I ’ THURSDAY NOVEMBER 2ft. 192ft THE SPRING PI Kl J ) NEWS PAGE TW O Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L A D V O C A T E S L A F R G E N. W. P R U N E M A R K E T AG EN C Y H O U S E H O LD H IN T S To M ake Up Car Explosives Moving Saw m ill Glenn Anderson is busy th is week m oving a saw m ill from the Hayden bridge d istrict to C ottage Grov». Anderson and Son have a new tim ber acreage in this d istric t to work on. Old M r. C a rte r Helped by Simple M ixture “A fter taking A dlerika 1 feel b et­ te r than for years. A t my age (SO) It Is Ideal—so differen t from oth er m edicines.” (signed) W. W. C arter, A dlerika is a sim ple m ixture of bu tk - thorn bark, glycerine, etc., which rem oves GAS In ten m inutes and often brings su rp risin g relief to the stom ach. Stops th a t full, bloated feeling. Brings out old w aste-m at­ te r you n ever thought was in your system . E xcellent for chronic constl- Ccc. F la r e r y ’s Drug store. W hat’» Brighter Than a Bright Kitchen? S I and span. Clean. B r il­ ONLY lia n tly lig h te d . No peer­ 75c in g in to cupboards, ovens o r ice-boxes. N o can- DOWN openers p la y in g hide and d c A t o u r expense, have a D a y lig h t K itc h e n U n it in ­ stalled to d a y. IF i t does n o t sell its e lf to n ig h t, we w ill replace y o u r o ld fix ­ tu re I f y o u keep it, pay o n ly 75c d o w n and $1.00 m o n th ly , w ith y o u r lig h t bUL Two models pries $7.Oft and $8.00. C O U N T V U N IT n O . 14 Community News G ARDEN W AY The S unshine Club met with Mrs F rank Itailev T hursday afternoon. After a sort business meeting, th e ladies did fancy work and m ade plans for the Silver lea which w ill bo h e ll at the hom e of Mrs. H arry C hase December 2. Virgil Jan ies who Joined the navy during the sum m er is home from San Diego. C alifornia on a ten day fur­ lough On his retu rn he will be a -- coni panted by C harles Wilson, a Springfield youth, who will also Join the navy. Mr. and Mrs. b e a te r Cyr and d au g h­ ter. Dora May. are at K lam ath Falls for a w eek's visit. Mr. and Mrs. F ran k Halley and daughter. Dorothea, spent Sunday at Franklin Mr and Mrs W ilfred Cook accom­ panied Merle Case to Richmond C al­ ifornia. Mr Cook will retu rn th . week, but Mrs. Cook will rem ain in­ definitely or a visit at the C. Cooks home Mr and Mrs Jay Fish and family visited th e J C. Bailey fam ily nt J a s p e r Sunday. Ira Cline leaves next week for S h trld an . M issouri, where he will ro- side. C. E. Bailey of C heehire sp en t t*i" 900 N E W S E T T L E R S AN D $3.000.000 COM E T O S T A T E P rogress in bringing new blood t> O regon's farm lands Is m arked by the ann u al report of the land se ttl •- m ent d ep artm en t of the sta te and Portland cham bers of com m erce, directed by W. G Ide which show s th at during Hie fiscal year ending September 30. 9119 fam ilies have b» en located on farm s in various part« f the state, a n l th a t the troné-' n - vi sted by the««' new com ers to tals |2.- 999 718. The program of the land settlem-'ii* d e p a rtm e n t ha been In operation fot th e past th ree and one-haif y ears during which tim e 2 228 fam ilies ha 'e been placed on Oregon farm s directly through efforts of th e d epartm ent. According to Mr. Ide th e Initial capital investm ent of this body t f se ttle rs is $8.697.440. In the work of securing the prop r grow th and developm ent of Oregon by getting Its farm Ian la occupb d and used, the cooperation of real­ to rs and com m ercial clubs in tb • various counties of the state Is pr ing a great factor. T h at ■ ■ "ry « tlon of O regon is organized action to tfiak« this work c"icllv « is shown by n portion of thi annual re p o r’ which show s 28 co u n tie, accountin'’ for the distrib u tio n of th ese linin'- seekers. In 604 cases the county of location has been reported by the lo­ cal cerum en ial organization, ami hut 305 of the 909 fam ilies w ere not so Rated. T h e s ' 305 were shown l»y the d e­ p artm en t's own record - to have found th'-lr hem es in those 28 counties and the rem aining eight of the 36 rottn- th s F R E E T R IA L LA N E THURSTO N • • • • A m alagraation of prune grow ers in­ t From School of Home Kíonomlc.» to a untflcd sales agency lh at would —O. A. C.t Control the northw