T l IU RS I »A V NOVEM HER W. 1926 TI IK SPRING FIELD NEWS TAGE SQC W C Hswley, ropr»»««nlallys of ths inspection Held Multnomah county will receive a The outstanding feature of the spple first c>>ngri>»»lon«l district, left Salrin lUNpxlloii of Iuka Circle, laolle» of total of »46.698 as its share of the for Washington. D C.. where ho will harvest sessun st Hood River this the tl A If was held at the Wood tax refund» from the reverted Oregon uttend « ssrlca of nisei ing* of the yesr hss been the large shipments lion hall Friday night, with Mr», A California railroad grant lands, as ways snd inrnn« committee of the made. The valley ha» shipped 3030 Lucy I'lctieiior, Portland. department provided by an act recently passed by house and aenalo prior to the short cars, mure than 700 rare in « »««-«a of Inspector. In charge Accompanying congress th« > nitre tonnage of last year »motion of cougre»». Mr» Tlchenor to Hprlngfleld was Mr*. Brief Resume of Happenings of Oregon City school district No. <3 William McGregor, prominent A s Tilli«- linger* of Alban)', department Itocauss of a hopeful showing be­ put. based a 64»-acre tract of land In the Week Collected for torts sawmill operator, tlmhciman ami preaident what is known as the Ryan Mount ing made at the l.eepcr IXnne oil well hanker, died at Astoria a* the result prospect, between Sutherlin and Oak Pleasant tracts, ad mining the Mount Our Readers. of an accident when the automobile To Taka Collsction Pleasant school grounds, for an ath­ land, the Oakland Oil A lias lompany announced the discontinuance of all In which he was riding wa» hit by a S p e c ia l c o llo c llo u foi th* Near Ea»t letic field I ... k of rainfall 1» hoilinx UP placer »lock »ale* and the withdrawal of Spokane Portland A Beattie train R illef will be laken at the Haptluf Exports from the Oregon customs Bun.n< o,»-ration» In Josephine coun­ a!) stock from the market. The distribution system ami all church next Sunday district for nine month» represent a ty thia fall. la»»t Sunday Ulo Men'» llible «in»« The new high» ay bridge over the property of the Sutherlin Light V valuation of »63.M5.443. far over shad Power company was tnkeu over hy voted t> a»«l»l lu Iinan« lug the pur Peppermint 1» helnjt planted this owing the showing for the same per­ 44 iilnmeite r ver nt Alt any. which has the California 111 ■ aim Power coni chu»o »f Billie» fur use in tile city * week on several tract« of land at iod in 1935. when the figures were *»‘<>11 unllwhted -• . its completion a year age, will tie ill i.tialeil at night puny. The purchasing company will pulille school* Hermiston. »3«.O9O.«2i> h ‘i '»fter a» the rx - it of a contrast spent several thousand dollai» liuprov The lilh annual convention of the Members of the slate textbook c o m .1 between the city and tin* Moun­ ing the system Marriay* Ulesnssa l»su«d ___ i E n . i i ' ’• union of Clack- mission met in Salem Monday Io Fall wheat al Cove, of wlibh a t-in State»« Power company. The county clerk ha* Issued marri­ at co u n ty w as h !d tn O regon City adopt one-third of the textbooks used The Pacific Telephone A Telegrnph (urge acreage was gown this autumn. age llcenae» during Ho pa»l week to in the public school» of ihe slate. The County rs from all s.-cttona Leonard II company by Dsceinber 13 of thia year It looking fine Warm rain» and in­ the following couple» hooks adopted by the commission will of Orvvton met at Salem Friday and will have expended more than »120,- dications of a normal winter season lllll. Marioin. ami Viola Pearl Craw be used for »lx years Saturday to dis. uss county tax ratios (tor the first time in the pn»t two year, ford. Eugene; f'ornellua Price lx«ng The Heaedlettne Fathers have dt iMtt) in Sal« m in improvement» and ex­ are promising (or all produda of the Harold Hall, son-in-law of Governor and Irene Farmer, both of Eugene; tensions in 1936. according to an­ elded to rebuild 81. Benedict's Abbey Pierce, was appointed district attorney nouncement by 4V II Haney, man­ Cove sad Grand Koude valley geucr Jan * Mnt.-t and llerlha Nel»««n. both and the associated educational insti­ • f C m ot county, to succeed Willard ally. of Eugene tution». which were destroyed in a ager of the Salem exchange Wirt a. who ha s resinned. Preliminary work on the Owyhee niilUon-dollar fire September 31. on Resolutions were adopted by the Ar­ 1 irrtgation project, located tn eastern the butte at Mount Angel. lington city council snd sent to Salem, The mill dam of the Moehnke Bros Oregon and western Idaho, will »tart ( urging that the new state normal sawmill at Cedar Canyon, near Banks, at once, according to F A Bnnk». en­ school be located in Arlington broke loose, the water taking every­ gineer in charge of Ihe construction' A move was launched at Salem to He h aa1 thing tn Its path, including bridges of the American fall» dam combine the county agent s office and and a aide of plsnk road, causing a been placed in charge of Ihe con- - 'V ’ . r | S that of the horticultural inspector. The ¡i r? '* ’ »traction of the Owyhee dam. heavy loss to the company j .. «Jru.