THE SPRINGFIELD NtBWS TKI'RSDAY NOVHMHKIt 26. 1926 acr résous ) .BUYING 02 SEUMB*1 FUR HKNT U r , r truct gof*d farm laud near Springfield. Choup MBt. a chance for a kiuk I farmer to make some money I .and abould be plowed thia winter. Inquire N< wa office. ***** ’ -- - LTU un, -- --- I _VLILJ W ANTED Ixtdy wiahea houaowork by hour or day. by hour prefered Addreaa Bo« 17», tfprlngflald tf. F t)» HALE Ford lilla »60 (food rond II tun Her rar at 338 A at. N 18 28 H r -M M (I N H IN N TUB CIRCUIT COURT OF THE H * , ™ o r nH K«’<»N. IN ANO FOB LANE COUNTY Ira A Baker and Effie D Baker Hue- band and Wife, Plaintiffs. v a . , laaar K Davla, or hla unknown helra at law. If he la deceased, a Ian all other peraona or partlea unknown claim lnK any right title, eatale. Intereat or Urn In or upon the deal eatatn In the romplalnt described. Defend­ ants. To laaar S On via nr hla unknown helra at law. If he la deceased alao all other peraona or partlea unknown rlalmlng any right, title, oatate. in­ ternet or lien In or upon the real ralalo In the romplalnt dearrlbed. De­ fendants. IN TIIK NAME OF TIIK STATE (IF OREGON. You are hereby requir­ ed to appear and anawer the rom­ plalnt filed ngalnat you In the above entitled ault. within alx week» from the 2kth day of Ortober. 192«, the date of the drat puhllrntlon of thia Sttmmona. to w it: On or before Fri­ day the totli day of December. 192«. and If you an fall to anawer. for want thereof, plaintiff* will take Judgment and de.-ree ngalnat You aa prayed for In ihetr romplalnt. to-wll; That their title to the East «0 arrea of the Houthweat quarter of Section Eleven. Township Nineteen South, Bunge Four Weat of the W illamette Meridian. In Lane County. Oregon, he by the Court forever eatabllabed and quieted aa again*! all the defendnnta, whoth. r named or dearrlbed; thnt you be forever barred ami eatopped from having nr rlalmlng any right, title. Intereat or e«tate In or to aald land* or any part thereof, adverse to plaintiff's title and for auctk other and further relief aa ahall he by the Court deemed Juat and equitable In the premlaea. Thia summons la «erred by publica­ tion thereof once each week for all anrr«»«lve week* In the Springfield New«, publlaed In Springfield. Oregon, hy order of lion G F Sklpworth. Judge of aald Court entered on the 2Mh .lay of October. 192«. and the first puhllrntlon thereof waa made on the 2Htb day of October, 192« A B. WHEELER, Attorney for Plaintiff*, realdlng In and whner poat office addreaa I* Eugene. Oregon. « 8 « : N 4 11 18 25: 1) 2 9 [ b u s in e s s Cl The Loop »I General I-aw Practlce I. M. PETERSON Attorney-at-Law Commercial State Bank Bldg., Springfield, Ore. Call SUTTON TRANSFER Phon« 57 DR. N. W. EMERY DENTIST Sutton Bldfl- Phone 20-J Residence Phone 153-M Springfield, Oregon D. W . Roof JEWELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield. Oregon SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk­ ers at foot of Main on Mill street. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. H A L » — PayrtRl abeetn, —will be held at— GKKKH 8 AUCTION MARKET (Corner Fourth and High Htreeta) Eugene, Oregon Saturday. November 27. 192« Beginning promptly at 1:30 P. M. HO HEAD Comprising Brood Mown. Plga. M ock Hog» and Fat Hog*. Theae will be sorted and penned off according to alae and will he aold In lota to «un the buyer«. Ib'low la an approximate deaerlptlon of the Hog* to be »old: 13 Weanling Pig«, about SO pound» each 13 Shoata about 7b pound» eacb. 44 Fat ling« from 126 pound* to about 27S pound«. H Young brood How», likely farrowed In December, averaging about -2b pound«. 