I THE SPRINGFIELD C hriitin a* H u u r u n w ill ba n>T» th«’ F rat N tl>»nul1 bunk in Fì-ìiru try , 1920. la (li h pitaci- of L. (1 Hulin P iev i,,U* th • t h<- had I»-, i tl U li iplt yrd a! ( lb4 nk n f C l . I l l , n e r e • in Eugon»* Mr M uniti haa n Imir ;mur*»it T u rk e y R cignS in . f 1 'T ’ J L IV E NEW SPAPER TOW N IN A L IV E NUMBER 4« R eject Fire Bonds On T echnicalities N ew “ Hab' S p rin g field to d a y Mayor Predicts Situation Will Bo Cleared By Election New Charter Needed to Sup­ Next Jaunary plant Old Document say» Sal,' of the $7000 Springfield f i r - Councilmen; Change Would bond« ha* been halted by a tto rn o -s be Put up to Voters at Spec­ of the bonding hom e because of tech- ial Election. ' nicalltle* in the proposition voted In Union Services Will Be Con­ ducted At Christian Church This Eevening, Plan T urkey lu reigning auprem e In Hprlnglb-lil today, with stores, school» und In d u strial p lan ts quiet. Tin uplrlt of T hanksgiving will bo ol,serve,l In a union service f t HprlBgltcld < bur, he» rnndui ted a t tho (Tirlutlun church. with Rev. <’. '-I Ilium of thi- Ilaptlat uhurch g I ivin g J th e bi •rnun. The K, rvlt-eii will ta rt Rev G abriel at 7.:SO o ch ick of 111 Med [„„list church un,l lie h i; irhilon for Co,tug,- Gr .ve, who High Mchor■1 team will tuee Gi <>vt• foot ballern. Pupil* of th e public school* a re e n ­ joying a holiday today which will continue until Monday. T he postottlce will be open an hour today lor window delivery. * X Paop.a • Pap»«* election la f sum m er. It w as ramie public yesterday by Mayor 'I. Bushman and I'ity A ttorney Ira P eterson rbe proposition should have read a m e n d th e c l’ ] ch a rte r.” while In i b a llo ts used t e city was merely a u th o riz 'd to sell bonds for pun-haw­ ing additional equipm ent for the fire dep artm en t The ch arter, it is said, I* not c h a r on thi point, but a t­ torneys of the bonding house were unfavorable to the bonds under the circum stances. M ayor Bushm an said th a t It la hoped to clear up the e n tire propost- : a t an election to be conducted In January, when it is proposed to vot- a new c h a rte r for Springfield. Hv changing th e provisions in the ch arter. It may be made to read so I th a t fu rth er action on validating the bonds will be unnecessary. I th e Im p '! Springfield may he re-lnci rporated a a city instead of a t<-*n and a new c h a rte r adopted If plan.-' of the city < ouncll m aterialize. S teps tow ard fram ing a new c h a rte r w r e discuss­ y ed a t the council m eeting Monday e v e n in g a n d th e < ty attorney o rd er­ ed to make a r e to r t of the cost and requirem ents at the next m eeting. I lAvyoc* « va «T i i I A - ecial election likely will be do h, Hevi Here i , G a o r/f 11. Combs Jr., 27 H in d i' I ' b-- eld in Jan u ary to pass on the y.-ar old congre inan-elect from oi lak e i new docum ent. 6th D is tric t o f M issouri, who w ill The , b arte r the town Is working go to W ashington as the “ Baby under now Is obsolete and has been Member” o f Congre s. He ran for am ended several tim es Councilmen election to the same office wi en CHILDREN GIVEN TO only 25 but was defeated. all ag ree th a t a new c h a rte r Is need­ Al MOTHER DURING SUIT ed and if a new one is made some of them believe th a t it would be b e tte r to incorporate as a city instead 4 and of a town. lb propor li » n It will be necessary to subm it any Springfield, during tin p end­ (■ olon. accori r of change in th e c h a rte r to a vote o f i ni -y of Mr*. H prenger'u diver,-e ac­ «uninilitf* i'hiilrnii I the people. R ath er th a t continue to tion ag ain st her huubnnd. wu* made hau d 'i b l f d not Assessments May Go I n t o am end the old c h a rte r councilmen j by the eobrt Monday. I It" children w lih Ho- p n u -tn s BUDGET TO BE TALKED Bonds or Be Paid At Once believe th at is would be b e tte r to have been In th e ir fath e r’* hand* h u i w ill c o n tin u e At Citizen’s Option AT MEET FRIDAY NIGHT d raft a whole up-to-date docum ent. c o n i mluulou In In r com plaint. Mr* Spri tig e r u * it ! , ' highway I Cost of am ending th e