PAGE THREE! T H E SPftlNGFTEI.n NEWS T I I I ì U s DAY NOVEMBER IX. l»2tt weighing 45o pounds. The calf la ordinarily kept till It 1« two years ohl. when It la turned Into the breeding herd to replace the cowa loaf or culled If It 1» a heller, or sent to market If a steer. An average To Attend Gam«— Mr and Mr« death loss of 5 per cent la figured In, Floyd Planery will atttend the O. A thus Increasing th- coat above that C. ■ Oregon football game at Corvall'» [ required for maintenance. The average annual overturn In a Saturday. cattle outfit, under a 65 per cent calf COST OF PRODUCING BEEF crop and 5 per cent death loss, la 2« $60 FOR TWO YEAR OLD per cent. To «ell 100 head of cattle a year an outfit must carry 400 cattle To produce a two-year old beef of all ages. These 1W cattle s o » animal r.-ady for market In the Blue must pay the bill for all. A large calf crop la the most vital mountain dlatrlcta of eaatern Oregon coat» clone to »60. aa found in a coat factor in the coat of cattle production. of production Investigation by the If the calf crop la larger than th e average of 65 per cent the coat of a atate college extension service. The coat of maintaining the cow weaned calf la proportionately leas. t'nder range conditions It la often for a year 1« about »23. analysed In such business like way aa a banker difficult to ralae a large percentage. analyse« hla bualne»». It waa found Cowmen have their own Ideas aa to that the average calf crop brought what ayatem of management would All are succeesfully to weaning age la only accomplish an Increase. 65 per cent—that 1«. for every hun­ agreed on the fact that It require» dred head of cowa carried 65 weaned control of the bulls during the breed­ calve« are returned. This make» the ing season. It 1» pretty generally coat of the weaned calf »35—a rate I true that breeding in pastures as­ of »7.75 per hundred for weanlings sures a higher percentage of calves. R e t u r n » to N o t i— M r . a n d Mr». F. B. Parrish returned to Notl Monday after vlsiUng over the week-end at the residence of Mr and Mrs. E W. Celling. Brady. M«* C. H Iloakin«, Mr and Luaby-Johneon Nuptial» Mr«. II It- Johnson. tiludya Johnson. Among »h» nutfworlhy » o c l a l Mr«. Addle Johnsen, Mr and Mr«. •«unta »f Armtallcr day waa th» W..-I- Stanley H. William», and Laureti» d liiK of Mia» Gertrud» J< l,n««n of for- William« vailla »ml Oeorge W Luahy o f f o r - Mr. l.uaby I» a teacher In the Cor­ lirit which la-i-urrcd »I the rvildonc» bett «c|,otila. uml there the couple Mra. C t». Iloakin«, "f Eugene. ” r will make Ih.'lr home They departed n. latina waa It. v T II Yarn.'«, form after the i ereinouy for Portland. «r p» 'or of Ilo M tiimiin Ki»l»i opal church of tlprll»« field. Houk In— K. Houk of lloule I I hr hmi«.' waa taatily decor«te4 apenl a part of Saturday In town on with pulin«, daullas uml chryaanthc business. m uni«. Th.. lirille carried n gorgeou» bon iiucl of rneebud» uml f«-rn. and wore u li.vety tire«« of bitin velvet She wit« accompanied by Mi»« Heini Janowakl. who carried a bouquet of pink carnation* Accompanying the Krooni waa Holt drlnn». Following i'ic ring ceremony. lunch Aubrey In Town—Juine« Aubrey of Jasper transacted hualneaa In Hprlmt ih Id Sulurday. Hand 1» Improving— Ml»» Altnu W allace o f Ja sp e r. w h ir « hum ! bn- l ame Infected recently. la reported to In much Improved She was a vlaltor at a local physician'» olfl.-e Sulurday con w»« «erveil to the guests, Thoao with her parent». Mr and Mr» M. 1«. pre*, nt were Maxim- l.naby. It J Wallace . ----- • — ¿MB Q a Battery You Can Depend On RED CROSS Q A Battery that’s Low in Price Q A Battery with a Reputation Semes Humanity tp * Don’t Delay! Every tiny you neglect utartlng a Savings Account mean« that you must work Junt that much harder to provide for your old age. The time to «tart a Savings Account is NOW. Why noi do tins the tiist thing to­ morrow? Sturt with only $1.00 if necessary, hut START! At llrst the am ount you save Is not so Im ptirtant; the MAIN Idea Is to GET THE SAVING HABIT! Once you do, you are going to SAVE EVERY CENT 1