THURSDAY NOVEMBER IH. I »2d T H lt SPRING F I 1 Q N E W » FAQ» TWO 1925-2« CITRUS CROP SMASHES ALL RECORDS IN VOLUME A RETURNS THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PaMlaSwd Ttarwiay at OR. FRANK CRANE SA ÏS. Ip r tn r T e ld . Laaw Coaaty. O ra ta » . *T T H t W I L L A M t T T t P R tS S H. B. M A X K T . E d ita r_________________ ' ~~ I M I at tb J aa swcoed ctaaa m atter Febraary 14. poatnfrtcd. S *rta < fl« M . Orata« __ n il 1 DON T M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T I One Tear ta Advaaee----- *1.1* Three M ob ha M o a t h a ----------------------- A1-— , j,. Si"«* C o p t -------U U rn A a .e le » . Not » < - 4 ’a i « o r . m J if vou d ou bt t h i* d b s rn * th e d is tin g u is h '' ita a m tr I . I - i ;a| (1 U rj. 1« «... r . agaia d e t u o n .u i n g ,.f au oa ot »ra* írult i i . rtlag »«■ tKlvanUig' lo liW , ¡m n j year» ot aggraaatva *»d ad vvrtt.u u cstapstgaa. a » to «hr «anual r-port «r o.u clothe s and th e y o u n g e r g e n e ra tio n era» Mana«.r D. veil .1 Ih. ('«inora w ltho u t b a ttin g an eye. » “» A can d id ate for office a t the last election mad-t T hey proclaim w ith the gravity of a Delphic a house to house canvass th ro u g h o u t th e county O racle undisturbed in the slightest by th e evident and tells us th a t he found m any people w ho did fact th a t they d o n ’t know w hat th ey a re talk in g n o t know » h o th e m em bers of th e co u n ty court about w e r e o r a n y o th e r of th e co u n ty officials w ith th e Joseph C onrad, th e w riter of sea possible exception of th e sheriff and a s s e s s o r In on«Z refreshing exception in r e c e n thia enlighted e ra one would only expect to And ’ ‘ When plied with q uestions requiring •u c h uninform ed people in th e bacAwoods but ,„ nnicient m ind to answ er, he »imply stated th e backw oods of Lane co u n ty is often on som e noriliat and of course lay no 7 442.44*. wiiti m u ra » u»fc'x«han<. »topper» »mount *»« ‘® t-* o . ord .um of 7*4.72« T o u i »|lipn:«'Dt» fur the Stair equal Mr p,.»,,,! .» n , attention to the un u t u i t oinbinaiion of maximum pr i f>ne o RJ w om an says sm oking a co rn co b pi|*» duclluD and maximum return» lo j*; a n o th e r says scru b b in g floors w as reapon-- grower» made by Ibi» cooperative or ¡ble. One m an says riding a horse gave him sanitation during the pu»t year n which the agricultural »Ituatlon ba» longevity: a n o th e r never g ettin g m ore th a n a • been «.ne of the aerioua national pr e h o u rs' sleep. t n |t h |Q (|aw n th at M ena Exchange »hipment» for the æ a» m T h e lack o f know ledge is of co u rse d u e to a lack of in te re st in governm ental affairs, B speai- ally is th is tru e to a large e x te n t am ong th e wo- m en, w ho a re now qualified to vote It ca n n o t be derided too fa r because it is o ften evidence of g en eral satisfac tio n with th e way th in g s a re run j E X t o r ^ ^ » J ^ u s t i c e ^ t o S ’a^d they know no m ore ab o u t it th a n an y o n e else. tolalrt tual. ..H ood^ J«.«» cara of orange» and grapefruit and everybody will be inform ed and ready to a r t. bu l th e >' can ' adm l • • • T he old negro w ho said th e secret of his long 12.510 car» of lenona Thia la an In 'life w as “ B ecause I w as born so fa r back, gave creaae in Exchange volume of ap­ proximately 4 000.000 boxe» over la»t “ Shall stock ru n at la rg e ” is th e issue th a t a3 valuable, and a m u d i m ore h ° " ^ ' Í year, and about 1.000.000 box»« over g e ts th e biggest vote in th e c o u n ty precincts. All th a n m ost old people who divulge ' o th e r m easu res fade In th e d istance. * e advise t h elr longevity th e