est dried pruue A w ater spot .in silk crepe often . crop and thereby be able to finance d isap p ear if tn e tim e r nail is ru b li-.1 gnd conduct a u.it i,..i w ide sales », lightly over the discoloration vice is advocated by V J Hurd, •p ecialist I n organization and C urdling of m ayonnaise is a v e rte t m a rk e ts for the O. A. C. extension by udding a tablespoon of cold w ater •ervice. as the m ost likely m eans of to the egg yolk beore using any oil. S tabilising the prune industry in O r> gon and W ashington. A bar of soap aud a hand tow el n ear P resent m ethods of m arketing the the kitchen sink save many trip s u Italian prune cro p in th ese sta te s th e bathroom to wash the bands. may be com pared to a funnel with a large mouth and a very sm all neck, are Jolted down believes Mr. Hurd. Packers, brokers, M em orandums and cooperative associations consti­ quickly if a pencil and pad are hung in a convenient place in the kitchen. tu te the mouth of the funnel. R etail d ealers a re the neck through which To hold the hot iron in place for prunes m ust flow in reaching the con­ steam ing velvet, the sleeve board is sum er. Vigorous, extensive, well slipped through the handle of the placed advertising would tend to en ­ electric iron which stay s firmly in large the funnel neck and perm it place with flat surface up. prunes to flow to consum ers in larg er q u antities than a t present reach A vacuum clean er is useful to them . No private d istrib u to r can af­ tran sfer feath ers from one pillow to ford the expense of such a campaign, another. The new pillow is fastened nor can a cooperative association un­ in place of dust bag and nozzle n- less th a t association controls a very serted in th e o th er pillow. large p art of the to tal prune output. Mr. Hurd, opines An ink spot on a rug ts often re­ To be m ost efftctiTe, ad vertising moved by rubbing with a piece of raw m ust be planned on a com m odity potato. basis ra th e r than on the basis of brands and labels, suggests Mr. Hurd. Car of Lime Coming to Donna The Italian tart-sw eet prune is so A carload of lim e for soil treatm en t distinctive th at it lends itself well to of farm lands in th e Mohawk valley comm odity prom otion, ana only a has been ordered by farm ers. Tile sm all am ount of the benefits of th at car will be unloaded at Donna. As prom otion would accru e to o th er vari­ the s ta te lime plant cannot yet furn­ eties of the prune, he believes. ish the lime th ere is still tim e for In the Italian prune Mr. Hurd sees a few farm ers in th a t section to get a crop that m erits encouragem ent tn an order in the car. says county agent W estern Oregon and W ashington. He O. C. Fletcher. points out th a t the trees require little The lime is used to neutralize th e atten tio n as com pared with o th er acid in the soil for legum e crops Ex­ tre e fruits, they come into bearing perim en tal aifnlfa plots treated with e a rlie r than m ost o th er fru its and lim e and not tre a te d show ed the th e crop is one of the few of those value of the iime th is sum m er to produced in the I’acitic sta te s th a t a re not grown equally well and much such an extent th a t farm ers have not h esitated to use i t From one to two n earer the great consum ing m arkets. j tons to th e acre are being used. The county court has ordered 10.- 000 pounds of pyrotol, w artim e su> plus explosive, and when o rders from individuals a re received to taling 19,- 000 pounds a carload will be ordered, according to C ounty A gent O. C. F letcher. T here is on hand orders to r 2250 pounds but 7000 pounds a r? yet needed to m a k e , up the car. P U B L IC A T IO N seek. N o c h in a b ro ke n on d a rk shelves. T he D a y lig h t K itc h e n U n it th ro w s a c le a r lig h t to the ve ry c o rn e rs o f y o u r k i t ­ chen B rig h te n s th e room . L ig h te n s th e d a ily ta sks. And its lo w p rice m akes It possible fo r every house­ w ife to have a d a y lig h t k itc h e n — d a y aud n ig h t. DA YUGHT YOUR KITCHEN Mountain State* Power Co. of O regon. E X T R A H E L P T O SP EE D H A N D L IN G X M A S M A IL Mildred Ih’ice spent the week «-n-t A uthorization of ex tra assistan ce in in C orvallis visiting lo r brothers who ' handling the C hristm as in id