PAGE REVEN TH E RPR1NOFIELD NEWR TJIVRHDAY NOVEMBER 1», 192« □assif? sd Ads GET RESULTS) (BUYING OR SELUNG' Rteel tap» repairing correctly done NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEETINO Hoyt 321 Main at. tf. To Whom It May Conoern: Notice la hereby given th a t a meet. ____ . . ______ _ Ing of the legal votera being resident CALL AND SE E Dr. N W Eme»y luxpayera ami owner« of real prop- on price» on plate and o th e r work tf erty In Road D latrlct No. 19. In L a n e : ..... — ... —- ' S o u r‘i f ? p " M i n ' t i e 2ffih day'o*f' ADMINISTRATOR 8 NOTICE O F No’v e m U . P a M- D ° i . 4 a? Xthe KALK O P PROPERTY ¡O akridge lllgh School In aald N otice la hereby given that, the i Road D latrlct, to determ ine w h e th e r. "("(ersltined A dm lniatrator of the aald road d latrlct shall levy a special * " ta t” of John M, W illiams. deceased, ¡tax of »7000 00 upon all th>- ta x a b le i* 1*1 ,,n an,J a fte r Saturday, the 11th 1 property In aald dlatrlct for th e pur- 'la Y ° f December, 1926. pursuant to I " I t HEX I latrg. tr im of g o o d ' NOTICE O F FINAL HBTTLEM FNT I Ft lit SALE Ford Bog »00 Good . p< ae of providing funda for m alnten- aB "rtle r of the P robate C ourt of lance of evlatlne roads and ■. ,-i... '.t u-- f'< only, D.-,-*oi, duty loud, and farm lutid pea, Sprlngtii li, I'h e ip Notici» I» hereby stiroli Hint Dora o . I condition. Bee <•••» nt 333 A tt. I tlon of new roads. ‘ entered, offer for aale and aell a t prl- ron» i» » i i „ larme r Io '■‘iimoy. Exocutrlx of lliu E state o f| N 18-25 C P BARNARD. County Judge ¡»ate aale a t the law office» of Bean • 14.11,1 should f'* " 1" ■’••«’•»»od. baa filed malto in * Brooke In Eugene, Oregon, to the iiiT final uri-ount und report ¡ in nula»e to hear obj< cllona to th e sam e Property. New m odern five room Notice I. hereby given that Nelson , W "’ » »**.< 2 .’ "2. ’ Atlilreaa Ilog 179. Dprliigflrld If “ n<’ flir fl1’111 »elllementH of autd house III Eugene See John Robert-1 It Signor and Alice L. Thom pson. of *' -Mulligan a Donation to Eu- E state. aon a t D anner Motor Co N 11-18 adm lniatrator» or the estate of Alma *"n *‘ ,y. r, * DUKA O TURNEY, Executrix. ! Luclna Signor. Deceased, have filed 1 Eu«e n " ' . W elch repairing done correctly. WELLS A WELI.H. Atlorneya. 1 ----- CALL AND SE E Dr. N. W. Emery th eir final » c o u n t of th eir admlnls- Also: An und rtded one-flfth Inter- Work In today Out tom orrow. Ilovt ' ' 9-I1-18-I5: I) 2: _. »-at In and to lot» I, 2 and 3 and NE>4 on price» on plate and o th er work, tf f tratlon ' ■' e sta te with — - the clerk ■ • ,.f 8 W i, H,-e 1 th- SE>4 of N E"4; of ' said 221 M ulti aL tf r,,u n ty Court ,,f Lan'* County. E% of 8 W .4 ; W 14 o fS E ’4 ami lots 3 NOTICE GF FINAL SETTLEM EN T h o o k REPAIRLNU O ld roora m ade! . . , , , f i*’a,e of Dregon. and th a t the said an,| » of g ec. 9; N E 1« : N E ’4 of The undersigned, adtn ln lstraii,; of to last by a paving process will ( court has a c t as the tim e and place N W % ; W '4 of N W ’4 ; S '4 of S E '4 ; the E state of Rena (’. Luxti.n. d e­ S IM M O N S save you money and grief. Lets for the Anal settlem en t of said ae NBU of SE'4 : S ec.’ 11- 8 E H of ceased, h as filed his Final Account la IN T H E CIRCUIT COURT O F THE th e m atter of said e state with the get fixed right for w inter rains. ! count, S aturday. D ecem ber 18th. 1926, SK%-. N W ", of NW’’/, and lots 3 and STATE n F D ltE tltlN , IN AND FOR County Clerk of lam e County, Oregon, G uaranteed awtlsfaetlon. Perm an i a t the hour of Ten O'clock In the 4 n t Spc 15; lot t of » .e n , contain LANK COUNTY . . . t „ o,— . a i,i. . l - . ' for,' noon of »aW lla>' ‘he office of )n(? ln a)1 ,077 a rre s a]) |n Tow nship and an order hus been tnu'-e mid en ­ ently located I hone Eugene 232AJ. j the County Judge at the County Court jg south rang,- 4 east of W. M Ira A B akyr and Ellie I) Baker. H us­ tered