old c h arter a t s e rts th at Spretiger became Infant county court In ruuhin« Adoption of an ordinance providing T axpayers of the Springfield school an election would be practically the ate,I with Mr*. Han Mulllver, and :ba* AGED LANE PIONEER m enta for th. low brbtx* for paym ent of assessm ents on pro­ d istric t on Friday night will decide game ag m aking an en tire new one. Mr Morrison unlit today Hint tic when Sprenger attem pted to take the DIES AT METZGAR perty charged for betw een $7000 and w hether o|^ not the d istrict will e x -, A ttorneys for bonding houses have h u t been nuuiired (but the bridge children «way with him and Mrs. 98000 in sidew alk construction, un­ te e d tlfe 6 per cent lim itation on an obJected to th e old c h arter several f a train nt th e Second stre e t cro«s- (¡rove. Joe S ylvester of M etzgar and i The sidew alk construction program ranted indebtedness of the Spring- j can hardly be handled w ithout falling rluon. Thlu la one of the m atter* mg. Jam ltavfs of Portland, fo rm er; C harles S ylvester of Canary. I was com pleted last week by Briggs field district. , ap art. It is to satisfy all th ese re- which will be considered at Tue* Springfield resident, allowed the car , T he funeral was held T uesday at and Doty. “ i quirem ents th a t the council now feel» day'« session Engineer* are expect- tc crash Inlc th e »Id« of th e locomo i th e W alker parlor. with Rev. S. E. B u d g e t A d o p te d FIELD OFFICERS HERE J th a t a new c h a rte r and a general re- «*'. to viali Sprlngll'dd In a few day* tlve. C hilders In charge. At a m eeting on Monday night, the FOR SESSION OF 4-L view of city ordinances a re necea- to survey the altuatlon. It I* thought A front wheel was torn from -he | City Council and taxpayers adopted sary. likely th at the upan will be titilli on i nr and a fender badly sm ushed The ALFRED B. AUSMAN the $29.729 budget draw n up by the N eighboring mills are to be asked th e old «tree! c ar pier*, thun afford autom obile wa* thrown com pletely i DIES AT BLUE RIVER city budget com m ittee. The financlal to join the Loyal Legion of Loggers SPRINGFIELD PRIMED tng a direct route front Eugene to around by the force of the Impact schedule, by virtue of this action, will and Lum berm en organization, ac- , Springfield R esident of Blue R iver for 26 go Into effect for providing financial Davl* wa* uninjured. FOR T ILT WITH GROVE cording to plans developed a t a m eet-' Juaf what action may he taken hv The P ortland man was en ro u te t o , years. Alfred B. Ausman died at hts ap p r„pr |a , |,)ns for m unicipal govern Ing of the local unit T uesday night. I th e comnrlsslon wa* not predicted by C ottage Grove. nun«- year v ea r , . v j i Springfield High Sch ools fighting The train which ¡h o m e th ere Monday monlng. M r., nlent during the coming ing year. Among operations to be invited are , T. „ . . . Mr M orrison, hut he I* optim istic struck his c ar -was a Southern F a d AUKtnan was 60 y ears old. and t h e ; Following are m th e a n o r o n r ia t io n , v o J football . team today one of tn e appropriation yjp W estern Lum ber Company at . . will end „ over the prospects of traffic passing 11, freight. . J J7L , . the m ost successful seasons in local d eath cam e unexpectedly He Is sur- jn the budget: stre e t im p ro v e ... W estfir, and th e Anderson-M iddleton over the now and safe bridge here In grid history when it m eets C ottage vlved by Is widow, Mrs. H arriet Aus-1 m ent $1500; police $2230; fire $2340; mill a t C ottage Grove. 