politicians to look into th is m a tte r an d pro- consider th e distinguished fellow d ik e « . d u ce a can d id ate on th e p latform S to c k R un- BDecialists who have becom e fam o u s in a n ing at L arge." He would su re bring out th e inventors, autom obile m an u fact- ■••• • vote. urers. m illionaires and ____„ n o rilists who gave rtrncu- oraj u - la r w orthless opinions on education, histo ry and T h e P o rt O rford News is th e latest new spaper religion, w h eth er they have ever given th em any to s ta rt publication in O regon, N um ber one, vol- study o r not . . . um e one com ing out last T uesday. It would Why is it th a t so few people ^ e able to a d m it V ! " .......... lu m b er en terp rise h as s ta rte d a t P ori O rford and th a t A *i km * ■ bids fair to m a k e ,r a h u stl.n g little tow n. . b u t - - d a , ^ re p o rt. lbe gr^ u „ y< of ,727.ow.uoo C H IN E S E • P hone Ct'.i’» qf q BWrr »92 W .IIam ette S treet ? j S Eugene, O regon HM SH M M HUB It’s Our Business M aking candy and aoft drink* I* o u r bu»lm ** not a sideline. We know gotMl candy and g u a ra n te e every piece we *.>11 . W hen you buy here It’a *ure to pleaae. For C hristm as we have th e flne*t ael««ction of b eautiful boxes ever show n in tow n We will pack them to o rd er with juat th e kind of aw eet m eat* you prefer. M o« gift* appeal to th e eye but our* ap p eals to both th e eight and th e taste.- And they # rr m ighty pleasing to la>th "W here Service I* a U ttle Different" EGGIMANN’S A Thanksgiving Dinner w ith eu t bread would be le** th an k fu l th an one w ithout tu rk ey o r som e o th e r nice m eat. \ o u wottldn t buy a poot bird o r a tough piece of m eat for th at occasion. N either should vou buy p o o r bread and pastries. If It I* P E R ­ FECTION B read you II have for T hanksgiving d in n er you can rely on it being pure and w holesom e. H t to be served along aide th e fine juicy tu rk ey a d in n er th a t would tem pt th e ap p etite of a king. R em em ber th e b read for th a t dressing THE BREAD YOU DO NOT TIRE OF SPRINGFIELD BAKERY I’erkins-Iuixton Bldg F red Frese, Prop. P hone tit» Fifth S treet. SAYS LIEUTENANT R. O T. C. I'.MVKKSIIY " * 1 * " " ' - r CRUEL PEOPLE ■ mo1 d o n ’t know .” W ORDS FROM THE LIPS OF GREAT MEN Annual **<02X011 Returned To California K N 0W , 75e t THt RSDAY NOVEMBER 1» 1»K »change I EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE THE N E W W IN T E K RED C R P W N M m / 2? • ------------- — bert. who »pent three years In China. WHAT DID SEATTLE GET? * wag transferre«J to the local K O. T The Manufacturer * q iall We have been told about a wedding w here the The question ha» been aaked: Who mode 8 *attl* " ’ deacrlblng the execution, Lieut. groom “ ca u g h t th e bride in his arm s.” If the sto ry co n tin u es he will probably catch h er in his >trM,t ear problem’ The an«»« la: The politiclaai who Herbert said inal four Chinamen, 'e- p o ck ets la te r on. n u tad tM - ' • ' wn ,h” n"‘ “ :,ni1 • h" ’’ **** th em • • • huy tiwai ,,n a dw«* 0 O bserving all h ea lth rules will probably add 20 ‘* " ’* r7 h“hn \ pr”'ate r"mpany politician» are recponslhl- for the pro1’.cm. «, ii..» «.