, w »'e
eitly obtain m im e rlallerln g anil m m arried at Salem November 12 Rev
f i l i n g m u l t i by the uae of eye J F Hunt officiated.
The bride la the charm ing d aughter
makeup, but I f you are th« dem ure,
unsophisticated type, obvloualy eye of F, W Ktuhlmun of D etroit, and
m akeup la not for you. except perbatM form erly atten d ed high school t t
a tiny touch to d ark en Hie laah«a. Hprlngfi»l«l Mr Booker la one of the
m aacara em phaalaea
t h e ownera of th e Newport and Booker
laabea and glv« them body coloring atore al Detroit.
w ithout beading them
W hether you
Mr und Mr». Booker have now r e
bead them or almply color them don l turned from th eir honeymoon.
aliade the eye heavily on th e Inner
By doing ao you make the
C hrysanthem um Meeting
dlatance betw een the eye* narrow er,
Meeting of the (‘hryHanthemuiii
and alnre breadth betw een the eye» club a t th e rc H ld e m e of Mra William
in a algti of Intelligence aa well an Daw »on Tui-Hilay aflernoon wax well
beauty, th ere ta no advantage In ua u l t e n d 'd
I'la n a w e r e -.h u p e il f o r a
Illg mnaenrn In thal m anner
( 'hrtslm a» m eeting to lie conduct <1
If your luahea are long and you al il i home uf Mr» Leland Ewlignk
Jet them black and then it«« d ark ■ n D '< eiuber 22
I he n u ll nn e tte s
brown paste on th e lid», you w'll wilt lie held with Mra. F ran k P e l’.)»
have two ameara. Don't color the on December H.
whole area
P resent at the M eeting W ere: Mr».
A very faint line of llcjuld m uaeara William Dnw'iuin. Mra. J
along (be bottom of the (hl will give ray. Mra. Iceland Ewbank, Mr». J A.
the eye a bacom tne ahndow
W hin H e a v y Mr- H arry M Stew art. Mr».
uaed In connection with eye ahudnw M M Pepry and Mra. Maude P.
From Not! Mrs. E. It
pri-paratlon, th e effect can be Intrigu Bryan
Noti visited here Friday.
aM m aw w
942 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon.
LeadingModesIn Hats
f o r Stylish W om en and M isses
The W inter Season for Millin­
ery ia just under way, and you
have ample time to select a new
Hat which is
In large ;th<l small m odes, velvets w ith trim m ings of
flow ers, m etal cloth, o rn am en ts, o r o th er most acccnt-
able and net ado rm n en t O ttr price give- you a whole
" • • • '! of Vallici New colors and black * For women
and m isses.
"'with an ~0K that counts“
Our <ars reconditioned and refmished in Duco. ix » ok
for the Red Tag. It is your protection.
1826 Chevrolet Touring
1825 Chevrolet Touring
475 00
1824 Ford Ton Truck .....................
1823 Ford Roadster Ditto ............. ................. ...... 187.00
1822 Dodge Touring
1824 Ford Touring
We have others
830 Olive Street
Good news to automobile owners is
the reduction now effective in all
Standard Goodyear Tires.
The Price* on the Various Size* are now as follows:
x >14 Pathfinder Cords
$ 8.80
x 3 ’/2 Goodyear A. W. T. Cords
x 3’/ , Heavy Duty A. W. T. Cords
x 5 Pathfinder Cords .......................
x 5 Goodyear Cords ................................................
31 80
x 4.40 Pathfinder Balloons
x 4.40 GroVed Goodyear A. W. T . .............
x 4.40 Goodyear H. D, A. W T .......... ........................16.65
Thera ia also a reduction of 10 per cent oat tubes.
Danner Motor Co.
Authorraad Feed Servía*» and Bal«*
FINA and A. Btraaflg
Phone 627
■ > —inTiiwTiurirrriiii iinammixi..iiijiiii»ii
I’m Sorry About This But—
hefcv o.ssie»<—
C o u rte sy H th e Rl< hmond ( V s .) T ltn e a -D ia p a U h .
WilHiin of
Here From W altervllle—Joe H a lt
and son of W altervllle were business
visitor-- In tow n late la st week.
