this ■*AOB r o o l i ftriuMtincw M W THURBDAY NOVRMHKH 18. 192ft Lane County Farmers Union News O FF IC IA L P U B LIC A TIO N L A N * CO UN TY U N IT NO. 14 I f County Budget For 1927 j Community News Is Fixed at $350,737.97 UPPER W IL L A M E T T E By Special a . -**va^endent» GARDEN W AY OFFICERS OF LANE COUNTY • FARMERS' UNION * • • • • • • • PO U LTR Y H IN T S 1 C W Altos. Vida. I'r»»lilent W I.», Eugirin, VIce-ITssl From H A. C, deni. • i I H" .ty M Kappuuf, Collage Grove • | Water I» always m re-isarv for the Hceretej-y Treasurer. • , Walter |»/>rgan, Creswell. Condite • fowls «Io n they conisi off tin- riaists ior * In I h e morning, when C e c in e light« are used. II II Smith, jF.ugene. Poorkrep 5 000 09 Calling for an expenditur« of »350. Crow-Vaughn Mrs. Schoop mother of Mrs George , The I». T. A of district 100 held 4.000.'» Badger mountain 73797 for general county expense» 7,000 00 Kelsay of I'lousanl Hill is very sert I maaa meeting In the school hou»" .Mapleton-t'ushmun and 81W.W7.70 for market road» the 6.000 00 hi B| the home of her daughter' Friday evening at which there was Lane county budget has been pre­ Canary north ...... 6,000.00 a, llelllnghnm. Whmhtngton. She had! ,(|1 attendance of sixty. The meeting junction City west rr. pared by the county budget com lllrils are fri-quently broiight Int«» 4.000 00 a stroke id aP lw flexy several week« , wa„ opened by the president. W. J - , O. L Clement, Wa te r 3 « » . mlttee for 1M7. The only new Item ( Game farm I ' Pengra It was voted to have Ute 1 prodiicllon bv tin use of a wet ma ah and Mrs. Kelaay went to her ago lain of the budget Is »900 fur a ru ral, fed In lhe Itopper» In lhe sanie niait »137.513 00 i„.,|8t,t,.. retuning utter two w««k<. i next meeting ltocrtitber 17. after Cc t ( , Total Some demonstration agent. ncr as Gts dry feed. A quart or ils'» ________________ |0u»9ay Mrs Kelaay received word time the m eetings will be held every The market road budget Is condi­ DANCE Stevens Hall Every Satur-1 ^ r mother had had anoiher stroke seeoad Friday of each month. Mrs .nieal or nieal lo every loo blrds la tional on half the sum budgeted being nisgi-d In Ihs inaali day Night. Garrett's Orechestsa U. an(, waa v,.r). |„ „ . Clarence Chase handed In her reslg i • paid by the state, FARM REM IN D ER S .! nailon nation as Secretary and Mrs Elmo and daughter, Mrs C F. Hyde Canaral Fund Listed l'inillrymih who iinderstantl prop-ir Betty Jeanne, of Eugene, formerly of ' Chase was appointed Io succeed her ’ The items in the 1087 budget for leeillus «Md m6L'«geutetll do Ilot ils» The entertainment consisted of songs I Presence of illm-o|»»r»i|on In Ihe tonies or dopes orf Ihelr Itix-k» the general fund are as follow s: er day November 15 to be at the bed by the school children and a vocal stem eiVt Vascular region of GW Advertising ------------------- » 3,000.00 Springfield solo by Norton Pengra accompanied --------- side of her son Emery Schreuder. 2,600 O') polato in Oregon has been found In Agriculturist -------------- lllrils for TltsnkHglvliig murkel aro by Mrs. P»-ngra After the profram. Who has been opvraithi on for an ac­ 13.000 0‘ , Assessor's office --------- games were played and refreshm ent! many y ears work at Ihe experlmet.l fallened qulrkly by lieavy corn fee«l- tyrwtfon monthly pansions hava bewn ute attack of appendtcttls. 60O.W, station io be an unreliable Index ol tng A »et. nui «h consisGng of 60 |i r Auditing .......