PAC K F IX T H E S P R IN G F IE LD NEWS TH U R SD AY N OVEM BER II I9'.!ii alalea got on a t Springfield. The tim e until a suitor would come along W right," my fath er said "You »k II W estfir and O akridge d ilegatlo.-s And lie did Hui." lie colli limed, ' I I Hilly exlrlcali-l your self tn-in what FCR SPR IN G FIELD PEOPLE were also disappointed by the vallev l-.e i • iiitlliie Hullo- gif' sick und 1s commonly known as a hell of »• tmib. And from now on believe me, tired of the w retched business and mess O ver 100 peopL- fr.'-n ¡Springfield ax ioun,- d lloil die was going Io New- 1 think you a re thoroughly capable of ■>■1 the train last Hi da? m orula* t t , Catholic Ladies Bazaar York I pleaded with h -r to -lav and attending to your own luatrliiionlil ta k e the «>\i rs n .1 • to K ljm j'h The Catholic Ladies will conduct a she said she would If I would explain. affairs, without any assistance fro.u Fail» hut the cat» p< erlemied at K 't - Hui you see. sir, th at was esuctly me And now." lie sm othered a yawu. g i n,- could not take r : but about bazaar, sailing aprons, rooked final, what I could not do I asked lo-r Io "I m going Io lied " 15. T he reniaiw ler bad th e ir early and vegetables, in the building form erly occupied by the cream ery on WHAT ARE HALLIEH ItEAC have fa I III ill III and assured her Unit Sunday morn n< rising for n thing S aturday. N ovember 11. The bazaar thing.-, would tu rn oul all rtglu Hut PIONS TO THIH H lltA N tlE TALK? An «»erw h ■: : a ; ■ - I took tho opens at » o'clock S aturday uiornln« she's loo spirited to sit by and lake a HEAD ABOUT IT IN THE NEWS tra in by « t o m at Eugene. S o u th ern back seal und by Jove! I don I bln no- Pacific offli ials report, and tilled the LOST — S aturday a yellow dog her. I really didn't expect her ,o OLD TIME DANCE tra in to overfiowina All available an sw ers to name Jig g s If found wait. I adm ired and adored her more Al W, O. W Hall. Eugene, »vety c a rs in the yard w r. made up into call John Scavey. 535 L Eugene. It IQwtroUJ bg Paul BabisMa right that m inute than al any lime a second train but still th a t did n o t ---------------- — - i In my life Yet there was nothing I I Tuesday night. tf. •ccoam odate th e excursionists CALL AND SEE Or. N W E tn e y could do to get out of the hopeless Sleel lape repairing correctly don-’ flaaie ic is reported to have unlock si on prices on plate and o th er work, tf b A v t.IL LEAR N S T h e T R U T H AT LAST mess I had creatn plaie and other work t' w anted to do it up right b u t,' he co n tin u ed , “ It used to nearly asked with real concern In his voice. kill tne to leave h er h ere alone when I loved h er m ore th a n I ever "No! The girl. Just as I had sup had in all my life.“ i posed, began to tire of my Indiffer­ My heart rant'd as I heard C urtiss d eclare Ids affection» for ence, and started looking about for me at a tim e w hen 1 had th o u g h t lie iiad ce rtain ly ceased to care •other worlds. A u« w and good look “ A nyw ay.” he went on, “ I intended to ch uck t h e whole thing lug m inister arrived In town llo in a few weeks, a fte r proving to Sallie th a t h er cru sty old h u s ­ crealed quite a furore lu III, t'h u rc'i. band w as a fa scin atin g sh eik !" C u rtiss laughed out loud and lie was a laodernlst an I began te a r­ F a th e r joined in " B u t." he added, serio u s again, “som eth in g ing down all (lie old trad itio n s am, happened then th a t n eith er you nor I an ticip ated and over which b* Hots T hat was Just the pictures- as I told you. I hail absolutely no con tro l." que background that u p tn als to a "Is th a t s o ? " F uller asked. person of her Im aginative type H-- A U M IM IM COVERED "W hew !" from C urtiss. “ I should say i, is! I’d like to tell was strongly In the lim elight an I you all th e developm