s was rw ••••• atten d in g t> A C tb re Mr. and Mrs Buyers motored no celvi ! tin Wish by l'o»ttua»U»r F. week end with th«' F h family 1 111 '» froiij P ortland Saturday, evening ii Hamlin Mr and Mrs I Cltile will e n tertain spent Sunday III \ W Weaver » M ' th« arrangi no nls this y»ar are belt r the following relatives nt a Thank-, Buyers was int.m uting nil wiring than ever b e f o r e , mid that ezcelb' 'I Mr. and giving dinner Thursday some of Hie h uses in T hurston for service may I'»* expected by th»» Mrs. Hob C raw ford. Mr and Mrs public. electricity Frank Kingsley and family. Mr. u t i l tin Decniber 11 Ini Nice, part tim e S aturday evening ns Fred Gray was Mrs H enry Meyers ant daughter. in his burn doing his chores, lie beard assistant, will go on lull tune duty, Iloris, Mr. and Mrs O. Sm ith, ami a couple of shots from a 22 rifle and W henever tiecessary. N *• N ettleton Mrs W. S Dodd when lie wont 1» Investigate he til» and Ketm th Dillard will Ingin w ink­ A little son arrived at the hom e of covered som eone hail shot a large ing as assista n ts In bolli the ottlc» Mr and Mrs Bruce T hom as Sunday turki y w eighing 20 pounds. He suc­ and in village delivery A reoepilon was held for Mr. and The posi m aster emphnslx the need ceeded In gelling the turkey but not Mrs. Murk Cob at the home of Mr of shopping and mulling x (■'tided visit with his parents. Mr ' slight stro k es and fell and broke Mrs W alter A Woodard, who as und Mrs A. W W eaver several ribs. Miss Edna Ward was I x it n - i nntv l.ee King returned to Newport last rtie Red Cross m em bership cam ­ treasu rer for it num ber of years died paign has not progressed so well at S aturday a fter apt ndlng several daya at a Eugene hospital ¡Saturday a fte r 1 leasan t Hill a s was hoped owing t » here on business. j a brief illness with pneum onia Th« Last F'rlday night the Blue River the bud w eather It hus been very funeral was held In F'ugnte. and in hard for the solicitors to got around. basket bull n am of girts played the : ternm ent In the I <> tl F cemwtety, local team Th»' home team won T he P leasant Hill public school Surviving Mrs Wotxlnrd are tier gave a splendid program last F'rlday th e Vhla boys team played against husband and m other, and ttir-.e at the C hristian chnrch. Tney w a T .iurstcn. Vida won The Vida girl'« brothers, William A Ward of Cot- assisted by a piano and violin a rtist team played three-quarters time on tagt Grove. G bm i and Barton W a.d of Eugene, who held I ho auilli-n -e [ tin* local floor a fte r the other games of Eugene T here are tw o rti»t>- The V M C. A. I earn from Eugene breathless with th eir music. After , children, Genevieve and Alton W ool­ the program baskets were sold a n l was to have playad Villa, but falb d ard to come. (17 was taken tn. . — respondent» The C hrlsitan Endeavor society Cow T e tte r III w ill give a sis Ial a t th«' church Wed Freem an Dull, association cow te s t­ n> sday night N ovem ber 24 A family reunion and dinner was er, hus undergone an operation at the h» Id ut the W. I. Bristow home S u n -! hospital am i Is unable to be at his Mr B arger Is testing In his day noon. Those present w in Mr, work and Mr C. I*. Mason and sm all sin place. It is announced that three or of Gallup. New Mexico. .Mr. and Mrs four m ore herds can be tested by th Morton Bristow and two children of association ns sonte have been sold P- ugra. Mr. and Mrs. H arr) Keen y and dropped out of Uie as»oclatio*i Grove Has I è 4 4 Troop (Irgnnltuttnu of (fotta;»' Grove busln«'ss n u li into a grotti lhai will sponsor Hie format n n of one nr two boy scout troops was c o m p le ti nt him Iiron F'rlday noon at the Hotel Bartell (’. A. Clark, county »(»rB- live, was pr»-i nt nt tin- me ting Mrs. C»rp«nter III— Mr- t'a r l C ar­ of Eugetn-. Mr. and Mrs Ma on and 81» i I taju repairing correctly dune. pi liter, of east Springfield, suffered son left for th eir home in Now .Mex­ tf. a stroke of paralysis yesterday. ico T uesday morning going by util >. Eoyt 121 Main st. t'he new construction work ut the I n inn High school No 1 has been com pleted and the show er In the gym nasium are being used The first basket hall game of the season will be held Frldy night when th» alum ni will play the high school team The line