1 Young brood Sow with Pig». J K, GltEKIt, AlUrtlonoer Walch repairing done correctly. Work In today—Out tomorrow, llovt 331 Main at. (r F ü ll HALE—600 Steel Handpower Htumppuller» (30 each. Horae power »75. Automatic Oates Hand Welllwrera. Waterwheel«. tli-3rd Ave., Kenton, Waali tf. ROOF RBPAIR1NO— otd roofs made to last by a paving process will aave you money and grief. Lete g«* fixed right for winter rains. Guaranteed aatlafacUon. Perman­ ently located Phone Eugene 2326J. i. T, Lootnli. Eugene. tf. A G ENTLE REMINDER Pedlaterlan knocked down by a taxi found hlmseir in the way of a steam roller: "Oh that remind» me I waa to bring home some pancake flour." IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE COUNTY. Mary Frances Long, and The Flrat National Rank of Eugene, Oregon, and Mary France* I-nng aa execut­ or» o the I-aat Will and TeaUment of George Sanderson. Deceased.. Plaintiffs vs. Thomaa K Barton and Lucie Barton, hla wife: Joh.t M Barton; Betty June Wlaeman and J. W. Wlaeman. her husband' Surah F Martin and Frank Martin, her husband; Josephine Mclnla- J a n ie* w Barton and Alice Barton, hla wife; Robert C. Barton and Nellie G. Burton, hla wife; Anna M. Rourke; Nannie K. Barton; Rosa W Barton; Agnea Barton; Mar­ garet Barton; The unknown helra of Benjamin R Barton and Rebecca J Burton, deceased; and all other unknown parties who have or claim Home title, eatate. lien or Intereat In the property described in the compliant herein . Defendants. NOTICE Notice 1« hereby given that I. Clate Kprenger, will not be liable to anyone for any debts contracted by my wife, Clara Hpretiger on or alter the date of the flrat publication of thia notice, to-Wit! November 22, 192«. N3S DZ 9 NOTICE OF FINAL HEARINO .NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice la hereby given that the un i Estate of Perry ft. Edmiaton, do- deralgned. Mary Jane Zimmer baa I ceased. filed the final account of her admin- Notice la hereby given that Walter iatratlon of the eatate of Frank J. j W Edmiaton. Administrator of th« Zimmer, Deceased, and that the estate of Perry R. Edmiaton. do- County Court baa fixed December ceased, baa filed In the County Court 24. I9ZA. at 10 o’clock A. M at the of the Hlate of Oregon. In and for Chamber of the Court in the Court I-ane County, bla final report aa aueb NOTICE OF FINAI S F T T l C M r c T Honae, Eugene, Oregon, aa the time administrator; and that ten o’clock The u n d o ra ien w l ax m ' i » i . i ' , ! and place when the Court will ex , In the forenoon of Monday, the 27tR The ““^ T H ^ U m l n U t r a t o r " '¡»m in e and allow .aid final account, day of December.. 192«. at the Cd the Estate of Rena C . ______ , . and aaaign the residue of aald es­ room thereof, having been by tke ceased, ba* filed hla Final Account In ,2 tate. All peraona Interested therein Court, fixed and appointed as tb« the matter of aald estate with the may be beard at that time. time and place of bearing objection« County Clerk of Ixtne County. Oregon, MARY JANE ZIMMER. Executrix. to aald report and of the final settle* and an order has been made and en­ 8. D. ALI-EN, Attorney for Estate. ment of the eatate of said deceased. tered of record by the County Court WALTER W. EDMIRTON Admte- N 25: D 2-9-16-23 of aald County directing tbla notice and appointing Monday, the 6th da> NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT latrator. A. E. WHEELER Attorney. of December. 192«. at ten o'clock A Notice la hereby given that Dora O. N 25: D 2-9-18-23 M fw the hearing of objections to Turney, Executrix of the Eatate of aa d account and the settlem ent of Lydia J. Paxton, deceased, baa filed , " . i i i at*' _ _ 'her final account and report aa auch, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE O F „ r/'V . at F“K,’n,‘'_9.r*"®on' *h,,, ®t h ! and that the Court haa aet Monday. SALE OF REAL PROPERTY day of November. 