«.-, {xm iA A l •alary would be fixed at »3000 annual­ Three Oregon counties Clatsop. I 6 7 6 D E P A R T M E N T STORES ly. Tillamook and Polk are designated »» part of the “modified accredited »■»2 Wlllniiiofh* SI.. Eugene. iu«»uu. area” which haa been found by fed- , eral inspectors to be free of tubercular B o y s’ Rubber ROYS' FLEECE dairy cattle, according to the latest 56 ST O R ES H o o ts G o o <1 LINED UNION chart on bovine tuber«-ul»»la issued by SUITS, Size 6 to H l a e k Heavy the department of agriculture. 16. 85c Rubber. Size I Ftre I osrc II in the state of Oregon, Regular to 5. exclusive of Portland, during the Part Wool Union You appreciate that if you were to buy 4,- m e n 'l l of Octeber aggregated »907.- $3.00 Value, Suits Size 6 to 878. according to a report by the state IN THE W EST 224,000 pairs of stocking», you could do »o at $1.98 16, $1.»S fire maishal The moat disastrous- a far lower price per pair than if you bought fire was at Klamath Falls, where ihe | 6TH <& WILLAMETTE STORE NO. 1 1 EUGENE. ORE. White Pelican hole! was destroyed only a single pair or even a thousand dozen with a loss of »500.000 There were pairs. 68 fires reported MEN’S WORK SOX MEN’S SHOES Ladies Light Tan OXFORDS Th" various electric snd power cor-! Something of the buying power of the In Fancy Grey or Tan Trim. Heavy Work Shoes, in Black Wool Mixed and All Wool in porations of the stale of Oregon ex-j Medium and Low Heels. or Brown. A real value at all colors. At our usual low N ation wide institution of w hich this Store pended a total of »11.013 81 In oppoe our low prices. $6.50 Values. $4.95 ing the so-called hydro-electric devel­ is a part, may be gleaned from the follow ing Prices 25c to 95c $3 50 to $4 95 opment measure which w » s defeated article which appeared in the A e w ) urk Ladies Patent L e a t h e r hy the voters at the gene .1 election A Complete Line of MEN’S Tt•net the other d a y : held November 3. according to the ex STEP-INS and Strap Pumps. pense account tiled in the office of Spike Heels. Plain or with CHIPPEWA Loggers Pegged RUBBER SHOES. Knee and or Calked. In 10, 12, 14 and Yhat is believed to be the largest single the secretary of date. Small Buckle Hip Boots, and Rubbers. Get 16 Inch Tops. order ever placed for women’s full-fashioned Almost half of the money Io lie sp 1 $4.50 to $5-85 our prices beore you buy. $10.50 to $13.50 portioned to the general road fund tn silk hosiery has just been put through by the Lane county’s 1927 budget will go to ; J C. Penney Company. I t calls for 352,000 the different cities, according to Coun Ladies TAN OXFORDS and Men’s Part Wool Union MEN’S OXFORDS ty Judge liarnart) The law require* dozen (4,224,000 pairs) of the goods for d e liv ­ Ties, Medium or Low Heel. Black or Light Tan in the Suits, Heavy Weight. Our that the cities, which are separate Good wearing leather Sole. New Wide Toe. Real Breier eries ranging through all of next year. 1 he price only road district*, shall receive their pro­ $2.85 Values, $4-95 $1.98 to $2.85 company now operates 745 department stores portionate share of ihe road lax money according to valuation in various parts of the country. The order The state attorney general haa re- MISSES PUMPS DRESS SHOES is almost twice as large as that placed by the Men’s Medium o r Heavy queated dismissal of appeals in the A N D OXFORDS. Patent Tan. Brown and Black. In Weight COTTON UNION company on sim ilar merchandise about a year United States supremo court Involving Leather and Light Tan. Good Gun Metal, Kid and Caif. suits originally filed in the United SUITS. variety to ?hoose from Our prices range from States district court in Portland to $1.25 to $ 1 .fj $3.95 to $4.95 $1.98 to $3.45 test the validity ot the license tax on nfotor Vehicles and me motor ve- I h id e fuels tax The state of Oregon I prevailed In both suits In the district court. The interior department will not grant the petition of If Ent« rprlao Land A Investment company at Klam­ ath Fall* for exclusion of its lands from the Klamath Irrtgation district W« Will Welcome You As A Shareholder until all construction and water right charges on the company's land ara paid in full. Ita officials announced in upholding a decision of Commission­ er of Reclamation Mead. With 36 hunters In the field, em ploy­ ed by the United Stales biological sur­ It is no longer considered necessary to send expensive Christinas vey and the state livestock sanitary presents to friends and loved ones. Greeting Cards with appropriate board. 