- ------ Mr and Mrs. Floyd Lord and Mrs. of cider and doughnuts were served. the presence of disease-producing granted as follows Nanay J. Dunlap 25.000 < > 0 cent grountl corn. 40 p«’r cent »hnris Care of p o o r -------------- Mr and Mrs G It Fl«h and son. 12.000 00 Portland. »19; John McNulty. Port­ Lord's mother. Mrs Rose lleaver. and Gilbert and John Lynch of Spring organisms II cannol safely be relied and enough tiullermllk lo maki- a bat- Circuit c o u r t -------------- .700 00 land. »4®. Walter W McBride. Port Mr. and Mrs. Ttvey of Edenvalo field will spend Ihe week-end with upon as Ihe sole guide In separating 1er In U»eil Coroner ------------ --------- land »11: John H Long. Linn toe »30: | motored to Swtoahoroe Friday morn sound from diseased stoek or plant «.O '»«» 00 County c o u r t -------------- Thomas J. Mahonay. Portland. Mo I j Ing expecting to return that night, the Asehel Fish family of Salem ing More Ihan 13.000 tubers were 1.200.00 Turkey« are noi i oniini d for Ihe Stenographer ---------------- Edith Col«' a former nurse of the Laura W King. Portland. »id, but ihe heavy rain aecompanled wim examined In llndllig Giese facts out fattening period 2.000.00 County fair --------------------- Frank A Jvrtnann. Portland, »30, I lightning and wind caused them to Pacific Christian hospital and Mark 7.000.09 Court h o u s e ----------------- James B Hapkma Portland, »16; stay all night They visited at th* Cole of Chase Gardens were married 18.000.00 Poultry dressed for Storage la dry Clerk» office ----------- ---- - Jofca D. Lynch. Portland. »10; Mary homes of Mr and Mrs J A 1‘helps Saturday, They will reside with the The only method of ronndling 4.77000 pick'd District attorneys office W. Worden. Portland. 180; Benjamin and' Mr and Mrs. George Lord return groom s parents at Chase Gardens blight of apples and pear trees in . 500.0') District sealer ------- L Saar» Vernonia. »30; Mary H Wilt. Ing Saturday morning Mrs. Rose I for the present The community wel Oregon that has proved at all sucres* Alfalfa leaves and blossoms ars 20.392.27 E m erg en cy ---------------— Tillamook. »30; Charles F Cochran Beaver remained at Swlsshome io , coined them with a noisy and well ful Is i-ullltig out all Ihe diseased , used as green feeil wli'-n kale and 1.800 00 Fruit inspector C.Xtaga Grove, »20; Charles H ports, burning them und disinfecting attended charivari Tuesday night root cropa cannot be obtained 200.00 Halnoe. Band. »30; Victor Johnson visit her daughter. Mrs George lx»r-l Health officer ------ Merle Chase left the first of Ihe the wounds Thia work promptly i Mr and Mrs. O. H Wangelm have 800 00 Indigent soldier — and thoroughly done holds Ihe ills- j .. K -" . '» •'» m week for Callforulu for tils health Poultry producing market egg« are 800.00 C~ ~ ÎBSU1« ------------------ Philip Saul and family were visit­ ease lo a minimum, hut does not j T m i m Gwi cottage on the Tinker ran fed 1 lo 2 pounds of green feed dally 3.500 Justice c o u r t --------- iJ X i*Hlok*XX D^to.l'»W, tlw «<“ ’ * on lU,; TlUlU‘r rant'1 ors at the Thomas Maxwell home always prevent recurrence the folio» for every 100 birds llre«-ding poultry Young folks of the neighborhood en 1.200.00 Juvenile c o u r t ------ mg year. Joye dthem selves listening in on the Tuesday are fed all Gle green feed they will 3.000.00 Public health service — football games. Armistice day an I cons time 2.000 00 Registration, election — T IM E AND PLACE OF • Saturday. Interplantlng of Etterstiurg 121 , TH U R STO N 900 »0 Rural home dem agent strawberries with oilier varieties fur! LOCAL M EETING S • Breeding hens are forced Ini» y The basket social to be given by 1.200 00 Scalp bounty --------------- Canary—First Wednesday. Third • Walter Edmtaton Is having vntrr pollination has been found Ineffective resting period near the Iasi of N ot - the public school