192« the 8th day of December, 192« at JAMES LAXTON, Admlnlatrator of 10:00 A M. at the County Court Room Notice la hereby given that tb« th e Eatate of RENA C. LAXTON, In the Court House at Eugene. In undersigned Admlnlatrator of tbs Deceased. I-ane County. Oregon, as the time and eatate of John M William*, deceased, N 4-11-18-25: D 2: place to bear objections to the same, will on and after Saturday, the 11th and for final settlem ents of aald day of December. 192«. puranant fa NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate. an order of the Probate Court o f Notlçe Is hereby given that'N elson DORA O. TURNEY, Executrix. Lane County. Oregon, duly made and H. Signor and Alice L. Thompson, WELLS t WELL», Attorney«. entered, offer for sale and sell at p ri­ admlnlatratora of the eatate of Alma N 4-11-18-25: D 2: vate sale at the law offices of Bean Lucina Signor, Deceased, have filed A Brooke In Eugene. Oregon, to th« their final account of their adminis­ hlvhe*t bidder for cash or part cash REGISTRATION OF LAND TITLE and part on terms satisfactory to th« tration of aald estate with the clerk NO..... ................. undersigned, subject to the approval of the County Court of Lane County. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THR State of Oregon, and that the *ald STATE OF OREGON FOR THR of the Court, the following described real property belonging to aald estate, court ha* set a* the time and place COUNTY OF LANE. to-wit: for the final settlem ent of aald ac­ In the matter of the application of The Weat 100 feet of Lota 2 and I count. Saturday. December 18th. 192«. James W Seavey. against Mary B. of Block 4, Mulligan’s Donation to En- foremmn"’ofr aaM dav i t ' i ^ o f f l r e ' n ’f ««»•«•» and • » »horn max concern.igene City on the^Weat’ now’ a"pirTof thé c X t y Judge «Î the i t0 re<1,,ter the “ t,e to lhe following Eugene. Lane County. Oregon, ne . o u n ty J u d g e a t th e < o u n ty C ourt ,i,.»<.r)t>ed land* and n rem lae* t o — it A l.o - a - ..- a -- « x L . House of I-ane County a t F u g e n e I dp*‘ rlbed lands and premise» to-wit: | Alao: An und'tided onedlfth Inter- Oregon All Dersona h a v in g oh?ec Beginning at a point thirty feet eat In and to Iota 1. 2 and 3 and »EH tkMiK irV or bei^'re said Sate o’f , north the tead »outheast S E ^ an of d ‘iota*i • “,£ tn m RH on a t ° b of Hal’ D L corner C N° ’ of 17 the *n of 8W%. 8W 8ec * : 1; the "fSEH d ' f . aectlon 2«. townahlp 17 south, range and 4 of Sec. 9; N E H : NE% o1 ’ 3 weat of the Willamette Meridian. N W H : W>4 of NW%; Stfc of S E H : NELSON H SIGNOR. thence weat 567.80 feet; thence north NE<4 of S E H ; Sec. U : SEH of ALICE L. THOMPSON. Administra­ N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S along the east side of county road NEH ; NWH of NW% and lota 3 and tors. 2833 feet, thence east 564.67 feet to 4 of Sec 15; lot 1 (of »ec. 17. contafa- I. M PETERSON. Attorney. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that the east line of said claim and thence | Ing in all 1077 acres, all In Townahlp N 18-25: D 2 9 16 the undersigned haa hy order of the a uth 2833 feet to the place of begin- 1«. south range 4 east of W. M. County Court of the State of Oregon nlng. Also: An undivided H intereat *u for the County of |x»ne. duly made NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT j Alao; !and to the 8E H : WH of SW H ; anti entered been duly appointed MEETING Beginning at a point 30 feet north SEH of SW ‘i ; Sec 35. Townahlp 1«. mhulnlatralor of the Eatate of Oarar To Whom It May Concern: and «27.8 feet weat of the aoutheaat aouth range 4 E of W M Notice Is hereby given that a meet-1 com er of the Jacob Halatead and wife , Alao: An undivided 14 Intereat In Paraoaa. deceased, and all persons Ing of the legal voters being real-1 D. L. C No. 47 