of recortl by the County Court I. T. I-oomls. Eugene. tf. | House of Urn* County a t Eugene. Also- An undivided Vt In terest ’n band and Wife, Plaintiffs, v s. Isaac of sal,I County directing this notice Oregon. All pe rsons having objec- ___ anrt ___ t„ _ ,h _ e ____ R E , '; , , ; W U _ of _ SW 8 I»«vi«, or bis unknown heirs ut and appointing Munday, th e 6th ,lav _ «4; law, tf he |a deregsed, also nil o th er of December 192«. ut ten e'clra k A I.N T H E CIRCUIT COURT OF T H E to Hahl flna* a<’,'" unt muHt Pr "* SB '4 of R W '4 ; See 35. T ow nship 16, |M>r»ona or part tu« unknown claim- M for the hearing of obj.a'tlons to STATE GF GRKOON FOR LANE th*,n 00 o r bf f " re "»Id d ate of south range 4 E of W M. • ng any right title, e»|«te, in terest said it, count und the settlem , ni of COUNTY ' fln“ 1 Also: An undivided H Interest In or Hep In or upon the deal esta te «aid • »tat, Mary Frances lo n g and The First H SIGNOR. the west U of S W L : SE»4 of SW >4: t ' , . s. ’ * ‘ l ALICE L. THOMPSON, A dm lnlstra In the rom plalnt deacrlhed, Jtefett'I ' D 'T IJD at Eugene Oregon, this 4th E«% of S E '4 ; SW '4 of S E '4 Sec. 1; i N ational Bunk of Eugene. OrwgoaJ ■ H ' |d ' N .O .-O il, ' 9'.’« E '4 of S W '4. See. 2; W '4 of N E '4 ; ami Mary F ran ces Long as cxeeut I M PETERSON. Attorney. To Isnar S Itevi» or hla unknown JAMES LAXTON. A dm inistrator of E'A of N W '« : N E'4 of 8E «4: S E ’4 o rs o th« latst Will and T estam ent i N 18-25; D 2-9 16 heir» at law h< |„ deceased, u la o lth E late of RENA (' LAXTON, of NE'/«. See 11; W '4 of NW«4 See. of G eorge S anderson. I) ceased.. I 12. all In tow nsM p 17. south ra n g e t »11 o th er te r»,,0« or parties unknown j Deceased Plaintiffs, vs. Thom as K. Barton NOTICE GF ROAD DISTRICT claim ing uny right, title, estate, m-j N 4-11-19-25: D 2: E of W M. and Lucie B arton, his w ife; John te re st o r lie n Ip ,,r u p o n tie - r«-..l . ----- -- MEETING Also: An undivided 14 In terest in M B arto n ; Betty Ja n e W iseman To Whom It May Concern: and to SW '4 of S E '4 . Sec. 1, lot 4. esta te In the com plaint desctlbed. D ; NOTICE TO CREDITORS and J W. W iseman, h er husband; Notice Is hereby given th a t a meet Sec. 2; lot 3; SW '4 of S W '4 : XE«4 N-ndants S arah F M artin und F ran k M artin .1 IN THE NAME OF T H E STATE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th at h er husband; Josephln«,- M elnfs; Inx of the legal voters being rest- of SW14, Sec. 3: S E '4 of SW14- Sec. OF OREGON. You are hereby req u ie the undersigned has Io order of the Jam es W B arton and Alice Barton, dent taxpavers and owners of real 6: NEt4 of N W '4 : W % of N E 44;i e ta I of * ‘‘’*'6L US?n. ? ! T1” ' ou,h ra n 6e 8 W of W. M., and c o n -, and If you so fall to answ er, for want r, y verified to th e ad m in istrato r son., title, estate, lien or In terest («»able property In said d istric t for taln ln g In all 41 acres theruof, plaintiffs will tak s Judgnient at the office Of Frank A Delhi» the In the property describe I |n th e (he purpone of providing funds for x iso : An undivided >4 in te re st in J and decree against you as prayed for atto rn ey for the egtate at Springfield. and to E»4 »1 S W '4 and WKfe of Road O rader. In th eir com plaint, to-wlt; Oregon within »lx m onths from the com pliant herein . D efendants. C P BARNARD, County Judge SEt4. 1*- tow nship 17. so u th ' That their title to the East 60 acres d a ta of th is notice. SU M M O NS- » range 3 E. of W M. and containing CLI.NTO HURD. of the Southw est q u arter of Section TO T hom as K. Barton and Lucie Dated November 4. 