The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 18, 1926, Page 8, Image 8

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,yD O U t t/O U K
1 h in g » Y o u S h o u ld K n o w
by lohn loooph ÜainM. M D
LMOST «ay woman can ba a
It is prepared by first frying 12 turn sis« can of crashed Hawaiian
* \ charming hoataaa, given a strips of bacon, pouring off the pineapple. Chill and serve
day in advance to study her fat as It forms in order that the
But probably, if the meat were
sale. Bet the real hostess la the bacon may be dry and crisp. Re- »omewhat hastily prerareX il
Sne who can prepare an attractive more to a hot platter and keep has not been an ov. r-heavy ona
luncheon or dinner in a jiffy and hot. Season a little flour with jn which caae it wilt te wtli-bal-
•a k a the unexpected guest, whom salt and pepper Dip the luscious »need by a pie for dessert. Pine-
toe husband has a habit of bring- slices of Hawaiian Pineapple, (or apple pis is fast becoming the
tog along, feel as if ha were ex- the contents af a large can) into universal favorite which old fash-
tbe flour and cover both tides, ioned lemon pie has always been.
And nine times out of ten. the ' 'ira in a very little hot bacon because it has that tart flavor so
Aaatess who has spent only a litt’- . it. This may be served with desirable in pastry, and many
in preparing the dinner. And crisp cold lettuce.
| prefer the unusual taste of piae-
ahe is enjoying the dinner
A pretty fruit cup is quickly appi , ¡n pie to lemon.
«sent far more than if she had prepared and often adds a touch
Prlie-pineapple Pie so-called ba-
apent the day in the kitchen fuss- j of festivity to a meal that Is oth c#use itP WM .warded first prix«
tog, cooking, and preparing the erwise not unusual The hoates« , t , CUveIand food ahow. u m. a,
Aiahes with elaborate care-
I’ ho enjoys arranging eemething in th. foHowing way: Mix H cup
A very real aid to the hostess both artistic to see end delicious gu
H teaspoon salt end 2 table-
who must be prepared at all times to taste w illr e e o r t to Grapefruit apo<)n(1 f<Jrngtarch , nJ ilowIy add
for friends at meal time is a shelf Hawaiian. The grapefruit is cut hot mjlk Cook jn doubje boiler
full of canned Hawaiian pineapple, in halves crosswise, then the cen- until thick and cornstarch is thor­
Firvt because it can be used in such ter membrane removed and the oughly cooked, or about 40 min­
• variety of attractive forms end sections loosened with a i h a r p utes.
. Pour on two ~ eg * g yolks,
_____ >w_
ts so tasty and wholesome, end see- knife. Notch the top edge of the tu'rn to "double boiler and e^k'untU
end. because it can be prepared fruit.
Sprinkle the grapefruit i tfc# eg fg thicken, or about S min-
with the least possible expenditure with powdered sugar and nil the I
Coo, and add ccnt, nta of buf.
the contents of a fet size can of Hawaiian Crushed
of time. It takes only one minute
to open a can of pineapple and medium size can of crushed pine- Pineapple and H teaspoon vanilla.
u apple. Chill before serving and Pour into a baked crust and cover
our the golden slices in a iru
bowl, which is the simplest w ay of top with a maraschino -x
cherry. , with a meringue made of 2 stiffly-
serving it. And it takes only half
beaten egg whites and 2 table­
an hour, if one is skillful, to make I Dainty is a light and delectable spoons powdered sugar. Brown
a criss-cross pineapple pie which dessert if the meal has been a quickly fn a hot oven-
is a work of art.
i hearty one. Whip I cupful of
If one likes, stripe of the pastry
The meat often constitutes the thick cream, add H pound of
most serious problem, when one marshmallows cut in quarters, and may be used criss-cross fashion
___ ordered, . say.
. .
chops for the the contents o f 1 can of Hawaiian over the top of the pie. Instead of
fam ily, and the arrival of guests sliced pineapple cut in email pieces, making meringue.
With at least one of these dishes
suddenly doubles the size of the
A similar individual dessert is
fam ily. Probably there is plenty pineapple syllabub. Beet up the on her menu, the hostess may sit
»f bacon in the ice-box. end If so, white« of 3 eggs stiffly, add grad- down with the assurance that her
Ihe hostess may put away the ually 2 tablespoonfuls of sugar and guests are going to ha. a some­
chops and in a few moments have a teaspoonful of vanilla extract, thing that will be good to see,
s platter of crisp bacon with pine- Whip up 2 cupfuls of thick cream good to eat, and good for health,
spple served on curly lettuce to a stiff froth and fold in, a and it is a ssy then to devote her-
eaves that hae all of the ear spoonful at a time, the eggs end self to the business of being
r.arks of a very special occasion- sugar. Add gradually one med- charming.