ents in th e «use tun really, sir, I d o n ’t think Compared Io him. she figured tli.1t an ROASTER it would he fa ir to th e girl." lin illtr r e s tlu « old c ia lg ,r Uk> IIIC w as How 1 prayed th at Had would p ersu ad e him to go ah ead ! I not worth bothering a b o u t" I adored felt th a t, having h ea rd this m uch of th e s tra n g e affair, It was his m odesty for I knew It was h - essential th at I learn th e rest Indifference » h I c Ji made L etllla Ilut » hen she got t<> calling me up Evans tu rn to this new in terest 'n “ N onsense!" E ath er replied, “ il l at the office several tim es a day and H jj life, and not his luck of charm 'F or­ never know th e young woman ' even here at the house I tell you II tunately." lie went on. "the new cnap even h er name. Tell me about It. was a tb-kllsh aealr. 1 couldn't ex was a bachelor, though II wouldn t by all m eans, and I’ll reg ard It as plain the situation to Sallie, you T il ls is a niciiltitn sl/.i* have made Cle sllg. test illff.-rencu to an Im personal story such r s I m ight know und vet I could see she w ta I tons ter. 15 I n t I n ' s t i v i -rail, Hi,- girl w hether In- was or not. so read in any m agazine or book ' getting bored with the whole thln>t bright finish anil tlttc l soon as In a s the way the wind was C urtiss h esitated for quite a while I stood it fust as lone as I could and w ith g o o d snhsiHiitial and 1 thought Dad's argum ent had I finally told the girl I was througn blowing. I gently disengaged myself han d les A lum inum is re­ been lost, however, a fte r several 1 had never made love to her. you from the picture and encourag d her cognized ns an Ideal m etal Infatuation or the other man I don t m inutes, he went on. um lerstand." C urtiss explained, "I for u rtqister. H ere Is a "Bv Jove! It was a queer situation niUBt say IhaL In Justice to myself, think he looked with special favor You have heard it said— " T h e old boat is ru n n in g like rem ark ab le value. on the w hirlwind courtship being ,, n th at cam e about. And. If it’s Just for really I’m not a rad. but I did ki I a clo ck "—and usually it is. H ow ever unless oil has been W h ile T h ' , $ 1 1 9 the sam e to you. I’d ra th e r read about her „ b„ nn<1 thought all th e time she dueled on the part of the girl, hut ch an g ed regularly, bolts tightened, ad ju stm en ts m ade, an d It next tim e than to tak e one of th blM, Sense enough to know I was In h er parents a re the largest enntrlhul av erag e p recaution tak en to keep m echanism in first class principal p a rts!" C u rtlrs was face- |„ , e w(lh my wife But no sire -! ora to his church, so necessarily, he condition— th e ca r m ay be even then piling up d am ag es to “T h e H o m e o f G o o d had to be polite ’• tlous and I knew he was playing for These new girls are conceited little p a rts w hich eventually are going to be expensive. F ath er began to laugh. F u r n it u r e ” tim e. fools. They boast that th ee can vam p "Anyway. I got out, C urtiss said, "Yes. yes. go ahead " F ath er was nian aw ay from his wife. W hen T he autom obile ow ner who realizes th e full value on equally determ ined to h ear th e th l- | told the girl that she had mlannd - "and, as she expressed It herself, his in v estm ent is th e ow ner who brings his c a r regularly out- stood the whole affair she Immedl from now on we are 'longsllstane?, to o u r g arage for inspection and such n ecessary rep airs "W ell, you see. sir. to make a long ately announce,! that she would take frien d s!' I had bought my ticket for and ad ju stm en ts a s are necessary. He not only reduces Uss We Charge story short, this foolish kid got the her own life! I laughed al her. for New York and -was going for Hallie h is rep air bills to a m inim um bu t actually saves m oney d u r­ Your No the night of