In section 26 township the weat H of S \V H ; SEH of SW H i hnvlng claim s agalnnt *uld estate are dent taxpayers and owners of real I 17 south of range 3 weat Wil. Mer. EH of S E H : SW*4 of SEH . Sec. 1; hereby notified Io present the same, property In Road District No. 5. In running thence west 627 feet thence EH o t SW*4. Sec. 2; WH of N EH ; properly verified t o the administrator I-ane County. Oregon, will be held north 130 feet; thence west 300 fe e t;!E H of NW%; NEH of S E H ; SEH at the office of Frank A DcPue. the at the hour of 2 P. M. on the 27th day thence n,»rth 830 feet, thence west .of NEH- Sec. 11; WH of NW14, See. attorney for the estate at Springfield, of November, A. D 1926, at the 999 6 feet to the east line of the Ore­ 12. all in township 17. south range« Oregon within alx months from the Lower Camp Creek School house In gon & California Railroad right of E. of W M. date of this notice. said Road District, to determine* way; thence north 14 degrees west 8 U .M M O N S Dated November 4. 1928. Also: An undivided H interest it» TO Thomua K Barton and Lucie whether said road district shall le v y , 598 feet to the south line of Vine and to SWH of SEH. Sec 1, lot 4. M M PEERY, Administrator. special tax of »758.57 upon all the M Barton ■ a «|8*clal Barton, hla wife; John FRANK A, DePl'K. Attorney street in Seavey’s addition to Spring Sec. 2: lot 3; SWH of SW H: NEH Betty Jane Wlaeman and J W W ise-'taxable property In said district for field. Lane County. Oregon, thence N 4-11-18-25: D 2: 8W H , Sec. 3: SEH of SW H, Sec. man. her husband; Surah F. M artinl*he purpose of providing funds for east along the said south line of Vine ®: NEH ot NW 1,: W H of N E H i anil Frank Martin, her husband; Jo.*-| Road Grader. s tr e e t 2072.5 feet to the west line of SEH of N EH : NWH of SEH. Sec. NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ephlne Mclnla; James W. Barton and. C. P. BARNARD. County Judge Fifth street in said addition, the same 7: NH of N EH : NWH of N W H ; SETTLEMENT Alice Barton, hla wife; Robert C. Bar-' CLINTO HURD. being a County road, thence Bouth NWH of SWH- Sec. 10. all in town- County Commissioner ton and Nellie G Barton, hla wife; Notice la hereby given that the along said west line 1540 feet to the «bip 1®- south range 4 E. of W. M^ O. E. C RO W E, “• , , I n la c e of b e g in n in g and containing in all. 631 49 acre«. ttl undersigned Admlnlatrator o the ea Anna M. Rourke; Nannie K. Barton; County „ Commissioner p,ac*|g™ undJv(()p() ,ntPregt lloaa W Barton: Agnew Burton; Mar­ tate of Ellen Bowler, deceaned, has N 1118 -.> 1 B a n n in g at a point 1630 feet north an,t *° 'ot to,rnB*1*P 1*- file«! It« arrount for tbo final settle­ garet Barton; the unknown helra of Benjamin R. Barton and Rebecca J. ‘ and 1352.94 feet west of the south "onth range 8 W of W. M.. and con- ment of aald estate In the County Barton, deceased; and all other un- SUM M O N S in all 41^acres.^ oí°“n J ^ é „ , ', n x 'Î * 8 '“? ‘ kno» " *»>-> hav ve or claim I IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE east corner of the Jacob Halstead tainlng Also: An undivided H interest hl D. L. v C. ‘’ No. 47 • ,n in lownnuip township 1 17 south 1 --- r IWB O ’ 1 »mini - - ’ J TV Li. n f - t a l e . Hen O, ix ih riwv ..f ... or Interest in j STATE OF OREGON FOR LANS nt ranRp 3 WPBt w M runninR , hence a"d, . to . E ^ ,S W '4hlaBd1_W ^ l_ 2 h o ..t . / . i i , "l *!?*' ,h e Property described In the com J COUNTY. north 770 feet, thence west 1653 6 feet SEH- ! 