Mv reader» doubt le»» feel that,
all ha» 1**11 said about the nation­
al morning beverage, that can be
There is an old admonition.
[ recall distinctly— " I f you can t
say anything good, say nullung.
Discussing my old friend, I snail
mention only the virtue».
Who ha.» nol found relief from
distressing headache» in the n i'’ber
CUp— especially on ««.tended jou r­
neys? Ask the soldier on the
strenuous march, or a fte r the bunt-
fought battle; ask the laborer in
w hatever tiehl his endeavor 1» ex­
pended; ask the excursionist, the
vacationist on hi» camping trip , if
coffee isn’t a genuine blessing un­
Most everybody knows th a t car
feine is the alkaloid o f c o ffee - a
heart and nerve stim ulant of e x ­
ceedingly dependable action
p ie
physician prescribes caffeine w ith
uh solute confidence, in neuralgia
conditions, to offset the depressing
influence o f more pow erful pain-
relievers; there i i no more reliable
People th a t have high blood-
pressure« fro m other cau»«*. »hould
always* proceetl untier the a» I vice o f
the capable physician; here, coffee
may he prohibitetl: but, th a t coffee
is a cause o f Wgh blood-pressure.
1 cannot believe: i f it were, there
would be nothing easier of cure
than the tension produced by the
drug— sim ply by abandoning the
cause. I do not believe there is
a "coffee h ab it" any more than I
believe in a m ilk habit, or a meat
habit, or a bread habit.
Coffee fo r breakfast only, is a
good rule fo r users. One cup Is
fo r
Children do not need stimulant.».
M ibl, black coffee is easier f « the
stomach than when creamed and
Two Injured Hands
Pese Still Open
Charles Myers and F M Mulligan
Private vara are »till B»«i>ll«tlOS
the McKckile I’»»» successfully. »« sustained Injuries In Ihelr hands
while working at Hie Booth Kelly mill
cording to word received rioni ilio ir
Myer« was hurt yesterday
por M. Koiitio country
ilio Pa»» tor this week
tlino Ita» been closed or stages. bui l» and Mulligan on Tuesday
not ImtMiNalblo
O. K 9 M»rtib«ri Visit
Benefit Concert
Twenty flv»* m**MilM»r« of lh»* Col*
Arab Hoyt Its«1, contralto. assisted I hk «' tlrovr »hupti’r of lh«’ (in k r of
by Mila Barger. aoprann, and (Iwenu tlir ttA»t*rn Star tl«ll«*<F th«* Spring
• dim Hayden violinist, will I m < heard field I< m I««* wt Tu«»*dav night*» meet
1 In a bentfit concert at the Ftrat llapt I iik A »upper «nd program wrrr eii
1st church. Eugene November 23 nt Joyed. Mr». W ( ‘ Wright anti Mr*.
1 g o'clock I’roceeils to go to the llapt
|»*yl lluAford iM'ing in chart*
1st church building fund
Admission; Ntudents and children
P T A. To M»»t
18c Adults 60c
Curvnt Teacher»
A nkh laiton
C A M , A N D HER Dr N W Bme»y will meet te*u«<row »ftnruoon nt th'«
The plnyulMd built
on prices on (dale and other work tf llrnttnln »c*u»ol
by the »«»«H'&atloit on the school
ground» I» now complete, and will tie
The Medford city council has decld Inspected ut the F rida? meeting
ed to sell 1416.»00 more bonds of (ha
>476 000 issue on liecamber it nest, Wife and Husband
ae this sum. In addition to the >600.
Both III With C at
000 In bonds sold a year ago will be
found ample to complete (he new
•'For y e a n I had gas on the stom ­
waterworks system, which will be a
The first dose of Adlerlka
saving of >60.000 over the original »« ach
helped. I now stnep well and all gas
tlmate of >o»l
la gone. It also helped my husband
Fourth class postmasters In Dragon
11 Itrlt kl v O N »
have been named by Poatmaetar Gen­
spoonful Adlerlka removes OAR and
eral H arry 8 New aa follows Thomas
often brings astonishing relief «o the
Bracken. Creecenl. Klam ath county,
Rtope that fu 1. bloated
vice Mr»
M yrtle Tyler, removed;
feeling. Brings out old, waste matter
Klnnle a lb e rt. Iwna. Morrow county,
von never thought waa In vnur »re­
view W aldo L. V in c e n t resigned,
lent. This eexcellent Inteatlrgl evaoa-
David K
Crow. Narrows. Harney
ant te wonderful for constipation.
oounty. vioe Joe Morris, resigned
The W illam ette Press
Opposite P. O.
