PAG* THE B*'n»,xi.HKbD NEWS THURSDAY NOVEMBER IS. 1926 K Turkey» Capon» uUDucks i G eese Chickens A ll o u r T hanksgiving p o u ltry are corn and m ilk fa t­ tened w hich Is highly nw caaary In order to have th a t d a in ty, delicious tlu vo r that makes y o u r H oliday D inner a HUCCeHH . Don't w ait u n til the last m in u te when the beat o u c h are gone, O rder otu< today. Do It now w hile we have plenty to pick fro m and you w ill fit* assured o f a choice fat bird «; INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. Q uality A ll T he Tim e S pringfield C orner 4th and Main Phone 63 MENU SOUP Chicken with Noodles Cream of Tomato BNTKKKH 'I - Bone Breaded Veal Breaded Pork Tender­ loin ROAST JHnncr Turkey with Cran­ berry Hauoe Roast Veal with Dress­ ing Koaat Pork —at home means n »hole day's fussing In a hot and DEHERT fixing kitchen, Hot Mince Pie Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream with dishes to waali afterward. Come here for a delicious dinner, and hare DINNER SERVED PROM th e IS. M. to 9 P whole day to enjoy. M. DROP IN CAFE When You Appreciate A Radio M ost! T lull O « is Prom n hum ble experim ent o f it few years ago, the R adio has grow n to he a necessity in live m illio n homes. There Is a reason fo r this rem arkable popula rity. It is Itecause each m ember o f the entire fa m ily finds the Radio a never-ending source of Joy. entertainm ent ami en- llg h tenin et. On special occasions like T h anksgiving . Christm as. New Years you appreciate your Radio even more (If that Is possible). We are Authorized Agents fo r:— A tw a te r Kent, Crosley, Etc. Radios Rented o r Sold on tim e paym ents— D em onstra­ tio n s made any tim e. Springfield Garage 414 Main Phone 11-J Ask fo r Helnle VETERANS STILL I NEED RED CROSS Mrs. Laeeell Moves— Mss Mrs. Harris Hors— Mrs Fred Har­ ris of Leabuát whs a Hprlngfiell baa moved Into the W. C. denes pn Fifth, street. visitor /««tarday. Educators G ive Junior Red Cross H ig h Praise Movss to E u gen e— Mrs. I-eo n * Bsprs u ntatlvss of the Pullman Car W ithers has moved treat Route, 2 M oom pen y. the American Railway Ex Eugene. prese company end the Callfornla-Oro- Kessey In Portland— Dwight Kes- gon Lumber company appeared before the stale tax oom mission at Salem aey spent the earty part o f the week in an effort to persuaae the stale of­ In Portland. ficials to col down the property valu­ Mitchell In— D K Mitchell return- ations os which tbstr assessm ents In Oregon ths coming year will be based id to Westfir Monday after visi’ ng The btuud bos fixed the valuation of here o««r the wc.h-end. the Pullman company at $1.468,431 60, Visits At W estfir— Mrs. I z lac ; Ew- the American Railway Express com puny at $639,247.60 and tbe California- banks visited several uays ms week Oregon Comber company at $14,000. with Mrs. Harry Anthony of W - tilt. Aid to Disabled Men Increases as Problems and Legislation Bring Complications. Growing recognition by landing sd wcalora all over the world has been as a< blevaoiunt of the Junior Red Croat In the last fiscal year Included In those which have taken »specially favorable cognizance ol Red Cross efforts are tbs 20,000 MEN DIE EACH YEAR Junior World Federation of Education Asso­ ciations at Edinburgh, Scotland, It 192!, the P:p=rt;r.i nt of 3up-..-I •«» Many Entitled tu âeueiits Stili denra of the National Education Aa •«elation, at Washington, 1924 and Uninformed of Just Claims the National Education Assoclatlo; to Compensation. lu Philadelphia, June, 1926. Varloui Slat« educational bodies have co a firmed thia approval, ths report adds. Bight years after the World War As a phase of their work, the Jun huda service to disabled velermia «till tors have developed contacts through a major responsibility of lb« Amort- exchange ol correspondence, with can Rod Croat. aim liar Junior organizations In vlr Thia alluatlon la dua to th« Increas- tuaily every port of the world, and Inc problem« Involved and the com­ through the development of this me­ plex character of veteran li-glslatloo. dium many leaders see a better There la alto an Increase In numbers chance for world peace In future. An especially notable development of "death rases" handled, aa com­ of Junior organization has occurred pared with claims for living veterans, In Porto Rico, with an enrollment of though the work for the latter re­ 137.000. and the Philippines, with mains heavy. About 20,000 ex-service »11,000. men are dying each year, a consider­ Mora than 6.000.000 American Jun­ able percentage of these having serv­ iors are at work in thia organization of the American Red Cross Their ice-connected disabilities. lu a majority of cases. Red Cross eiam ple la held oat by tbe American Chapters find their aealatauce la need- Rod Cross during the Tenth Annual Roll Call for membership, as one for ed In helping dependents present all Americans to endorse by Joining their claims for death compensation. the parent organization during th« Insurance payments, bonus, burial al­ period November 11 to 26 this year. lowances, and other government ben­ efits due them An episode of the past year lllustratee the difficulties W ar O ver, But R ed Cross frequently