children of Pleas­ 6.850 00 School superintendent Saturday. Farmers Union Hall. • by Oregon growers as well as by the i tuber and kept out of production ant Hill will be held at the locU piped Into his houss 31.400 00 Sheriff s o f f ic e --------— Cloverdale—Second and Fourth • Mr and Mrs George are at Noll state college Nearly all commercial until January. This Is ai-rompltahidt church Friday November 19 A very 800.00 Slaughtered a n im a ls---- Fridays. Cloverdale School House. • good program Is berng planned by with their son. Norman and family. plantings of this variety have been by taking uwav the protein feeds anil 6.715.00 Surveyor's office ---------- Creswell—First and Third Tues- • Wm Eyler and Ray Mitchell made iBlerptonlgd al one lime nr another feeding largely oats nnd mill run. the teachers. Mrs. Clark and Mrs 500 0 ) Tax rebate days. Creewell, M. W. of A. Hall. • a business trip to Landax Iasi Fri­ lo gel them lo bear fruit on lh- Gulllfonl. 2.000 00 ThisUe and plant insect Coast Fork—Second and Fourth • terminal blossoms. Pollen from Oregon poullrymt-n are ordering The Sunday school of the Christian day. 3,395 te) Treasurer s o ff ic e -------- Thursdays. Farm Union Hall. • The I-adles AW are planning oa other varlelles proved no more ef their baby chirks no*, some hatch­ church at Pleasant Hill pledged »45 12.500.00 Widows' p e n s io n --------- Danebo—First Tuesday, Danebo • fectlve than polton of It» own vsrletv eries being already pretty well sold , to the Armenian Relief fund last Sun­ giving a play In the near future 25.000 00 Retiring warrants ------- School House. The Davis Sewing club met with out. day. 2.500.00 Fair d e fic ie n c y _______ Dorena—Second and Fouth Tues- • Mrs. Helen Campbell Wednesday The most Injurious cutworms In The ladles of the Christian church 128.917.70 Roads and highways .... An Increase In grain and a decrease days. Dorena Church. • Oregon spend the winter ns Immature are planning a bazaar sometime In afternoon In ttiHsh prevents moiling, wnlrb is H aileyville — First and Third • Mr. and Mrs Frank Campbell spent caterpillars In Ihe soil says Hie ex­ December. T o t a l ____________ ____ »350.737 97 Thursdays. HadleyvlUe School. • They are present likely to come If production of (Ins Miss Jaunita Lombard who has Friday night in Eugene the guests of periment station General road and bridge Items are Heceta—First Sunday of each • Mr and Mrs. Ted George In the spring and all set for a foray n<» k Is kept above 6u per cent. been assisting at the Tinker ranch ns follows: month, Heceta School House. * Mrs Beulah Harblt Is spending a on the new rrops as soon as the during apple season returned to hhr » 64 458.85 Road d is tr ic t s ----------- Jasper—Second and Fourth Wed- • home at Springfield Monday Novem­ few days with her daughter, Mrs. plants push their tops through the (ine half pound of salt Is mlgoil 15.000.00 ; □esdays. W. O. W. Hall. Jasper. • M ain ten a n ce________ Frank Campbell. with l»o pounds of nmsh In every soil All that cannol be destroyed . ber 15. i 9.458.85 ' Weak districts Mrs. HarVey Hadley form Hadley- by burning or burying of plant rem- ' third batch, Lorane—Second and Fourth • Mr. and Mrs M E. Hayes of Gar-! lO.OOO.iJO E q u ip m en t___ Wednesdays. I. O. C. F. Hall. • diner. California spent the week-end vllle spent last Tuesday with tier nants under which they hide, are 20 000.00 B r id g e s ---------- Mt. Vernon—First and Tplrd • mother. Mrs Taylor Needham. Litter Is wait heil carefully and best deult with by poisoned bran. at Pleasant Hill 10,000 to ! Ferries ______ Mr. and Mr- Felix Sparks from Mc­ Wednesday. Braaf.eld Store. • changed