1926 County C om m issioner In all I60 acres, all of said lao-ls be­ Eleven Tow nship Nineteen South, M M PEERY, A dm inistrator. B arton, his w ife; John M B arton; ing In loroe County. Oregon O E. CROWE. Range Four W est of the W illam ette FILIN E A. D el’CE. Attorney. Betty Jan e W isem an and J W W ise­ C ounty C om m issioner D ated th is 4th day of November. M eridian. In Lane County. Oregon, be N 4 11-18 25; D 2: man. h er h u sb an d ; S arah F. M artin N 11-18-25 192G. by the Court forever established and and Frank M artin, h er h usband; Jos- LOUIS E. BEAN. A dm inistrator quieted as ag ain st all the defendants, M /vrii'V nt? HEAItlNO OF FINAL ephlne M elnls; Jam es W. B arton amU ¡E state of John M W illiam s, deceased 4 ... * __. . . . . . . . . A l l , . « . I tia e -4 ,.» v l u U 'ifa s ' D / i l i n e l Í ’ e. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT w hether named or described; thnt Alice Burton, b his w ife; R obert C. l B i n ar SETTLEM ENT N il 18 25: D 2 9 MEETING you and estopped T„u he ue forever barred ............... v „ tie e b hereby given that roe ” >■> « t “ h ’> e 't o n and Nellie G, B arton, bis w if e ;1 from having or claim ing rl«h t- 1 „ undersigned Anna M R ourke; N annie K B arton; To Whom It May C oncern; ” e any — ’ right. „ .trr.ix n e d A dm inistrator o the es Anns NOTICE OF S H E R IF F S SALE ON title Inter«»! Interest or nutate esta te In or to r «I»I ( I '• ™f Ellen l. has H Rosa J title. L ',it.n I Howler t n u h r deeeasw (!••< « om « W B arton: ARnm» B urton: Mar- Notice in hereby given th at a meet- e x e c u t io n i . n r o K B C L o m n u s ---- ,,lt. lands or any f a r t thereof. *’ | ,. . a , , „ uni for the final settle « ----- aret . B urton; the miknown heirs of ¡ng of the legal voters being resident N otice Is hereby give-: th a t by vir- idalntlff's title and for such other Hied H« a ,.» u n i ' r Benjam in R B art, arton und Rebecca J. taxpayers and ow ners of real prop- and fu rth e r relief as shall be by th e m enl of said estate In the ' Barton d eceased : and nil o th er un ,.r t v in Road D istrict No 21. In laine tue of an execution and o rd er of sale . . -r ... . • • • « . _ 1 — 9 1»• •• i „ ♦ of (ho f'.r Court deemed Just and equitable In Court • for lam e to . u n ty u . In known arties ...........— , , „ r IB«, . t « v s ta t h te e S " " wn p p an ie» wl who have or claim County. Oregon. will be held at the In foreclosure issued out of th e Clr- of Oregon, and that . » tu n >. «orne title, estate, lien or Interest In pour of 1 p. M on the 20th day of cuit Court of Lane County, Oregon. the prem ises D.. 1926, a t the on the 19th day of O ctober. 1926, in T his sum mons Is served by publica­ 18th day of December. 1 - « . « , h(1 pr „pe r ,y described in the com November. A. School In said a ------ suit w herein on the 14th ■ day of » tion thereof once each week for six Itour of ten o t lm k A. . . « • pja | n t herein. r Swale pmim »»r-iv"i«». D efendants _________ I ’ppt np**r erw»*»* ••• — — — — — ■«». «-» IN TDK NAME O F T H E STATE K0 per een' per annum from August real p ro p erty : 11 Jw i o i T f c o N FOR I ANE 13. 1926 u n t'l nKld. and fo- *’ fu rth er The Ea»t half of the B enjam in ,a S’o rr v T V ° h ( REG surn of atto rn e y s fees, and the W Barton and Rebecca J. Barton Dona on 1 Walla . ... , .. i„m o D i cost» a n 4 d isbursem ents herein in the tlon l and Claim No. 17. N o tliraH on « “« u s No 7191 in Section« 4 amt a Town- ■ ,,, II »hip 17. South R ange 1 W est of th W illam ette M eridian, exe ell on the South std execution to me d tre c trd com m anding Your Hom» When In elaim and lying E ast of th e M rM e-kin O F O R E G O N : a « . claim Springfield and t «aid th at 228 Main 8t. Hexldence 125 C 8t G eneral U w Practica «2 J 62 M 'B U S I N E S S D IR E C T O R Y ' “The Loop B y A rth u r B ria ba ne SWEET ALICE WALL STREli. 