1w t0* n’ * 1’R en orlo«k A. M »t lh e plaint herein Defendnnta Nltq, Walla. Plalntlc Va.. James L. to the east line of the Oregon & Cali- ranF* 3 E of £5 County Court room I,* ,,e ,r ,N THE NAMK OF THR STATE! Walla. Defendant House m Eugene, Lam fornia railroad right of way. thence *n al1 _acr(^ ' n - e g n n (ount>. OREGON: You are hereby re-j To James L Walls. Defendant: In ..u j '_ . . v. Oregon, line been by aald Court jqulred to appeur and anawer the com-, |>j THE NAME OF THE STATE south 14 degrees east 794 feet to the ln®. Dated this 4th day of November, fixed na It!«- Glue and p l a c e plaint filed naln»t you In the above o p OREGON: You are hereby re- north line of Vine street in Seavey’s 1926. entllled Court and cause, within alx qulred to appear and answer the com­ addition to Springfield. I^ne County. LOUIS E. BEAN. Administrator for tlnal settlem ent of sald «'State. w> eka from the date of the flrat pub­ plaint filed against you in the above Oregon, thence east along the north Estate of John M Williams, deceased. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. EUGENE lication of thia Hummona. and if you line of Vine street 1460.3 feet to the N11-18-25: D 2-9 OREGON, Admintslrator of the Es fail to ao appear and answer, for entitled suit on or before six weeks place of beginning.. from date of first publication of this (at«' of Ellen Bowler. Deceased All the above described land being want thereof the plaintiff will apply summons, nr for want thereof the BEAN ti BHOOKK. Attorneys. to the Court for the relief prayed for „um tlff will take Judgment against! situated in Lane County. Oregon. NOTICE TO APPEAR N 18 26: D 2 9 16 . .. , , .1 TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON- Ill the complaint, to-wit: for a d e c r e e |you an(j 11 » " 8x P? l|O i* 0 u in » 1 CERN: Take Notice that on the that you and each of y ou 'h ave no >h the relief prayed for In tae complaint November. 192« an appli- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THB right, title. Interest or estate what- and . STATE OF OREGON FOR LANK for a decree of absolute divorce ! cation ’ was filp the Sprlngfl ld News a weekly pear on or before the 27th day of Number 1302991, 1925 Model. F. A. nhip 17. South Ranffv 1 West of th e ! pnhlished at Springfield December, 1926 and show cause why GARNER and CITIZEN» INVEST­ W illamette Meridian, excepting the I-ane ( ounty, Oregon, by order of such application shall not be granted MENT COMPANY, a corporation. <11 on the South side of said ,hp Hon ° F Sklpworth. Judge of the same will be taken as confessed Defendants. claim and lying East of the McMeekin saI" court, made October 26. 1926 and a decree will be entered accord­ TO F A. GARNER. CITIZENS IN­ ¡claim In Ixine County. Oregon listed and first published October 28. ing to the prayer of the application VESTMENT COMPANY, and WHOM and that the title of the plaintiffs in '92®. and you will be forever barred and IT MAY CONCERN: Defendants: said property is good and valid, and | WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Attorney foreclosed from disputing the same. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE 228 Muin St. Residence 125 c St ! that you and each of you be forever! for Plaintjff Residence and Postoffice' R 8. BRYSON, County Clerk. OF OREGON: Address Eugene, Oregon. barred and enjoined from nssertlng FRANK A. DE PUE. Attorney for 62 .1 You and each of you are hereby 62 M O 28: N 4-11-18-25: D 2 9 any claim whatsoever in and to said applicant. Residence, Springfield. notified and will take notice that the premises adverse to the plaintiffs, Oregon. following described personal proper­ Full Auto Equipment and that the deed made bv Rebecca N 25: D 2-9-16 23 HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT ty, to-wit: Lady A ssistant J. Burton and her husband Benjamin One Buick Roadster Automobile, NOTICE is hereby given that the R. Barton, as grantors, to William P. | Notice Is hereby given that Fred bearing 1926 Oregon License Couev. as grantee, on the 10th day of' Wallace as filed his final account . . as State 1-and Board of the State of Number 119 415. Motor Num­ July. 1865. which Is recorded in Book “dm'?1!1tra‘or ° f the cetate of John Oregon will receive sealed bids at ber 1302991. 