encountered by the Red Nurses A re Ever O n D uty Cross experts In rendering such as­ sistance. A veteran dying from serv­ Has the romantic picture of the Red ice-connected disease, was trying from bla bedside to establish at that lata Cross Nurse faded with the war days? time his claim for Governmeut aid to It has been more than 12 years sines bit family, and the necessary proofs that first contingent of brave women were In a physician's records across to go to the war gone sailed from America to make an undoing record the continent from him. To obtain of service behtad every battle front the needed affidavits before It was too For an answer to their whereabouts late, a cruse-conUnent airplane flight today. It ts only necessary to refer to was necessary, then a Red Cross any large disaster of recent years la Chapter in Pennsylvania hurried the which the Red Croes rendered relief. investigation, sending the papers Wherever there was Injury and suf­ back to the veteran and bis Red fering the Red Croes nurse will be Cross helpers In Oregon, by air mail. found to have been on active duty. It reached there In lime. These nurses are enrolled under the Another discovery In Red Cross as­ American Red Cross as a reserve of sistance to veterans and their fami­ lies Is that many dependents of these the Army. Navy and U. S. Publle men unquestionably eutltled to Gov­ Health Service, at all times ready to ernment aid. have struggled along. serve In war or peace. This reserve of Red Cross nurses aggregates 48.50$ Ignorant of their rights. Aproxlmately 2,486 Red Cross Chap­ women who have met the highest ters carry on Home Service work, la standard In the nursing profession. The Roll Call for membership In the assistance to veterans and their dam- llles. The Chapstrs . also conduct Red Cross this year Is November 11 campaign among veterans for rein­ to 26, when the American people statement and conversion of their Identify them selves with the broad term Insurance. Among Its other du­ services of the organization by Joining ties, the Red Cross assumed at the Its rank*. request of the Canadian Government the administration of a fund allotted , to the care of Canadian disabled vet­ FOR 8 A LB—Carbon paper In large erans living in the United States. sheets. 24x39 Inches, suitable for la the United States the Red Cross making tracings The rvew* Office assisted an average of about 80,004 disabled veterans and their families NOTICE TO APPEAR every month In the past fiscal year. Indicating the site of thia undertak­ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ing, National Headquarters of the STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE Red Cross expended $1,641,178.18 on COUNTY disabled veteruns alone, and $509,- THE STATE OF OREGON. Plaintiff, 461.72 on assistance to men on active vs. O N E BU1CK ROADSTER duty with the Army. Navy and Marine AUTOMOBILE bearing 1926 Ore-, Corps, while Red Cross local Chap­ gon License Number 119-415. Motor ters expended a total of $1.987,000. Number 1302991. 1925 Modil F A .1 GARNER and CITIZENS INVEST Red Cross assistance to service tuen MENT COMPANY, a corporation. overshadowed every other phase of Defendants. Ila program, even Its disaster relief, TO F A GARNER CITIZENS IN­ until the Florida hurricane. Help for veterans covers many de­ VESTMENT COMPANY and WHOM mands. from temporary aid until Gov­ IT MAY CONCERN: Defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE ernment claims are adjusted or until OF OREGON: the ex-soldier Is properly hospitalized, Y oh and each of you are hereby to extending capital loans to rehabili­ notified and will take notice that the tated veterans endeavoring to become following described personal proper­ self supporllug In business. Several ty. to-wtt: such capital loans were to blind vet­ One Butck Roadster Automobile. hearing 1926 Oregon License erans. Number 119-416. Motor Num­ Contact with veterans In hospitals ber 1302991. 1925 Model Is maintained by Red Cross personnel ___been seized by the sheriff of which doctors agree Influences the has veteran's welfare and Improvement. Lane County. Oregon, on the 6th day , of November. 1926. In the County of The Veterans' Bureau was planned I.nne. State of Oregon, at and In the ; to carry on social work In Its hospi­ vicinity of Fifth and Olive Streets. tals for mental cases, and In man» In Eugene, in the county and state J cases the Government and the Red aforesaid; that said above described Cross are cooperating for the welfare property has ever since been and of the men suffering war disabilities. now is in the possession and custody The public Is Invited to assist this of the said sheriff of Lane County. , work by Joining the Red Cross during Oregon; that the sal sheriff has the Annual Roll Coll. November 11 made a return of seizure of said per­ to 26. sonal property, and that the same has been seized as aforesaid, and is being proceeded against In the above A L W A Y S A T W O R K TO R E L IE V E entitled court and cause or th? for­ D IS T R E S S feiture of the same, pursuant to the provisions of Canter 29 General Lows Since 1905 the American Red Cross of Oregon 'or 1923' and has given relief to 854 disasters in You ami each of you. and all per- the United States alone, a year sel­ --ona having or cla'm lng Io have nny dom passes without a major calamity im prest In »a’ t, Btl’ck autom obile due to tornado, earthquake, fire or above described, are hereby peonir I 1 flood. The Red Cross In each case hae to app ear before the above entitled remained on the job until relief was court In the court house in Lane completed. County. Oregon, at Eugene, hv th-' Ixist year the Midwest tornado 6th day of December." 