T H K S R U N O raO kD NEWS T H U R S D A Y NOVEMBER 28. 1»26 UNDESIRABLE ALIENS MANY SPEAKERS ON Marriage Licenses for Week A D V E R T I S E D LUMBER County Clerk R. M. Bryson baa Issu­ ALREADY SHOWS RESULTS Nearly every plant that grows in the United METHODIST PROGRAM Pabllahed K»«*ry Thursday at ed marriage licenses during the past States is preyed upon by some destructive insert. Sprlnfffiald. Lane County, Orecon, by Seattle, W'n.. Nov. I S - - "Tha con week to the following: Kveiwtt Hath­ Pr W. H I'nllard la to head u The cucumber bug, a sturdy little w arrior whose atanl hammering of the trade pro THE WILLAMETTE P R I M coat Is covered with service s trip 's of m any a s Pr,n« ’*l<* delegation which will at motion camimlgn of the West Coast away and Eunice Bonney, both of Eugene; Theodore Uumlerseu and H K M A X E Y . Editor. hart! campaign. ap|tcara punctually at the time ,h*' Or,'*,,u Mdhotliat Mena mills la bringing results which w« Maude Wallers, both of Eug'-os, Dex­ he can do the most damage, even thought your '■'®uncl* conducted in rnrtiand sea," atated U. K. Anderson tf ter Klsaenger and Dorothy Harwood, aa aecond claaa m atter February 14. IM S at “ • l»atch be miles from your neighbor's. And the •*,'»'*mb*r » and io. Several «Mh-ir can Ihe Anderaon A Middleton Lumber liolh of Full Creeh; Edward llrady poatefflcm Springfield. O r cucum ber bug is only one of a vast arm y on ,,,*nib«r* **>♦ l»«ai church arv> ex- | Company who visited Scuttle on his ami Carry Brady, both of Fall Creek; which anyone who raises vegetables, grains. P,'*'**'«l *** attend the conclave, which way eaat. M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T S Frank Smith, Dexter, and Clara Win- T ea r la Advance___ SITS Three M onth* -T8e flowers, shrubs, fruit trees or the like must wage wl11 b* “ddmaaed by men ot national Now markets ot the greatest value nlngham. Fall Creek; Stanley May- constant war. repute. M o n t h s ______________ SLM Single Copy _ . Se Io Ihiunlaa Hr mills are now being Some of these pests are natives but a great Fifteen hundred Methodiat laymen opened aluug Ihe Atlantic seaboard. hen, Medford, ami Esther CkUeon. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 25. 192« many of the most destructive belong to the cluss “»h»l»tr» »HI bn brought together ' Mr Anderaon said, following up Ihe Collage Grove; William F Morse, Eu­ gene and Edna Morae, Colorado of "undesirable aliens." ,n ,h * convention nr. Bert Ed w art WORDS FROM THE LIPS OF GREAT MEN preliminary advertising and field The gipsy moth, for example, was accidently s "‘,in ”f Chicago, secretary ot Mena work of the West Coast Lumber Springs. “There Are Two, and Only Two, Foundations introduced into M assachusetts from Europe *wlt ,or *”*' denomination, la m Bureau. about 1870- Appropriations by the state of Mas- ,h“rse >’f the noteworthy two-day pro- arfJLxw— Equity and Utility"— Edmund Burke. FO R B A L E — Carbon paper In large sachusetts to be used in the attem pt to exterm l- *rani M a l t tarhaa, suitable for C A L L A N U S E E Dr. N W Em ery nate this pest havb grown from $25.000 a year to 1 hMV’’ ,>Bded Colonel Raymond on price« on plate and other work. If W E HAVE MUCH TO RE THANKFUL FOR I ng iraM ngs T h a News Office. $150,000. In all, several million dollurs have R°bina. »ho la one of the inggeat Looking back over the past year, we of S pring-’ been spent in the tight against the gipsy moth »pe»ker> on the American platform," field have much to be Thankful for. especially but the infested area has grown with the appro- l)r Sm,,h announced to the exec u to,* when we consider that we have had health, h ap-| priatiotis. committee having precouncll arrange- ptness and prosperity in degrees far superior to Four or five years ago the Japanese fruit charge. -H e win give iw . the m ajority of places on the globe. No maladies beetle found its way into this country, supposed- »ddre»«e», one on The outlawry ot A. E. Roberta, Preaident during the past year have broken out in our ly on iris roots, imported from Japan. Whole ",nl other on ihe «octal A catalogue, telling about our Secretarial. Bookkeep­ midst and few people have died with contagious sections in New Jersey, Delaware and Pennsyl- c.o»p«-i of Jeaua.