1925 Model E on Pago 788 thereof of the Deed T. Wallace, Deceased, and that the Its office In the Capitol building at has been seixed by the sheriff of Record» of Lane County, Oregon, court has fixed as the time for hear­ Salem, Oregon, up to 11:00 o’clock Lane County. Oregon, on the 6th day GEO.. N, M c L E A N ing the same 10:00 A. M. of Dec. 10. A. M., February 15, 1927, for all the be reformed so as to properly des­ 1926. at the office of the county Judge State’s interest in the hereinater des- N° VQ.m? erAf1n r « o n 'at an d ^ n 'th e Automobile, Fire and Life cribe the premises therein Intended in the court house tn Eugene. Oregon rribed shore lands, giving however. | Stat f O g^. IN S U R A N C E Io he conveyed, to-wit: All persons Interested In said ac­ to the owner or owners of any lands r icin io « r in d state Surety Bonds Phone 617 The East half of the Benjamin R. count may appear at said time and abutting thereon. the preference H" tpe county Barton and Rebecca J. Barton Dorn- place and be heard thereon. My business It to protect your right to purchase said shore lands a‘ j hag e v e r gi^ P b een and «Ion Land Claim No. 47, Notification FRED 1VALLACE. Administrator. business th(1 posgeSgion and custody No 7191. In Sections 4 and 6. Town­ 9. D. ALLEN, attorney for estate. the highest price offered, provided pQw jg 8«0 W illa m e tte St. Eugene Oregon ship 17. South Range 1 W est of the such offer is made in good faith, also „{ the said sheriff of Lane County. Nll-18-25: D 29 W illamette Meridian In Lane Cpunty, sheriff has reserving to the Board the right to Oregon; that the sal ‘ Oregon. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S made a return of selxure of said per­ reject any and all bids. This summons Is served uptfh you VASBY BROS. Said lands are situated In Lane sonal property, and that the same by publication thereof for six conse­ Notice is hereby given that Ira. C. cutive weeks In the Springfield News, Gates was appointed executor of the County, Oregon, and described as fol­ has been seixed as aforesaid, and is being proceeded against in the above a newspaper of general circulation. Ixtst Will and Testament and Codicil lows: Painting & Decorating Beginning at the corner to frac-1 entitled court and cause or the for­ 1 published In Ixine County. Oregon. In thereto of H Gates, deceased, by In all its branches j conformity with th» order of the Hon. order of the bounty Courty of Lane tlonal Sections 19 and 20. on the feiture of the same, pursuant to the ¡oratile O. F. Sklpworth. Judge of the County, Oregon, duly made the 4th W est «here of Triangle Lake. In T. provisions of Capter 29. General Law« 312 Main Street 16 S. R 7 W Willamette Meridian, of Oregon for 1923; and above entitled Court, made and en­ day of November. 1926. Alt persons You and each of you, and all per­ tered on the 27t-h, day of October, having claims against «aid estate of and running thence along U. S. Gov­ sons having or claiming to have any 1926. Date of first publication there­ II. Gates are hereby notified to pres­ ernment Line, Interest in said Buick automobile ent the same, with proper vouchers, N. 59* W 8.00 chains of Is the 28th day of October. 192« above described, are hereby required DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL 2.00 chain» N. 34*00’ W. L. L. RAY. Attorney for Plaintiffs. to the said executor at the office of N. 57*00’ W. 8.00 chains to appear before the above entitled •Vstnfllcr Address. Eugene. Oregon. Donald Young, attorney, 860 Willam­ DENTIST ette Street. Eugene. Oregon, within court in the court house in Lane N, 28*00’ W 1.59 chains O 28: N 4-11-18 25: D 2 9 six month« from the date of this East 4.96 chains to present lake County. Oregon, at Eugene, hy the Phone 43 notice. 