1926. said day I which struck five states was the out­ being the nnsw er-dny In this cause, standing relief operation by the Red which has heretofore been duly set Cross. The Florida hurricane In Sep­ hv tile above entitled Court, to de tember created n problem which ex­ fend against these proceedings, and ceeded In proportions any disaster upon your failure so to do a Judg­ ment of forfeiture of said Piltck auto­ since the Snn Francisco fire By Joining the American Red Croes mobile above described 'will be ap I every American can do his pari to plied for. This notice is issued and ulr.’cted make Its services continuously effee to you and each of you pursuant to, ttve. Tile Annual Roll Call from No­ • u e'pv'er dulv made and entered by vember 11 to 25. this year, ts your op the above entitled Court on the 16th portunlty. day of November, 1926. WITNESS my hand and the seal of More than 43,000 nurses are en said Court affixed at Eugene. In Lane rolled In the American Red Cross. County. Oregten. this 17th day of They are ever ready for emergency November, 1926. R. 8. BRYSON. County duty. Every American can do his Circuit Clerk of Lane County. Ore- share for humanity by Joining the ('unit gon. and ex-officio clerk of American Red Cross during the Tenth Seal said Circuit Court. Annuul Roll Call. November 11 to 25. By DORRIS L. BETTIS. Deputy. N 18-25 “IN THE PINK” T hat's a term used by men who make a profession of tra in in g prize-fighterel “ In The P in k” means th a t the most perfect physical condition possible h a t been reached and th a t the athlete is "S t" for the supreme test. The ancient Greeks made keeping "in the pink" a p art of th e ir religion and aa a race have never been exclled in th ia departm ent of living. In view of the fact th a t men K N O W H O W to get in and K E E P in condition, W H Y is it th a t there are to few of us that T R Y for this condition. Is there any GOOD reason why any of ua should be less than 100 per cent ftt! "In the p in k l’’ We G R A N T th a t our drug and prescription departm ent might suffer a bit but there are plenty O T H E R counter* which would profit highly while this com m unity was A T T A IN IN G thia "in the p in k,“ so we would be plenty content, thank you! Ever looked at it T H IS way? The Foundation Is Now Laid! W eather S trip s of H ealth! The ground ia broken for perfect health by using a 30 day treatment of Squibb's Min­ eral Oil. ($1.00) the object be­ ing to obtain a free, clear ali­ mentary tract. Once this Is done, your system Is in a re­ ceptive mood to go further. But this FIRST step is VERY im­ portant. Take it! With millions of germs seek­ ing the opportunity to bust in and raise hob with your health, a ■ most Important step is to DAILY use a GARGLE which not only kills the germs already there but those who are seek­ ing entrance! We have 3 which we can especially re­ commend—Gargles that is. S P E C IA L Most of us— when healthy, perspire EVERY day about % of a quart of moisture—mostly harmful a d d s! To keep the pores free and clear, a hath FOLLOW ED by an ALA OHOL RL B makes it possible for you to KEEP the health you’ve fought for and wvon! A Pint Bottle for $1.00! KETEL’S DRUG STORE " S I A arLLY aiLLYD£&m Friday and Saturday a i < DOLLAR DAYS These and many more unadvertised to greet the thrifty shoppers of Lane County. *0 0 W omen's •M unshingw ear’ S ilk To Top H osiery At. P a i r £ The very natue "M u n sin g w e a r” stands fo r quality. Eugene, here only. W om en's S ilk S tockings 10 0 $1.25 Values. 2 Pairs For £ R em arkably underpriced— less than h a lf price, in th is group. In 200 pairs Pure Linen H andkerchiefs, 10 0 T w o Day Special, 3 fo r £ Women buying fo r self or fo r C hristm as g ift givin g should see these dainty embroidered hankies. A fine Linen Crash T ow eling, 100 Very Special. 7 Yards £ qu a lity, unbleached and desirable T h irty Six Inch Heavy O uting Flannel, 5 Yards J w e ig h t 00 fleecy outing, e ith e r w h ite o r fancy stripes. 100 O uting Flannel, Friday, Saturday Special. 7 Yds. £ Good w eight, 27 inches wide, in w h ite o r d a rk fancy patterns. E lectric L ig h t Bulbs, 00 Special At, F our For Inside frosted. 15-25 and 40 w a tt bulbs, H ardw are depart- nient- Cocoa Door M ats In A Tw o day Special, Only £ N um ber one q u a lity fibres, size 14 by 24 inches, H ardw are departm ent. F la s h -L ig h ts Complete 100 Friday, S aturday Special £ Heavy nickeled case, tw o cell type, fo o l proof and depend­ able. ’ (H ardw are departm ent.) A lum inum Sauce Pans, 100 Set o f Three, A Special £ The set consists o f three sizes, one. one and a half, and tw o quarts. (H ardw are departm ent) Soft, Joo