before It becomes damp p n -t Result« are Inexpensive, quick nnd The Jordan's have moved Into their Silk Creek Meets First and ThJrd • elegant new home at Pleasant lllll Kenzie Bridge spent the week end sure. heavy. A six Inch lay«>r of straw la T o t a l ________________ »128.917.70 Thursday at Cedar School House • A (ru(.k |<)a(| of h()mp furnlaBlnee King form Newport arrived in undergo an operation for app'-ndlol- Thurston Tuesday evening to look tia at the veterans' hospital. after his property here. Miss Elizabeth McMahon and her Bee colonies may lie so well pre aunt, Mrs. Kellems nnd son from pared for winter In Oregon as io Eugene motored to the summit last . require no attention from late o -t. Sunday. They had car trouble on j-“- t ober to early March, says the bee turning and had to lr towed In. Hpeciallst of ihe experiment station. I Misses Anna and Ggga Erickson The three essentials of preparation spent Sunday with their parents at tores. | Fal1 *>•«*• are large colony, abundant Mrs. Hum Stevens from Onkrldge and winter protection. As many a« j 15,000 young workers In addition to visited their aunt, Mrs.Tnylor Need­ the old. and no less than 40 to 50 ham the past week end. , isiunds of honey, are needed See the«« cork« in the EASY ¡inti m ake yo u r giiess. Abso­ 4OR SALE—Carbon paper In largo lu te ly F IIE E CneHH now. T o the perfton guesHlng tho »beet«, 26x39 Inches, suitable for NOTICE OE ROAD DISTRICT nearest to the e orred n iin ib i r o f corks we w ill give MEETING making trnalngs The News Office Sf WIN WIN $25 $25 In Gold In Gold I How Many Corks in the Big EASY.Tub? In Our Window For the Thanksgiving Dinner We can supply you w ith the m any necessary delicacies th a t go to make up the successful T hanksgiving dinner. Our stock is fresh and every brand speaks quality. Lowest prices. FRUITS, NUTS, VEGETABLES, SPICES It Always Pays to Trade at Grays B R A /5 C A 5H & C A R R y To Whcm It May Concern: NOTICE OE ROAD DISTRICT Notice I m hereby given that n meet­ MEETING ing of the legal voler i being rcsplent taxpayers and owners of real proie To Whom It May Concern: Notice Is heri-bv elven that a erlv In Road District -No. 23. in Lane County. Oregon, will be held at the ,nK Gie legal voters being resident hour or 2 R. M. on the 20th day rif taxpayer' and owner' of real prop- Noviinber. A. D.. 1926, al t h e 1 "r ,y lb Road District No. 2, in Lane I'nlty S c h o o lh o u s e in Raid County, Oregon, will bo held at the Road District lo determine whether Ihol,r "f 2 M f»n the 20th day of said road district shall levy n special [ November. A. D. 1926 at the Mi tax of »1660.35 upon all Go- taxable i Bridge Sctioolhouo- in Kalil property In said district for Gv pur-1 Road District, to determine whether pose of providing funds for 1 mill on "«l‘> mad district shall levy a special road G near Pengra, 1 mill on road A tax of »5596 36 upon all the taxable up «he river from Lowell, I mill on property In said district for the pur road K up Wlnherry, 1 mill on road pose of providing funds for 3 Mills to J up Big Eall Creek above Wlnherry widen O’Larry grade on Foley Spring Bridge and 1 mill from Bridge to Road, one half mill on King road, one nnd one half mills on Belknap road. cross roads on road J. ('. R BARNARD. County Judge. I C. R. BARNARD, County Judge. CLINTON HURD, CLINTON HURD, County Commissioner County Commissioner. O. E. CROWE. O. E. CROWE. County Commissioner County Commissioner N 4-11-18 N 4-11-18 $25 in Gold FREE No O bligation— We W ant Everybody to Guess APPLEGATE FU1IUBE CO. EUGENE'S OLDEST AND LEADING HOME FURNISHING STORE MINER BLDG, 140 NINTH AVE. E. PHONE 919 The Home o f the EASY Washer