Oonna Resident H ere— Donald M
Leaves for Texas— Mrs. L. F. P e r­
< lu i» of Donna was a liu»ln«»s v isit­
due. sister of W. A. Taylor, left W ed­
o r here Monday
nesday for F o rt W orth. Texas.
H ss O peration— Mr« Fred Jones of
M ayer at Florence— Mayor at. I
Murcola underw ent a m inor operation
Mrs. G G. Bushm an s re a t Florence
at M rcy h o srlta l S aturday.
for T hanksgiving d in n er today.
H ere From (Jester—J . W H iggins
A ttend Ball Game— Mr. and Mrs. H
of Dexter .«pint u p art of Saturday E. Maxey w ere am ong Springfield
lu S prfnitleld
resid en ts who attended the football
Javpcr Man Here— Ju liu s Pearson game at C orvallis S aturday.
of Ja s p e r was In town for a abort
Reported Im proved— Alva Atkins,
tim e Saturday.
who underw ent an operation at the
Ja n ito r III—(I. F. W aller. Ja n ito r ot Pacific C hristian hospital S aturday,
the B rn n aln school, th is week was is reported to be Im proving rapidly.
confined to his tied wltn Illness.
From W endling— Mrs. C. M Neet
L um berm an H e re — P eter Nelson, of W endling was a visitor her? Hat-
lum berm an of Eugt ne. was a visitor uritav. and Mrs. Mary G reer of the
a t the Booth-Kelly plant on Monday. sam e place was In town for a shoH
tim e Sunday
Mrs. Blenis H ere— Mrs. Bd. Bier »
R eturn .F rom
P ortland — Dwight
of W allervllle was a visitor lr re F ri­
Kesgey ant, his m other, Mrs. O. il.
K tsscy. a re back a fte r a business trip
K issinger In- -Orval K issinger of to Portland. They were in the metro-
Fall ('re c k war a Sprlnxfleld visitor ro ils several days.
Drive to P ass—Dw ight K essey an I
Here From W estfir—Jo h n Hallan V erneta Morrison drove t. the Mc­
of W vstflr was a v isito r in h -r!n g "hl Kenzie pass Sunday.
They found
Mon lav.
snow o d o tp beyond the lava beds
Move tc Motor Route— Mr. and Mr.-. th at tfe y were forced to back out of
ren v en ien t turning
L. II. W eaver have rnovtd from S'.'l the puss to
C s i r e d to Motor Route C, Eug»n»
Visit At H untly Residence— Mr.
W allace H ere— I w W allace of J
per spent it part cf Monday In S prin t- end Mrs. V incent Monaco left this
week afip r spending several days
j Held.
visiting a t the M. B. H untly resi-
P alm er V isit:— Glenn Palmer, of d m e . Mrs. Monaco Is Mr H tintly's
( Motoi Houte II. whs a v isito r her- d ;.is ti r . T heir residence Is at St.
Mrs. S tew art In—Mr«. Vern Stew ­
a rt of J a s p e r was a v isito r h er S at­
dinners of p atien ts at the V eteraato
H ospital. No. 77.
The contribution» mere collected
from Springfield residents under thu
direction of Mrs, M B. Huntly, presi­
dent of the Atixillaty. A box of ap p les
and an o th er of honey w r
: eluded.
The boxes were shipped north free of
charge by the W illam etto V alley
T ran sfer company
At Grove— Dr. Eugene K ester made
professional call a t C ottage Grove
Payne H ere— Tern Payne of Mar
cola »■»» a visitor Is Springfield Mon­
"Rave Baby Girl— Mr. and Mrs. ( ’.
E Tripp of Elm ira a re th e happy p ar­
e n ts of a baby daughter.
Much Money Cleared
Thi Springfield W. C. T. I ’, cleared
J119 on the recent program a t the
lb II T h eatre Io he used as a benefit
ir the W. C. T. V. ch ild ren ’s farm
ome at Corvaillg. Tills, with other
funds previously collected, will be
spent in purchasing dishes for the
fam e county cottage
At n tpestlng Rt fhe; M ethodist
church Tuesday, a com m ittee of Mrs
M. J. McKHn. Mrs. M. B H untly and
Mrs. Lawrence May was appointed to -
pu-chnse the dishes at a Springfield
Nevere H ere— C A. N evers of
I Motor flcu te (’, Eugene, w as In town
I lor several hours Sunday.