1 ! Grove in a T urkey Day struggle on th e not rem ote future. F r a c tu r e s A rm < man. j recorder $900; tre a su re r $180; a t­ W. D. Sm ith and H. E. V anness, The bridge com m ittee will confer W hen she slipped and feU w hite The body was taken to the W alker torney's fees $240; lights and w ater field officers of the Lelgon. w ere pres- the Grove field. The game is called •with the county m u ri on S aturday wulklng In th e mud, Mr*. R O. C arr parlors h ere and prepared for ship- $3000; stre e t cleaning $1380; tow n c u t a t T uesday's session. V anness ' a t 1:30 o’clock, and a large a tte n d ­ w ith regard fo taking the m atter up yesterday to the Portland hall supplies $45; health officer $50; j prom ised to re tu rn for the social ance of Springfield fans is expected, *1 1 » ,K i lle d a fractu red arm laat S at­ m ent w ith th e commission have urday. Mrs. C arr wa* taken to a crem atorium . re c o rd e rs supplies $35; adv vtlslng m eeting to be conducted by the m P n . who . , been . . off th e first lix-al physician's olflce for treatm en t. $100; town library $570; core of poor Springfield local on Jaunary 24 Th - I n l s m i,.» ness are back in the eligible list Infant Dies POLICE CHIEF GOES The accident occurred In th e b arn ­ $10; annual cleanup $125; in t e r e s t; tw o field officers will re tu rn to Port- Coach F enw ick's proteges are in first C harles Vernon W inter, 3-year old on bonded Indebtedness $17,124. INTO REALTY WORK yard at h e r Mill stre e t residence. , ian d a fter visiting the W endllng class shape for th e tu rk e y UK son of Mr. and Mrs. W illiam W inter ■" j plant. T hanksgiving dinners are not oa of Goshen died Sunday night. The Visit Keaaey Home— Mrs. R u th , ___________________ Southern C alifornia's highly touted P latt Back—C harles Platt is back schedule for the footballers until eubdlvld er* have nothing on S pring for the T hanksgiving holidays from funeral was conducted a t the W alker Hall of S eattle Is visiting a few days LEBANON FALLS BEFORE a fte r the game, and they are expected ,-hupel a t 3 o’clock Tuesday with Rev. | at th e residence of her slater. Mrs. (J. field's chief of police. Bridal Veil, w here he haa been w ork­ B. Kessey. SPRINGFIELD ONSLAUGHT to Push a hard' fast battle with Chief Sm llsnn has u n dertaken tho ing. ’ ■*» W arn er of Goshen In charge. Ions of well-stuffed turkeys as a to­ •a le of Sunnyside addition, which by w ard. A Succum bing before the relentless m ean* of unpaid aaaesam enta. I* now The Springfield team has gotte a ttack by the tram pling Springfield largely th e property of the town of By A. Bl CHAPIN BREAKING HOME TIES backs, th e Lebanon football team through the season with but one de­ Spatngfleld. The chief haa platted w ent down to defeat by a score of 10 feat, th at a t the hands of LebandR. th* subdivision, and with Iota Hated to 2 In a football clash at the S traw ­ T h at loss wa* avenged last Friday at from $20 to $60 each, la aollclllng berry City Friday. Springfield's vict­ when th e Lebanon team was hum bled hualnea* for the city. £ooT > ”B yt 6 .T a l k ' s — ory avenged a defeat at the hands of w ith a 10 to 2 score in th e re ta rti Already he ha* Hold several lot* T tow 'T CRY aw # T> owt worry : the Lebanon team here on A rm istice game a t the S traw b erry city. and o th ers are expected to go soon, I' l l S oow make mv mark The C ottage G rove team also bad Day. t ’h l.f Sm ltson say*. THE WORLD ----- S uperior playing of the backfield, a successful season, and is considered IN A SHORT T im e the sw pb m C oot B ye , with the excellent kicking ability of the stro n g est team faced this y ear hv WILL I S FULL OF MY StWOMSSSf Sow — i B ates, kept tne S traw berry pickers the local eleven. The Grove team fo I WILL B e IN EVERY BoPYS MOUTH A mo C ood luck f on a losing defensive throughout the day will be chosen from the follow-iag Youtt BeoTneuS AWD THEYWILL hash me up for . game. Springfield started the g a m ,. list of eligible m en: George Bruad» WENT OFF TO BAYS Tb COME A S' A TcCXC OF ■we c it y last however, with a series of fum bles Harold Bede, Cecil Caton. K ennetb C o n v e r s a t io n — FAREiwetxfy year . Aw'we th a t gave Lebanon the first score, a Goff, H arold H auser, W illiam Me» AiwT HEARD A- C arger, R obert S chafter, Roy Scbo- safety. The fun started w hen Springfield “ P,e- George Scheuple. Claude Short- captured the ball from Lebanon on rldge, George S te n n e tt Roy Murry. _ B roke Youn. the 35 yard line. In a beautiful end Glen Swanson. Donald Vmphrey, EIH- 31 MOTHER'! run, Cox carried the pigskin to the ott Vinson, Fre ' z F b pm I lull* / S id ew a lk M easure P a sse d by Council HR r7 r&s i- ? 4 TM