* Hugh ttobson of I ing and Stenographic Courses, sent free to any addreaa, dis. 'ases- 5 vania bear witness to its destructiveness. Fruit Saskatchewan, a great temperance upon request. No extrem e heat nor cold, nor floods nor dry ■ trees, grape vines, shade trees and gardens have ►'■««'••r of Canada, win apeak <>n 'The j Monday is enrollment day. spells, nor windstorm s have caused us to sufTer I been ravaged by the Japanese fruit beetle, in Failure ot the Canadian Liquor aye-| Crops as a whole have been normal and re-j these sections. And it is m arching to other re- ,tMU- ,,r Loren io H. King, one of th<> tu rn s fair I gions despite attem pts to control It. greatest negro oratora in America. Sawmills have curtailed their output in the last j W estward across the coni belt goes the corn »ill give hi» great address on 1192 Willamette Street Eugene, Oregon Phone (»fit» half of the year but have not closet! down as in borer. It has cost the farm ers of the Middle 'Mcthodlama Ministry *o ihe Negro the past. : West vast sums. And the corn borer was Intro- Dr w in w m ion Alexander of Business has been nearly normal, some have duced into the United States from Germany. Atlanta, executive secretary of the i„ m ade eood money and few have failed. ' The boll weevil crossed the Rio Grande from ter-Racui commission win give hia Spring Held is served this year for the first Mexico as a stowaway. At present the Medlter- masterful address on 'Chriatianixing tim e with a main line railroad which promises to ranean fruit fly is crossing the Atlantic on ship- »««* Relationship? We are also g.s aid future development. I nients of white grapes. The list might extend *»« t" have e D ow itaocroft a ro* A new heavy railroad bridge has been built indefinitely. Hundreds of these “undesirable ‘"-*«1 Ohio farmer, who haa »poken iu and term inal facilities in general improved aliens" have come to the United S tates in aliul- almost all of our m en« conventions New ornam ental street lights have been in­ lar fashion, and have thrived here at the expense <>» 'Ood s Substitutes for Man'» Finan- stalled. sidewalks and streets are in the best con­ of our farm ers and fruit raisers r e . Guy cutshntt. president of iwt w here it can be hauled away free. Perhaps the and jail sentences fail. School Io Theology, of Deaver, Colo • • • leaves are raked up and the grass cut on the ratio, W||| niuke an addreaa on 'The parking at this time but there are hundreds of Tell us about the brunettes Barbers at a re­ leaching Task of the Church..* places where this is not done. cent convention estim ated average blonds had Thanksgiving is her«* and most of all w<* are thankful to Really this sort of thing is not a cleanup—it's 150,000 hairs in their heads and red-heads only NOTICE Et)|{ PUBLICATION you folks for the line putronag«* we are r«*c«*ivlng. W«» a m akeshift. There are scores of vacant lots 30,000 on the average. FO REST EXCHANGE have worked hard and long to m ake PERFECTION in the city with piles of old boards, brush, discard­ ” r ‘v i ï v Î ’ ENT O F THK INTERIOR BREAD AND PASTR1E8 what the nam e Implies PER­ ed automobile parts and what not th at has b e e n 1 Rubber surfacing is being tried out in the UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE FECT. And It Is with gratitude in our hcurta th a t we Koneburg. Oregon. there for month and years. One can drive streets of London. It has not been learned November 3. 1926. think of your support. around town and see dozens of these eyesores, w hether this is for the benefit of vehicles or to NOTICE I« hereby given that on Some of them right on main street. Buildings make It easier landing when a pedisteriau is November 1. 