2EWARE PARATHYROID,SM. 1’.,000,000,COO CELLS. SELLING RELIGION. WALL STREET is as senxitiva as Sweet Alice in the old song. Sha would "smile with delight when you gave her a s:,i ,e, and tremb.e with fear at a frown.” The frown J ia . . - artiea the spec­ ulators now is Europe's suggestion th a t tariffs be wiped out. Thi» land w. h! have teason to trem­ ble with i t a r if th a t “down with tariffs” suggestion w »e applied to the United States. We might a swell go out of busi­ ness, sta rt all over again, wearing homespun and living on our crops. But that won’t happen. Science says, "Keep twenty pounds under w hat you think is your normal weight and avoid hyperparathyroidism.” Dr. Pflueger discovered that new kind of obesity, says many have it, th a t do not know it. A m an weighing 200 pounds th a t ought to weigh 180 pounds could lengthen his life if he would get rid o f twenty pounds. F a t men and others not too f a t , 4ry this. Once every m onth, o r twice, eat nothing but f r u it cour hours fo r tw enty fo u r hou . Begin now with They w ith grapes. gra gre ;n feason anj g00d for you. 9 --------- D r. ’ides« c - ('-e G eneral Electric Company, has perfected a tube for generating cathode rays, most powerful of all the mysteri­ ous rays, the mill’kan ray coming lext. the X-rav third. To the material eye the case is th at of an electric hell that will not ring. The wire« are out of order or the batter; is weak. When you cwosiuei that there are in the brain of th a t girl, a- in every human brain, twelve t ,i- sand million r.c-ve cells, you wonder th at we are not ALL of us mentally out of order ALL of the time. A campaign has been started under the direction of the very able Rev. Charles Stelxle “to sell religion to — __ the people.” __ Thia m eans an advertising cam paign to arouse in te re st in religion. i t m ight be wise to hire a good astronom er. If the peopi? could nc persuaded to go out 3- night, stand alone, and look up a t . the sky, reiiRi’o:l would gain r o t idly. T h a t i s Bhow it P a rte d . Napoleon stan dr.ic: at night on the deck of th _ i-D carr ing him to St- W. F. Walker ^ n try will learn a fte r, Funeral Director I. M. PETERSON A ttoruey-at Law Comm ercial S tale Bank Bldg.. Springfield, Ore Call SUTTON TRANSFER Phone 57 DR. N. W. EMERY D EN TIST Sutton Bldfl. Phone 20 J Residence Phone 153-M Springfield. Oregon D. W . Roof .JEWELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield. Oregon SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CD. All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk­ ers at foot of Main on Mill street. _ ~ TriENfiY W. CHASE, Prop. S S T ih r t the d £ l made by1 R ‘Secca ih . relief prayed for In tue complaint Full Auto E quipm ent Lady A ssistan t Form eultakle for rood. conatrucUoB work, oawmllla. etc., with table to oom pate workman« oompeoeatlow and deduction«. No employer abearid. be without these Urra» when they suddenly ,fro«n behind j WM. 0. HUGHES FIRE AND AUTO IN8URANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Office at FIRST NATIONAL BANK Springfield. Oregon FRANK A. DE PUE Y)R SALI9—Payroll «beets. Priato. and 1» Mock »« N#w* turned truck, on the the V brakes and " ^ skid- """B urton and "her husband B- njam in and for a decree of absolute divorce th e refore. In the nam e of of the the tru ck p put u t on ^ ro m ^^ It Barton as grantors, to W illiam P from yeu and a n n u lm e n t of the m ar s ta te of Oreeon. In com pliance with ded in to a c a r conung Uouev "" grantee, on th e 10th day of riage contract. sa ld execution an l o - le r of sale and posite direction F o u r w ere kilied Julv Í866 which Is recorded ln Book This sum m ons Is published once in or(je r to satisfy eaid Judgm ent, in- and all th e fourteen occupan . F n n Page 7SS th ereo f of the Deed ,,ach week for six consecutive weeks te re s t. atto rn ey s fees, costs of suit tw o cars h u r t Records of Lane County. Oregon. fn tbe Springfield News a weekly and accruing eo«ts. I will on S aturday Speed should be lim ited s tn c tly GEO.. N, McLEAN r, formed so as to prop rlv d N ewspaper published at Springfield the 20th day of N ovem ber 1926^ a t the on a ,* public highw ays, if^MCM- b, reformed o , anp