up will be center. Donald K abler; forwards. K enneth McKenzie and C larence Monson; guards. C arl Lin­ ton and Eugene Parker. Th«' student bisly of the I' 11. S No. 1 has Isen divid’ d Into two lit r- ary clubs each clip' giving a 30 n In $7.00 30x3 Fabric 29x4 40 Balloon $10.05 uie program every o th e r F'rlday. .8.80 30 x 3 ’/2 Cord 30x5.25 Balloon 16 40 P oints on the program s will I«' added 30x3’ 2 Oversizo 9 23 31x5.25 17.03 i r at the ml of th» y ear and Li-» 14 15 31x4 Cord i!» having th ' most jo i n t' will h” 30x5 77 19.25 i n’c rtn i’ipil by the losing side. 32x4 Cord 33x6.00 14.85 2 04 0 R e p o rts from O akland, C alifornia ; • to t • effect Hint E m ery Bchoed- Get our prices on tires a" tu b ’ s before buying elsewhere e r 'h o was taken with an actu e at- tael of appendicitis had stood the opera lion well and was progressing TIRES Com pare Our Prices nicely. C. E. Jordan who w nt to P ortland to the V eteran's hospital retu rn ed last week lb t!i< not undergo an operation as was expected. SPRINGFIELD GARAGE KV! lY T H IX G FO R YO U R \U T O P hone U - J 414 M ain Whcr** 'h e c lo s e s t cooperation has been carried on by the local organizations with th» P ort­ land office, the g reatest resu lts aro shown Lane county took the lead In re­ porting n* w comers for th e year, its record show ing 102. -ahíle .Marlon ran second with 87 and Jos* bin» followed a close third with 79. B nten rep o rtin g 45 alm ost tied with Jack- son which listed 44 C lackam as ex­ ceeded W ashington county by two, show ing 38 to the la tte r's 36. The num ber of fam ilies in >ach county according to the report of th< local organizations. Is as follow«: Benton 45, Clackamas 38, t 'l a t ’ op Columbia 1». Coos 6, Crook 3. D - schute* 15. Douglas 27. Hood lllv e r J, Jackson 44. Josephine 7». ElkinaCl 11, Lane 102. Linn 15. Marlon 87. Mor row 4, M ultnom ah 30, Polk 2. Mal­ heur 2 Tillamook 2, Lincoln 3. 11«». ney 1. ( m ating 4, l 'n o n 1. W allow » 3. W n sh ln g lo n 36 Yamhill 1» and W asco 1. T he departm ent is now in co rres­ pondence with thousands of farm ers in the East, Middle West and Mouth west where th e d iversity of Oregon's reso u rces and d esirab ility of her farm lands are now becoming well know* D uring the past fiscal year, ' the department handled 67.102 letters i and Inquiries from outsiders directed ' to the department, end 11,081 referred to the department by the railroad i companies More than 47,000 piece« Jo< Ateratlere were mailed ont from I U a Fartlaed a«ae. the loeal nhaa- J here fotlnwtag this service with me- ieecrlgMve wf (kali awg <1* CrfFtn By Special BOYS’ FLEEC E L IN E D UNION H oyo’ R ub be r B o O t 8I G o o d 1 leavy B la c k Rubber. Size 1 to 5. R e g u la r $3.00 Valu«», $1.98 56 ST O R ES S U IT S , Size 6 to 16, 85c P a rt W ool U nion Suits- Size 6 to 16, $1 -2' j 6 T H & W IL L A M E T T E 1 1 1 Ladle« L ig h t T an O X FO R D S In F a n c y G re v o r T a n T rim . M edium and I«ow Heel«. $6.50 Value«, $4.95 I I C. J. BREIEfl CO. IN THE W EST S T O R E NO. 1 1 E U G E N E, O RE. M E N ’S S H O E S H ea vy W o rk Shoes, in Illa e k o r B ro w n . A rea l value a t o u r lo w price«. $3 50 to $4-95 M E N ’S W O R K SOX W ool M ixed and A ll W ool in a ll color«. A t o u r usunl lo w Price« 25c to 95c L adies P a te n t L e a t h e r S T E P -IN S and S tra p Pum ps. S pike Heels. P lain o r w ith S m a ll B u c k le $4.50 to $5-85 C H IP P E W A [«oggers Pegged o r C alke d. In 10, 12, 14 and 16 In c h Top«. $10.50 to $13.50 A C om plete L in e o f M E N ’S R U B B E R SH O ES. Knee and H ip Boot«, and R ubltem . G et o u r price« beore you buy. Iaadies T A N O X F O R B S and T ie s , M edium , o r Ix n v Heel. Good w e a rin g le a th e r Sole. $2.85 M E N 'S O X FO R D S B la ck o r U g h t T a n In the N ew W ide Toe. Real B re ic r Value«, $4-95 M en ’« P a rt W ool U nion Suit«, H ea vy W e ig h t. O ur p rice o n ly $1.98 to $2.85 M IS S E S PU M PS ANO O X FO R D S . P a te n t L e a th e r and U g h t T a n . Good ■variety to ohooae fr o m $1.98 to $3 At DRESS SHOES T a n , llr o w n and B la ck. Tn G u n M e ta l, K id and C alf. O u r » riv e * range fro m $3.99 to H-M Men’* Medium 0 r Heavy Weight COTTON ONTON 8UITB. >1.2S to HW ----- “It Always Pays To Bi Braiats” 1 1 4 I >