6th dav of December. 1926. said day Dated at Eugene, Oregon, the 11th shore. F lre t N a t’l Bank Bldg., Springfield S. 60*00’ E. 6.16 chains along pres­ being the answer-day in this cause, ¡NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT day of November 192«. which has heretofore been duly set NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That TRA C. GATES. Executor of the ent lake shore. bv the above entitled Court, to de­ ' Cliff Abrams, the duly appointed, estate of It. Gates, deceased. I » 8.38' E. 3.06 chains along pres fend against these proceedings, and qualified and acting administrator of DONALD YOUNG, Attorney for ent lake shore. upon your failure so to do a judg­ ¡the estate of Josephine B. Ahrams, estate. WM. G. HUGHES S. 62* 45’ E. 4.50 cains along pres­ ment of forfeiture of said Buick auto­ i deceased, has rendered and filed In Nll-18-25: D 2-9 ent lake shore. F IR E A N D A U T O IN S U R A N C E mobile above described will be ap­ the County Court of the State of Ore­ S. 41*54' E. 3.92 chains along pres­ plied for. NOTARY PUBLIC gon for the County of Lane, his Anal ent lake shore. This notice is Issued and (Greeted j account and by order of said Court, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Office at Notice Is hereby given that Harold ■ Saturday December 11, 1926 at the S. 49*26’ W. 147 chains along pres­ to you and each of you pursuant to hour of ten o’clock A. M. of said day J. Well«, the Administrator of the ent lake shore to place of beginning t.h« order .duly made and entered by FIRST NATIONAL* BANK Springfield, the above entitled Court on the 16th at the County Court room In tbo city Estate of Sarah M. Davis, deceased, containing 5.14 acres. Oregon of Eugene, Ix»ne County, Oregon, has has filed his final account and report Applications should be accompan­ day of November, 1926. WITNESS my hand and the seal of as such, and the Court has set Mon heen fixed and appointed as the day. ied by check or draft for the amount time and place for the hearing of day, December 6. 1926, at 10:00 A. M of bid and should be addressed to said Court affixed at Eugene, in I-ane objections to said final account and to hear objections to the same, and G. G. Brown, Clerk of State Land County, Oregion. this 17th day of FRANK A. DE PUE the settlem ent thereof. All object­ at the County Court Room In the Board. Salem. Oregon, and marked November; 192«. A TTO R N E Y A T LAW ions must be In writing and filed with Court House at Eugene, In I-ane Application and bid to purchase Circuit R- 8 BRYSON. County N O T A R Y P U B L IC the Clerk of said Cxiurt on or before County. Oregon, as the tim e and place! shore lands, Court Clerk of Lane Coqnty. Ore- for the final settlem ent of said »state. goo. and en-ofllclo clerk of said day and t»me. Dated at Salem, Oregon. November Seal Oregon Springfield, C.LIFF ABRAMS. Administrator. HARO LD J W ELLS, said Circuit Court. ______ 15. 1»M. Springfield, 8utton FRANK A. DE PUB. Attorney for By DOMRIB L BETTI», Administrator. O. « BROWN. Clerk of SUte Land Oregon. Building WELLS A Wni.I-S. Attorneys. » » , » D tputy. the estate. Board. Nll-18-25: D 3 9 N 4-11 1125: D 3: N 13-35: D 3-9 16 33-3«: J « l i t» K 11» final settlem ent d ir e c t o r y Your Horn* When In Springfield OR HOGS AT AUCTION Special Auction Hale of Hog« gnau, aovj 1 ■nd In »book nt tka N e«e R ovbj »Utukto lor rend, work, anwrollla. Me., with ta t «oropoto wartronn’u enmpem and dettactlens. Mb employur d W. F. Walker Funeral Director W . > '