1926. Lafayette E Prln-1 This Is Springfield's bakery. W«> are here to serve and built a year or so ago still have the old scaffold- knocked over by an automobile. del. of Pari«. Oregon, nie I application we are truly glad you appreciate that service. No 016671 under the A d of .Mar< li Î ing lying around them. Wooden sidew-alks torn • • • 1022. 142 S la t. 465) to exchange out m onths ago to be replaced with concrete are ft is estim ated that there are 7.000,000 dogs in 20. THE BREAD YOU DO NOT TIRE OF the N E \ SW ',.. S i , S E ’« NW',,. 8e< still lying on the property or parking. the United States. In that case Springfield has 27. Township 15 s Range 9 w . «1 w* ! These are the things that keeps this looking more than her share. M . within the Slualaw National For like a hick town. Let's really cleanup once- • • • ent. for the timber on the s e *» nk ** e e e ’ i» i i it , j i. . ■ . . . ... N F 1«, Section 4. Township 20 S . Fred Frese, Prop. , If Henry Ford has only made 14 million cars Rang- 12 w est, w . M . also within Perklus-Iiaxton Bldg Phone »56 Fifth Street. The modern gown is no longer a creation—it's then a lot of them has passed him twice, says t’1' Riu*law National Forest The purpone of thl.t notice I n to a suggestion. the man in the street who is dodging them. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE IT’S A GOOD SCHOOL Christmas Spirit EGGIMANN’S W e’re Thankful To You Folks! SPRINGFIELD BAKERY BJLLYD£/^RTN£yr^ra/^ ) 4th Friday and Saturday FEA T U R E D A YS allow all per«ona i lalmlng the land« «elected, or having bona flde ob jei. tioiiM lo «uch application, an oppor­ tunity to file their protest with the register o f the District t'nlleg Sint--« Land Office at Koneburg Oregon. Any auch protests or objections must be filed In this o ffic e within thirty days from the date of the first publical Ion ! of this notice, which first publication Is November 18, 1926. non coal HAMILL A. CANADAY, Register. N 18 25: D 29 16 W e W ill Welcome You Ax A Shareholder •with Just an inkling of the merchandising news assem ­ bled for these two big selling days. MILADYS, IMPORTED SCOTCH MADE WOOL SCARFS Outstanding / $1 25 Value At \ —The first impression you’d gain of them would be their exquisite gay colors and pat­ terns. —From Scotland (Labeled as such) and they look It for they’re of rich soft flannel. LACES TO 15c VALUES, YARD .Many a nimble needle worker will welcome this about now with Christm as gifts In the m aking as a bit of dainty lace m eans much in enchant­ ing a had made gift. WOMEN’S SILK LIKE RAYON VESTS — Lov- ly, lustrous quality nnder- things in four of the most popu­ lar selling pastel shades, peach pink, honey or orchid, with ribbon shoulder straps. (First Floor) 68c A TRULY WONDERFUL PRICE ON DRUGSTORE We Mail You the Income MEN’S WOOL KNIT VESTS Splendid ) $5.00 Values) You w ill have no difficulty collecting the income on an investment in the Preferred Shares o f this company. $Q 98 — Thanks to the buying prestige of Eu­ gene’s largest emporium! Chill winter w eather m akes the man who would be both com fortable and sm art turn to these good looking, fine quality wool vests, — tailored to fit perfectly, finished with four pockets, V-neck style. Rich Leather color­ ing, tan and heather mixtures, FEATURING AND INTRODUCING BRILL’S $1»° SILK HOSE —All the newest shades the fair sex are wearing. p We mail you the dividends regularly — by check— every three months. KA NTLEEV Hot Water B o ttle « ^ ^ Can't i< ak becatiM it's made in one piece. j No seams, no patches. M a d e of the finest rubber an d ' ' Guaranteed for two years $ 2 .5 0 Flanery’s Drug Store TA» Jftw You can start investing now with as little as $5 a month. The monthly investment plan is a convenient help to all who wish to save and invest. « You Shinilit Know the Facts About Investment In Out ¡‘reI erred Shares Th» Preferred Sbsrev of Mountain S t a t e s P o w e r Company May Be Purchased From MOUNTAIN STATES POW ER SECURITIES COMPANY <