the day she cam e bom*. idea in h er head th at she was really I knew she was really not In love ing th e life of his car. I n it r e et Credit Bless her h e a rt!” in love with me and nothing I could with me— that she was not capable “ Yotpre a clever man. Curtl-ig say seem ed to have any weight I of any em otional depth and I thought knew nothing about this m odern that In "a few days, as far as she Ford trained mechanics, guaranteed genuine Ford g eneration and It was su rp risin g to was concerned. I would cease to ex- parts and authorized labor schedules makes this the best me to find out to what recklesa 1st. T he next day she called me at and most economical place to have your car repaired lengths they will go 1 mean by th at, the office and ordered me to come sir. they care not the snap of th e ir right around th at she was going Io A. K. R obert», IT esident fingers for conventionality .or w h it lak e stry ch n in e and th a t she wanted A catalo g u e, telling ab o u t o u r S ecretarial, B ookkeep­ we used to call 'th e looks of th in g s.' to tell me good bve." • ing an d S ten o g rap h ic Course», Bent free to any ad d ress, n o r do they mind. In the least, being "W here were her p aren ts while all upon request. talked about. It had been my Inten­ th is was going on?" F ath er asked tion. In cooperating with your plan, M onday is en ro llm en t day. Although he attem pted tn control to dance with the child at parties and him self 1 knew that he was startled carry on a flirtation which she had at Ihe sharp turn of events. started , but absolutely not allow the “T hey had been oul of town for thin g to go any fa rth e r than that. Phone 666 992 W illam ette S treet E ugene, Oregon Ihe en tire tim e. H er fath e r was !n Europe and her m other In some . Canadian sum m er res, "I see. Get on with the story." Dad urged "W ell, th ere was nothing for me W e W ill Welcome You Ag A Shsreftr ,|jer * to do hut go around to her home, although I felt certain It was all a stall. T his 1» what I found lx»—" lie checked him self wli- n he alm ost m entioned h«r name, "the girl wa» «tretched out on a divan n n ! there was a bottle m a rk 'd strychnine in It is no longer considered n ecessary to send expensive C hristm as her hand. The little fool!" lie ex presents to friends and loved ones. G reeting C ards w ith appropriate claim ed. "I .»Hatched It aw ay from her sen tim en ts wil. confer m ore happiness th a n expensive p resents, and cost and noticed It was still untouched. I but a trifle in com parison walked to a window and poured it out. She swore to me th a t she was going to « n in e ome m ore and tak > It If I Insisted on not seeing her any more. She r, lly had ai|o<-<-< ded lu working h«-r»- If up into a highly tn-rv ous sta te and I found out th at she ca rry a m essage of Peace, Love and Good Will ch a ra c te ristic of th is holi­ hail been rin d in g a lot of stuff about day season, and friends and relatives ap p reciate these sen tim en ts m ore fam ous women who had kill' d th-m - than expensive g u ts which call fo r a sim ilar re tu rn . You will find a large selves for unrequited love. W hat I a sso rtm e n t of G reeting C ards and Folders a t o u r office. should have don,-. I suppose, was to te |l heii»g the Confessions' o f o now w ife —• yy . (jluhp B o J m F r id a y a n d S a tu rd a y S p e c ia l BARGAIN BASEMENT R U N N IN G L IK E A C LO C K WEIHERBEE -POWERS EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE E. R. Danner Motor Co. Authorized Ford Service IT’S A GOOD SCHOOL The Christmas Spirit Christmas Greetings SHIPMENT OF EXCLUSIVE CARDS JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW YORK You C an Share In O u r G ro w th Make your selection while our line is complete The Willamette Press Motuilaiii S ta tesg sg Power Company I