493 coyotes and 49 bobcala were sentiments will confer more happiness than expensive presents, and cost disposed of during October in Ore­ but a trifle in comparison gon, according to the report of Stan­ ley O. Jewett, director of the preda­ tory animal control work of the gov­ ernment. In addition the huntera turn­ ed in six stock killing bears, three badgers, one fox and six skunks Fador Kables. a director of ihe Sea­ carry a message of Peace, Love and Good Will characteristic of this holi­ side high school district, and A Hub- day season, and friends and relatives appreciate these sentiments more ner are in the county jail at Astoria, than expensive gifts which call for a similar return. You will find a large charged with possession of a still, assortment of Greeting Cards and Folders at our office. as result of a raid on the Kables ranch, ton miles south of .Seaside, by a sh eriffs force, when a 60 gallon still was found within a half mile of the Kables home and 495 gallons of moon­ You can become a preferred shareholder shine whisky discovered burled in in this company— a month is all you need scattered spots on nearby hillsides. W. A. Delxell, private secretary to to scan. Governor Pierce for the last two years, Your investment will be backed by per­ was appointed a member of the pub­ manent' income-producing properties engaged lic service commission to succeed Thomas K Campbell, who died recent­ in useful public service. ly In Portland. Mf. Delsell will serve You will receive a dividend check reg­ as public service commissioner until Your name and any sentiment you desire printed on these beautiful January 1, when he will be succeeded ularly by mail every three months. 8. cards. by L. E. Bean of Eugene, who was You can get the facts about this invest­ the successful candidate for the of­ fice at the recent general election. ment by mail, telephone or a personal call. NEW NAME PLATES ENGRAVED AT REGULAR PRICES Fourth-class post masters in Oregon have been appointed by Postmaster- You Shouid Know the Facts About Investment General New as follows: Mrs. Ollies Walker, Beagle. Jackson county, vice In Our Preferred Shares Fred O. Thompson, removed; Iva Wln- The Preferred Shares of tertnute, Brightwood, Clackamas coun- i ty, vice Mrs. Melvina M. Garslde, re­ signed; Karl 1). Vosburgh, Hoaglin, Springfield’s High Class Printing House Douglas county, vloe Joe De Bernardl, resigned; Mrs Amelia Campbell, Heda- vllle, Linn county, vice Frank Da via, i resigned; Gordon A Bowen, Yankton, May Be Purchased From j Columbia county, vice Thomas V. Holr MOUNTAIN STATES POWER SECURITIES COMPANY i »tins. OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST A new record wna established elec­ tion day. November 1. when 848 un­ registered voters were sworn tn at the 17 precincts of Klamath Falls by freeholders Wheat shipments from the Columbia river tn all trades for Gctober reach­ ed 5.4I94.989 bushels, bringing the total for the cereal season to date to IS. 311.8(6 bushels. Leroy Ledgerwood, superintendent of the Mehama fish hatchery, stale» that he now haa 6.40«,Odd Chinook eggs at the hatchery, which la all that will be hatched there thl» year The state law authorising the col­ lection of inheritance tax in Oregon 1» constitutional, according to an opinion written by Justice Belt and handed down by the state supreme court Salem outdistanced all other cities in the Pacific northwest tn residence and business construction during Oc­ tober. according to the monthly build­ ing survey of S. \V Strauss A Co. Governor Pierce appointed John C. Veatch of lhirlland a member of the Multnomah county tax supervising and conservation commission to su. ■ eed L. J Goldsmith, who has reaigued. County assessors from all sections of the state met tn Salem to confer with members of the state tax com­ mission with relation to the tax ratio of the various counties for the year 1927. I « O f ' ■' +¿ " T r , 9 " ’ ___ _ , r- ■vIL Women Especially Will Be Interested InThis News C.J.8REIERC0. “It Always Pays To Buy At Breiers” k | The Christmas Spirit Christmas Greetings SHIPMENT OF EXCLUSIVE CARDS JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW YORK Start With $5 a Month >5 Make your selection while our line is complete The Willamette Press Maintain Statesl^S Power Conijrany * I *