Maroola R esident In— Mrs. Fred
j M lltem berger of Mnrcnln was a v isit­
or here Sunday.
Gymnasium classes for women will
bi gin nt th t C hristian church gym ­
A ttend Ball Game— Mr. anil M.'S. nasium W ednesday D ecember 1. IMA
Floyd Flanery went Io C orvallis S at­ The course win last ten weeks snd is I
urday to atten d the ()regon-Agg:> open to all women of the town over
football game. M M Peery w ork'll JO years of age. tt is requested that
st the drug sto re during Mr. Flan- those Interested enroll on that date
ery 's absence.
and attend classes regularly. M etre,
Bert Snook Bsek— B ert Snook, who hers a re expected to w ear gym shoes
for seven m onths has been In the and otherw ise comply with rules con­
v rte rs n ’a hospital In lhjrtland, has r e ­ cerning the care of the gym
Mrs. Or* Reed H em enw ay who has
turned to his Springfield residence.
Mr Rnook Is much Im proved a fter a had many years experience w ith this
type of work will conduct the classes.
lingering end serious Illness
T here Is no charg e for th is course
Coming foe Thanksgiving — Mm. and It Is believed that mauy will take
Lottie Crawford, son daudall and , advantage of tbs opportunity thus of-
daughter, Dorothy, are Thnnksglvlag freed
Clataea hsgtu promptly at
gnests at tha W H. Pollard residence 7:1» and clos« at *. Members may
today. Mrs Crawford* b o a s Is at enroll with Mrs W. P. t yao»
Oregon City. Rha is a atstar n t Mra.
I'aliard. MIS* Dorothy « a ta m llB g ' DANCK msvaua Hall »vary
0. A B
I feel th a t it is really my DUTY to let you folks IN on m atters of
th is kind, for having been in th is business for some years, I naturally
have noticed MANY things from MY view point which YOU folks out
th ere in front so rts forget a t tim es.
W ithout the least bit of doubt a lot of you are going to crush in
here a few days before Xmas and go berserk trying tc do some LAST
MINIT buying for someone you’d overlooked! Am I RIGHT?
Now. Folks, verhevin's sake, why c a n t you m ake out your list
NOW and then during the m onth of N ovember MAKE your purchase;.
PACK them away. MARK them off your list and LAFF at the wild­
eyed snorting Xmas shoppers who PUT IT OFF until the last m lnlt!
r * «
Economical Yet
Not Good for
VER Y Exciting!
T he RIGHT way to give a kid
A baby 'friu stan ce has ab­
a ar. ra is to include in the
solutely NO us for a Pen and
gift t ME set of Film s The
Pencil Set mad
by S?eaff»r.
FIRST oicture he tak es m ust ne
but I'm rc a ’l.v i-urcrfsed to find
of YCC, the DCM-'R and if
th at I can't for the life of me
yo.i've got any im agination at
think of any one ELSE xho
.'1!. this «hould be a darb Men-
wouldn't b< h a p rie r to get such
t'o n this stipulation on the card
an outfit! Can You think of
accom panying th2 gift. Prices
anyone? Price $l?ao .
♦? ro tc »30.00.
1 nle
you't extrem ely "different ' anil VERY unusual, a divorce
action bores you K r r h ly ? So? I’ve HEARD that S ME people
den ’ mind them at ail but I really believe this sort Is in th m inority
— VERY much in the m inority. How ver. I'm w andering! Our Elec-
t r e H eating Pads for Md feet are THIS WEEK ONLY selling for
}C CC.
W e hav e only a few a t this price.
i '
- - ''A
-i •
Savings Builds Good
A youth who starts out in life with a de­
termination to spend less than he earns anti
to give real service to anyone for whom he
works, will beebme the kind of citizen Am­
erica needs. The one who saves his money
owns a part of the nation's resources and
because of this, is vitally interested in the
prosperity and success of his country.
A Liberty Hell Savings Account will teach
your boy THRIFT and PATRIOTISM. Why
not start one for him with thin bank the
first things tomorrow? When you do. we
will present you with a unique home safe
tiiat is a replica of thefamous Liberty Beil.
The Bell Bank will assist your boy in ac­
quiring the splendid habit of THRIFT at
the very time most habits are formed—fn
P*et»ct»d by Electric Burglarly A larm 9y*fea
Commercial State Bank