-lirv «vsvtilrl w ant tn th® P' y ea rs to a p ________ erso n s max life. B ut who would w an t to the Whii€ people will have to pay the bill for this ertltical ex live un d er th o se conditions. . . - 1 *3.500.000 lost In taxes since th - city owhc I the lines D octors and b u rg lars favor sleeping th e y ear other taxpayer» have had to make up tin- *3,..oo ooo. t> ro u n d w ith th e w indows open- I sides paying one of the highest Street car fares in • • • t'nlteci States—10 cents a ride or three rides for a quart Som e people d o n ’t mind cam paign lies so long a s th e y a re in th e ir own party. • * * T h e president of A ndorra g ets $25 a year D em ocracy in E urope d o esn 't pay very royally. _______________ — NF»— — — — __instead of five cents as promised by the politician». wouI(1 har,j f„r anyone to point io one single advantage which Seattle ha derived from this costly . . M at TBu BM « - pp . - « ( r*"»® »ho can p 1 ■ X" — |>l &CU4Ä TO D O M Y A H O i R T M A C . S H O P P IN G EARLY \T SHOAH AM KlHO Ò YcM MIS?U2 -pUDEfY — 'B c T T M y ' o l Í MAWjMNr v u u rr NO cRia'M uS' 'pQEYENT' NO riOVvf/ pre-sentlng themselve» a» member» of the military forces, tried to steal a carl They were sentenced to punish ent the next morning "The men were paraded In carts on which was a placard unnounebig that they were atrocious criminals who would be executed at ten o'clock In the rooming Showing absolutely no emotion, the convicted men x«i“ l as If the whole affair was a mer- Joke," Lieut. Herbert said After the parade. Iher were tak>-n to the exec ution stand In the center | the city. They were forced »u'f j kneel and the executioner drew a I knife which was two feet long and ! I about four Inches wide and very •| heavy and sharp Without healtatlon j he severed the heads of the criminals. More than 20,000 persons witnessed the execution, and great cbeera arose at each stroke of the knife, through some clever manipulation of the ex­ ecutioner. the head of the last victim was tossed several feet In the air,' Lieut. Herbert said. The cheers aroused by thia feat could be compared with applause that greets Babe Ruth when he hits a homer, according to Lieut. Herbert I CACL ANO SEE Dr. N. W Em^ry on price® oq plat® and other work, tf Sec- Hoyt's Shoes before making your purchase. 321 Main street. N 11-18 DANCE Stevens Hall Kvnry Satur­ day Night. Garrett’s Orecbesgga. tt. I T-HOvGBr ‘.uu. CIVF HIM 'oO M ET i' NG v u c o u - > VC ? -D O Y O IJ T I'. im K H u 'C UK'S» ^RAII ' SOCH$? VJOOL.U> A NbCX 11 c 1 1 u ? MAM ! AB P’NK -CH T 'E WOULD DE - p æ ^ T — T o o n p TWIW <5. J - - FOR SALE—Carbon paper In larg» »heets, 2fix2* Inches, suitable for making tracings The new» Office Wife and H usband Both III W ith Gas •'For years I had gas on the stom­ ach. The first dose of Adlerlka helped. I now sleep well and all gag Is gone. It also helped my husband (signed) Mrs. B. Brlnkl y. ONE) spoonful Adlerlka removes OA8 and op en brings astonishing relief to the stnrmach. Stops that fu 1, bloatud feeling. Brings out old, waste matter yon never thought was In your sya- tern. This eexcellent Intestinal évacu­ ant Is wonderful for constipation. Flanery’s Drug store. TOGO JT A N D A kD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA East Through land C o lo rfu l scenes rich in h istorical and rom antic sig­ nificance. Fantastic Apache T ra il o f Arizona. G reat cities o f the west and south. T he lu xu rio u s c o m fo rt o f famous transcontinental trains. Travel east through C a lifo rn ia and the southland. San Francisco, Los An^ch's, I I Paso w ith Juarez ju s t across the border, on th ro ug h Texas and Louis­ iana to glamorous N ew O rleans. T h e n cast o r n o rth by tra in o r Southern I ’ac.ific steamship to N ew Y ork. A w on dro us journey. G o now . Stopovers at m any points en route. v Fo ur (r a in , d aily » o u tlib o u, in ti uiing th e "Shasta** over­ night to S an F t a n c i» v a',,! *''•' u h e r n California Fxprc»»” direct to Lo« A ng elc.. F rom C a lif o r n ia th e w o r ld fa m o u s **Sun»et L im ite d ” through the southland. (Jet further d elulh today. Southern Pacific CARL 0L B 0 N , A gent