Phone 2
C- - e :r
;t; »«—taI
. . jo . •» a.. Sx'W «
Sent to Jail
Jack Jennings. who pleaded guilty
of driving while Intoxicated, thus
| causing a collision of his automobile ,
I and the Eugene 8prlngtteld bus in
West Springfield. Tuesday was went-
I .-need to serve 60 days In th* county
1 jail and pay a tine af >100. Jennings
was tried in Justice Wells' court In
i Eugene
Divorce Filed
Suit for divorce was fll«*«l In Clr-
cult court yesterday by George H
Borderick against Ethel Hrodertrk.
Broderick asserts desertion
Clara Sprenger tw-gan suit against
( ’late Sprenger for a divorce and >100
a month alimony for the support of
her two minor cMldrer Mrs Spren­
ger charges cruel and
.uman tr. at-
Notice Is hereby given, that School
District No 19, of I-ane County. Ore­
gon. will pay at the office of th*
Clerk. City Hall. Springfield. Oregon
Warrants No. 1225. to 1246 inclusive
Interest cease» after Nov 20(h. 1926
r w s m i t h , IMstrtetclerk.
N 18
Whether printed, typed or written with
a pencil, every letter that goes from your
desk tell» a story about you. It is your
Your letterhead should be a salesman
for your firm no matter what line of business
you may be in—merchant, professional man
or farmer.
It’s a matter of dollars and cents to you
what your letterhead »ays. If it properly
advertises you and creates a favorable im­
pression, just that much will it help you suc­
Well designed letterheads cost no more
than the other kind. See us about it.
Flanery'e Drug store.
NOTICE 1» hereby given that the
State Land Hoard of the State of
Oregon will receive sealed hid« at
It« offb-e In the Capitol building at
Salem. Oregon, up to 11:00 o'clock
A. M . February 15, 1927. for all the
State’s Interest In the herelnHler des­
cribed shore lands giving however,
to the owner or owners of any lands
abutting thereon.
i right to purchase said shore lnnds At
the highest price off red. provided
such offer Is made In good faith, al'io
reserving to the Hoard the right to
reject any anil all bids.
Said lands are situated In Lane
County, Oregon, and described as fol­
Beginning at the corner to frac­
tional Sections 19 and 20. on the
West shore of Triangle Lake. In f.
16 S. R. 7 W Willamette Meridian,
and running thence along II. 3. Gov­
ernment Line,
N. 59" W.
8.00 chains
2.00 chain»
N. 34"00' W
8 00 chain»
1.59 chains
N. 28"00' W
Eaat 4.96 chains to present lake
8. fi/1’ 00' E. 5 16 chain» along pres­
ent lake short-.
B. 8 38’ E. 3 06 chains along pres­
ent lake shore.
8. 62" 45’ E. 4.60 calna along pres­
ent tike bore
8. 41"54’ E. 3.92 chains along pres-
ent lake shon
8. 49’ 26' W. 147 chains along pres­
ent lake shore to plai-e of beginning
containing 5-14 acres.
Applications should be nccompan-
led by check or draft for the amount
of bid anil should bo addressed to
O. G. Brown, Clerk of State Land
Board. Salem, Oregon, anil marked
“Application and bid to purchase
shore lands."
Dated at Salem, Oregon, November
15, 1926.
O. G. B R O W N , C lerk of State Land
N 1826: D 2 9 18 23-30: J 8-13 20
Thanksgiving D elicacies
'Course you know—Just a« well as we know—that a fine Turkey
doesn’t always make a fine Thanksglvlug dinner.
While la plays it
very Important part—without the trimmings It wouldn't be particular­
ly appetlilng
And If the dinner Is to he a big success— they must
he Just right.
To be »ure they will be let us supply them
Careful attention given to ull phone orders
and prompt delivery
Ph one
Combination Offer
75c Jiffy Oil Mop
60c Bottle Liquid Veneer\
Jiffy Mop—-the mop with the washable «wab—off and on
in a jiffy. All yurn center m aking it impoHHiblR to scratch
or m ar floors and fine furniture, ('lean« and pnlltdie»—
never sticky. Keeps floors new und «liiny and protected
Friday and Saturday you can buy the Jiffy mop
and a large bottle of Liquid Veneer for one dol­
$1.35 value!
On Sale in the Itasem ent Store,
•f- f T"
TL.'Aul’ r
E: n N C M >